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Module 4

The structure of a decision tree consists of three main components: the root node, decision nodes, and leaf nodes.
Here's a brief overview of each:

1. Root Node:

- The topmost node in the decision tree.

- Represents the starting point of the decision-making process.

- Typically corresponds to the feature that provides the best split for the entire dataset.

- The root node has outgoing branches to decision nodes based on different feature values.

2. Decision Node (Internal Node):

- Intermediate nodes between the root node and the leaf nodes.

- Represents a decision based on the value of a specific feature.

- Each decision node has outgoing branches corresponding to different possible feature values or ranges.

- The decision node splits the dataset into subsets based on the selected feature and directs instances to child
nodes accordingly.

3. Leaf Node (Terminal Node):

- Endpoints of the decision tree branches.

- Represent the final outcomes or predictions.

- Do not have any child nodes and do not split the dataset further.

- Each leaf node corresponds to a specific class label (in classification) or a predicted value (in regression).

In summary, the root node serves as the starting point of the decision tree, decision nodes make intermediate
decisions based on feature values, and leaf nodes provide the final outcomes or predictions. Together, these
components form the hierarchical structure of a decision tree, facilitating the decision-making process for
classification or regression tasks.
General Algorithm for Decision tree

advantages and disadvantages of decision trees:


1. Interpretability: Decision trees generate rules that are easy to understand and interpret, making them suitable for
explaining the reasoning behind predictions to non-experts.

2. Versatility: Decision trees can handle both classification and regression tasks, as well as numerical and categorical
data, without requiring extensive preprocessing.

3. No Assumptions about Data Distribution: Decision trees do not make assumptions about the distribution of the
data, making them suitable for both linear and nonlinear relationships between features and the target variable.

4. Feature Importance: Decision trees automatically select the most informative features for splitting, providing
insights into the importance of different variables in predicting the target variable.

5. Handling Missing Values: Decision trees can handle missing values in the dataset by selecting alternative paths
during the tree construction process, reducing the need for imputation techniques.


1. Overfitting: Decision trees are prone to overfitting, especially when dealing with complex datasets or when the
trees are allowed to grow without constraints.

2. Instability: Small changes in the data can lead to significantly different tree structures, making decision trees
sensitive to variations in the dataset.

3. Bias towards Dominant Classes: Decision trees tend to favor dominant classes in imbalanced datasets, potentially
leading to biased predictions for minority classes.

4. Limited Expressiveness: Decision trees have limited expressiveness compared to other machine learning
algorithms, particularly for capturing complex relationships in the data.

5. Difficulty with XOR and Parity Problems: Decision trees struggle to solve problems involving XOR (exclusive OR) or
parity, where the relationship between features and the target variable is nonlinear or complex.

These advantages and disadvantages should be considered when deciding whether to use decision trees for a
particular machine learning task.

ID3 algorithm
Algorithm to construct a decision tree

Classification and Regression tree construction

CART constructs decision trees by recursively partitioning data based on the best feature and threshold, aiming to
maximize purity (classification) or minimize error (regression).
Validating and pruning decision trees are essential steps to improve their performance and prevent overfitting.
Here's a concise overview:

1. Validation:

- After constructing a decision tree, it's crucial to evaluate its performance on unseen data.

- Common validation techniques include holdout validation, cross-validation, and bootstrapping.

- Validation helps assess the model's generalization ability and identify potential issues like overfitting.

2. Pruning:

- Pruning involves removing parts of the decision tree to prevent overfitting and improve its predictive accuracy.

- Two main pruning approaches are pre-pruning and post-pruning.

- Pre-pruning stops the tree construction process early based on stopping criteria such as maximum depth,
minimum samples per leaf, or maximum leaf nodes.

- Post-pruning, also known as subtree replacement, involves growing the full tree and then removing parts deemed
nonessential based on validation data.

- Pruning helps simplify the tree structure, reduce complexity, and enhance interpretability without sacrificing
predictive performance.

Validating and pruning decision trees are crucial steps in building robust and accurate models for classification and
regression tasks.

probability-based learning

1. Foundational Theory: Probability-based learning relies on principles from probability theory to handle uncertainty
and make predictions or decisions based on incomplete or noisy data.

2. Bayesian Inference: Central to this approach is Bayesian inference, which updates beliefs about uncertain
quantities using observed evidence, allowing for the integration of prior knowledge into the learning process.

3. Flexibility and Robustness: Probability-based learning methods, such as Bayesian networks and probabilistic
graphical models, offer flexibility in modeling complex relationships and robustness in handling uncertain data

4. Interpretability: These models often provide interpretable results, allowing users to understand the reasoning
behind predictions and decisions by quantifying uncertainty.

5. Applications: Probability-based learning finds applications in various fields, including healthcare, finance, and
natural language processing, where uncertainty is prevalent and critical for decision-making.

In summary, probability-based learning provides a principled framework for reasoning under uncertainty and has
broad applications across different domains.

Fundamental of Bayes theorem

1. Prior Probability (P(H)): Initial belief about the probability of a hypothesis before observing evidence.

2. Likelihood (P(E|H)): Probability of observing evidence given that the hypothesis is true.

3. Posterior Probability (P(H|E)): Updated belief about the probability of the hypothesis after observing evidence.

4. Bayes' Theorem: Mathematical formula to calculate the posterior probability using prior and likelihood.

5. Normalization Constant: Term ensuring that posterior probabilities sum up to 1 by considering all possible
Types of naïve bayes classifiers

1. Bernoulli: A Bernoulli distribution is a discrete probability distribution of a random variable that takes the value 1
with probability p and the value 0 with probability (1-p), where p is the probability of success.

2. Multinomial: A multinomial distribution is a generalization of the binomial distribution to more than two possible
outcomes. It describes the probability of observing counts among multiple categories, where each category has a
fixed probability of occurrence.

3. Multi-class: In machine learning, multi-class classification refers to a classification task with more than two classes.
It involves predicting the class label of an instance from a finite set of possible classes, where each instance can only
belong to one class. It's different from binary classification, which involves predicting between two classes.

Sums on

Id3(109), construction of decision tree, gini index sum(123), regression tree sum, Maximum a posteriori, Bayes

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