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K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik.

Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari, Amrutdham, Panchavati, Nashik-422003

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Academic Year: 2023-24

Subject: Advanced Algorithms in AI & ML (22683) Scheme: I

Class: TYAN Sem: VIth

Question Bank
Unit – 1
1. What is supervised learning algorithm? List types.
2. What are the important steps to selecting a particular model in ML?
3. What is Feature Engineering?
4. What is Normalization and Standardization?
5. List out feature engineering techniques for text data.
6. Explain in detail: the techniques are used to do feature engineering on categorical
7. Define feature scaling and feature selection.
8. Which steps are involved while training a supervised learning model?
9. Which methods are used for feature selection in Machine Learning?
10. Describe the process of feature extraction.
11. How to perform feature engineering on numerical data?
12. Write down steps for feature engineering on text data.

Unit – 2
13. State the Bayesian Theorem.
14. What is Naïve Bayes Algorithm? State its types.
15. List out the applications of Naïve Bayes Algorithm.
16. State the Attribute Selection Measures in Decision Tree Algorithm.
17. Define Entropy and Information Gain
18. What is Random forest?
19. Define Bagging and Boosting.
20. List out the applications of Random Forest Algorithm?
21. Explain the implementation of Naïve Bayes Classifier.
22. Write down the applications of Naïve Bayes in detail.
23. Write down the python programming code to apply Naïve Bayes on suitable data.
24. Explain the working of Decision Tree Algorithm.
25. Explain the working of Random Forest Algorithm.
26. Write down the advantages of Random forest in Detail.
Unit – 3
27. Define Hyperplane.
28. What are Support Vectors?
29. Define SVM. State its types.
30. List out the advantages and disadvantages of Decision Tree Algorithm.
31. What is “K” in the KNN Algorithm?
32. Define Euclidean distance.
33. Define KNN Algorithm.
34. How does the SVM work? Write down a step-by-step explanation.
35. How does the KNN algorithm make the predictions on the unseen dataset?

Mrs. S.M. Dhongade.

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