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Case 1:

24-year-old female chief complaint: generalized weakness

History: 1 month prior to consult patient noted progressive generalized weakness associated with joint
pains and occasional low grade fever no consult done and self-medicated with antipyretics which
afforded relief of symptoms. On the interim patient was apparently well until 3 days prior to consult she
noted clumps of hair on the bathroom sink which prompted her to consult


(+) cough

(+) shortness of breathing

(+) palpitations

(-) chest pain

(-) LBM

Physical Exam:

Bp 100/70 HR: 110 rr: 26 temp: 37.8 o2 sat 99% at room air BMI 22

Chest: (+) crackles on right lower lung fields

Cardio: tachycardic, (+) S3 gallop

Abdomen: NABS

Extremities: PFE, (+) bipedal edema


Pertinent points on history

What are the important tests you need to request that can help you diagnose the case



Case 2;

72 years old male had a history of CVS came in due to severe headache

History: 3 weeks prior to consult patient noted severe headache 8/10, described as throbbing, radiating
to the back of the head patient noted to have swelling of his eyelids. There was no fever, no nausea/
vomiting noted

Pertinent PE;

BP 150/80- HR 84 rr 20 temp 36.4 BMI: 19

HEENT: (+) palpable pulsatile area on bitemporal tender

The rest of the other PE: normal


Pertinent points on history

What are the important tests you need to request that can help you diagnose the case



Case 3

This is a case of a 45-year-old female who came in due to joint pains

History: 6 months prior to consult patient noted joint pains in the morning upon waking up that would
resolve on its own as the day progressed, she sought no consult at that time. 3 months prior to consult
noted persistence of joint pains upon waking up now accompanied by joint stiffness still no consult done

On interim patient noted persistence of symptoms until 1 week prior to consult noted decreased in grip
strength hence consult

Fhx/PMHx: unremarkable

Pertinent PE:


Pertinent points on history

What are the important tests you need to request that can help you diagnose the case




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