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Economic systems types and policies: free market and a mixed economy

Table of contents:
I. Introduction:
 Overview of economic systems
 The role of economic systems and their impact on society

II. Types of economic systems:

1. Free market economy:
 What is a free market economy? What are its characteristics?
 Historical context and evolution?
2. Mixed economy?
 What is a mixed economy? What are its characteristics?
 Blending of market forces and government intervention

III. Free market economy: principles and policies:

1. Core principles of a free market economy
2. Policies associated with a free market economy

IV. Advantages and criticisms of free market economy:

1. Advantages
2. Inconvenients

V. Mixed economy economy: principles and policies:

3. Core principles of a mixed economy
4. Policies associated with a mixed economy

VI. Advantages and criticisms of mixed economy:

3. Advantages
4. Inconvenients

VII. Comparative Analysis: Free Market vs. Mixed Economy

1. Comparison of key features, advantages, and disadvantages
2. Case studies: examples of countries

VIII. Conclusion:
1. Summary
2. Reflection on the impact of economic systems
3. Open question: "How can we strike a balance between the efficiency of free markets
and the equity of government intervention in economic affairs?"

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