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Lab 04.

Computing inverse Laplace transform of standard functions


Step 1: Define symbolic variables

Step 2: Read Standard Laplace transforms

Step 3: Compute inverse Laplace transforms

Step 4: Display the results

Step 5: Stop


% Symbolic variables
syms s t;
% Standard Laplace transforms
F1 = 1/s; % Laplace transform of 1
F2 = 1/s^2; % Laplace transform of t
F3 = 1/(s^2 + 1); % Laplace transform of sin(t)
% Compute inverse Laplace transforms
F1 = ilaplace(F1, s, t);
F2 = ilaplace(F2, s, t);
F3 = ilaplace(F3, s, t);
% Display the results
disp(['Inverse Laplace transform of 1/s: ', char(F1)]);
disp(['Inverse Laplace transform of 1/s^2: ', char(F2)]);
disp(['Inverse Laplace transform of 1/(s^2 + 1): ', char(F3)]);

Out put:

Inverse Laplace transform of 1/s: 1

Inverse Laplace transform of 1/s^2: t
Inverse Laplace transform of 1/(s^2 + 1): sin(t)

Department of Mathematics KLE Institute of Technology, Hubli

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