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Day 1 of my depression

Today I went to the Christmas party, infant to grade 6 did the birth of Jesus and thank God
I’m not the play, not going to lie, being honest, it was boring plus it was long, and I was tired and
hungry, and the food take so long to reach here. I ate so much. I decided to save some. I was so full I
couldn’t eat no more; I feel like I’m not going eat no dinner or breakfast tomorrow. So, the rest of the
holiday I’m just going to sleep or stay up all night. I can’t wait for grand-market, and I really want to
go but not now cause I’m full, stress and tired, so I’m typing this story out of tiredness and
stressfulness. So, this holiday is going to be exciting because I get to sleep all I want.


I wake up just like four hours ago in depression, I just eat dinner and I’m still hungry, since I went to
the party today, I decided to stay all night because it was half fun to me, I feel so depressed, and I
want to sleep plus I’m still tired and hungry. I don’t know how to describe this but…. I’M STILL

Day 2 of my depression
So, yesterday the family had an argument about doctor something was boring as hell, at that
moment I wish wasn’t born and didn’t exist. I stay up all night and between I fall asleep and
the Wi-Fi just knocked out for a while and I hate it

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