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Participants :

All the club members

Objectives of maintaining literacy board:

The English Enhancement Club’s daily literacy board aimed to promote literacy and a passion for reading,
writing, and language. It sought to enhance language skills through vocabulary, grammar, and language
exercises. The board also served as a platform to share literary works, such as excerpts, book
recommendations, and student-written pieces. Additionally, it fostered a learning community where
students could exchange thoughts and ideas related to language and literature.

Activities description:

The literacy board, was open to all club members regardless of their academic year. It provided a
platform for sharing literary works such as excerpts, book recommendations, and student-written pieces.
It was maintained on a weekly basis according to the club’s established routine. This allowed for a
consistent and organized approach in showcasing diverse literary content and facilitating meaningful
engagement among club members.


Maintaining a literacy board by club resulted in increased literacy awareness, enhanced language skills,
and fostered creativity and appreciation for literature. It also created a vibrant learning community for
students to share thoughts and ideas, cultivating a passion for literacy and promoting a supportive
learning environment within the club.

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