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SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Work and Study 1, What do you like about your work? 1 find my work quite fulfilling because it allows me to apply my skills and creativity in solving various challenges. Moreover, I have wonderful colleagues who make the workplace environment enjoyable. Toi thdy cng vige etia minh kha théa man vi né cho phép t6i 4p dung cdc kY nang va kta nding sing tao ca minh dé giai quyét nhigu thir thach khde nhau, Hon ntta, t6i ¢6 nhing déng nghiép tuyét voi, nhimg nguéi khién méi trudng lam viée tro nén thi 2. What do you need to do your work better? © To enhance my work performance, I believe having access to the lat id technologies would be immensely beneficial. Additionally, oO opportunities to improve my skills would be greatly anprecing ‘Dé ning cao higu suat lam viée ctia minh, tdi tin ring viée ep ¥a cong nghé méi nhat sé mang lai lgi ich v6 cling Kin, Nebo: mhiéu co héi dao tao hon dé nang cao ky nang ctx wey ‘cae céng cu va @ danh gid rit cao 3. How much time do you spend wor) ety week? On average, | spend about 30 hours wor week. Sometimes, when there are important projects or deadlines, it mi 1d to around 35 hours, but I try to maintain a healthy work-life balat Trung binh, t6i dinh khoang « vige mdi twin. Bai khi, khi c6 nhimg dur én é ;, nhung tdi cd, SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Study 1, What do you like about your studies? I'm currently enrolled in a university program, and what I appreciate the most about iy studies is the opportunity to expand my knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of my chosen field. Learning from experienced professors has been incredibly insightful ‘Ti hign dang theo hoc mét chuong trinh dai hoc va diéu t6i dénh gid cao nhat khi hoc tip 1a co hdi mo réng kién thite va hiéu biét sau sac hon vi Nc hoi tir cde gido sur gidu kinh nghiém da v6 cing siu sic. SS 2. What do you need to study better? aS To excel in my studies, I believe having a quiet and dedicated st ee is essential Moreover, regular review sessions and effective time mana; eo 1 crucial to ensure I grasp the subjects thoroughly. S Dé hoe tap xuat sic, t6i tin ring viée c6 mét khéng gi Qe ‘yén tinh va tan tm la dieu can thiét, Hon nita, cae budi én tap thrdng x jan ly théi gian higu qua la rat quan trong dé dim bao tdi nam bat ky céc mon hot 61 3. How much time do you spend Sv week? I dedicate approximately 25-30 hourswachveek to my studies. This includes attending lectures, doing research, {nd \eparing for exams. It's a challenging but rewarding journey. Toi danh khoang 25-30 gi in cho vige hoc cia minh. Diu nay bao gdm vic chudin bj cho cde ky thi, 6 li mét cude hinh SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Hometown 1. What's your hometown? My hometown is Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It's a place rich in history and culture, and I'm proud to call it home. Qué hung cita t6i 1a Ha N6i, tha d6 ciia Vigt Nam. D6 14 mGt noi gid lich str va van héa, va 161 tyr hdo goi né la nha. 2.1s that a big city or a small place? Hanoi is a big city, but it has a unique charm with a blend of modemity an Oh. ‘The Old Quarter, in particular, maintains a quaint, small-town atmosph fove. ‘Ha Néi la mét thanh phé lon nhung lai c6 nét quyén ri riéng voi su. jira hién ‘nh, thj tran dai va truyén théng. Dic biét, khu phé cé vin gitt duge bau HORS hd ma t6i yéu thich. Oy 3.How long have you lived there? S Thave lived in Hanoi for my entire life, which is Fears. It's been an incredible journey growing up here and a transformation over the a years. Toi da song o Ha N6i ca dai, tite li kho; By Dé la mét hanh trinh dang kinh ngac khi Ién lén 6 day va chimg eR {oi cla thanh phé trong nhig nm qua. