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phylogenetic tree

Phylogeny based on differences in the protein sequence of cytochrome c in organisms ranging

from Neurospora mold to humans.
Biochemical investigations carried out in the latter half of the 20th and the early part of
the 21st century contributed valuable data to phylogenetic studies. By counting
differences in the sequence of units that make up protein and deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) molecules, researchers have devised a tool for measuring the degree to which
different species have diverged since evolving from a common ancestor.
Because mitochondrial DNA has very high mutation rates compared with nuclear DNA,
it has been useful for establishing relationships among groups that have diverged
recently. Essentially, the application of molecular genetics to systematics is similar to
the use of radioisotopes in geologic dating: molecules change at different rates, with
some, such as mitochondrial DNA, evolving rapidly and others, such as ribosomal RNA,
evolving slowly. An important assumption then in using molecules for phylogeny
reconstruction is to select the appropriate gene for the age of the taxon under study.

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