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Module 208 : Les correspondances en anglais

Filière : GEOOM Durée : 1h00

Groupe : 201 CONTROLE : I

Répondez à toutes les questions suivantes :

1- Answer by TRUE or FALSE. (10 points)

• The curriculum vitae is a document we use to answer to a friend’s letter………………………………….

• The professional letter is used to ask for a job or an internship…………………………………………………

• Notes are the ideas we take about a specific subject in a notebook………………………………………….

• The e-mail is always sent via the post office……………………………………………………………………………..

• We can add or attach files to an email……………………………………………………………………………………...

2- circle the right answer from all these suggestions. (10 points)

• what is the word that doesn’t belong to the group?

E-mail - letter - CV - office - appointment

• the important elements in an internship letter are:

Personal information - diplomas and degrees - hobbies and sports - skills and performance

• we apply for a job or an internship using:

letter - phone call - chat text - e-mail

• we use professional emails to discuss:

work details - weekend’s plans - summer’s vacation - family issues

• the necessary elements a CV must contain are:

professional experience - favorite clothing style - diplomas and degrees - favorite color

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