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Living in a city 1. Have you lived in your area for a long time? Thave lived in my current area for about 5 years now. While it may not be an exceptionally long time, I have grown attached to this neighborhood and consider it my second home. Toi da séng 6 khu vue hign tai duge khodng 5 nm. Di khOng phai a mot thi gian qua dai nhung t6i da gn bé voi khu phé nay va coi day la ng6i nha thir hai cia minh, oy 2. What do you like about the area where you live now? ‘What I appreciate most about the area where I live now is the conveni fers, There are plenty of shops, restaurants, and parks nearby, making it, et daily needs and enjoy leisure activities Diéu t6i danh gid cao nhit 6 khu vuc t6i dang sng hién nay. ee loi ma né mang lai. Gan 46 c6 rit nhiéu ctra hing, nha hang va céng vién, hach dé dang dap «mg nhu cdu hing ngay va tan hudng cdc hoat dong ee > 3. Would you like to see any changes in ay You live? While I'm quite content with my current a like to see more green spaces and recreational facilities. It would be if there were more parks and community spaces for residents to gat relax. ‘Mac dit toi kha hai long voi khu ee ca minh nhung t6i muén thay nhiéu khéng gian xanh va co sé giaj é tht tuyét voi néu cé thém nhiéu céng vién, khéng gian cng ding dé ct Tap, thu gidin. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Cakes 1, Do you like eating cakes? Absolutely! I'm quite fond of indulging in cakes, especially on special occasions. The delightful sweetness and variety of flavors make them a delightful treat ‘Tuyét déi! Toi kha thich thuéng thire binh ngot, dc biét 1A vao nhitng dip dic biét. Vi ngot tuyét voi va str da dang cua hyong vj Kam cho ching tré thanh mt mén an tha vi. to the delectable "Banh chumg," Vietnamese cakes offer a unique blen: textures that reflect the country’s eulinary diversity Qua thye, Vigt Nam ty hio cé rit nhieu loai banh truyén théng Se si Tir mén "Banh mi" néi tiéng dén mén "Banh chumg" ngon linh, cdc I cS ‘gt Nam mang dén su két hyp déc dao gitta huong vi va két edu, phan fi Sp ane vé im thure cia dat nude. aS 2. Are there any Vietnamese cakes? Indeed, Vietnam boasts a rich array of traditional cakes. From the famous xe ” 3. When do you usually eat cakes? Cakes are a delightful addition to any celet om so I often find myself enjoying them during birthdays, annive simply asa sweet pick-me-up afier a long day. Banh ngot ld mot mén bé sung tha @ & ky 1é ky niém hodc budi hop mat nao, vay t6i thuéng thy minh thug Geri trong céc dip sinh nhat, ngay ky nigm hoae don gian nhu mét més got ngao dé dén tdi sau mét ngay dai, 4, What is your fs ‘ind of cake? Choosing a favor ¥s a tough task with so many tempting options, but if I had to pick one, I sie chocolate cake steals the spotlight for me. The rich, moist layers and d&cadpmt chocolate frosting never fail to satisfy my sweet tooth. ine anh yéu thich la m6t cng viée khé khan véi rat nhiéu la chon hap li néu phai chon mét chiéc, t6i sé néi ring chiée banh sé 6 la c6 dién sé thu md ¥ ctta 161. Cac lép kem dim da, 4m ust va lép phi s6 ¢6 la béo ngdy khong im ti that vong khi théa man 6 thich an ngot cia minh. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Colour 1. What is your favorite colour? Without a doubt, my favorite color has to be azure blue. Its calming and serene hue resonates with me, bringing a sense of tranquility and peace. Khéng con nghi ngé gi nia, mau sic yéu thich ciia t6i phai la mau xanh lam, Mau sic ém dju va thanh binh eta né cong hong véi téi, mang lai cm gide yén binh va binh yen, 2. Are there any colors you don't like? oh While I appreciate the beauty in all colors, there's something about negy & hat 1 find a bit overwhelming. They tend to be too intense for my taste. ‘ vé mau Mae da t6i anh gid cao vé dep cuia tat ca céc mau sic, nhung ays gray