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Parent-Teacher Feast

Written by Go-Tee

Helen had never been any good at Parent – Teacher Nights. The plan was always to split
the classrooms between her and her husband, but that obviously wasn‟t an option any
more. Brook and Joel were her darlings, and while she had her quirks, she thought she
was doing a good job raising them. Just the idea that she might have been doing
something completely wrong stressed her out. Today was no exception; as soon as she‟d
arrived in the waiting room, she‟d eaten the first person she‟d seen.

Even a whole woman tucked away into her guts wasn‟t calming her down.

“Nervous?” asked another parent, sitting down two chairs over.

“Huh? Oh. That obvious, huh?”

“Don‟t sweat it. This is actually my first time by myself. Wife‟s not feeling well.”

“I‟d give anything for my hubby to tag in about now, yeah. Though I‟d settle for getting
this over with. I know I was running a little late, but even so, I should be done by now…”

“Ms. Marnaholm‟s usually a stickler for her schedule. I wonder what‟s keeping her.”

They had a few very nice things to say. Good advice, too. It wasn‟t much, but the kind
words did help, and when she ate them, it felt twice as filling. She only wished she could
have returned the favour first. At least they got a quick feel of her „baby bump.‟ She
knew folks would kill for a chance for that.
They settled in her stomach just in time for two new arrivals to walk in the door, and
practically undo the entire pep talk. The Lakes.

“O-oh, Ms. Simmons!” Mrs. Lake‟s eyes popped at the obese woman, and could she be
blamed? Helen was a fat cow on an empty stomach. Now she must have looked truly

“Mr. and Mrs. Lake, I guess we should have expected this, huh?”

It so happened that Brook had recently gotten into a fight with Tammy Lake. A really
bad one.
“I uh, guess now is as good as time as any,” said Mr. Lake.

“It really isn‟t…”

They sat down either side of her and started to talk things out. They were good people,
and made no excuses for their daughter‟s behaviour. Unfortunately, Mrs. Lakes was also
a verybeautiful and very well-endowed woman. The same could be said of Helen, but she
couldn‟t very well eat herself…

Mr. Lake held desperately onto his wife‟s hips as Helen swallowed the rest of her down,
having opened up and struck out of nowhere. Alas, her throat likely had more muscles
than most people had overall, and Mrs. Lake was soon a notch on Helen‟s belt. Her
husband grabbed the sides of her gut and screamed in her face, “Let her out! Let her
out, you fat freak! Give her back!”

“You‟re upset, so I won‟t take that personally,” she said, wiping her mouth and flopping
forward, knocking the wind out of him. She rolled off, and got to reuniting him with his

It was a shame, really. Had Ms. Marnaholm been on time, they would have talked this
out like adults at a later date. Instead, they were now contorted and crammed into
Helen‟s mighty digestive tract.

And you didn‟t eat four people without ripping your clothes a little.

The bathrooms were unisex. Swallowing Mr. Lake had left a tear from her bellybutton to
her bust. There was no saving this shirt, or the pants that now gave a clear view of
where her underwear would have been if she had any that currently fit. She wanted to
be frustrated, but when she inspected the damage in the mirror, Helen couldn‟t help but
admire what she saw.
Her lovingly grown tummy hung low, and made that sloshing sound she loved so much.
She was so fat, you couldn‟t hear a word of her meal‟s protests. She‟d never really been
thin, but she did sometimes look back at a time when she didn‟t struggle to fit her whole
body in a mirror. When she ate someone back then, she really felt it, the bulge forcing
her body what felt like a mile ahead of her. That‟s just how it was every day, now.

And with a sumptuous, plump belly and the biggest bottom in town, she‟d have had it no
other way. The thought pleased her oh so much that she didn‟t even realise she‟d torn
the shirt clean off, or shimmied away her shredded pants until the door opened behind

Straight away she recognised the handsome face reflected over her shoulder. “Joshua

She turned, leaving just an inch between him and her gargantuan, gurgly gut. Though
he clearly tried not to, he reacted with a broad smile. “Ms. S! You‟re looking… big!”

She shook her belly, them popped a hand over her mouth in fake surprise. “Am I?”
He handed her a jacket that did nothing at all to cover her up, but the thought was nice.

Thanks to an eventful graduation party, Josh was the youngest father at Parent-Teacher
Night at twenty-three years old, and it was no secret that he had the hots for Helen. Not
that she minded of course. Really, this was an enormous stroke of luck; he was probably
the only person who could have walked in that she wouldn‟t have minded. He‟d grown up
to be quite a looker, and tended to drown her in flattery whenever they bumped into
each other. She couldn‟t help but encourage him, letting him quell insecurities she didn‟t

“Oh, this is just too embarrassing,” she forced a sigh. “I knew I shouldn‟t have eaten
that… um, burger before coming in today.”

