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Shalom and welcome to via hafta yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we

hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose
Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute
based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to
share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on
the web at love Israel aarrg that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's Baruch with today's
lesson according to the Scriptures marriage is a covenant and all covenants have one thing in
common and that is the primary purpose that a covenant is established is for God's glory to be
manifested so when people enter into a marriage a man and a woman they're saying that they
want this relationship to be an instrument that manifests God's glory the Apostle Paul reveals in
first Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 28 that those who marry will have trouble in this world now
in reality if you are alive you're going to have trouble but the nuance that needs to be understood
is this when someone says I want to marry you I want to be in this covenant of marriage what
they're saying is this together will take on troubles of life yes in marriage there are some
additional ones that we face but nevertheless we are going to take on these problems hardships
obstacles whatever it might be together and by overcoming these troubles we are going to give a
testimony a testimony of our love for one another and through these hardships and obstacles
oftentimes the love will flourish it will grow and because of that marriage can be a very powerful
testimony God uses marriage to describe his relationship with Israel Messiah Xu is called the
bridegroom and we the believers are called his bride so marriage is very important but marriage
is under attack today and it's not something new what we're going to do today is to begin a study
a study on a book that can teach us much in regard to the principles of building a godly marriage
now I'm going to pause for a moment and share with you a personal experience that that I
believe is not out of the ordinary for people who do what I do and that is when I was a leader of
a congregation I did at times marital counseling and more often than not I would say over a
hundred to one people would come in and say my marriage isn't going so well it is not satisfying
it is problematic and you know I'm a believer and could you maybe share with me in the Bible and
what they're saying is how I can get out of it but but be pleasing to God well let me before I
answer that question give a another example think of a doctor and how he would feel if a person
came in and said you know I don't feel really well I had this problem in my shoulder I was
beginning to limp I have a terrible chronic sore throat and I want to know how I can get out of
this III want to end it I want to die now more often than not people come to a doctor because
they want a solution they don't want to in their life but rather they want to have a healthy life
and the problem is this for every person and it is rare I can count on one hand how many times
someone came to me that had problems in their marriage and they said how can we solve this
how can we build a glorious marriage how can we live in a way that's pleasing to God in this
marriage more often than not they were looking for an escape and this is not right let's be clear
about something marriage is between one man and one woman and when I look in the scripture
and we talked about this in our study of 1st Corinthians when I look in the scripture I see very
clearly that biblically the only grounds for divorce is adultery and of course one should not
commit adultery order that he can get out of the marriage or she can know the adulteress they
have some some obstacles some some rules placed upon them for committing adultery that just
doesn't allow them to move on to another relationship now the purpose of our study that we're
going to begin in a few minutes and we're going to continue for eight lessons is to bring health
into a marriage in order that it might truly be what God intended your covenant marriage to be
and the book that we're going to use to do this is one that's called Shearer Hashim which is the
song of songs and let me begin by saying this more often than not people will look at this and
they'll come away with a few general statements first of all we'll say well this book shows God's
love for Israel now we've talked about the fact that in the scripture indeed the Bible speaks of
God's covenant Allah with Israel as a marriage but when we look here we don't see any evidence
from the text that we should understand the book of Song of Songs having to do with God's
relationship with Israel there is nothing that I see that lends itself to such an allegorical
interpretation likewise those from Christianity they look and they say well we should understand
this book as an allegory speaking of Christ's love for the church here again I see nothing in the
scripture that that bears this out within the book of Song of Songs what I see is that there is a
couple and this couple has a wonderful relationship until something happens and that occurs
puts their relationship in a potential jeopardy but what we find in a most marvelous way is that
they do over come and that's the message that I want to share with each of you that with God
you can overcome these hardships obstacles trials and attacks upon your marriage does it take
both yes it does but even if both parties aren't yet committed if one is committed and one begins
to act faithfully in their marriage you know what this will bring about it will bring about God's
