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Optimal Diets for Prevention

of Coronary Heart Disease
Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD Context Coronary heart disease (CHD) remains the leading cause of mortality in in-
Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPH dustrialized countries and is rapidly becoming a primary cause of death worldwide.
Thus, identification of the dietary changes that most effectively prevent CHD is criti-

and coronary heart disease Objective To review metabolic, epidemiologic, and clinical trial evidence regarding
(CHD) has been studied inten- diet and CHD prevention.
sively for nearly a century. In Data Sources and Study Selection We searched MEDLINE through May 2002
1908, Ignatowski produced atheroscle- for epidemiologic and clinical investigations of major dietary factors (fat, cholesterol,
rosis in rabbits with a diet high in cho- omega-3 fatty acids, trans-fatty acids, carbohydrates, glycemic index, fiber, folate, spe-
lesterol and saturated fat1; feeding the cific foods, and dietary patterns) and CHD. We selected 147 original investigations
rabbits cholesterol alone produced iden- and reviews of metabolic studies, epidemiologic studies, and dietary intervention tri-
als of diet and CHD.
tical lesions. In the early 1950s, con-
trolled feeding studies demonstrated Data Extraction Data were examined for relevance and quality and extracted by 1
that saturated fatty acids and, to a lesser of the authors.
extent, cholesterol increased serum Data Synthesis Compelling evidence from metabolic studies, prospective cohort stud-
cholesterol concentration in hu- ies, and clinical trials in the past several decades indicates that at least 3 dietary strat-
mans.2 Meanwhile, epidemiologic stud- egies are effective in preventing CHD: substitute nonhydrogenated unsaturated fats
for saturated and trans-fats; increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids from fish,
ies found that increased serum choles-
fish oil supplements, or plant sources; and consume a diet high in fruits, vegetables,
terol predicted risk of CHD in human nuts, and whole grains and low in refined grain products. However, simply lowering
populations. These discoveries led to the percentage of energy from total fat in the diet is unlikely to improve lipid profile or
the classic diet-heart hypothesis, which reduce CHD incidence. Many issues remain unsettled, including the optimal amounts
postulated a primary role of dietary of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, the optimal balance between omega-3
saturated fat and cholesterol in the and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, the amount and sources of protein, and the ef-
cause of atherosclerosis and CHD in hu- fects of individual phytochemicals, antioxidant vitamins, and minerals.
mans.3 The diet-heart hypothesis gained Conclusions Substantial evidence indicates that diets using nonhydrogenated un-
further support from ecological corre- saturated fats as the predominant form of dietary fat, whole grains as the main form
lations relating saturated fat intake to of carbohydrates, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, and adequate omega-3 fatty
rates of CHD in cohorts from different acids can offer significant protection against CHD. Such diets, together with regular
countries 4 and from studies of mi- physical activity, avoidance of smoking, and maintenance of a healthy body weight,
may prevent the majority of cardiovascular disease in Western populations.
grants from low- to high-risk coun-
JAMA. 2002;288:2569-2578
Until recently, most epidemiologic
and clinical investigations of diet and termediate end point as a surrogate of for prevention of CHD is far from over,
CHD have been dominated by the diet- CHD risk could be misleading. In the more specific and firmer evidence on
heart hypothesis. However, the origi- past 2 decades, understanding of the diet and CHD is now available.
nal hypothesis was overly simplistic be- nutrients and foods likely to promote
cause the effects of diet on CHD can be cardiac health has grown substan- Author Affiliations: Departments of Nutrition and Epi-
mediated through multiple biological tially owing to studies of the molecu- demiology, Harvard School of Public Health, and Chan-
ning Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham
pathways other than serum total cho- lar mechanisms of atherosclerosis and and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
lesterol or low-density lipoprotein cho- the metabolic effects of various nutri- Boston, Mass.
Corresponding Author and Reprints: Frank B. Hu, MD,
lesterol (LDL-C) (FIGURE 1).6 The ex- ents and foods, large and carefully con- PhD, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Pub-
istence of these multiple pathways ducted prospective cohort investiga- lic Health, 665 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115
heightens the need to study clinical out- tions, and dietary intervention trials. Clinical Cardiology Section Editor: Michael S. Lauer,
comes because the use of a single in- Although the search for the optimal diet MD, Contributing Editor.

