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AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 4

Term: 2 Date of Issue: 28/01/2024 Due date of Submission:28/01- 03/02


Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

Lesson 1 – 2 – Exam Ex 2 – Multiple Matching

AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 4

Term: 2 Date of Issue: 28/01/2024 Due date of Submission:28/01- 03/02


Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 4

Term: 2 Date of Issue: 28/01/2024 Due date of Submission:28/01- 03/02


Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

Lessons 3 to 6 – Exam Ex 6 – Report Writing

Your report should be between 120 and 160 words long.

AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 4

Term: 2 Date of Issue: 28/01/2024 Due date of Submission:28/01- 03/02


Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

Report on the Talk by a Famous Singer

I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
am writing to provide a report on the recent talk given by a famous
singer at our school. The talk was inspirational and left a lasting

impact on the students. One student commented, "She showed that


anything is possible if you try hard enough." The singer shared her

journey, highlighting the challenges she faced and how she


overcame them through perseverance and dedication. This


message resonated with the students, encouraging them to believe


.in their own abilities and strive for success


However, there was a consensus among the students that the talk

was too short. Many felt that they wanted to hear more about the

singer's experiences and learnings. Therefore, for future talks, it


would be beneficial to allocate more time to allow for a deeper


exploration of the speaker's life and work. This would enable


students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the


.challenges and triumphs faced by successful individuals


Overall, the talk by the famous singer was highly valuable and

inspiring. It emphasized the importance of determination and


showcased that with hard work, one can achieve their dreams. I
recommend organizing future talks with renowned personalities,
ensuring sufficient time for a more in-depth and enriching
.experience for our students

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