presence in a mighty way upon that other individual that spouse in order to bring him or her to a
transition a change in their life were hopefully they will grow in their commitment to marriage
see this is part of faith God I'm going to be faithful to my role as a husband or a wife even though
my spouse is not but I'm going to be faithful and therefore God as he always always always does
God responds faithfully and he will bring about a change in that spouse God willing so take out
your Bible and look with me to the book of Song of Songs now many people call it the Song of
Solomon he is indeed the author but literally we find it's called the song of songs and this is very
important because it means that it's the best song if we're talking about the king of kings or the
lord of lords the king of kings the best king lord of lords the Lord and when we look at this we see
that it's written in a very unique way it's written poetically but also as a play now it says a song
but a song can have a course and a song can tell a story like a play can tell a story and that's what
this is secondly I mentioned that Solomon is the author of it Solomon wrote for example the book
entitled qohelet or Ecclesiastes we studied this little over a year ago and may I remind you that
Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes and it's very important that you hear this from a
confessional stand standpoint now we all know that he talks about how life is vain vanity of
vanity he sees so much in his own life a futility something that does not satisfy something that
has no lasting purpose and here's the message Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes from this standpoint I
mentioned a confessional standpoint Solomon he had wealth and he had opportunity and ability
he was the king he was the authority and he says you know I did not withhold from my hand
anything that I wanted now many times you and me we may want something but we don't have
the opportunity to to acquire it or we may not have the resources to purchase it but Solomon he
was not bound in this world by those things he was the king he was wealthy he had authority he
could do pretty much anything and he did and what did he say he confessed this it was all in vain
no he says if you want to find satisfaction if you want to find something that's lasting something
that is enduring eternal he says here's the whole conclusion of matter keep the commandments
of God Solomon didn't always do that but as he looks back upon his life he says the wise thing the
correct thing the good thing to do is obey God and now in this book of Song of Songs he is writing
a story a song we should not look at this as an actual occurrence that everything that's happened
here in fact we're to see that he speaks about dreams he speaks about things that are simply
imagery that that someone might write down in a song and that's what he did in order to instruct
us teach us about marriage and one very important truth and that is this that marriage can
indeed over come and he's going to reveal to us important principles that lays the foundation for
marriage overcome they're very obstacles now before I open up this and we begin we need to
ask ourselves a few questions and that is this do I really want a successful god-pleasing and when
I say successful I mean just that a marriage that is pleasing to God that glorifies him many people
don't you're wasting your time then if you continue to listen this is only for people who say yes
I'm a true believer follower of Messiah Yeshua and I want a marriage to be first and foremost
pleasing to him in line with his creation of marriage secondly realize something you probably are
in a marriage of dissatisfaction ijust chants no it happened because individuals began to do their
own thing go their own way build their own life without really consideration to their spouse and
to a certain degree we're all guilty of that so even if you have a relatively good marriage this
book can make it a better marriage and if you have a disastrous marriage it can still make it a
good and a glorifying God marriage so we need to realize that you have made a choice and that
choice is that you have succumbed to the things of this world it's mindset rather than the
mindset of scriptural truth so let's choose not to have the marriage that you're having but one
that God intends for you to have and that requires praying and praying together it requires
scriptural reading reading the Bible together and assisting one another in growing in the Lord that
means growing and once understanding of the Word of God and when those two things are in
place then a book such as this can really be used as an instrument that brings about a glorious a
marvelous a wonderful change in that marital covenant in that relationship between the man
and the woman let's begin verse 1 chapter 1 we read here a song or literally the song of songs
which is to slow-mo slow-mo King Solomon so we're told that this is a song it is not a narrative
meaning we should not look at this as an historical event the Scriptures not presenting it as a
historical event in the same way that when Messiah taught and he says here's a parable it's not a
literal happening but we learn from it in this same way this is a song it is a type of of play that is
put to music and the words which are sung tells a story and from these words and the story that
they reveal we can learn biblical truth about building a godly marriage Solomon this wise one is
giving us information and remember he's writing it from a confessional standpoint meaning don't
