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Define correctly what is meant by file access/organization without

assistance from peers;

2. Explain accurately at least 3 file organization methods after

explanation from the teacher;

3. Explain correctly 3 file access methods after class discussion;

File organization refers to the way data is structured and stored
within a file system. It determines how files are stored on storage
devices, and how they are organized and managed within a file
There is more than one way of organizing a file. The main methods of
file organization (file ordering) are:
• Sequential
• Serial
• Random/Direct
Sequential file ordering is where records are stored in a logical order.
That means that the records have been sorted in some way. Records
can be arranged according to name, size etc in ascending order. One
of the fields is used for the ordering. This field is called the sort key.

Eg. 20,40,60,80
Serial file ordering records do not follow each other in any particular
order. If another record needs to be added, it can be added to the end
of the file. For example adding items to a shopping list.
Random file ordering is where files are stored in no particular order
or sequence order on the disk surface. Each file is assigned a unique
identifier or address that is used to locate and retrieve the file when
File access refers to the ability to retrieve or manipulate data stored in
files on a computer system. It involves the methods and techniques
used to locate, open, read, write, modify, and close files.
• Sequential
• Serial
• Random/Direct
Sequential access means accessing the records one by one in the
order they are stored until the right one is reached. Magnetic tape is
accessed via this process.
Serial access means the records are accessed in the same order as
they were stored. To read a serial file, a computer has to read each
record until it reaches the one required.
Random access or direct access allows you to go directly to a record
without having to look at any other records. Only direct access media
such as magnetic disks and optical disks use direct or random access.

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