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“Computer games are not only for men”

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In recent years, a huge amount of research has been conducted in the field of
computer games. One of them is aimed at understanding which gender plays
games more. Surprisingly, according to statistics, the number of women(вимен)
who like to play games on a computer or phone is quite a bit different from the
number of men. Of course, the numbers differ depending on the region, but one
thing is for sure - women love computer games, although(олзо) 10 years ago
meeting a girl playing games was something incredible. Therefore, in this
presentation I decided to examine(экзамен) this topic in more detail.
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The history of the gaming industry for women
Since the advent of the gaming industry, video games have only been played by
men. Developers didn't pay attention to female audiences and didn't even try to
make their projects interesting for women until 1993. When Christine Risley
joined SEGA. She decided to completely change the mindset of the developers
and marketers at the company, who did not consider girls as potential consumers.
To do this, Risley launched(лонч) Sega's Girls Task Force, which began making
games for women, and began running advertisements on TV saying that girls
could also play as well as boys.
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The first games exclusively(эксклюсевли) for women
Since 1993, thanks to Risley, SEGA began to release games such as The
Berenstain(беренстайн) Bears(бэрс), Crystal's Pony Tale and Baby Boom. All of
them were aimed exclusively at girls. And from this moment on, the entire gaming
industry begins to take a closer look at the fair half of humanity and begins to
change its games, taking into account the preferences of female players.
Therefore, the work done by Christine Risley can be called the first step towards
the already existing and future community of girl gamers.
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Women's decade in the gaming industry
SEGA was able to start a chain reaction after releasing several games for girls. As a
result, the 90s can be considered the women's decade in the gaming industry. At
the same time, feminist movements began around the world, so game studios
were forced to support this direction and create more and more games that could
interest girls.
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Universal games thanks to Maxis
The most serious step in this direction was taken by the Maxis studio, which
released the first part of The Sims in 2000. The project attracted a huge part of the
female audience. After The Sims appeared, more and more studios began to make
their projects more universal so that they would appeal to both men and women,
since releasing games only for one gender is quite risky and expensive.
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Statistics and discrimination(дискриминейшн)
And now a little statistic. In 2020, the American Forbes published a detailed article
stating that women made up almost half of gamers in the gaming industry. In the
United States, the share of women among players reached 41%, in Asian countries
- 45%. Also, according to a study by Reach3 Insights and Lenovo, the following
indicators about women gaming are known: 88% play competitive games; 75%
play action games with elements of survival(сувайвел); 66% play shooters; 59%
prefer to hide their gender in online games; 77% experienced gender
discrimination, and in 65% of cases of discrimination, other players refused to play
with women. Therefore, it is not strange that in surveys many women prefer not
to say that they play computer games.
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GameHouse Survey 2023
In March 2023, the American developer GameHouse, together with Pollfish,
surveyed more than 800 residents of the United States and Great Britain of all
ages to understand how much women like to play. The respondents(респондентс)
were asked a series of questions about how they spend their personal time, what
games they prefer, and when they play the most. The results showed that 68%
(пёсент) of American and 66% of British women admitted that they prefer to play
video games in their free time, namely before going to bed 51%, while watching
TV 43%, while waiting, taking a break at work 26%. Also, according to statistics,
48% of women feel guilty about wasting their time on games, while 44% of girls
consider it a hobby.
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Even though the female audience has managed to get into the gaming industry,
this is only the beginning of the confrontation. The fact is that it is impossible,
even in 30 years, to change society, which has long been accustomed to the idea
that video games are for guys. A huge number of people consider gaming to be an
activity that only men can do, and to this day they are surprised when they hear
from a girl that she spends her evenings with a gamepad in her hands. However,
for the future generation, video games will definitely(дефенетли) become a
universal form of entertainment and will be enjoyed equally by everyone without
being tied to a specific gender, but it seems that this will not happen soon.
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Thank you for attention!
Why did you choose this topic?
I chose this topic because I was very surprised when I read in the text of our
textbook that games are only for men. I can say that this even offended me a little,
since I know a lot of girls and women who play computer games. That’s why I
decided to dedicate my work to this.
Was it difficult to find information about this topic?
Yes, it was a bit difficult, since basically all the research is carried out abroad; in
our country this topic is not paid attention to. But as they say, who seeks will
always find. It turned out that now there are a large number of developers of
games for girls who not only produce games, but also conduct research, the
results of which I used when creating the presentation.

2. What is the composition of your company's management?
2. Why did you choose this company for your presentation?

Кто сможет мне задать?

1. Why did you choose this topic? Таня
2. Was it difficult to find information about this topic? Маша Г

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