©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 27, 2002—Vol 288, No. 20 2569

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on serum cholesterol levels have been

Figure 1. Mechanisms by Which Diet Potentially Influences Risk of Coronary Heart Disease
summarized in several meta-analyses
from which predictive equations have
been developed.7-11 All such analyses con-
firm early reports by Keys7 and Heg-
sted8 that saturated fatty acids increase
Intermediary Biological Mechanisms and polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease
total and LDL cholesterol. All 3 classes
Lipid Levels
Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
of fatty acids (saturated, monounsatu-
High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol rated, and polyunsaturated) elevate high-
Triglycerides density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)
Lipoprotein(a) when they replace carbohydrates in the
diet, and this effect is slightly greater with
Blood Pressure
saturated fatty acids (FIGURE 2). Also, tri-
Thrombotic Tendency Risk of
glyceride levels increase when dietary
Diet fatty acids are replaced by carbohy-
Coronary Heart Disease
Cardiac Rhythm
drates. Because replacement of satu-
Endothelial Function rated fat with carbohydrates proportion-
ally reduces both LDL-C and HDL-C,
Systemic Inflammation and, thus, has little effect on the LDL-
Insulin Sensitivity HDL ratio and increases triglycerides, this
change in diet would be expected to have
Oxidative Stress minimal benefit on CHD risk. How-
Homocysteine Level
ever, when monounsaturated or poly-
unsaturated fats replace saturated fat,
LDL-C decreases and HDL-C changes
only slightly. Moreover, substituting
polyunsaturated fat for saturated fat may
have beneficial effects on insulin sensi-
tivity12,13 and type 2 diabetes.14,15
etary factors (fat, cholesterol, omega-3
Figure 2. Predicted Changes in Serum Lipids In numerous controlled metabolic
and Lipoproteins fatty acids, trans-fatty acids, carbohy-
studies, trans-fatty acids (found in stick
drates, glycemic index, fiber, folate, spe-
margarine, vegetable shortenings, and
Saturated cific foods, and dietary patterns) and
commercial bakery and deep-fried foods)
6 Monounsaturated CHD. We selected 147 original investi-
have been shown to raise LDL-C levels
Predicted Change, %

