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The Evolution of VR and AR

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have revolutionized the way
we perceive and interact with the digital world
1957: Sensorama by Morton Heilig
1968: Ivan Sutherland's "Sword of Damocles" Innovations:
1990s: VR gains momentum (Sega, NASA) Motion tracking, haptic feedback, realistic graphics
2013: Oculus Rift Kickstarter Impact:
Transforms gaming, healthcare, education, and more
2016: Pokémon Go brings AR to mainstream
Entertainment: VR and AR are used to create games, movies, TV shows, and
other entertainment products.
Education: VR and AR are used to create interactive educational materials that make
learning more engaging and effective.
Sales and marketing: VR and AR are used to create interactive demonstrations of
products and services that allow potential customers to better understand their
Medicine: VR and AR are used for surgery, patient rehabilitation, and medical training.
Tourism: VR and AR are used to create virtual tours of various places that allow users
to experience them without leaving home.
Sports and fitness: VR and AR are used to create interactive workouts that allow users
to improve their skills and results.
1. Games: Creating exciting game worlds using VR technologies.
2. Education: Education using virtual simulations and virtual classrooms.
3. Medicine: Training in surgery, rehabilitation, and the creation of virtual environments for p
4. Business: Virtual conferences, trainings and business scenario modeling.
5. Architecture and Design: Visualization of designs before physical construction begins.

1. Mobile Applications: AR is used in mobile applications to enhance reality through smartphones or tablets.
2. Advertising and Marketing: Create interactive advertising campaigns using AR to attract consumer attention.
3. Education: Enhance educational content with interactive AR elements.
4. Trade and Retail: Providing consumers with the opportunity to “try on” products before purchasing, for example,
virtual try-on of clothing or accessories.
5.Sports: Visualization of statistics, trajectory tracing and other aspects for a more interesting and informative
viewing of sporting events.
VR and AR enable the creation of more interactive and
engaging media content. Users can immerse
themselves in virtual worlds (VR) or interact with virtual
objects added to the real world (AR).

VR is used to create virtual media events such as

concerts, exhibitions and conferences, giving viewers the
opportunity to participate remotely. AR can also enrich
real-life media events by adding additional visual

VR is changing the way we watch videos, creating a

more immersive and participatory experience. AR, on the
other hand, can enrich real objects or environments with
information related to media content.

Virtual reality can be used to create virtual scenes and

events for journalistic reporting. AR can add information
and elements to real-life scenes, improving journalism
and news visualization.
The relevance of virtual reality (VR) and augmented
reality (AR) technologies is currently very high. These
technologies have great potential for transforming
many areas of our lives, from entertainment to
education and business.
Entertainment: VR and AR are used to create new and
exciting forms of entertainment, such as video games,
movies and concerts.

Education: VR and AR are used to create more interactive

and exciting forms of learning. For example, they can be
used to teach students in medicine, engineering or history.

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