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Assignment 1

Find alle verberne (udsagnsordene) i præsens (nutid) i nedenstående tekst, og

omskriv dem til præteritum (datid). Skriv hele teksten som dit svar, og markér
verberne tydeligt som i eksemplet.

Eksempel: Tom gropes amongst…

Tom groped amongst…

Tom groped amongst the old shoe-boxes, fallen scarves, gloves, and belts, breathing in faded
wafts of Sandra. Instead of the soft give of Sandra’s suede bag, his fingers found something
hard. A smooth glass column. He drew it out carefully. The green of the bottle was so dark it
was almost black. It had the classic gold hood encasing the cork and neck. Moët & Chandon
Grand Vintage 1988. The 1988 was inscribed in a dramatic flourish of white digits across the
front of the label.
What a waste. Undrinkable now. Vintage, so a bit more longevity, but Champagne is
generally short-lived. All tangy fizz and excitement at the beginning, but it wasn’t a keeper. He
slumped onto his bottom on the bedroom floor and cradled the bottle in both hands. […]
He dove back in the wardrobe and found the bag, agerashed1 and giving off a strange mix of
Ysatis2 and mould. He took the bottle and the bag downstairs. They sat together on the island
as he scurried about unloading the dishwasher and tidying up. Not that there was much to tidy
up. Without Sandra and Freya everything stood in its place. He sprayed the work surfaces and
wondered if Sandra would be on time and whether she would stop for a bit. His eyes kept
coming back to the Moët and the bloody clutch. He got an ice-cooler from the freezer and
shoved it over the bottle. Maybe it was drinkable; he didn’t like to waste.
Tom tapped the details into his phone.

Melanie Whipman, “Tasting Notes”, 2018

marked by old age
Assignment 2
a. Find og skriv fire forskellige typer pronominer (stedord). Angiv for hvert
pronomen, hvilken type det er.

Pronomen Type pronomen

1. It (00:03) Personligt

2. Everyone (00:11) Ubestemt

3. That (00;25) Demonstrativt

4. Who (01:22) Henvisende

b. Find og skriv to forskellige typer nægtende sætninger. Forklar ud fra dine

eksempler, hvordan man på engelsk danner nægtende sætninger.

1. I’m not in my work clothes. (00:07)

2. We won’t see the positive benefits of all of the effort (00:27)

Forklaring: på engelsk, man kan lave en nægtende sætning hvor man nægter en
situation og siger at det ikke er sand i denne øjeblik (som i den 1. sætning) eller man
nægter at en action vil ske (som i den 2. sætning).
c. Angiv ud fra sammenhængen i videoen, hvilken ordklasse følgende ord
Ord Ordklasse
modelling (00:44) Substantiv

hope (1:00) Verbum

increase (1:10) Substantiv

elderly (1:24) Adjektiv

Assignment 3
Billede 1 - Deling

Ord: platoon

Forklaring: normalt man bruger platoon i en militær sammenhæng, som i billedet.

Partition handler om separering af menneske, og fission er brugt i en fysisk

Billede 2 - Tegn

Ord: constellation

Forklaring: på billedet vi ser stjernerne i himmelen, som danner stjernebillede når

forbundet. Omen er et varsel, og character er en figur.

Billede 3 - Slutte

Ord: finish

Forklaring: finish har en sammenhæng med slutningen af noget ligesom en

konkurrence. Terminate betyder at afslutte, at afbryde; infer betyder at konkludere,
normalt i en logisk sammenhæng.

Billede 4 - Samle

Ord: collect

Forklaring: gather handler mere om at samle menneske, og unite om at forene.

Collect betyder at lave en samling, som i billedet.
Assignment 4
Write a text to match the photo (50-75 words).
In your text, you must include and underline three different adjectives (tillægsord).
One of them must be in the positive degree (1. grad), one must be in the
comparative degree (2. grad) and one must be in the superlative degree (3. grad).
In the picture, we see two elderly people dancing together, while some other are
watching. They are standing in a terrace. The two dancers seem to be the happiest;
part of the audience is enjoying itself, yet some of them are giving stranger looks than
the others. There is also another group of people behind the dancers, presumably
chatting. They all are wearing simple and somewhat traditional clothing, with some
having flower patterns on them.
Assignment 5

” How to fix a broken heart” is a talk by Guy Winch. He begins by stating that
everyone experiences heartbreak at some point. After that, he tells the story of one
of his patients, who couldn’t nearly bear her heartbreak despite enduring through
years of cancer treatment. The speaker states that heartbreak is exactly like
withdrawal, and that our daily instincts mislead us when under it, bringing us into an
endless search for reason and in indulgence in the past. To get over the heartbreak,
we must both put an end to finding explanations and remember the negatives in our
relationship. He then makes another example to show that people any age
experience heartbreak. Winch concludes summing up his points and telling the
audience to endure through the fight.

