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Jesus goes back to Heaven

Acts 1:3-12, Luke 24:50-52

In the Bible, in the book of Acts, we

are told what happened to Jesus
after God had raised Him from the

Forty days after Jesus rose from

the dead it was time for Him to
go back to His Father in heaven.

He and His disciples climbed up the

Mount of Olives.
Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem
and wait for the Holy Spirit to
come and give them power. Then
they were to tell other people,
everywhere, all they had seen Him

And while His friends were

standing there, on top of the hill,
Jesus went straight up into heaven,
in a cloud.

The disciples were so surprised and

stood looking up into the sky. They
had seen Jesus go up into heaven
with their very own eyes!
Then two angels appeared and said,
‘One day Jesus will come back
again, in the same way you have
just seen Him go up to heaven.’

The disciples went straight back to

Jerusalem, to wait for the Holy
Spirit to come. Then they began
to tell people everywhere the
good news about Jesus.

The Bible tells us that one day

Jesus will come back and His
kingdom will be on this earth. I
believe in Jesus too! How about
This is an exciting story! I guess the disciples were very surprised!
I wish I had been there!

The Bible has many wonderful, true stories about Jesus!

Our Bible Verse today:

There are many other things that Jesus did. If every one of
them were written down, I think the whole world would not
be big enough for all the books that would be written.

John 21:5

Dear Father God,

Thank you that Jesus went back to be with you in heaven.

Thank you that Jesus gave his life for us, so we can be your friend.

Thank you that you are coming back one day.

Help us to follow you and tell others about you. Amen

Links to YouTube videos and games
oadsKids%27Club After the Tomb 4 mins
Media The Feast of Ascension explained (Lego)

By Lambsongs. Text Gill Kemp. Pictures by Richard Gunther, which

are in today’s story.
Jesus goes back to Heaven
Jesus going back to Heaven

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