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Participating in sport - Which sport is popular in your country? + Football / soccer: the king of sports - gathering the participation of people of all ages - the national teams of Vietnam, both the male and female teams, have won ... - the popularity of this sport is evidenced by the sheer number of amateur leagues held in every neighborhood + It will be a miss if | don't mention marathon running, which is becoming more and more popular today, especially among the middle-and-affluent classes - Do you think children today do enough sport? + [NO] It's quite easy to see how these days children are unable to make time for sports due to their hectic study schedules which take up most of their time already. Even if they are able to spare some time for themselves, they tend to stay indoors and watch TV or play video games rather than taking themselves to the field and enjoying a soccer match for example + [YES] Under the influence of the media today, the young today are well aware of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, which somewhat motivates them to lead an active one -> this can be seen in the sheer number of students actively involved in sports teams or physical activities. + The availability of sports facilities in the vicinity of their homes > contribute to their intention to play sports. - Do you think team sports are better for children than individual sports? + Well, | have to say that both team sports and individual sports offer unique benefits to children, so it is rather difficult for me to judge which one is better than the other. + I mean, individual sports can assist children in cultivating self-discipline and personal responsibility. However, for me personally, what team sports have to offer is much more compelling in today's world. First [teamwork and cooperation skills] - Second [communication skills - chance to hang out with peers} Benefits of sport - Why should people take up sport? + 30 minutes of sports a day keep the doctor at bay - mental and physical health will be greatly improved once people engage in sports. Forge new relationships + foster a sense of belonging within a community A sense of progress in life - even the smallest progress will make life much more meaningful > avoid stagnation - Is doing sport the best way to keep fit? + Doing sports is undoubtedly a fun and engaging way for people to stay active and promote a healthy lifestyle + However, this is something easy to do, especially for extremely busy individuals. In their cases, other approaches might be better than regular exercise - a balanced diet + adequate sleep + stress management. - What are the positive and negative effects of playing competitive sports? Professional sports - Why are many people willing to pay large sums of money to watch professional sport? - Should governments fund sport at all levels, not just for top sportspeople?

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