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Trinity College of Engineering and Research,Pune

Department of Computer Engineering

Class- SE (A.Y 2023-24) Semester-II
Subject : Microprocessor
Question Bank for Unit Test

Unit 3: Memory Management

1) Explain the Segment Translation Process with a neat diagram of

80386. Explain their use in brief.

2) Explain the use of following instructions in detail:

i) LGDT ii) SIDT iii) LLDT

3) With the necessary diagram, explain the Page Translation process

in 80386.

4) Explain the use of following instructions in detail :

i) SGDT ii) LIDT iii) SLDT

5) What is a Logical address, Linear address and Physical address?

6) Differentiate and explain GDTR, LDTR, and IDTR.

7) Enlist various types of system and non-system descriptors in the

80386.Explain their use in brief.

Unit 4: Protection
1) Write a short note on CPL, DPL, and RPL

2) Explain different levels of protection? State the rules of protection


3) Explore five aspects of protection applied in segmentation.

4) Elaborate on the concept of combining segment protection and page
level protection in 80386.

5) Explore the need for a protection mechanism in 80386.

6) What is DPL, EPL and IOPL? Explain in brief.

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