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M6 Assignment: Campaign Analysis


March 18, 2024

M6 Assignment: Campaign Analysis

Political systems have shifted as a result of social media's impact on interpersonal

communication. Politicians may now communicate their political platforms and views on social

media, which has also helped to increase the spread of information and made it easier for them to

acquire fundraising assistance. The utilization of social media platforms, mobile devices, and

interactive websites to involve hitherto unreachable masses in political discourse has been

generally credited with Barack Obama's successful presidential campaign (Goodman et al.,

2021). The Obama presidential campaign used these and other social media, like blogs and

videos, to do more than just encourage people to vote. It also used these tools to swiftly,

covertly, and affordably involve people in political activism using their computers and mobile

phones. The campaign changed the way these platforms were used—up until now, mostly for

business, family, and friend communication—by inspiring users and their social networks to

engage friends and neighbors in text- or online-based political and social discourse (Goodman et

al., 2021).

There was no low voter turnout; instead, there was an increase during President Obama's

election. Voter turnout in these elections reached a record high in forty years because to the

enthusiasm of Democrats and Blacks for Barack Obama's candidacy. After decades of supporting

Republican presidential candidates, voter turnout significantly increased in newly competitive

states including Virginia, Indiana, and North Carolina, all of which supported Mr. Obama. In

some Republican-dominated states with sizable black populations—like Mississippi, South

Carolina, and Georgia—turnout also went up (CBS News, 2008).

President Obama's leadership abilities and capabilities were widely acknowledged. The first

black president of the United States, Barack Obama, is the 44th individual to hold the office. He
can develop a team, communicate ideas clearly, make swift judgments in a crisis, and excel at

the art of public speaking and global leadership (Leadership lessons, 2011). Moreover,

eloquence, inspiration, and composure under duress were all admired about him. He adopted a

diplomatic stance in handling foreign relations, as seen by the nuclear agreement with Iran and

the rehabilitation of relations with Cuba. Advocated for the Affordable Care Act, also known as

Obamacare, domestically, he sought to ensure that every American had access to affordable


Obama aimed to ensure that the nation was protected from cyberattacks. Issued on February

12, 2013, Executive Order (EO) 13636, officially named "Improving Critical Infrastructure

Cybersecurity," was President Obama's way of recognizing the significance of cybersecurity.

The requirement that the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), a division

of the US Department of Commerce, create a Cybersecurity Framework comprising "a set of

standards, methodologies, procedures, and processes that align policy, business, and

technological approaches to address cyber risks" is one of the main elements of Executive Order

13636 (Gordon et al., 2020).

One of the administrative agencies famously utilized under this President Obama was the

EPA. The EPA started determining what significant US efforts to address climate change would

entail during Barack Obama's second term. Obama gave the agency the go-ahead to take the lead

in the face of an uncooperative Congress, and under Administrator Gina McCarthy, it did,

developing plans to reduce emissions from US power plants and increase the minimum mileage

that cars had to attain. The EPA is in charge of safeguarding both the environment and public

health. In order to combat climate change, the EPA was crucial throughout Obama's

administration. The organization put forth the Clean Power Plan, which sought to restrict carbon
dioxide emissions from power plants and put laws into place to lessen pollution of the air and

water. These initiatives complemented Obama's larger plan to solve environmental issues and

advance sustainability (Light, 2020).


Strategic use of social media can help address stigmatized issues like youth mental

health, as demonstrated by Obama's 2008 campaign. Although beneficial, a nuanced approach is

needed when transferring political techniques to mental health promotion. Comprehensive

solutions are essential, as demonstrated by Obama's leadership in the areas of cybersecurity,

healthcare, and environmental preservation. He managed to be one of the presidents who

received the highest support throughout the election. Many people admired his leadership and his

intelligent and dedicated work as the president to help America's well-being.



CBS News. (2008, December 15). 2008 election turnout hit 40-Year high.

Goodman, J., Wennerstrom, A., & Springgate, B. F. (2011). Participatory and social media to

engage youth: from the Obama campaign to public health practice. Ethnicity &

disease, 21(3 Suppl 1), S1–99.

Gordon, L. A., Loeb, M. P., & Zhou, L. (2020, March 30). Integrating cost–benefit analysis into

the NIST Cybersecurity Framework via the Gordon–Loeb Model. OUP Academic.

Leadership lessons. (2011, September 28). Leadership lessons from Barack Obama.



Light, J. (2020, April 22). 11 ways the EPA has helped Americans.

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