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Jamaica’s ranking in the World Economic Forum’s 2017-18 Global Competitiveness

Index is at 89 out of 137 for internet users as a percentage of the population, 71 for fixed

broadband internet connections, and 74 for mobile broadband internet connections (“Jamaica –

eCommerce”, 2021). These statistics suggest that Jamaica has a relatively strong

telecommunications infrastructure and because of this the country has one of the highest mobile

phone penetrations in the world. Telecommunications refers to the exchange of information by

electronic and electrical means over a significant distance such as telephones, satellites, and the

internet (Techopedia.2017). The country has therefore become an attractive location for

information and communications technology firms to set-up business operations. Therefore, the

global enhancement in technology has benefited the Jamaican economy and society by enabling

an increase in job opportunities, expansion in private sector productivity and an improvement in

the quality of education.

Telecommunications has increased job opportunities in the Jamaican economy. Linton

(2020) explains that the implementation of broadband internet throughout the parishes in

Jamaica, generated a massive number of jobs for various types of engineers, road workers and

for the unskilled persons, to dig tunnels, to lay pipe, plant posts and run cable wires to help to

increase the infrastructure. These are examples of direct employment through infrastructure

construction. Furthermore, the improvement of productivity can be through indirect employment

by supplying the goods and services like; cables, copper wires, pipes, posts, and electrical wires

through our electrical industries to help boost the country. Additionally, according to Linton

(2020) that once broadband has been installed and being offered as a service, small business

owners will have the opportunity to open multiple businesses. These businesses will provide

more employment for sales representative, customer services and café shops. Hence,
telecommunications will continue to enhance the country’s economic growth which will enable

(Jamaicans can have a higher standard of living) companies to communicate more effectively

to customers by providing highest standard of customer services.

In addition, telecommunications have greatly improved the productivity of Jamaican

businesses in many ways. Firstly, telecommunications improve the level of marketing so that

firms can access a wider client market. The web article “Jamaica - eCommerce" (2021)

concentrates on how small Jamaican firms use social media while larger firms use their own

websites to market goods and services. In addition, telecoms have improved the efficiency of

how firms conduct their financial transactions with customers. The web article “Jamaica -

eCommerce" (2021) explains that firms conduct business transactions online, this is done using

credit card, PayPal, online banking, or bill payment services. Thirdly, telecoms have enhanced

business productivity by creating more efficient methods of communication amongst employees.

McLarty (2021) states that the pandemic has also created a “new normal” whereby, interviews,

business meetings and other collaborations that were usually conducted face-to-face are now

being conducted using virtual platforms. Therefore, the implementation of telecommunications

has increase efficiency of the Jamaican private sector through marketing, communication and

improved method of financial transactions which has increased the country’s Gross Domestic


Furthermore, telecommunications have been consistently growing within Jamaica and its

impact on the education industry has developed innovative ways to improve learning across all

levels. Ahmad (2020) states that telecommunications allow educational institutions the ability to

reach a greater cohort of students. This has resulted in the sudden increase in the number of

students being able to enroll in colleges without the need to be physically at the campus. In
addition, “[T]telecoms creates a wider access to educational content via the world wide web”

(Ahmad, 2020). Jamaica has prioritized digital technologies at every level, which leads to

citizens having the knowledge of the world at their fingertips. It expands their ways of learning

and levels of innovation using telecommunications. Finally, telecommunications enable students

and non- students to improve their learning ability using wider access to various educational

platforms (Ahmad, 2020). There are inequities in the usage and access to technology hence,

Jamaica has urged early introduction to the use of technology for teaching, continuous learning

and exploring potential opportunities to develop oneself. As a result, this would lead to

individuals being exposed to various educational opportunities that can be used to improve one’s

learning ability.

Finally, the Jamaican Infrastructure have been making significant process in their

Education, Marketing and Employment Sectors of the economy(restate thesis statement in a

different way). These sectors play a critical role in the improvement of a country overall

development, hence why telecommunications seamlessly have paved a clear path towards

economic growth and technological advancements. Using telecommunication, the education,

marketing, and employment sectors can create steady and ever-growing foundation where, future

technology can be easily integrated. Telecommunications have continued to make massive waves

within the Jamaican society and economy.

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