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Module-3 and Module-4

Date of Issue:5/4/2024 Date of submission:13/4/2024
1. Explain with neat diagram, the partitioning and combining in Map
2. Explain the 2 stages Map-Reduce example, with a neat diagram.
3. Explain basic Map-Reduce, with a neat diagram.
4. How are calculations composed in Map- Reduce? Explain with a neat
5. What are Key Value Stores? List out some popular key value database.
6. Explain how all the data is stored in a single bucket of key value data
7. What are Document database? Explain with an example.
8. List and explain any 2 features of document databases.
9. With neat diagram explain scaling feature in document databases.
10. Explain how data can be read and posted from and to the bucket using
queries in Riak.

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