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WWHERIT “WAC CE chapter 15 IED, Why lo we have some of our mother's features ‘our father’ features? Inhertance is th ‘on ther chore ‘The sy of You shoul exnember her oteprng. Genes fom the fthcr joins wath the nucleus ofthe egg ‘® new indal grows fom the fertlised e3g or agate So hal ofthe genes come frm the fther and hal > The material of inheritance Inside nearly ol els there i 9 nucleus The navies contains thea tke chromosomes. Look atthe pleture of human chromosomes 1 you were to count them, you wou find 46, “This fll nner of chromosomes called the diploid rune. Thy ae diferent shopes and ss YYouean separate them into denlal pais es ow may pais there ae? have 23 pals, cats have 19 pairs rat fee have onl four ps > What's a gene? Fach chromosome is made up of thousands of genes ‘rranged ke bends on « necace. itis the genes that cary the genic information that ‘affects how we grow and what we lok bk. For instance there tse gene fr eye colour ‘end others fr hale colour and for height IF we could unravel a chromosome, s would form an extremely long tvood ‘That thread is made wp ofa chemical called DNA. DNA stands for deoxvelbonuclete acid [No wonder we callit DNA! {A siogle gene is made ofa shor enh of DNA. Se the long thrend thot makes ip eiomosorne ‘contains hres of gon, |ADNA molecule @polumor made up of thousands ‘of ropeatr uns cole! nucleotides ‘A sngle nudeatide made up of three molecules: * ephosphate © emer 3 oboe The suger ad phosphate molecules jtn up and form the backbone ofthe DNA stand. The bases ae attached tothe sugar moleedes. Infect f you look at the clgrar, you wil oo that DNA semade up of two sands of nao, Tess rather ikea oder ‘The sugars and phosphates snake up the usighis ofthe ladder oe the bases make up the rungs. ‘And then the whole molecule ls tstd in ‘double helix ~a it le a epiral staircase, Base pairing ‘So how isthe DNA molecule kept together? Tyo look at the dagrom you can see thatthe bases join together Ech poir of bes x held together by hydrogen bonds «, ~s QO = There re four ferent bses is DNA thymine Do SS ‘edenine (cytosine (C) and guanine (G. a ee ‘The boss alevs pair up in the some way O a; Atiough the byragen bonds holding the two chains ‘of nucleotides together are weak, ete are ory of ther Se atogether they keep the double ele im shape oa (6 eee QS aa > Protein synthesis Exar contl le cher rents nthe ces \ Soo oak! eonter ot tengenes se potein oN eeu DI ces pen ate ch . homes re pede vn ln uch chee & ne fenton ke pen ho el t ‘Te wiamaon ound ihe aaqunoeof bass ona sees Boca BNA, BN has tos ote ming a odin BNA in noreoding DNA ste oe ECE cman Bua tor cnernm tb somence , Seca po nn me ‘The genetic code : ‘As you know there ae fur diferent bases found in DNA. We feler to them by tei lelters A, T, Cand G, Each a7ino acids Te aloe fms cag 0 ‘aed for by a sequence of Hee ofthese bases on DNA, foo tocar ‘There are ebact 20 diferent amino acids ond each & coded for ly adiflerent bose triplet on DNA. The sequence of bases in [DNA that cos for protelns fs called the genetic code. ‘Another msecul called messenger RNA (mENA) cares 0 copy of the bose sequence on DNA ont af the nuceus tothe nbosome ture prot synthesis oecurs, When mRNA copies the code DNA, foes so the ‘de of bose pala’ (ee page 244). Teeopis the coding DNA strand contzclled by RNA polymerase. ERG meee em ewe Smet “The completed protein then fl into a spec shape, eg nthe ease ofan enayne, prt of the shape woe form the active ste oe “Mutations can happen when changes accu o the base sequence Coding DNA, Thi efl:ts protein srcture, including the azive sites fenssmes, Chonges inthe base sequence of on-coding DNA can prevent m-RNA berng formed and this can swish genes an a ofl E rtions in both these areas of DNA moy aflect how genes are a aoe Jon ONA conto rata gros Po > Mitosis Yau should romember that new ells ore mace by cal dust, Mou a kind of cel division, Allclls are made by mitosis exept the sox col. ‘When a cll dhs by mitose i pis into two new daughter cells. ‘Those daughter cls ere Wertical to the eal that they came from and to each other. Each as a diploid numberof cremosomes. When does mitosis happen? © Mitosis occu in growth Wham iting eganiams grow thoy make new cols Mitosis mokes these new eal whether isbn the growth of a baby, the healing of « wound the germination ofa seeding o replacing red Hood calls 1 Moss aso occurs in asexual reproduetion The calls n the paren plont or enimel divide to cna new calls that fon the new indo ‘Stages in mitosis Before o cell on de by mitosis it mist make 0 second se of chromosomes ‘What would happen ithe cell it into two before itmade n second set? Flow many chromosomes woutd each daughter cell have? In between cell disians the chromosomes lak like @ fang of threads ‘When 0 cel about to divide the chromosomes hocome elooy vse Lets look at what happens -@- D to one pair of chromosomes during WA (ql ees = YW) )) > Meiosis a sperm coll and an egg cal both has 446 chromosomes ike ote bay cel st would happen at fertiisation? “The fetised eae wouk! hve 92 chromosomes ~ ice as ray should ave! 5 Fete sence ese ed ap, a vei Stele el sais Tay Semen cae nals ne oe face eg te ee ease kae BS cmon each Tao Gite aoe se thomonomen 2 forme even foriscreniewa tes aetev gece cold (#) enpioe muna a ‘Where do you think meiosis occurs in a wornan? ‘Whore do you think meiosis occurs in @ man? Melos occurs inthe sex organs “The ovaries make eas by meios The loses make sperm by mctosks ‘Where do yu think melons occurs in plonts? The anthers make pelle by meiosis ‘Thy ovaries make eg alls by melo. Lets lok at what happens to one pal of chromosomes during (ER fy Ar at) = Ga) rargumsecn CD) CD OO rai eaerge Renee ACD) ~CD In motos the daughter ells are not identical ‘hoy are genetcaly ferent and this contributes to variation. > Aboy ora girl? ‘Your chromosomes azo determine winch sox you ae. (Can you remember haw many chromosomes humans have? 46 these occur in 24 pats 2 axe matching pits But the lat pal sometimes do not match Pair 23 are called the sex chromosomes. Its these tha determine whether you are ‘boy or gt Ut you are male, one ofthe sex chromosomes Is onger thon the other ‘You wil have one long X chromosome cnd ‘one much shorter ¥ chromosome I you ae fernale, your sex chromosomes lock ake. ‘You wll hase two Hentcel X chromosomes. \What happens ta the chromosomes when esas and sperm ore made? Latte oemviteery SG ~D @® mera “8-8 66” “The dlgrom shows how sexi inherited ‘All he eggs contain an X chromosome Hal the sperm contain an X chromosome ‘nd half 9 Y chromosome. A Terdisation, the egg may join with ether sn X sper oa sper Since there are quel numbers of X and Y sperm, the ‘hd has an equal chance of being a boy or @ gi

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