vehicle. The ict€ me, making it my top choice. neon khién t6i thdy hoi choang ngop. Ching cé xu huéng. oe ‘mau xam than, bong bay. Su hap thich cia ti. ‘thu hiit t6i, khién n6 tro thanh ra chon 3. What colour car would you like to buy? In terms of cars, I envision myself driving a sk sophisticated and timeless appeal of this co) ‘Vé 6 t6, tdi hinh dung minh dang lai mi dn tinh té va vuot thi gian cia mawgge ha hang dau eta ti, rs 4, Were colors important oe you were a child? Absolutely! As a child, @jorsplayed a crucial role in sparking my imagi creativity. Whether loring books or playing with vibrant toys, the world of colors was a ra “enchanting part of my early years. 70, mau slic déng mét vai tro quan trong trong viée khoi day tri Tuyét déi! tudng pe nang sing tao cita ti. Cho di dé Li sich t6 mau hay choi véi mn and fi ruc 1d, thé gidi mau sic 1a m6t phin ky digu va mé hodc trong nhimg i cla ti. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Social media 1. When did you start using social me; | first ventured into the world of social media during my high school years, around the age of 15. It was an exciting experience to connect with friends and share snippets of our lives through this virtual platform. Lan dau tién t6i bude chan vao thé gidi mang xa h@i la vao nhiing nim trung hgc, khoding 15 tudi. That ld mét trai nghiém thi vi khi duge két ndi véi ban bé va chia sé nhimg khoanh khic trong cudc séng cia ching tdi théng qua nén 2 2, Do you think you spend too much time on social media? While I do enjoy staying connected with friends and staying inform h social media, I am conscious of not letting it consume excessive amouy time. I try to strike a balance, ensuring that I use it responsibly without wags iNerfere with my daily activities, S Lin dau tién ti bude chan vao thé gigi mang xa hoi la kkhoding 15 tuéi. That lé mét eri nghigm tha vi kh nhitng khoanh khic trong cudc séng cla mY trung hoe, ‘ni voi ban bé va chia sé é ao nay, 3. Do your friends use social me 1? Sy Absolutely, the majority of my frienc &y use social media. It has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, servi apeae tool for communication, sharing experiences, and keeping up yi ‘other's updates. Chic chan 1a phn én ban €@ Waa}toi déu tich cuc str dung mang xa hdi. Né da tro thanh mét phan pho ‘ude song ca ching ta, déng vai tro nhu mot céng cy thufin tign dé lién Ig kinh nghiém va cp nhat thong tin ep nhat eta nha. &. do on social media? 4. What do, a) People ¢ Ae myriad of activities on social media platforms. From sharing are sstones and photos to participating in discussions on various topics, social me Ne as a versatile platform for both personal expression and staying cobiGoted with a wider community. Additionally, many users also follow news and trends to stay informed about current events. ‘Moi ngudi tham gia vao vé sé hoat dong trén nén tang truyén thong xa hdi. Tir viée chia sé cdc ct méc va hinh anh ca nhén cho dén tham gia thio ludn Kae nhau, mang xd hi déng vai trd Li nén tng linh hoat dé thé hign cé nhdn va duy tri két ni v6i mot cng déng rng lén hon. Ngoai ra, nhiéu ngudi ding eling theo doi tin tite va xu hung dé cp nhat thong tin vé céc sur kign hign tai. nhigu chi SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Sunglasses 1. Do you often wear sunglasses? Yes, I frequently wear sunglasses, especially during sunny days. They not only provide protection from the sun's glare but also add a stylish touch to my overall look. C6, tdi thuéng xuyén deo kinh ram, dic biét la vao nhiing ngay nding. Ching khong chi gidip bao vé khoi anh ning chéi ma cin tao thém nét sinh digu cho dign mao téng, thé cit toi. 2. Do people in your country wear sunglasses? Absolutely, sunglasses are a popular accessory in my country. Given t ee weather we often experience, many people recognize the rn ting their eyes from the sun's rays, making sunglasses a common an iI choice. Chae chéin ri, kinh ram 1a mét phu kign phé bién 6 dit nude, oN oi tiét nding néng ma chiing ta thurdng xuyén trai qua, nhiéu ngudi nhan, quan trong ca vige bao vg mit khdi tia ning, khién kinh ram tré thanh ly ww bién va thiét thye. 3. here do you buy sunglasses? usually purchase sunglasses from a variey Oe optical stores, department stores, and even online. 