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1. What are the basic parts of a table, and which tags identify them?

 An HTML table consists of one <table> element and one or more <tr>, <th>, and
<td> elements. The <tr> element defines a table row, the <th> element defines a
table header, and the <td> element defines a table cell.

2. Which attribute is the most common attribute of the table tag, and what does it

 The TH and TD elements are used for table cells. TH is used for table header
cells while TD is used for table data cells. This distinction gives user agents a
means to render such cells distinctly, for instance by using a larger or heavier
font for header cells. It is also needed when rendering to speech. The CLASS
attribute can be used to further differentiate cells, for instance into heads and
subheads. This can be used together with style sheets to control the cell border
style, and fill color etc.

3. What attributes define the amount of space between the edges of the cells and
their content, and the amount of space between cells?

 Cellpadding specifies the space between the border of a table cell and its
contents (i.e) it defines the whitespace between the cell edge and the content of
the cell. Cellspacing: Cellspacing specifies the space between cells (i.e) it
defines the whitespace between the edges of the adjacent cells.

4. Which attributes are used to create cells that span more than one column or row?

 To make a cell span more than one column, use the colspan attribute.

5. Which elements are used to define the head, body, and foot of a table?
 The THEAD element defines the head, the TFOOT element defines the foot, and
the TBODY element defines the body. When present, each THEAD , TFOOT ,
and TBODY instance must contain one or more rows (see TR ).

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