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School weeks should only be 4 days long

As a student, I strongly believe school and work weeks should only be 4

days long for many reasons such as giving teachers an extra day at
home to plan out the next week and giving the students extra time to
work on or study for their assessments and exams. Would you rather
work 4 or five days a week? It is proven that 81% of full-time workers
want a 4-day work week, and they would make sacrifices to get it.

Firstly, a 4-day school week would reduce the stress levels among
students and teachers. Studies show that a shorter week can increase
productivity and improve mental health. With an extra day off, students
and teachers would have more time to recharge and pursue interests
outside of school. This can lead to improved academic performance and
overall satisfaction. There are already some schools across the globe
that have taken action on the 4-day school week.

Secondly, a 4-day school week can save schools a significant amount of

money. By reducing the number of school days, schools can save on
transportation, utility costs, and other expenses. This means there will be
more funds to be spent on other areas such as teacher salaries, shade
for the playground, classroom upgrades, and student resources.

Thirdly, a 4-day school week can benefit working parents. Many parents
struggle to balance work and family life, especially when their children
are in school for 5 days a week. A shorter school week can provide more
opportunities for parents to spend quality time with their children and
attend school events without sacrificing their work obligations. It will also
give students more time out of school to develop new relationships,
make new friends, find new hobbies, and encourage them to participate
in a team sport.

Finally, there are many scientific reasons behind a four-day week. It is

proven that a 4-day school week decreases per-pupil bullying incidents
by approximately 39% and per-pupil fighting incidents by approximately
31%. It has also been proven that a 4-day school week increases
student attendance by up to 20% in 2 years. Prof Purnell, who is CQU’s
head of educational neuroscience, said “Studies have also found that
bullying is reduced in terms of having less contact with other students
directly and less time forced into a 25-person classroom.”

In conclusion, it is necessary for a 4-day school week because it brings

numerous benefits for students, teachers, and parents such as reducing
stress, increasing productivity, saving resources, improving mental
health, providing more opportunities to spend quality time with family and
friends, and giving students, parents, and teachers all an opportunity to
invest in out-of-school activities and hobbies. While there may be some
challenges to implementing such a change, the potential benefits are
undeniable. Thank you for listening.

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