do as I've done but do as I've learned remember Solomon were told that that he had 700 wives
and 300 concubines now what does that mean there was a lot of women in his life now the
purpose of this is not to define and go into detail what it means with 700 wives and 300
concubines and also he had several marriages that were for political reasons now this tells us
that Solomon he was not really acquainted with the biblical model one man one woman
together until death this was something that was foreign to him and what he's saying is he
desired that because he had numerous women but this number was not satisfying rather he
looked for that one right woman and he's going to speak about her and the relationship that she
had with what she calls her beloved now there's a few different primary characters in the song
the first is the woman who were going to call the Shulamite the reason why we call her the
shuma night is because the scripture does the second one is Solomon the King and the third one
is this shepherd now those who teach that that Solomon is the shepherd it makes no sense
whatsoever know there is three and we know that shouldn't be and what this book is going to tell
us is that Solomon he beheld the marvelous that godly the good relationship between the
Shulamite and this Shepherd and Solomon thought he if he could only take that woman that that
would give him joy he didn't think about her beloved now King David remember Solomon the son
of David David one night saw a woman that he thought would bring him joy and therefore he
sent messengers these would have been soldiers brought her to his palace and we know the rest
of the story he was intimate her she conceived but she was not a source of joy for him why
because after that one meeting David he never called never sent for her never had anything to
do with her until she sent word to him that I was pregnant that she was with child and what did
he want to do he wanted to just get Uriah eventually out of the picture either cover up his sin by
them having a child at least being purported as this is their child he brought Uriah back from the
front so that they could be together and there would be a a biological explanation why she was
pregnant when that didn't work he was just wanting to put your eye to death and many people
died in this plan that David had so David was willing to just take a woman and what we see here
is that same thing Solomon was willing to just take this woman away from her beloved because
he thought this was going to give him joy now this is what's being told in this song that he wrote
this play that that he penned it is not a historical event it is a song it is a poetry in order for us to
learn a biblical truth once more chapter 1 verse 1 the song of songs which is to slo-mo he's the
author verse 2 she is speaking and she says let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth now
we're going to see as I've mentioned over and over this is poetry and sometimes poetry speaks of
things in a symbolic manner now most of the time I like to take the scripture very literally but
we're going to see here in the next verse and that next verse gives us insight on how we should
understand this verse because when she says let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth well
mouth is synonymous with words kisses are our kindness it's love and she said here I enjoy let
him speak these kind words these loving thoughts to me she desires that so a kiss a loving word
and the reason why I say this if you keep reading it says in the second part of this verse for your
love now the word that's going to be repeated several times is the word dote or Dodie Dodie is
my beloved dote beloved but it also has the concept of love and when it's in the Sailor it's
speaking about an individual my beloved when it's in the the plural it's speaking about love in a
general sense and notice what she says here for your love is better than wine so love is being
symbolized as wine because we see symbolism in the second part of verse 2 we can assume
rightly so that the first part is symbolic and that's why translated it the way I did so she says your
love is better than wine now we begin why oftentimes it's synonymous with gladness happiness
joy and certainly love is joyful but wine also goes through a very specific methodology formula
for making it and it takes time and wine gets better with time and what the Scriptures revealing
to us is if we're going to build a Galit godly marriage it's a formula there's a methodology it just
doesn't happen just naturally just because you have a grape and you mash it up that doesn't
make wine you have to follow a process and if you do then wine actually gets better with time
with age and likewise a godly marriage when I say godly marriage a marriage that is established
based upon godly truth the principles of Scripture it will get better over time when I'm recording
this my wife and I we've been married 33 years and there's no doubt no question whatsoever
that our love and our relationship is better today than it was 15 years ago or 33 years ago why
not that there was problems back then but it just has improved because we're building together
and my knowledge of her what we've gone through together the things we've overcome the
things that we've experienced it is deepen our love for one another so I can identify with this
very easily move on to verse 3 here very symbolic she says your oil is a fragrance now what does
she mean oil well we're going to find out that she's speaking about what is manifested through
his deeds and I'll prove this in a moment but once again very symbolic she says your oils your