1 rination of style and UV protection to ensure I get both a aS id functional pair. ‘Téi thuéng mua kinh ram tir mnie oi. Nem cita hang quang hoe, cita hang bach héa va tham chi truc tuyén. T, i in sur két hop gitta phong cach va kha nang chéng tia cuc tim dé dim b€@}Aj Jo duge mot ddi vita thoi trang vita tign dung, jhey on sunglasses? \ce between quality and affordability when it comes to preciate a well-made pair, I don't necessarily splurge on look for options that provide adequate sun protection and suit my — without breaking the bank. -vige tim kiém sy cn bang gitta chat Iugng va kha nang chi tra khi noi dén Kins Mac dii t6i danh gid cao mét d6i duge san xuat tét nhung t6i khong nhat thiét phai vung tién vao nhitng thuong higu dat tién. T6i tim kiém céc lua chon c6 kha ning chéng ning day di va pha hop vai phong cach cé nhan cia t6i ma khéng t6n nhieu tien. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Musie 1. Do a lot of people like music? Absolutely, music is a universal language, and a vast majority of people across the globe have a deep appreciation for it. It serves as a source of joy, expression, and connection for individuals from all walks of life. Chic chin, am nhac 14 mot ngén ngi phd quat va dai da sé moi ngudi trén toan edu déu t ndi cho cae ca nhan tit oe @ Thave a diverse taste in music, enjoying a range of genres from classics SPs Depending on my mood or activity, I might listen to soothing classic NY itions, energetic pop tunes, or even some laid-back jazz. It's the variety AS danh gid cao né. Né phue vu nhur mot nguén vui, sw thé hign va moi ting l6p xa hdi. ‘my musical experience exciting ‘Toi c6 sé thich am nhac da dang, thich nhiéu thé loai tir Ss: hhign dai. Tay thude ‘vao tm trang hode hoat déng cia minh, t6i ¢6 thé nghe oS nhac 06 dién nhe nhang, nhimg giai digu pop tran day nang lugng he 1i mét vai bain nhae jazz thoai mai. Dé La su da dang gitip trai nghiém wR 16 ludn thé vi 3. Is it easy to learn music? Learning music can be both challengj warding, While some aspects may come ‘more naturally to certain individuate\dedfeation, practice, and a good teacher can make the process enjoyable and acc Ke any skill, it takes time and effort to become proficient, but the journey i ften fulfilling, Hoe fim nhac c6 thé vitg Qu Wich vita bé ich. Mie dit mét sé kia canh c6 thé dén mét dich ty nhién hon dgi t'6 ca nhan, nhumg sw cOng hién, Iuyén tap va mot gido vién idi c6 thé khién Thay tré:nén thi vi va dé tiép cn, Gidng nhur bat ky KY nang nao, cin 6 thi nd lye dé tré:nén thnh thao, nhung ban than hin trinh &6 sie thoa man, 4, sewn music lessons at school? Wo ‘ic is an integral part of the curriculum at my school, Students have the py inity to explore and learn about different musical instruments, understand music theory, and even participate in school bands or choirs. I's a great way to nurture a love for music from a young age. Vang, am nhac la mét phan khéng thé thiéu trong chuong trinh ging day & trudng tdi, ‘Hoe sinh ¢6 co héi khm pha va tim hiéu vé cae loai nhac cy khée nhau, hiéu ly thuyét am nhac va thm chi tham gia vao cae ban nhac hoie dn hop xuéng ctia trong. D6 ki mét ich tuyét vii dé mudi dug tinh yéu 4m nhac tir khi cdn mhé. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Losing things 1, Do you often lose things? ‘Well, I wouldn't say I frequently misplace things, but there have been a few occasions when I've had to search high and low for my keys or phone. @ khéng noi ring t6i thudng xuyén dé nham dd, nhung 43 cé mét vai trudng hop i tim kiém khap noi dé tim chia khéa hoae dign thoai cla minh. Toi tip 2. What can we do to avoid losing things? op To prevent misplacing items, staying organized is key. Using designat or belongings and creating a checklist before leaving a place can be ew Wve in avoiding the frustration of losing things. AS ‘Dé tranh thit lac dé dac, viée sip xép ngiin nip 1a diéu quar ‘Str dung nhig noi duge chi dinh dé dung dé dac va lap danh sich kiém traRqeRhi ri khdi mot noi c6 thé kha hi qua trong viée tranh cim gic that AS a5, 3. Why do some people tend to lost thi ee n than others? People might find themselves misplaci Be jore often due to various reasons, such as being easily distracted or havi a personal habits and work me? y lifestyle. It's essential to understand ‘a routine that minimizes the chances of losing things. Nae 46 thudng xu *n hon vi nhiéu ly do khae nhau, retbifit"I believe in the principle of treating others how I would like to be treated, so returning lost items is a small way to contribute to a positive and considerate ‘community. sé né luc dé tra lai ‘Néu tdi nhat duoc thir gi dé bi ngudi khdc danh mat, t6i chdc chai nd, Toi tin vao nguyén tie déi xit véi ngudi Khéc nhu céch minh mudn duge d6i xt nén vige tra lai do bj mat la m6t cach nh6 dé dong gop cho mét cong dong tich eye va an cn, SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Collecting things 1, Haye you ever collected anything? Absolutely, I've been an avid collector since my childhood. Various items, ranging from stamps to action figures, have found their way into my collection over the years Chic chan r3i, t6i 44 LA mot nha suu tp cudng nbigt tir khi cOn nho. Nhiéu mat hang hae nhau, tir tem cho dén ede nhan vat hanh dng, da tim duge dudng vao bé stru tap cca t6i trong nhigu nam qua \ 2. Are there any things you keep from childhood? © Oh, indeed! I still hold onto a few treasures from my childhood, liks anda collection of comic books. They hold sentimental value and are g fal trip down memory lane. OQ») , thye sy! Téi van con gitt mét vai bau vat tir thai th eB minh, nhu dé choi ci ‘va mét bé swru tap truyén tranh. Ching cé gia tri ti la mét chuyén di tha vi vé ky tre, X 3. Why do some people like to collect phi People are drawn to collecting for differed feasons; some find it a therapeutic hobby, while others see it as a way to progGve\mories or express their passion for certain themes. The joy of collecting, personal connection one forms with the items. tu tim vi nhidu ly do khaée nhau; mét s6 coi dé 18 mot Ning nguidi kha ky te howe thé d6i voi mét s6 cha dé nhat dinh. Niém vui cia vige suru tim Moi ngudi bj thu hit 86 thich tr ligu, try hign niém dam 1 nim 6 su kg in véi cde mon Ad, coi dé la cach dé uw 4. wat \they collect things? C Shep van gather their treasures from various places, including antique shops, flea ake ‘and even online platforms. The thrill of the hunt and the possibility of stumbling upon a rare gem make the process of collecting all the more exciting. ‘Nguoi suru tap c6 thé thu thap kho bau cia ho tir nhiéu noi khac nhau, bao gom cita hang 46 cé, cho trdi va thim chi ca nén tang trac tuyén. Cam giac héi hép cia cude di sin va khd nang tinh e& gap duge mot vién dé quy quy hiém khién qua trinh thu thap tro nén tha vi hon. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Crowded place 1. Is the city where you live crowded? Indeed, the city I reside in can be quite bustling, especially during peak hours. The streets are filled with people going about their daily routines, creating a lively atmosphere. (Qua thu, thanh phd t6i dang séng c6 thé kha nh6n nhip, dc bigt la vao gid cao diém, Dudng. phé tran ngap ngudi dan sinh hoat thuong ngay, tao nén mdt biu khéng khi s6i dong, 2. Do you like crowded places? S Well it depends onthe context, While I appreciate the energy and vibrancy Sef places like markets or events, I also value moments of tranquility. I's all fing a balance between the two. AS ina phe vo cn. Tog i i in ico Rs Se ng cn nhiing noi déng nguéi nhu cho hay sur kign, ti cing dinh ES hing khodnh khiic yén. binh. Dé la tit ca vé vige tim kiém su can biing gitta haig \> as le experience, making the crowded 3. When was the last time you were in a crow: shared excitement and energy created an setting enjoyable. cy n day, 11 da tham dur me a nhac va dia diém té chite rét dong ngudi ham md nhigt tinh, Su phin khich va ae ig duoc chia sé da tao nén mot trai nghiém khd quén, khién khung cénh déng ee fi tha vi. 4. Why do peopl 10 crowded places? People are dra ded places for various reasons; some seek the social buzz and a sense of co ey while others are attracted by the diverse activities and opportunities for moni ‘the dynamic atmosphere and the chance to connect with others that make cro) appealing to many. n Mol noi bi thu hit dén nhitng noi déng ngudi vi nhiéu ly do; mot s6 tim kiém tiéng vang, x hoi va ¥ thite eOng dng, trong khi nhimg ngudsi khée bi thu hiit bi céc hoat dng va co hdi gidi tri da dang. Chinh bau khéng khi nang déng va co h6i két ndi voi nhimg nguéi khac 4a khién nhimg noi déng ngudi tro nén hip din di véi nhiéu ngui SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Feeling bored 1, Do you often feel bored? Well, there are moments when I find myself feeling a bit bored, especially during quiet weekends or when I don't have any plans Cha, e6 nhiing lic t6i thay minh hoi budn chan, dic biét la vao nhiing ngay cudi tuan yén tinh hogie khi t6i khdng e6 ké hoach gi. 2. When would you feel bored? oy . I tend to experience boredom when there's not much happening aroun en I'm faced with repetitive tasks. I's usually during those times that 1 ma ing some excitement or something interesting to do. AS ‘Toi c6 xu huréng cam tl minh hoge khi t6i phai déi mat v6i nhing cong vige trong nhiing khoang théi gian 46, tdi bat dau khao, Ww gi d6 thi vi dé lam, wv . 3. What kinds of things are boring to I find routine activities or tasks that k a fy quite boring, Sitting through long, ‘monotonous meetings or ane Cam€ihing repeatedly tends to make me feel a bit ra xung quanh fai. Thong thing, ‘gide phan khich hoac diéu uninterested S Téi thay cdc hoat dng <> viée thuéng ngay thiéu da dang kha nham chai Vige ngdi trong nh 19p kéo dai, don digu hoje lim di Lim lai cing mét vige 6 xu huéng kl OX mn thay hoi mat himg thi. 4. What do when you feel bored? oo ym strikes, I usually try to engage in activities that capture my interest, Oo ing a captivating book, watching an intriguing movie, or even exploring nelhobbies. It hetps me break the monotony and add some excitement to my day. Khi cam thay budn chan, t6i thudng cé ging tham gia vao cdc hoat d6ng thu hat sy quan tim cia minh, chang han nhu dgc mét cudn sach hap din, xem mét bé phim hap din hoac thm chi khém pha nhiing sé thich méi, Né gitip t6i pha vo sur don digu va tao thém hig tha cho mt ngiy cua minh, SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Video games 1, Do you play video games? Absolutely! I'm an avid gamer and love diving into various video game worlds. They provide a great escape and entertainment for me. Tuyé¢t adi! Tdi 1 mét game th cudng nhiét va thich di sdu vao nhiéu thé gidi tro choi dign tir khac nhau. Ho cung cap cho téi mt 16 thoat va giai tri tuyét voi. 2, Would you watch others play video games? oy re Definitely! Watching others play video games can be quite enjoyable. J ating to see different strategies and techniques, and sometimes it even hel my ‘own gaming skills. AS Chae chan! Xem