4 gations and reviews of metabolic stud-

and lower HDL-C relative to cis-
2 ies, epidemiologic studies, and dietary in-
unsaturated fatty acids,16-24 and the
0 tervention trials relating to diet and CHD.
increase in the ratio of total to HDL cho-
Data were examined for relevance and
–2 lesterol for trans-fat is approximately
quality and extracted by 1 of the au-
–4 twice that for saturated fat (FIGURE 3).25
thors. Although we emphasized con-
–6 Trans-fat increases plasma levels of lipo-
trolled trials with clinical end points, few
–8 protein a18,23 and triglycerides26 and may
such trials exist. Thus, we gave substan-
HDL-C LDL-C LDL-C/HDL-C TG reduce endothelial function by impair-
tial weight to large prospective cohort
Predicted changes are based on replacement of 5%
ing flow-mediated dilation.27 In addi-
studies that reported disease outcomes
of energy as carbohydrates with specific fatty acids tion, trans-fatty acids adversely affect
under isocaloric conditions, assuming baseline high- and metabolic studies with established
essential fatty acid metabolism and pros-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels of 50 intermediate end points. The evidence
mg/dL (1.30 mmol/L), low-density lipoprotein cho- taglandin balance by inhibiting the
is considered strongest when results from
lesterol (LDL-C) levels of 130 mg/dL (3.37 mmol/L), enzyme delta-6 desaturase.28,29 Finally,
and triglyceride (TG) levels of 150 mg/dL (1.70 different types of studies are consistent.
mmol/L).10 high intake of trans-fat may promote
insulin resistance30 and increase risk of
DIETARY FAT type 2 diabetes.15
METHODS Metabolic Effects
For this review, we searched MEDLINE of Dietary Fatty Acids Epidemiologic Studies
through May 2002 for epidemiologic and Numerous controlled feeding studies of Geographic and migration studies
clinical investigations of various di- the effects of different dietary fatty acids showed strong positive correlations be-
2570 JAMA, November 27, 2002—Vol 288, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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tween saturated fat intake and rates of vegetable oils, were associated with sig- prevention trials testing the approach of
CHD.4,5,31 Although these data provide nificantly increased risk of primary car- total fat reduction did not find a signifi-
evidence for the importance of environ- diac arrest.44 No association was seen cant reduction in serum cholesterol or
mental factors in the cause of CHD, they in a small UK study of sudden death.45 CHD events.52,53
are seriously confounded by other as-
pects of diet, other lifestyle factors, and Trials of Change in Dietary Fat Omega-3 Fatty Acids
economic development. Prospective co- Only a handful of dietary trials with Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce risk of
hort studies of individuals can better CHD end points have been conducted CHD by preventing cardiac arrhyth-
control for potential confounding fac- and most were among patients with mia, lowering serum triglyceride lev-
tors. Despite long-standing interest in the CHD (TABLE). Two dietary approaches els, decreasing thrombotic tendency,
diet-heart hypothesis, prospective stud- were tested in earlier trials; one re- and improving endothelial dysfunc-
ies of diet and CHD are surprisingly placed saturated fat with polyunsatu- tion.54,55 An inverse association between
few32-40; only 2 found a significant posi- rated fat, leaving total fat unchanged; the fish intake and coronary mortality was
tive association between saturated fat in- other lowered total fat. In all the high- first reported in a Dutch population,56
take and risk of CHD.35,36 However, most polyunsaturated-fat trials,46-51 serum cho- and more than 15 prospective studies
earlier studies were limited by small lesterol was significantly reduced. In the have followed. A systematic review of
study size, inadequate dietary assess- Finnish Mental Hospital Study,47 soft the 11 studies published before 2000
ment, or incomplete adjustment for con- margarine replaced stick margarine, so concluded that the inverse association
founding.41 the reduction in CHD was probably in was stronger for fatal CHD than for
The largest and most detailed analy- part due to reduction in trans-fat in- nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI),
sis included 4 repeated measures of diet take. In the Minnesota Coronary Sur- and the benefit was most evident in
over 14 years among 80082 women in vey,51 cardiovascular events were not populations with higher-than-average
the Nurses’ Health Study cohort. 40 significantly reduced by a high- risk of CHD.57 Since that review, 4 ad-
Higher intakes of trans-fat and, to a polyunsaturated-fat diet despite a de- ditional prospective cohort stud-
smaller extent, saturated fat were asso- crease in serum cholesterol, but the ies58-61 and 1 case-control study62 have
ciated with increased risk, whereas mean duration of dietary intervention provided further support for the pro-
higher intakes of nonhydrogenated poly- was only about 1 year. Two secondary tective effects of marine omega-3 fatty
unsaturated and monounsaturated fats
were associated with decreased risk. Be-
cause of opposing effects of different Figure 3. Results of Metabolic Studies of the Effects of a Diet High in Trans or Saturated
Fatty Acids on the Ratio of LDL-C to HDL-C
types of fat, total fat as percentage of en-
ergy was not appreciably associated with 1.2
CHD risk. Dietary cholesterol and mod- Diet High in Trans-Fatty Acids
est egg consumption (1 egg per day) Diet High in Saturated Fatty Acids
were not significantly associated with ei-
ther CHD or stroke.42
Change in Ratio of LDL-C to HDL-C

In addition to the Nurses’ Health 0.8

Study, 3 other large prospective stud- P<.05

ies have consistently found elevated risk

of CHD with higher trans-fat 20

intake.38,39,43 Combining the results of 24 P<.001

the 4 prospective studies, the pooled 0.4 18 22
relative risk of CHD associated with a 21
17 P<.001
24 P<.005
difference of 2% energy in trans-fatty 0.2 P<.001 17
acid intake (assessed at baseline) was P<.001 19
1.25 (95% confidence interval, 1.11- 24

1.40).43 Results from case-control stud- 0 23

ies using biochemical markers of trans- 18

fat intake have been less consistent.25 –0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In a recent population-based case-
control study of 179 cardiac arrest Energy From Fat, %

patients and 285 community controls, LDL-C indicates low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. A diet with
higher red-cell membrane levels of isocaloric amounts of cis-fatty acids was used as the comparison group. References are indicated by numbers
trans-fatty acids, especially trans- inside data markers. The solid line indicates the best-fit regression for trans-fatty acids. The dashed line indi-
cates the best-fit regression for saturated fatty acids. Reprinted with permission.25
isomers frompartially hydrogenated
©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 27, 2002—Vol 288, No. 20 2571