your fragrance you might say the fragrance of your oils they are good so she's saying here
something is very good you have oils you have good oils and it makes a pleasing fragrance and
then she says and it's to teach us she uses a word oil again she says oil poured out is your name
so now when we get this this whole sentence we can see what she's saying oil this was something
that was was place also as a fragrance as a perfume so most of the time back in that day perfume
was more of an oil or an ointment than what we have today is just a liquid that we spray on it
was more like an anointing oil was perfume and she's saying here good oil and it's in the plural a
good oil or oils of yours have a fragrance and oil poured out is your name now name is
synonymous with character so character is also established by deed so she's saying the essence
of who you are is like oil poured out your character is a fine smelling oil or appointment so is she
talking literally how he smells no she's talking about how pleasing now a fragrance when you
smell it according to culture back then is that you would bless God you smell something good
and this is part of Jewish law today there's a blessing for a raft off a good smell so she is praising
God for not how he literally smells but how his character is and character your name is good oil
poured out what she's saying is your character is seen by your deeds that are are done in your life
and therefore look at the anniversary therefore alum oat now Alamo are are virgins but here we
have the the concept of a righteous young woman a woman who is preparing yourself holding
her virginity to be married in that sacred married cuff covenant and she's saying young righteous
women they love you they agree that you are the type of man that they're looking for verse 4
verse 4 is very important because it lays the foundation for us understanding the right way to
interpret this now the problem oftentimes is is that we have preconceived ideas of what this is
speaking about how we should interpret it and what's going on we need to to d'void our selves
from such thoughts and allow the eternal evidence internal evidence of the the scripture to form
our basis for the interpretation notice verse 4 she is speaking and she says makini Africa which
means draw me after you pull me after you now usually that expression implies that someone is
not happy with where they are so they're asking for a change take me away have me to be in a
nether place and since she says ah Haruka after you she wants to be drawn away from where she
is so that she can be with this one who's this one well based upon the pronouns that are used to
we're talking about her beloved one now in English and other languages sometimes there are
our shortcomings because if I said the word you in English you don't know if the person is
speaking about is male or female or singular or plural but in Hebrew I can make a distinction if I
say a tie or at or a 10 or a 10 all of this tells me whether the subject of this you is a or female is it
multiple people or just one are they all men or all they all women or are they mixed all of this can
be seen so she is speaking to him draw me away pull me out of this place and we will run so she
wants to flee where she is where is she well the end of verse four is going to tell us hey the Ani
hemella cut her off the King who's the King not aching but hemella were talking about slo-mo
King Solomon he has brought me into his chambers so where is she she is in the palace she is in
the living quarters of who the king and what does she say in the same verse she's speaking to her
beloved because the possessive pronoun has been established in the earlier verses so she is
speaking to her beloved this one that has a pleasing fragrance who speaks kindly to her with
these kisses of his mouth and what does she say draw me away I will run we will run meaning
together why because the King has brought me into his chamber we will be glad we will rejoice in
you now here's the we is probably here the ala mode these versions it says we will rejoice and
we will be glad in you meaning in the Shulamite this woman when when we remember your love
that that your love is better than wine and then it says may Shahin ah-hey VUCA now it's
important because miss shari is straight ones but it's masculine Aurel this is highly significant in
the text why is that because now the masculine plural is speaking of a general everyone should
agree with this and the word here's Misha Irene straight and it speaks here basically that when
we remember when we think about this love that is better than wine it's saying here and the love
here is the one of the the man when she's when they're thinking about the love that they share
and and that he has for her it's better just like she said in verse verse two it's better than wine
and therefore upright once upright ones they love you meaning they agree that this love that
this man and this woman has is an upright it is a godly it is a good love they the world puts their
stamp of approval on this relationship but this is the one that Solomon has taken this Shulamite
the woman and brought into his chamber verse five verse 5 there is actually in the Hebrew text a
space between the end of verse 4 and the beginning of verse 5 and this oftentimes tell us of a a
different issue or a different speaker and in this case we're going to see that that the woman the
Shulamite is speaking she says black mi but comely daughters of Jerusalem now she's speaking to
two other women the daughters of Jerusalem we're going to see that they are also a primary
character in this this play this song the daughters of Jerusalem she is going to communicate and
