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Harold Engay

Product/Service to be Innovated: Smart Eyeglasses for Math and Physics Computation

1.) Identify what product/service to be innovated:

Traditional eyeglasses correct vision but lack additional functionality. The innovated eyeglasses
will integrate computational capabilities to solve math and physics problems, such as projectile
motion calculations. These smart eyeglasses offer a revolutionary way for students to learn and
solve problems, as well as for athletes to improve their performance through precise calculations
and estimations, all integrated into a single wearable device.
2.) Why is there a need to innovate such product/service?
There is a need to enhance the learning and problem-solving capabilities of students, particularly
those studying engineering or physics-related fields. Additionally, athletes can benefit from real-
time calculations to improve their performance in sports like soccer, basketball, and billiards.
3.) Who is your target client/customer?
The target clients/customers include students studying engineering, physics, and related
disciplines, as well as athletes seeking to improve their performance in sports requiring precise
calculations and estimations.
4.) Details of Innovation:
The innovated smart eyeglasses combine traditional vision correction with computational
capabilities to solve math and physics problems on the go:
Integrated Computing Module: The eyeglasses are equipped with a compact computing module
capable of running specialized software for mathematical and physical calculations.
Augmented Reality Display: The display overlay provides real-time visualizations of
mathematical equations and physics concepts, making it easier for users to understand and apply
complex principles.
Voice Command Interface: Users can input mathematical equations or physics problems using
voice commands, eliminating the need for manual input and enabling hands-free operation.
Customizable Profiles: The eyeglasses allow users to create customized profiles based on their
academic or athletic needs, such as selecting specific formulas for different types of calculations
or adjusting settings for sports-related estimations.
Wireless Connectivity: The eyeglasses can connect to smartphones or other devices to access
additional resources, such as online databases or educational materials, enhancing the learning
Sleek and Lightweight Design: Despite its advanced features, the smart eyeglasses maintain a
sleek and lightweight design for comfortable wear throughout the day.
The innovated smart eyeglasses can address several problems:
Difficulty in Problem Solving: Students often struggle with solving complex math and physics
problems, especially those involving calculations like projectile motion. The smart eyeglasses
provide real-time assistance and visualizations, making it easier for students to understand and
solve these problems.
Limited Access to Resources: Not all students have immediate access to resources like textbooks
or online tutorials. With the smart eyeglasses, students can access educational materials and
online databases directly through wireless connectivity, overcoming barriers to learning.
Time Constraints: Athletes may face time constraints when making split-second decisions during
sports activities, such as estimating the trajectory of a soccer ball or the angle of a basketball
shot. The smart eyeglasses provide instant calculations and visualizations, allowing athletes to
make informed decisions quickly.
Vision Impairment: Traditional eyeglasses correct vision but do not offer additional functionality.
The smart eyeglasses combine vision correction with computational capabilities, catering to
individuals with vision impairments while also providing valuable tools for learning and sports

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