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Name : Febryan Dewandaru

Student Registration Number : 235080400113007

Study Program : Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan

Casss : KA

Faculty : Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (PSDKU UB KEDIRI)



1. Ram’s brother is quite sick.

Answer: Correct, Subject "ram's brother" and Verb "is".

2. William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.

Answer: Correct, Subject "Wiliam" and Verb "wrote".

3. The boys playing nearby.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The boys" and Verb "playing".

4. The cattle in the green field are unhappy.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The cattle" and Verb "are".

5. The baby is sleep peacefully.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The baby" and Verb "is".

6. After graduate from school my brother studies in college.

Answer: Correct, Subject "my brother" and Verb "studies".

7. The flowers was very beautiful.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The the flowers" and Verb "was".

8. The dog followed its owner near the park.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The dog" and Verb "followed".

9. Our parents do what’s best for us.

Answer: Correct, Subject "Our parents" and Verb "do".

10. The Sun is sets in the West.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The sun" and Verb "sets"

11. In 300 BC, Cleopatra were the queen of Egypt.

Answer: Incorrect, Subject "Cleopatra" and Verb "were" (was).

12. The food tasted delicious.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The food" and Verb "tasted".

13. The gown is pretty expensive.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The gown" and Verb "is".

14.This week my teacher during the class chose him as the representative.

Answer: Correct, Subject "my teacher" and Verb "choose".

15. My mother a teacher in a prestigious school.

Answer: Incorrect, Subject "My mother" and Verb "a" (is).

16. Every day Sam go to school.

Answer: Correct, Subject "Sam" and Verb "go".

17. Next week my grandparent are going to visit us.

Answer: Correct, Subject "my grandparent" and Verb "are".

18. The principal suspending the boys for being regularly absent.

Answer: Correct, Subject "The principal" and Verb "suspending".

19.Mars as known as the red planet.

Answer: Correct, Subject "Mars" and Verb "known".

20.The national animal of Australia Kangaroo.

Answer: Incorrect, Subject "The national animal of Australia" and Verb None/tidak ada (is).

Write an essay in 200-300 words discussing about: “HOW TO IMPROVE FISH PRODUCTION FOR THE
WELFARE OF FISHERMEN”. Use any tenses you understand. Make sure to put the correct paragraph
structure and sentence order.

Essays :


Captive breeding emerges as a promising strategy to bolster the production of rare fish species,
addressing conservation concerns and mitigating threats to biodiversity.

Captive breeding programs serve as a lifeline for rare fish species facing extinction due to habitat
degradation, pollution, and overexploitation. By maintaining populations in controlled environments,
scientists can safeguard genetic diversity and prevent the loss of unique traits essential for species
survival. These programs offer hope for species on the brink of extinction, providing a pathway to
recovery and eventual reintroduction into their natural habitats.

Captive breeding facilitates targeted management and conservation efforts for rare fish species. By
studying reproductive biology, behavior, and genetics, researchers can develop effective breeding
protocols to optimize reproductive success and offspring survival. Furthermore, captive breeding
enables the implementation of genetic management strategies to minimize inbreeding and maintain
healthy population dynamics, enhancing the long-term viability of rare fish populations.

Captive breeding not only aids in population recovery but also supports sustainable fisheries
management and aquaculture practices. By producing captive-bred individuals for release into the wild
or stocking in aquaculture facilities, rare fish populations can be bolstered to meet conservation goals
while reducing pressure on wild populations. Moreover, captive-bred individuals can serve as
broodstock for selective breeding programs, improving traits relevant to commercial aquaculture and
enhancing production efficiency.

In conclusion, captive breeding holds immense potential as a tool to increase rare fish production and
conservation efforts. By leveraging scientific knowledge and technological advancements, captive
breeding programs can contribute to the recovery and sustainability of rare fish populations, ensuring
their survival for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. It is imperative to continue investing in
captive breeding initiatives as part of broader conservation strategies to safeguard the biodiversity of
our aquatic ecosystems.

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