teach them something so she says I'm black butt but comely now the word here for black as
we're gonna see in a moment has to do with the fact that the Sun has darkened her skin now
today culture are different right today people want that Sun Tan makes him look better but but
going back 3,000 years and that's approximately when this was written nearly 3,000 years ago
Women of Distinction and and and modesty and propriety they wouldn't go out and and get a
suntan and therefore she has been tanned by the Sun not lying on the beach not going to some
place where you pay money and you sit in a machine to darken your skin no how does she get
her skin to be tan notice what it says the whole verse black am i but comely meaning this word
comely that's the old english word that's used to describe her is a word for an oasis so she's
saying you know i'm like an oasis in a desert you're looking around you're saying this isn't good
but then you find something that is that meets a need that satisfies so she says black am i but but
comely o daughters of Jerusalem as the tents of Kedar as the the curtains of schlemm oh now
here again this is speaking about things that meet the need that serve a purpose that
accomplished something and she's saying I accomplished what a wife should I serve the purpose
of a spouse I can fulfill these marital obligations in a wonderful way just like the curtains of King
Solomon were were wonderful in his palace verse 6 do not look upon me she says and this means
to look down upon her in this context because I am black she uses a different form of this word
why now we have the answer because the Sun has tan me why why did she get suntan as I said it
wasn't her objective she wasn't laying out on the beach no pampering herself on a vacation she
says the sun's of my mother now this is important because it reveals something you need to
remember this there apparently is a problem between her and her brothers they look down upon
her they don't see her as much of a woman as a prize and this tells us something you know the
brothers are just like typical men and they look at things in a very very inappropriate way men
tend to do that they look to the outward but God looks to the inward so here she's saying and the
reason why I say there's a problem she doesn't say my brother she says the sons of my mother
very similar and that account of the parable of the prodigal son and the older brother he comes
and says this son of yours not my brother there was a problem between them so we're seeing
there's a family problem here again middle of verse 6 the sons of my mother they were angry
with me and they set me to tend to take care of the vineyard it's not just one vineyard but
vineyards in other words she worked very hard in tending to those vendors then vineyards
secondly she says but my vineyard I did not care for so because of the great amount of work that
she had to do outside dealing with these vineyards she was not able to attend to her outward
appearance those things verse verse seven verse seven shows that she actually before this we
see that her brothers didn't think that she was much of a woman we're going to see that at the
end of our study in eight weeks the same thing how the brothers to speak concerning her and we
never see much her mother is mentioned her parents are alluded to but her father's never spoke
enough and let me share with you that that women tend to be somewhat insecure especially in
relationships just just a tendency that females have men we have our tendencies we tend to be
shallow we tend to be be more driven by by sight than feelings women can be more given over
to how they fill than what they necessarily see and sometimes their feelings cause them to see
things perceive reality different so we're not the same there are significant differences and
notice her insecurity and how this Shepherd is going to deal with it very important wisdom for us
she says look at verse seven tell me and who she's addressing the one that her soul loves that
she could say the one that I do but whenever the word nephesh is used in regard for the word i it
means something of great emotion great sincerity great feelings so she says tell me the one
whom my soul loves where do you and it's a word for grace now this is the verb form of the noun
for a shepherd so she says tell me where you're going to be shepherd eat and the implication is
your flock and what's the reason for that well we are you know if you go back to verse four she
wants to be with him she's not where is she she's in the King's chambers she wants to be taken
drawn away from that place after him now that's indisputable and therefore it now and verse
seven she's simply asking tell me the one who my soul loves where do you uh Shepherd your
sheep where do you make them lie down at noontime for why shall I be like one and the idea
here is wrapped up or veiled why should I be one that's veiled upon the the flocks or the herds of
your friends and here's what she's saying you need to tell me where you are so I can get to you
don't make me search around for you and make me wander like I had a blindfold on and I don't
know where to go tell me why should I wander around like a a person who is blind fell'd it has a
veil over her eyes and she goes from all of your your comrades your fellow Shepherds why should
I go to one after another looking at you at those various places that you might be she doesn't
know where he is I want you to notice how he responds look at verse eight verse eight is very
telling because he does not respond in this way I used to work with someone and many females
thought he was handsome they would convey worked in the mall they would take break and they
