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Katharine Johnson
Lejla Alibašić, Lejla Devedžija I-5

Katherine Johnson born on 26th of August 1918 was a black African-American woman.
Katherine Johnson delivers a powerful opening statement, highlighting the challenges
she faced as a woman of color in the male-dominated field of aerospace engineering,
and the importance of representation and diversity in literature and science.

We chose her because we think that her story serves as a reminder of the resilience and
determination exhibited by marginalized groups in the face of adversity. Katherine
Johnson's journey from overcoming racial and gender barriers to achieving remarkable
success at NASA underscores the importance of breaking down societal norms and

Moreover, her contributions to space exploration highlight the critical role that diversity
plays in driving innovation and progress. By including voices from different backgrounds
and perspectives, we can cultivate a richer and more inclusive environment that fosters
creativity and problem-solving.

Through Katherine Johnson's portrayal in our roleplay, we aim to shed light on the
struggles faced by underrepresented individuals in STEM fields and literature, while also
celebrating their achievements and advocating for greater representation and equity.
Her story serves as an inspiration to all, encouraging us to challenge the status quo and
work towards a more just and equitable society.

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