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acids against CHD in diverse popula- and DHA in humans and, thus, may ondary prevention of CHD (Table). In
tions. Notably, 2 recent studies have have a role in prevention of CHD. An the Diet and Reinfarction Trial,53 pa-
shown that consuming 2 or more inverse association between intake of tients advised to eat fish twice weekly
servings of fish per week was associ- ALA and risk of fatal CHD was ob- or to take fish oil (1.5 g/d) had a 29%
ated with 30% lower risk of CHD in served in most prospective cohort stud- lower mortality after 2 years. In the
women60 and that blood levels of eicosa- ies,38,39,63,64 but not in 1 smaller study.65 GISSI-Prevenzione trial,66 daily supple-
pentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosa- In a cohort of women, frequent con- mentation with EPA plus DHA (1 g/d)
hexaenoic acid (DHA) were strongly sumption of oil-and-vinegar salad dress- reduced the main end point (compos-
associated with decreased risk of sud- ing (a major source of ALA in US di- ite of death, nonfatal MI, and stroke)
den cardiac death in men.61 ets) was associated with a significantly by 15%, primarily because of a 45% re-
␣-Linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 lower risk of fatal CHD.63 duction in sudden death after 3 months
fatty acid high in flaxseed, canola, and Three clinical trials have examined of treatment.67 A trial from India sug-
soybean oils, can be converted to EPA the effects of omega-3 fatty acids in sec- gested benefits of both fish oil and mus-

Table. Trials of Dietary Interventions and Coronary Events*

Dietary Fat Energy From Change in
Patients in (Energy) in P and S Fat Overall Serum
Intervention Dietary Treatment in Treatment Trial Cholesterol Change in
Trial Group Intervention Group, % Group, % Duration, y Level, %† CHD, %‡
Low-Fat Approach
MRC (low fat)52 123 male MI Reduce total fat 22 NR 3 −5 +4
DART53 1015 male MI Reduce total fat 32 NR 2 −4 −9
High-Polyunsaturated-Fat Approach
Finnish Mental 676 men without Reduce saturated 35 P = 13; S = 9 6 −15 −44§
Hospital CHD fat, increase
Study47 polyunsaturated fat
Los Angeles 424 men; most Reduce saturated 40 P = 16; S = 9 8 −13§ −20 in CHD, −31§ in
Veteran had no fat, increase cardiovascular
Study46 evidence of polyunsaturated fat events
existing CHD
Oslo Diet-Heart 206 male MI Reduce saturated 39 P = 21; S = 9 5 −14§ −25§
Study48,49 patients fat, increase
polyunsaturated fat
MRC (soy oil)50 199 male MI Reduce saturated 46 P:S ratio = 2 4 −15§ −12
patients fat, increase
polyunsaturated fat
Minnesota 4393 men and Reduce saturated 38 P = 15; S = 9 1㛳 −14§ 0
Coronary 4664 women fat, increase
Survey51 polyunsaturated fat
Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acid
DART53 1015 male MI Fish twice per week NR NR 2 NR −16 in CHD events,
patients or fish oil (1.5 g/d) −29§ in total
GISSI- 5666 MI patients, Fish oil (EPA + DHA, NR NR 3.5 0 −30§ in cardiovascular
Prevenzi- primarily men 1 g/d) death, −45§ in
one66,67 sudden death
Indian Experiment 242 MI patients, Fish oil (EPA, 1.08 g/d) NR NR 1 0 −30§ in fish oil group,
of Infarct primarily men or mustard oil −19 in mustard oil
Survival 468 (ALA, 2.9 g/d) group
Whole-Diet Approach
Lyon Diet Heart 302 MI patients, High ALA intake and 31 P:S ratio = 0.7 3.8 0 −72§
Study 69,70 primarily men Mediterranean diet
Indian Experiment 204 MI patients, High intake of fruits, 24 P:S ratio = 1.2 1 −9§ −40§
of Infarct primarily men vegetables, nuts,
Survival117 fish, and pulses
*Adapted from Hu et al.128 P indicates polyunsaturated fat; S, saturated fat; CHD, coronary heart disease; MRC, Medical Research Council; MI, myocardial infarction; NR, not
reported; DART, Diet and Reinfarction Trial; GISSI, Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto Miocardico; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic
acid; and ALA, ␣-linolenic acid.
†Change in cholesterol level refers to the percentage change in serum cholesterol level in the treatment group compared with the change in the control group.
‡Change in CHD refers to the percentage difference in coronary event rates in the treatment group compared with the control group.
㛳The total duration of the study was 4.5 years, but the mean duration of the intervention was only 1 year.