nguéi khée choi tro choi dign tir c6 thé khayhhy 9}. That tha vi khi thay cae chién luge va ky thuat khéc nhau va 46i khi p6QoMewip cai thign ky nang: choi tro choi etia ti. XS 3. Do you think people spend too much tj we video games? Well, it depends. While some people m; sxcessive time on video games, many others balance their gaming with otheygctiyies. Moderation is key, and it's essential for individuals to manage meng Gavel ‘Vang, né phy thude. renege) ‘36 ngudi cé thé dinh qué nhiéu thdi gian cho tro choi dign ti thin i in bing vige choi game véi cae hoat dong khéc. Didu dé la chia khgy nhan phai quin ly thdi gian ca minh mot eich higu EQN 4. Do you phefoF laying video games alone or with others? It var ‘are moments when I enjoy the solitude of playing video games alone, in? ‘myself in the storyline. On the flip side, playing with friends adds a social elnigot, making it a fun and interactive experience. Né thay di, C6 ning lie 16i tin hudng cam gide e6 de khi choi dign tir mot minh, dim minh vao cét truyén. Mat khdc, choi véi ban bé sé bé sung thém yéu té xa héi Khién né tro thanh m6t trai nghiém thi vi va mang tinh tong tic. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) ‘Advertisement 1. What kinds of advertisements do you like/dislike? Well, | appreciate creative and informative advertisements that capture my attention. However, | tend to dislike overly repetitive or intrusive ads that interrupt my online experience. Cha, tdi danh gia cao nhiing quing céo séng tao va gidu théng tin thu hut su chi ¥ ca t6i. Tuy nhién, 161 66 xu hung khéng thich nhiing quang co lip di lip lai hoc xim ae qua mite lam gidn doan trai nghiém trye tuyén cia t6i. S 2. Where can you see advertisements? KS > Advertisements are omnipresent in our daily lives. You can encouneg Oy television, social media, billboards, and even during your online browsin, ‘They seem to be everywhere, trying to grab our attention. S ‘Quing cao hign dign khap noi trong cude séng hang n; Qine ta, Ban 6 thé bat ip ching trén truyén hinh, mang xa héi, bing qu: iftham chi trong qué trinh trai nghigm duyét web tryc tuyén cia minh. Ho: @w ‘khap moi noi, c6 gang thu hit sur chi ¥ cia ching t8i, S eee agftfom my childhood that featured a catchy jingle F chocolate brand, and every time it came on TY, it he power of advertising, right? 3. Is there an advertisement that Absolutely! There was this memor and vibrant visuals, It was for made me crave that delicio Tuyét déi! Co mot quagyede ding nhé tir thei tho du ciia t6i véi giai digu Idi cudn va hinh anh sng care Rinh cho mét thong higu s6-cé-Ia néi tigng, vi mdi Kin né xuat hign trén TV, mén ngon dé. Sire manh cia quing cdo phai khong? 4.Do Aeron to work in advertising in the future? ihe WI Ne JOrld of advertising is intriguing, | don't see myself pursuing a career in it. 1 fi inating, but my interests lie in a different field. | appreciate the creativity behiftd advertisements, but it's not my chosen path for the future, Mac di thé giéi quang céo rit hip dn nhung t6i khéng thy minh theo dudi su nghiép trong d6. Toi thay né cia t6i lai nim & mét linh vue kha, Toi nung dé khéng phai Li con dung ti da inh gid cao sy sing tao ding sau quang. chon cho tuong Iai SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Memory 1. Are you good at memorisi ‘Well, when it comes to memorizing things, I would say I have my moments. There are times. when my memory serves me well, especially with important details, but there are also instances where I struggle a bit to remember certain things. Cha, khi néi dén vige ghi nho moi thi, t6i sé néi ring t6i c6 nhimg khoanh khic cia minh. Cé ning lic tri nhér eta ti phuc vu t6i rit t6t, dle bigt 1a voi nhting chi tiét quan trong, nnhung cding c6 nhimg trudng hop t6i gap kho khiin mét chit dé ghi nhé mot sé NS De S Oh, absolutely! There