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In my family, we live happily and abundantly, even though life is difficult, we live together.

In the family I
have, there are only four members. My daddy was supposed to provide everything for us and with his
simple job as a scrapper and tricycle driver he was able to provide what we needed. My mommy is a
housewife who has a small shop that she keeps busy every day, it also supports my siblings. My older
brother is a college student taking a criminology course and God forbid he will graduate, even though we
are two brothers we always fight, fight over housework and our parents' orders. Because we are both
lazy. I am the youngest among us, who will serve as their nurse, remind them of the things they need
and I am also the one who organizes some things or even plans. Those are the duties of my family
members, But I still have siblings on my mother's side, she has three children, one of them died and then
the other one has a family and the other one is mom's youngest according to the closest my brother and
I because he was with us while we were growing up and my daddy considered him like his son, we didn't
take him with us at home because he was with my grandmother, he was with my grandmother at home,
he no longer studies because he chose to work and we know that he is happy there so we did not force
him to study. It's simple, but our family is happy and serves God together.

Every day that God made for our family, we never forget to have time for each other. Even though each
of us is busy, we never forget to eat together, it is one of the most important things in our family to eat
together where we have conversations and stories that make us laugh and be happy, that is one as I look
forward to my future family who, even though they are busy with things to do, will not forget the family
and will still eat and talk together. And like I said earlier, we are turning our backs on God together.
Sunday is our family day, consistently every Sunday at 4:30 am we wake up to get ready because our
church is a little far away in Caluan, Laguna, although it is far enough for God.

My family and I are a family that I can say I can't replace with any kind of family, the family I have now is
enough and more, Thank God because this is the family I have

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