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Cristian King D.


NSTP Holy Week Reflection

During Holy Week, Christians celebrate the passion and death of Jesus Christ
through a variety of rituals, services, and observances. This is especially true for
Catholicism and many Protestant denominations.

People can spiritually get ready for Easter by partaking in Lenten rituals like
prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We fast from certain foods or habits, practice daily
prayer or meditation, and provide for the less fortunate by making donations or
charitable acts.

We frequently learn new things about ourselves, our faith, and our relationship
with God through our Lenten practices. Self-discovery, spiritual development, and a
better comprehension of one's own beliefs and values are a few examples of this.

It is possible to have a transformative, spiritually rejuvenating, and self-

discovery journey during Lent that is life-giving. The chance for reflection,
development, and strengthening one's relationship with God is what makes it unique.

We could think about implementing Lenten rituals into our everyday lives, like
family fasting, prayer, or charitable work, to make Lent more significant for my family
and me. Enhancing your family's bond and your spiritual connection can be two ways
to make Lent more meaningful.

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