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toa Lata FERT HS4 817 SAVANNAH REAL ESTATE-BOARD _————————— 3 Bp o* CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISAL, of THE SAVANUAH REAL ESTATE BOARD of EROPARITSS IN SWEAT!S SUBDIVISION ON THE AUGUSTA ROAD NEAR SAVANNAH, CHATHAM COUNTY, GEORGTA. For ” mis BoaRn oF pusie spvcurton SAVANNAH, CHATHAM COUNTY, GuoRGrs seein Bey 8, 1955 SAVANNAH REAL ESTATE Boarp INCORPORATED Member Member National Associaton ‘Georgia Association eof Real Betate of Heal Estate Boards oarde 208 TousmtiAt Bom Mus. Counreyay Now TrmPHowe 31200 Enocutive Secreiary SAVANNAH, GEORGI May 6, 19S Mr, Frishk C. Underwood, Jr. Executive Assistant Superintendent Board of Public Education 2 Savannah, Chathan County, ‘Georgid Dear Mr. Underwood: “Ret Appraisal: No, 187 in accordance with your request of January Lith, 1955, received through Lavton and Cunninghan, Attomeys, we hand you horeiith the Savannah Real Ystate Board's appraisal of Lote hy-5, 6 and 7 of Sveatte Subdivision of Springfield Plantation, near Savinnah, Chatham Comty, Georgia, and the improvenents thereon, ae shown on the attached map prepared by Dan &, Sewell ani Asscolates, dated December Zist, 195%, ‘he appraisal represents the FAIR MARKET VALUE of the properties, as of May 6th, 1955, without reference to any apectal yalue to a particular buysr or seller; that fs tosay, a feurs which shoula be acceptable to either a willing biyér or a willing seller, deal~ ing in the open market, upon ordinary: tems and conditions, We aosume no eccountebility for matters which are legal in char acter, nor do we render an opinion upon title. le have appraised the properties in fee simples: mmencunbered by Lens,:mortgages or other indebtedness, and in single ‘and ‘responsible ownership as of this date, Yours. vory sfx me Eels Le LE eae Willian F, tek, tes resident. YARD SAVANNAH REAL ESTATE This is te contity that this Appratsad tes inde “in agwined aticg with the procedure set forth in the BysLaws Of the SAVAWNAH HEAL ESTATE BOARD for the making of appraisals, and Ley therefore, issued as an Official irpratsel of SAvaiNAN head Borate “Spiny Wo Combiy tat tke appraisal tas inde ty’ theubers 62 the Apptaisal Goaeet pAttee ‘ofthe Savannah Heal. moe ree have catefully examined ‘the properties deses lows that they have tio pérsonal or nancial intersst'in the proper= ties, and that, in their opinion, as of Kay 6th, 1955, the narket valug Of said properfies : Tots hy 5p 6 and 7 of Sieatté Subdtvieton of the Springfield Plantation, near Savannah, Chathan County, Georgia, and the Saprovemaits thereon: Tana valwe $21,537.00 Inprovenents $ 26,880.00 Tote é § “5h 5127600 FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED sivarresiy potnare in testimony whereof, witness the Official Seal of the Bosrd ond the signatures of its Officers, * ‘Tae savaanan ESTATE BOARD, Inoy Dm) LL GE LS uF Thomas B. Glivert, SetretarysTreasurer. Savannah, Georgi May 6, 1955, ne | FROPERSIES IN SWEATS SUBDIVISTON HEAR SAVANNAH, CHATHAM GOUNTE, azoRoTA ‘The subject ‘eS couprise approximately twenty-one and four tenths (2ls4) acres in lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Sweatts Subdivision of Springfield Plantation, located on the south side of the fugusta Toad (Georgia Highway 21)’noar Savannah, Chathan County, Goorgia, 2¢ shown on the attached map, propared by Dan La Sewell’ ave Associ= ates, dated December 21, 195), 5 ite Properties aré bounded on tig north by the Augusta Road; on the Sask by. Chatham: Vilas of the south by Chatham Villa and tof 19 of Sweat's Subdivision and on the west by theathtl) Roady a dirt road, The propertdod dre lovated a little tore then three imiles from the Gity Hall and principal business and’ chor district of Savameah, dan eeronimately a nile west of the Trafic Circle vhove George. Highay 21 ait 0, 8, Highways 17 und 80 cotiverges The land is gaierally high, level and Well'drained, herg:dre some Shade trees pine trees and pecan trees on the Properties. Mectrice ity is available, There is no dnadie or ruming water in any of the improvements on the properties, Residents in this area have obtained water from shallow welle Served by pitcher p ums, In ost cases, these wells hare gone dry, 20 thab vabor ee to be hauled fron other sources of supsly, Tine! Be Bouses on these parcels are occuplad by Hegroes, Chatinen Tahar tlch adjoins discs propertive on the east andcouth 4a Sereag city developed within the Last years. Puncilow am be che $8,000 - $10,000 bracket. and azo occupisd by vite peoples seaprtct Under apprainal. is divided Ante «several, di ctorent owners ships, more fully desoribed on the folloxing pagear Parcel Lot Nunbor Qwnoe land Ips «Total Le 4 heS sores Laure Davis & 5,625 $1,910 § 7,535 2 5 he7 asres Fobert Edvards 54815 2,815 8,650 3s B VW26 2495 A. Rhoda Harris -396876507,050. 10,737.50 Me | We M26 2495 te tore parts *” 5,687.505,205 8,692.50 Se | T &3 cores Unimown 8,662 9,900 18,562,00 $ 21,537 $ 26,880 854 4417,00

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