Analytical essay

Guy Winch uses different methods to compel his audience during the speech. Already
with his introduction, he tries to be as inclusive as possible towards his audience by
stating how common the phenomenon of heartbreak is (00:16-00:18). Following that,
the use of the story of one of his patients is used both as a way to engage the
audience, by presenting a real situation that some may relate to, and as an example
that is functional to him proving his point. In fact, the entire structure of his essay can
be mostly summarized by use of the PEE model. For example, in the beginning he
makes the point that everyone experiences heartbreak, then presents Katie’s
example, where the woman felt utterly distraught after this experience, in spite of
showing a great capability of pulling through struggles as big as fights with cancer, and
after that he also talks about how she has been desperately trying to find an
explanation to her breakup. With this example, the speaker introduces what he
observed about the nature of heartbreaks, which is that they make your normal
mechanisms fail to make you cope with the situation and also their uncanny similarity
with the nature of drug withdrawal (ll. 2-44). The other use of a PEE argumentation is
the presentation of Miguel and his story. By first presenting the idea that heartbreak
is an impediment to our regular functioning in terms of health and of social
interaction, he presents Miguel’s case, where he ended up being left with none of the
aspects to his life that were present thanks to his relationship. With use of it, the
speaker explains his case by showing that everything, from social life to personal life,
is impacted by heartbreak, and like that shows another way to cope, which is to try
finding every void left by the heartbreak and fill each and every one (ll. 66-90). The
speaker’s whole argumentation is centred around the use of logos, both in his way of
addressing the receivers while presenting his arguments, encouraging the use of
reason when analysing the condition of his patients and in the analysis of heartbreak,
and in the fact that he believes reason itself is the key to healing.

Analysing the methods of speech themselves beyond the script, Winch tries to change
his gestures and tone of voice throughout the speech with the purpose of conveying
different feelings to the receivers, making therefore heavy use of pathos. Sometimes,
he tries to smile and have a higher pitch speech to show the happiness that his
patients felt in some circumstances (00:19-00:30). Other times, a lower tone for
sadder, worse situations (00:34;00:44). In other instances, he takes a more humorous
note, conveyed by an intentionally dry tone (00:59-01:06). This constant alternation is
designed to grab the audience’s attention, as well as allow them to better visualise
what they are listening to, and some funnier lines here and there help them not to
lose it as fast. And, after he has their attention, the speaker can switch to a more
serious tone to explain the phenomena in of themselves (04:12-04:24). His style
therefore can be described as consisting of an alternation of emotions, overall
showing a lot of empathy.

As they are all presented near the end of the essay more concisely, there are three
key steps to healing from heartbreak: stopping idealizing the person who caused the
heartbreak in the first place, focusing instead on the negatives of the relationship to
counterbalance; avoiding a search for explanation when a simple reason could suffice;
finding a way to fill in every void that was left as a consequence of the heartbreak (ll.
24-26, 64-65, 89-95). I would state that they all are pretty sensible methods for
getting over the long-lasting pain. As for the first one, idealization could only lead
further to the feeling that there is something wrong with oneself, that it was simply
one’s own fault that the breakup even happened, therefore one becomes even more
consumed by this feeling of guilt. As for the second one, I would also find it quite
appropriate as a method, considering that overthinking may not allow you to focus
anymore on your everyday life, instead keeping you trapped in your search for this
reason that could be as simple as what was provided to you already (l. 26). Finally,
filling in the voids may be the most important of the three, that however can’t be
completed without carrying through the first two. To start replacing the empty
spaces, one needs to have their mind as clear as possible, as it isn’t otherwise

In conclusion, the speaker presents a very grabbing essay, with a great amount of
emotion put into its presentation and, along with a thorough explanation of his
observations and conclusions, it holds some valuable advice that can be helpful to all
who listen.

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