2572 JAMA, November 27, 2002—Vol 288, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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tard oil in the treatment of MI pa- bolic studies that the adverse effects of diovascular disease. In the Swiss Heart
tients.68 In the Lyon Diet Heart Study, a high GL diet are exacerbated by un- Study, treatment with a combination
higher ALA consumption in the con- derlying insulin resistance.80 Thus, car- of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12
text of a Mediterranean diet dramati- bohydrate-containing foods should not significantly decreased restenosis
cally reduced total and cardiovascular be judged simply by their GI values; the and revascularization after coronary an-
mortality as well as nonfatal MI.69,70 amount of carbohydrates, fiber, and gioplasty at 6 months92 and a com-
These trials strongly support the pro- other nutrients are also important. bined cardiovascular end point at 11
tective effects of omega-3 fatty acids, in- Another way to classify dietary car- months.93 Ongoing clinical trials should
cluding both ALA and fish oil, in sec- bohydrates is to subdivide cereal provide more definitive data on the role
ondary prevention of CHD. The role of grains—staple foods in most societies— of folic acid supplementation in CHD
fish oil supplements in primary pre- into whole and refined grains. Most ce- prevention, but the interpretation of the
vention of CHD has not been tested. real grains are highly processed before findings from trials conducted in the
they are consumed. Refined grain prod- United States could be complicated by
CARBOHYDRATES ucts contain more starch but substan- the fortification of flour with folic acid.94
Prevailing dietary recommendations tially lower amounts of dietary fiber, es-
have emphasized high intake of com- sential fatty acids, and phytochemicals, SPECIFIC FOODS
plex carbohydrates, mainly starch, and although these products are typically AND DIETARY PATTERNS
avoidance of simple sugars.71,72 How- enriched with some vitamins and min- The relationship between consump-
ever, many starchy foods, such as baked erals. In several epidemiologic stud- tion of specific foods or overall dietary
potatoes and white bread, are rapidly ies, higher consumption of whole grains patterns and risk of CHD has been ex-
digested to glucose and produce even was associated with lower risk of CHD. amined in recent studies. Such analy-
higher glycemic and insulinemic re- Also, prospective cohort studies have ses are valuable in evaluating addi-
sponses than sucrose (half glucose and consistently found an inverse associa- tional diet-heart hypotheses and in
half fructose). The glycemic index (GI) tion between fiber intake and risk of making practical dietary recommenda-
ranks foods based on rise in blood glu- CHD.81 Several studies have found a tions. For example, replacement of red
cose (the incremental area under the stronger association for cereal fiber than meat with chicken and fish has been as-
curve for blood glucose levels) after in- for fruit or vegetable fiber.82-84 The in- sociated with reduced risk of CHD.95 An
gestion compared with glucose or white verse association for fiber observed in inverse association between nut con-
bread, standardizing the carbohydrate epidemiologic studies cannot be fully sumption and risk of CHD has been
content to 50 g.73,74 Foods with a low explained by its cholesterol-lowering ef- seen consistently in prospective stud-
degree of starch gelatinization (more fects; the low GI of foods with a high ies.96-101 (FIGURE 4), which further un-
compact granules), such as spaghetti level of fiber and numerous micronu- derscores the importance of distin-
and oatmeal, and a high level of vis- trients in whole grains may also con- guishing different types of fat. Although
cose soluble fiber, such as barley, oats, tribute to the benefits.85 nuts are high in fat and, thus, rou-
and rye, tend to have a slower rate of tinely proscribed in dietary recommen-
digestion and, thus, lower GI values. In FOLATE dations, the predominant types of fat
several controlled clinical studies,75 Much evidence suggests that adequate in nuts are monounsaturated and poly-
feeding low-GI meals to diabetic pa- folate consumption is important for the unsaturated, which lower LDL-C
tients led to significant improvement in prevention of CHD. Epidemiologic level.102
glycemic control and lipid profile, but studies have found an inverse associa- Although beneficial effects of fruits
larger studies are needed. tion between folate intake measured by and vegetables are widely assumed, only
Glycemic load (GL; the product of dietary questionnaire or serum folate in recent years has solid epidemio-
the GI value of a food and its carbohy- level and risk of CHD,86-90 which is logic evidence begun to emerge103-110
drate content) has been used to repre- likely to be mediated through homo- (Figure 4). In the largest study, includ-
sent both the quality and quantity of the cysteine-lowering effects of folic acid. ing 84251 women and 42148 men,107
carbohydrates consumed.76,77 Dietary Two randomized placebo-controlled tri- Joshipura et al reported a significant in-
GL is more strongly associated with als evaluated effects of folic acid supple- verse association between consump-
higher fasting triglycerides and lower mentation on the development and pro- tion of fruits and vegetables, particu-
HDL-C levels compared with GI.78 A gression of atherosclerosis. Vermeulen larly green leafy vegetables and vitamin
strong positive association between GL et al91 found that supplementation with C–rich fruits and vegetables, and risk
and risk of CHD was observed among folic acid and vitamin B6 for 2 years sig- of CHD. Increased consumption of po-
75521 women during 10 years of fol- nificantly decreased subclinical athero- tatoes, however, was not associated with
low-up.79 The increased risk was more sclerosis indicated by abnormal exer- benefits. In several prospective stud-
pronounced among overweight and cise electrocardiography tests among ies, a higher consumption of whole
obese women, consistent with meta- siblings of patients with existing car- grains as opposed to refined grains was
©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 27, 2002—Vol 288, No. 20 2573