would comment do you want to take a break with me they would say - he happened to be my
manager and what was interesting is that his wife apparently she is well thought that he was
rather handsome and she would call all the time and she would never say hi she would say we'll
just give him name John she would where's John up to where's John let me speak to John and
you could tell she was just you know stressed she wanted to make sure that he was where he
was supposed to be now what did he do he would say don't call me so often and if she would
just drop in unexpectedly even if he was where he should be and most of the time he was he we
get so angry if he would be taking a break this is where he shouldn't be with a nother woman
sitting down having something to drink during a mutual break with someone from another store
across the the hallway in the mall his wife would be rightly so very upset by this so he said don't
you come unexpectedly you call first him then when he called he says why are you calling me
now she was insecure she wanted to make sure he was where he should be and notice how the
Shepherd responds verse 8 he says if you do not know and then he says you doubtful you you
bothersome woman no he says notice he upholds her the beautiful one along women so he's
saying if you don't know where I am and the implication is I'm going to be exactly where I should
be but you and he calls her the most beautiful among women if you don't know where I would
be he says this you go out in the footsteps of the flock you can check it out you go yourself and
you look and she says you Shepherd your young young flock your young goats or sheep by the
the dwelling places of the Shepherds he's saying no you go if you don't know where I am I'm
where I'm supposed to be if you doubt that if you say you don't know you go out and you search
all around you go to all the other places and you know what you're gonna find out in the end I'm
exactly where I should be so he didn't put doubt greater doubt into her he didn't say don't you
check up on me when you doubt me you think I'm not he didn't say that he says you know in my
mind you are the most beautiful among women and you are you come see if my boss wife said
honey I love you so much I find you so beautiful and I want you to call whenever you want to talk
to me I want you if you have a moment I'd love it when you surprised me when I looked up and
there you are in front of me and coming into the store see this is what godly men do we do not
try to exploit insecurity we try to to comfort that and that's what he was doing look at verse 9
now in verse 9 he is speaking he's not angry that she has doubt insecurities concerning him he
says such things as this my horse I believe in English we say filly for a female horse my filly is
among or is likened to the the ones in Farrell to ferret ferret Pharaoh's Pharaoh's chariots so he's
saying you know Pharaoh he's got the best horses for his chariots and I likened to you to one of
those horses and then he says riot II my spouse and in doing that he's upholding the word riot II
upholding this this relationship he has goes on and he says your cheeks are comely that same
word for fitting or appropriate in its rows and your neck is like beats so he's describing things and
here again one of the things were going to see is that he describes this woman in in many many
different ways and most of these are hard for us to comprehend that's okay I believe that is
foundational in this account why it doesn't matter what someone else thinks about their spouse
why he thinks she's so beautiful and how he thinks of her in the terms that he puts his love this is
a private manner so he describes her and says what he finds pleasing about her and not some
sexual or erotic way and this is one of the problems I have with those who and this is true in
some circles in Judaism and also within Christianity they said oh we shouldn't read this book or
not in a mixed group because it's so overtly sexual and and there's things here that erotic and
such my goodness have they read it nothing could be further from the truth no when he
describes her Anatomy her her body he always does so in ways that take the reader from that
that organ and to a different picture usually one that has a beautiful wholesome image of nature
and when you understand what that image of nature is speaking of you learn something that is
wholly something that is godly something that is highly moralistic so I'll say this if someone reads
this book and say you know I don't think that a young boy a junior high boy should read this I
think they have a problem because I see nothing in this that she'd cause us to think in that way
case in point he likens his his spouse the love of his life to a fine female horse the chariots of
Ferrum he says your cheeks are cuddly they are in rows and your neck is like beads and then he
describes them in greater detail he says here again moving away from the neck and the cheeks
he describes these beads in these rows he says there are roles of gold and they are making with
they are made with what we could have little dots of silver so when we look at this do I really
have any when I described when he describes her do I come away with any image of her in my
mind I do not what I see are fine beads of silver with a gold gold polka dot so does vicar a silver
polka dot within it so it's it's very very not graphic but it's talking about something that would be
beautiful silver and gold and such and notice verse 2 verse 2 it's no longer him speaking but she
speaks and she says this until the king is in his party now the word here it can also be reclining