“Hey now, a girl‟s gotta eat! If anything, you should get a big payout from the clothing
company. It takes special care to wrap up all this hotness.”

“That is just the corniest line you could come up with, wasn‟t it?” she laughed. “But
you‟re not wrong. Sometimes I worry I‟m getting a bit too big, though…”

“Are you kidding? Ms. S, you‟re a total BBM!” She hadn‟t heard that term before, and
asked what it meant. “Big Beautiful Milf!”

“Oh, how sweet! What‟s a milf, though?”

Red faced, he explained that as well. It was a bit crude, but oh so understandable.

He was single. She was single. Really, where was the harm in a little smooch? Her fat
front enveloped him, and Josh trembled in excitement at his fantasy fulfilled. Their lips
pressed together, and it was out of their hands; in what must have terribly confused
everyone inside of Helen, the little peck became a grabby, wet, make out session, and
the jacket hit the floor.

It had been too long since she‟d had someone grabbing along her back rolls. He was
pressed hard between the door and her belly, and relished the bassy blast he got to the
face. He adored her every fat habit, which for her was a must in any man. If only she
could reach a leg around this darn gut and around him…

Josh reached behind her to unhook a bra she didn‟t have on. It was just on instinct, but
he‟d really done it now. Her tongue slathered over his face and hooked hungrily around
his neck, and with a hand on his fine ass, she started pushing him in. He was lost to her,
nibbling her bottom lip until it engulfed his chin. As meals went, he was very agreeable,
slithering down her oesophagus with less of a frantic struggle, and more of a pleasured
squirm. It was too bad he had to share a room.

“Aww, s-sorry,” Helen sighed, more for cutting their moment short than for devouring
him whole. In a way she was relieved; though was hardly petite or proper, she felt she
had higher standards than having sex in a school bathroom.

It all felt so good. It‟d been too long – almost a week – since she‟d had such a filling
dinner. She wasn‟t feeling nervous at all anymore; a perk of becoming the
biggest thing in any room. Still, she had to give it a rest before anyone got suspicious.
She tried the jacket again and ripped it right in half trying to fit it on. Maybe if she really
hurried, she could speed waddle back to her car and wrap herself in a blanket or

“Sweet Baby Jesus!”

Three parents sat, gaping at her in a mix of horror and awe.

“O-oh! Um, Mr. and Mr. Bolley! Mrs. Grey!” Helen smiled awkwardly. “How are you?”

Their reaction didn‟t change. Helen‟s stomach shifted with the distinct movement of
someone upside down, pressed into a wall, trying to upright themselves. Another parent
walked through the door and tripped over nothing at the sight of her.

“I know, I know… Would any of you have a blanket, or a sheet or…?”

Mr. Bolley stuttered into his wife‟s ear. “S-someone… someone’s in there…”
“Ugh, it‟s a good thing I‟m not the dieting sort,” Helen half-chuckled to herself.

It was rather unprofessional, how long this was taking. Some people had places to be,
and now that place was inside of Helen, whether they, or even she, liked it or not. She‟d
lost count of how many families had stepped through that door now, waiting for
someone who just wouldn‟t show up, and instead getting eaten alive. Unlike her
appetite, her patience had its limits. And now she couldn‟t fit through the door to reach
her car even if she could manage a short waddle.

She was slurping up a striped tie when someone else stepped in the door and dropped
the many books they were carrying into the increasingly large pile of paraphernalia
dropped at the sight of her awesome girth. By now her fat was stretched thin, betraying
every kick of a dozen digesting parents.

“M-Ms. Simmons…?” they whimpered.

“You must be Ms. Marnaholm!” Helen hastily wiped her mouth, not wanting to look

Whether they were deciding to engage the monster bellied woman in conversation, or
run off crying in fear, it took them a moment to answer. “I‟m actually Mrs. Warburton, J-
Joel‟s teacher. I was actually wondering where… where you were.”
“Oh, I am so sorry! I‟ve been waiting here for almost an hour! Where on Earth is Ms.
Marnaholm? Helen felt a light tap on her back. No, wait, not a tap, a kick. Someone was
kicking against the back of her stomach. “…oh…”

Satisfying as it was, sometimes this „eating people‟ thing was a lot more trouble than it
was worth.

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