was this one time when I completely blanked out. % birthday. It was quite embarrassing, and I learned my lesson to jot down impor to avoid any ‘memory lapses in the future. Oy ©, chic chin r8i! Cé mét lin t6i hodn toan quén mét ngay OY ia mét ngudi ban. Diéu 6 kha xu hé va tdi da hoc duge bai hoc cita minh 1a Ww ig ngay quan trong dé tranh bj mat tri nh6 trong twong lai. NS 3. Why do some people have good memor hers just don't? believe everyone's memory functions pase Some people might have effective ‘memory techniques or a natural knac ering details, while others may need to put in extra effort, Factors like lifestyle, Y9eus,jand individual habits could contribute to the variations in memory =) Toi tin ring tr nhé cha y€Qugudhoat dng khiéc nhau. M ‘nh higu qua hode si 86 mgd 6 thé 6 ky thudt ghi in sinh dé ghi nhd céc chi ti, trong khi nhimg ngudi kha ¢6 fr. Cac yéu té nhu Ii séng, st tp trung va théi quen cd nhan 6 tay Adi vé kha nding ghi nhé, 4.Why people rely on cellphones to memorise things? Wel!sitS duit fascinating how technology has changed the way we memorize information =o feaportent details, W's convenient, quick, and ensures that we don't miss out on crucial information in our fast-paced lives. ‘That tha vi khi cdng nghé da thay déi céch ching ta ghi nhé théng tin, Neay nay, nhiéu ngudi, bao gdm ca t6i, coi dién thoai di déng nhur mot céng cu hitu ich dé theo dai nhiing chi 1i&t quan trong. That tin loi, nhanh chéng va dim bio ring ching ta khng bo le nltng théng tin quan trong trong cudc song hdi ha cia minh. SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (JAN-AUG-24) Memiory 1. Are you good at memorisi Well, 'd say I have a knack for memorizing things. Whether it's remembering important dates or recalling details from a book, I usually manage to retain information quite well A, t6i mudn néi Ia ti c6 tai ghi nhé moi thi, Cho di dé la vige ghi nhé nhimg ngay quan trong hay nhé lai chi tiét rong m6t cuén sich, ti thurémg e6 kha nang ghi nhé théng tin kha tot 2. Have you ever forgotten something that was important? S Certainly, there have been instances where I've overlooked important detail len appointments. One particular incident involved misplacing my keys, ca inconvenience. However, I've learned to create reminders to avoid on s inthe future, oy Chic chin cé nhimg trudng hop t6i da bé qua nhimg chi tiéeGady YOhs howe quén mat nhimg ccudc hen. Mot sir c6 cu thé lign quan dén vige toi dé qué Se a, gay ra mot chat bat ti. Tuy nbién, t6i da hoe eéch tao loi nhac dé tinh nh ~ ing nhir vay trong twemg la 3. Why do some people have good memori hers just don't? I believe it varies from person to person. SAR might have effective memory techniques: or just a natural inclination, while oth prioritize memorization as much. Genetics and lifestyle choices could also BRN n shaping our memory capacities, Toi tin ring né thay ddi tit nadine gui khac. Mot sé ngudi c6 thé c6 ky thuat ghi ‘nh higu qua hode chi o9 ¢@En Nw6ng bam sinh, trong khi nhimg ngudi khéc e6 thé khong tru tién vige ghi nhé ws ‘hon di truyén va Idi séng cling c6 thé dong mét vai tré trong vvige hinh thanb nj Mahé cua ching ta, 4. Why do nfore)pebple rely on cellphones to memorise things? Well, i fn the convenience of cellphones has changed the game. With the vast See mation available at our fingertips, i's tempting to rely on them for quick am meee However, I still think it’s crucial to exercise our own memory skills to keep our braits Sharp. Cha, c6 vé nhur sy tign loi ctia dign thoai di dng da thay di cude choi. Véi hong théng tin Khéng 18 c6 sin trong tim tay, that hép din khi dua vao chiing dé h6 tro tri nhé nhanh chéng, Tuy nhién, t6i van nghi digu quan trong la rén luyén ky nang ghi nhs chiing ta ludn nhay bén. cho bé no cila

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