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Revolutionizing Maritime Data: A Commercial Shipping Enterprise's

Database Transformation

Jhon Paul Mikko C. Ramos

BSIT 4-2

This case study follows a prominent commercial shipping organization as it transitions
from an on-premises traditional system to a dynamic serverless environment. The corporation
adapts its entrenched Oracle database into this innovative digital ecosystem, driven by the
demand for agility, scalability, and efficiency. Concurrently, the story reveals a deliberate change
from structured relational data to a more adaptable semi-structured format—a dual navigation
that marks a fundamental transition from traditional moorings to the dynamic possibilities of a
serverless paradigm. This research acts as a compass, navigating across uncharted territory
while demonstrating resilience and smart decision-making in the quest of a responsive and
future-ready data management infrastructure.


Corporate Data Center: The nerve center for the company's data operations, housing
the legacy on-premises data management system.
Oracle Database: The stalwart database system, intricately woven into the evolving data
AWS Lambda: Serving as the digital bridge between the on-premises Oracle database
and the serverless horizon, orchestrating seamless data communication.
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS): A pivotal communication hub
steering data flow between Lambda, AWS AppSync, and the database.
AWS AppSync: Enabling fluid communication between SNS and the database, ensuring
data integrity and responsiveness in maritime operations.

Navigating the migration from an on-premises legacy system to a serverless paradigm.
Plotting the course for the integration of the existing Oracle database into the swiftly
evolving architecture.
Steering through the transition from highly structured relational data to a more adaptive
semi-structured format.


Amazon Aurora for Oracle Compatibility:
Seamless Transition: Amazon Aurora facilitates a harmonious integration with Oracle,
allowing the existing database system to seamlessly transition.
Navigating High Waves: Aurora's high-performance capabilities are crucial for efficient
sailing into the serverless environment.
Amazon DynamoDB for Data Adaptability:
Adaptive Course: DynamoDB's flexible schema proves instrumental in adapting to the
shift from highly structured to semi-structured data.
Scaling with the Tides: DynamoDB's scalability aligns with the dynamic demands of a
serverless seascape, ensuring performance amidst the ebb and flow of data volumes.
AWS Lambda as the Navigator of Integration:
Integration Helm: Lambda assumes the crucial role of navigator, steering communication
between the on-premises Oracle database, Amazon Aurora, and the serverless
Scalability in Uncharted Waters: Lambda's serverless model empowers the enterprise to
scale dynamically, optimizing costs in the ever-evolving maritime ecosystem.
Database Compatibility: Ensuring the chosen database solutions smoothly navigate the
compatibility between the legacy Oracle database and the emerging serverless
Data Flexibility: Strategically charting a course for the adaptability of the database
solutions to gracefully handle the transition from highly structured relational data to the
fluidity of semi-structured formats.
Performance and Scalability: Evaluating the performance and scalability of the chosen
databases to navigate the dynamic challenges of a serverless ocean.


Technological Lookout: Keeping a vigilant eye on the horizon for technological
advancements in serverless technologies, potentially offering smoother sailing and cost
Data Evolution Awareness: Continuously monitoring the changing currents of data
patterns and requirements to navigate adjustments in database solutions in response to
evolving business needs.
Cost Optimization Anchorage: Regularly reviewing and optimizing the serverless
ecosystem to ensure cost-effectiveness without compromising performance as the
maritime journey unfolds.
In conclusion, the integrated database solution—Amazon Aurora, DynamoDB, and
Lambda—provides a precise route for the data modernization of the commercial shipping
organization. Amazon Aurora provides high-performance capabilities while balancing rapid
migration issues and guaranteeing compatibility with the old Oracle database. The versatility
and scalability of DynamoDB address the transition from structured to semi-structured data,
while Lambda orchestrates seamless interaction, allowing for dynamic scaling and cost
optimization. This strategic strategy prepares the organization for resilience and agility in the
dynamic, serverless future landscape, guaranteeing a future-ready data management

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