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Document Based

1945A World History P
Kayla McKee
Investigation Question Response
How did the ideas of the Enlightenment inspire the American
Revolution and the French Revolution?

I think the ideas of the Enlightenment inspired the American

and French Revolutions because the ideas showed that the
citizens could govern themselves. The ideas also showed that
everyone had equal rights given by God. So the Americans and
French hearing these ideas decided that they should fight
against their oppressive monarchy.
Definition of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment was a time when people started to realize
that every person is equal and is given certain rights by
God that is higher than any monarchy. It was also a time
when more people realized that the citizens could govern
themselves because of these equal rights. The Enlightenment
was important because it changed the way people thought and
the way people governed themselves.
Piece of Evidence #1 Second Treatise of Government by: John Locke
“...that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his
life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one
omnipotent and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master,
sent into the world by his order, and about his business;....”(John Locke,
Second Treatise of Government, Sect. 6). This is saying how all people have
been created equal and free but even so with these freedoms we should not harm
people. It is also saying that all people have been created by an all powerful
God. Because of this we have a duty to do as God intended us to freely. This
tells us that the American and French Revolutions were fighting for the
equality between all people even the monarchy because even the kings were
created equal with the other citizens.
Piece of Evidence #2 The Social Contract or The Principles of Political Rights By: Jean-Jacque Rousseau

“Man is born free, and he is everywhere in chains.”

(Jean-Jacque Rousseau, The Social Construct, Chapter I).
This is saying that man is enslaved, whether to a monarchy
or to other people. But man is naturally born free. This
document tells us that in the French revolution the French
people felt enslaved even though they were born free.
Piece of Evidence #3 The Declaration of Independence by: Thomas Jefferson
“...the laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the
opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation.” (Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence).
This is saying that God entitles mankind to their opinions. It is also saying
that because mankind is entitled to respect and to their opinions America
should be separate from England. This tells us that in the American Revolution
the Americans believed that God supported them separating from England.
Piece of Evidence #4 The Declaration of Independence by: Thomas Jefferson

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights,...” (Thomas
Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence). This is saying that God gave
people unalienable rights which means rights that cannot be taken away by any
person. It also is saying that God created everyone equal so these unalienable
rights are everyone's rights. This tells us that the Americans in the American
Revolution believed that everyone should have the same rights as everyone
Piece of Evidence #5 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
“Men are born and remain free and equal in rights”
(Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,
Article 1). This is saying that men are born free and with
equal rights and they remain that way. This tells us that
the French in the French Revolution believed that men were
born free. Also that men should always remain free and
Piece of Evidence #6 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
“All citizens, being equal in its eyes, shall be equally eligible to all
high offices, public positions, and employments, according to their
ability, and without other distinction than that of their virtues and
talents.” (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Article
6). This is saying that because all citizens are equal all citizens have
the same opportunities. But only according to their abilities and
talents. This tells us that the French in the French Revolution believed
that even normal citizens could lead the country if they have the ability
and talent.
Which document(s) best explain the reasons why these
revolutions occurred?

Documents that best explain the reason why these revolutions

occurred are the Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
and The Social Contract, or The Principles of Political
Rights by Jean-Jacque Rousseau. Also The Declaration of
Independence by Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of the
Rights of Men and of the Citizen.
Works Cited
Slide 2 American Revolution Picture
Slide 2 French Revolution Picture
Slide 4 Quote
Slide 4 Picture
Slide 5 Quote
Slide 5 Picture
Slide 6&7 Quotes
Slide 6 Picture
Slide 7 Picture
Slide 8&9 Quotes
Slide 8 Picture
Slide 9 Picture

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