and reclining he's at a a function now it's odd that they're not together but it's clear that they're
not and she says she does something until he ceases and what does that look again at verse verse
12 until the King is is reclining my and it's a perfume we use the word naired it's probably
spikenard I think is how some English Bibles translate it but she says my perfume we'll just use it
in general sense gives forth it fragrance so as long as the king is away she she gives off this this
perfume now what does perfume do it's supposed to draw one to her who is she wanting to
draw this Shepard she says look at verse 13 a bundle of myrrh a different type of perfume a
bundle of perfume or myrrh is my beloved not King Solomon but her beloved the Shepherd a
bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me among or between my breasts it lies or he lies now here
again we hear that word breast but it says between what's between the breasts the heart here
again we can't bring perverted Western culture into Solomon's writing they understood it was
simply a poetic way to speak about her heart and what she says is a fine fragrance we see that in
verse two right good point Minh is my beloved his name is fine oil poured out so she's saying a
fine bundle of perfume in my heart is my beloved so it's speaking about her longing for him
because of this separation verse 14 a cluster of ena is my beloved to me in the vineyards of
Engedi Engedi been there many times a beautiful place near the Dead Sea in the desert and
wasted so to speak so that's what what she is saying about her husband that he's unique very
unique verse 15 now he is speaking back to her how do we know this it's not an interpretation
but there's a change the word he knock it was Inca it would be behold you masculine but
because it's enough its behold you feminine so we know without any question that is him that's
speaking about her and he says behold you are beautiful my spouse behold you once more the
feminine so he's speaking about her your eyes you are beautiful and you have dove ice now to
me here again don't know much about a dove but apparently to him he saw a doves eyes and he
saw beauty in that and he likens her eyes in this way some of the commentators point out that if
you study aid of usually a dove it's not alone there's two and if you looked you will find that
they're constantly watching each other meaning the other is constantly upon the one's mind
what you see you think of so like a dove is constantly thinking of his spouse or her spouse this is
what he's saying and why her eyes are beautiful verse 16 now she's speaking because there's a
change hint huh behold you are beautiful or handsome my beloved and she says even Pleasant is
our bed now this is a bed and it's kind of like Saint notice their bed is pleasant that word is
appropriate and it's to tell us that their intimacy their love is a highly appropriate it is pleasant it
is fitting it is appropriate the love between this Shepherd and the Shulamite and then she goes
on end of verse verse 17 even pleasant is my beloved and our bed is Raanana now Raanana some
of your Bibles will say green but it's a word for being refresh so she says and let me translate this
probably a little bit better behold you speaking of the shepherd our beautiful my beloved even
Pleasant and then she says our bed is refreshing so he's pleasant he's appropriate and their love
their their place of intimacy is refreshing meaning it gets better and better whatever is lacking in
life when they are intimate when they are together it doesn't have to be a sexual overtone but
when they are intimate spending time conversing it just breeds life it's refreshing to them and
then finally the last verse verse 17 the beams of our house now it's talking about shelter here
because it's the ceiling the beams of our house are cedar and our furniture some Bibles
translated differently but it's a word for furniture is the type of tree of a fir tree both of these are
from the areas of Lebanon so what they're saying is the shelter they had built a love that is is
strong that it is also holy because that word aerozine for Cedars remember the temple was built
from the Cedars of Lebanon so when they speak about the house that they live in what they're
building and the word by it can mean just that when I speak about my house I'm speaking about
my family the life that that is being built up and the fact that it's Cedars it relates to a holiness
that which is related to God so when we look at at this first chapter we see how how pleasant
how beautiful and how pure the book of Song of Songs is speaking about a relationship between
one man in this case he's a shepherd and one woman she is also like into a shepherdess and how
she has been taken she is not where she wants to be and the main message of this song this play
as I like to say is if they're going to Ruby reunited is there going to be an happy ending to this and
I'll leave you with that and ask you the question is there going to be a happy ending for your
marriage well until next week when we continue on in this book the Song of Songs and we'll
study chapter 2 may God move you to a greater commitment to him and to your spouse until our
next installment Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and
share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our
broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel
dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in
video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord
bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel

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