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riched with fruits, vegetables, whole higher-than-average serum choles-

Figure 4. Prospective Cohort Studies of
Cardiovascular Disease and Consumption of grains, and nuts reduced coronary death terol levels.123 In the Lifestyle Heart
Nuts, Fruits and Vegetables, or Whole Grains by 41% and nonfatal MI by 38%. In the Study, 124 a combination of an ex-
Lyon Diet Heart Study,69,70 a Mediter- tremely low-fat diet, exercise, stress
ranean diet enriched with ALA re- management, and yoga significantly re-
Albert et al101
duced CHD death by more than 70%. duced progression of atherosclerosis,
Ellsworth et al100
Brown et al99∗
These findings, together with the but the low-fat regimen is unnecessar-
Hu et al98 results from prospective cohort stud- ily rigid and difficult for most people
Fraser and Shavlik97 ies and the Dietary Approaches to Stop to follow.
Fraser et al96 Hypertension trials,118,119 support the
clinical utility of a whole-diet ap- AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY
Fruits and Vegetables
proach in the prevention of cardiovas- The optimal amounts of monounsatu-
Bazzano et al110
cular disease. rated and polyunsaturated fats in the
Liu et al108
Joshipura et al107
diet are still unclear. Intake of linoleic
COMBINED EFFECTS acid is usually recommended not to ex-
Liu et al109
OF DIET AND LIFESTYLE ceed 10% of energy, in part because of
Joshipura et al106
Gaziano et al105 The combination of multiple dietary fac- little long-term human experience with
Gillman et al104 tors is more powerful than a single fac- such diets, although benefits from
Knekt et al103∗ tor alone. In the Nurses’ Health Study higher intake exist for blood lipids.
cohort, a diet high in cereal fiber, ma- There has been some concern that a
Whole Grains
rine omega-3 fatty acids, and folate and high-polyunsaturated-fat diet may in-
Liu et al113
Liu et al112
low in trans-fat and GL, with a high ra- crease cancer risk, but this has not been
Jacobs et al111 tio of polyunsaturated fat to saturated substantiated in large epidemiologic
Fraser et al96 fat, strongly predicted decreased risk of studies.125
CHD (relative risk comparing highest The optimal balance between
0.3 0.5 1.0 1.2 with lowest quintiles of the composite omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsatu-
RR (95% CI)
score=0.40; 95% confidence interval, rated fatty acids also remains un-
Relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) 0.31-0.53).120 Also, improvement in settled. Some have proposed reducing
were derived from the comparison of the incidence these dietary factors explained much of the consumption of linoleic acid to
rates between the highest- and lowest-consumption
groups (quintiles, quartiles, or specific intake catego- the decline in the incidence of CHD dur- achieve a greater ratio of omega-3 to
ries) and were adjusted for nondietary and/or dietary ing 14 years of follow-up of the co- omega-6 fatty acids in the diet.126,127
covariates. In each category, studies are shown in the
order of most recent to least recent publication. As-
hort.121 However, there is little evidence that a
terisk indicates confidence intervals were not pub- Besides diet, several other behav- higher ratio predicts a lower risk of
lished in the original article. ioral factors strongly influence CHD CHD.128 Both omega-3 and omega-6
risk. Analyses from the Nurses’ Health fatty acids have important roles in re-
associated with a lower risk of cardio- Study estimated that 82% of CHD ducing CHD risk, probably through dif-
vascular disease (Figure 4).96,111-113 events in the study cohort could be po- ferent mechanisms. Thus, a good strat-
Recently, several studies have re- tentially prevented by moderate diet and egy is to substantially increase intake
ported the role of overall dietary pat- lifestyle modifications.120 Among non- of omega-3 fatty acids from fish and
terns in predicting long-term risk of smokers, 74% of coronary events might plant sources (because intake for many
CHD. 114 In these analyses, a “pru- have been prevented by eating a healthy people is clearly suboptimal) without
dent” pattern characterized by higher diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, decreasing intake of linoleic acid. This
intakes of fruits, vegetables, legumes, exercising regularly for half an hour or will improve the ratio and maximize the
whole grains, poultry, and fish was as- more daily, and consuming a moder- cardioprotective benefits of both
sociated with lower risk of CHD, ate amount of alcohol (ⱖ5 g/d). omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
whereas a “Western” pattern charac- Results from several multifactorial The amount and type of protein in the
terized by higher intakes of red and pro- primary prevention trials using diet and diet is a matter of debate. Substitution
cessed meats, sweets and desserts, po- lifestyle intervention have been largely of soy for animal protein reduces LDL-
tatoes, french fries, and refined grains unimpressive, probably because of poor C,129 and substituting animal protein for
was associated with a higher risk, in- compliance and inadequate power.122 carbohydrates raises HDL-C and low-
dependent of lifestyle factors.115,116 The Oslo Heart Study, however, dem- ers triglyceride levels.130 Consistent with
Two randomized trials tested the onstrated that stopping smoking and in- the metabolic studies, a prospective co-
whole-diet approach in secondary pre- creasing the ratio of polyunsaturated to hort study found that a moderately high
vention of CHD (Table). In the Indian saturated fats in the diet reduced CHD protein intake (24% vs 15% of energy
Heart Study,117 a semivegetarian diet en- incidence by 47% among men with from protein) was associated with a sig-
2574 JAMA, November 27, 2002—Vol 288, No. 20 (Reprinted) ©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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nificantly lower risk of CHD after ad- sumption of omega-3 fatty acids from adequate omega-3 fatty acids can offer
justment for cardiovascular risk fac- fish oil or plant sources; and consume significant protection against CHD.
tors and dietary fat intake.131 To avoid a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, Such diets, together with regular physi-
an increase in saturated fat intake, the and whole grains and low in refined cal activity, avoidance of smoking, and
major source of protein in the diet grains. A combination of these ap- maintaining a healthy weight, may pre-
should come from nuts, soybeans, le- proaches can confer greater benefits vent the majority of cardiovascular dis-
gumes, poultry, and fish. than a single approach. However, sim- ease in Western populations.
The role of phytochemicals and an- ply lowering the percentage of energy Author Contributions: Study concept and design: Hu,
tioxidants in the prevention of CHD is from total fat in the diet is unlikely to Willett.
promising but unsettled. The choles- improve lipid profile or reduce CHD in- Drafting of the manuscript: Hu.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
terol-lowering effects of plant sterol or cidence. tellectual content: Hu, Willett.
stanol (saturated sterols) have been well Obesity is an important avenue by Obtained funding: Hu.
Funding/Support: This review was supported by re-
documented in clinical trials132 and which diet can influence risk of CHD. search grant HL60712 from the National Institutes of
commercial products made of these However, the relationship between diet, Health. Dr Hu is partly supported by an Established
Investigator Award from the American Heart Asso-
compounds are widely available, but especially dietary fat, and obesity re- ciation.
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To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use

them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make
judgment wholly by their rules, is the humour of a
scholar. . . . Read not to contradict and confute; nor
to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and
discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are
to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to
be chewed and digested. . . . Reading maketh a full
man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact
man. . . . Histories make men wise; poets witty; the
mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral
grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.
—Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

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