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Departmentof "Propaedeutics
of "Propaedeutics
of internal
of internal
Diseases" 044 – 47044/ –(47 / ) ( )
Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in p. of 76 p.
1. Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in1 the 2 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"
discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

1. Test questions of the program for intermediate certification

Name of EP: 6B10101 "General medicine"

Discipline code: PID 3204 - 2

Name of the discipline: "Propaedeutics of internal diseases - 2"

Amount of study hours/credits: 150 hours (5 credits)

Course and semester of study: 3rd year, VI semester

2. Number of test questions: 600

Shymkent – 2022
The compiler: assistant,Amanova E.O.;
assistant, Bathieva M.B..

Head of the Department, c.m.s, Acting Associate Professor Sadykova G.S.

Protocol № from " " 2022

3. <question>Apatient who 32 years old complains of short-term episodes of dizziness and pressing pain in
the region of the heart that occurs during considerable physical exertion. On examination: clear heart
sounds, regular rhythm, systolic murmur at the apex. BP 110/70 mm Hg HR-72 beats / min.
Echocardiography: deflection of the anterior mitral valve, regurgitation 1-2 degrees. Systolic function of
the left ventricle is satisfactory.
Of the listed diagnoses most likely:
<variant>mitral valve prolapse
<variant>mitral stenosis
<variant>aortic insufficiency
<variant>hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
<variant>mitral valve insufficiency

4. <question>Aman of 21 years complains of palpitations, interruptions, dizziness. Ob-but: tones are loud, at
the apex, a mid-systolic click and systolic murmur are heard, which is amplified in an upright position and
decreases in the supine position with the legs elevated. EchoCG: deflection of the anterior leaflet of the
mitral valve. This auscultatory picture is most typical for:
<variant>mitral valve prolapse
<variant>no oval bridges
<variant>mitral valve insufficiency
<variant>stenosis of the left atrioventricular orifice
<variant>relative mitral valve insufficiency

5. <question>Woman 72 years old with complaints of shortness of breath at rest, palpitations; cough with
pink sputum; sense of anxiety; pronounced weakness. From the anamnesis: AH 25 years old, suffered a
myocardial infarction. On examination: the position of orthopnea; heart sounds are deaf, the rhythm is
correct, interrupted by frequent ventricular extrasystoles. BP 260/140 mm. Hg Art. Investigation of the
fundus vessels: swelling of the optic nerve discs. Urinalysis: trace proteinuria. The most likely
complication of the patient has developed:
<variant>pulmonary edema
<variant>acute cerebrovascular accident
<variant>acute renal failure
<variant>retinal detachment
<variant>myocardial infarction.

6. <question>Patient K., 60 years old, has the following symptoms: high stable systolic hypertension,
morning headaches in the occipital region, palpitations, blurred vision - IV degree angioretinopathy in the
fundus. In the area of epigastric systolic murmur is heard. The cause of hypertension is most likely:
<variant>atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta
<variant>primary hyper aldosteronism
<variant>chronic glomerulonephritis
<variant>prostate adenoma

7. <question>A78-year-old woman complains of headaches, dizziness. In history - attacks of angina, on this

occasion periodically takes nitrates, aspirin. For 8 years, suffering from asthma, attacks relieves inhalations
of sympathomimetics. On examination: pale skin, pulsation of the neck vessels. The borders of the heart
are enlarged to the left, the heart impulse is resistant, shifted to the left and down. During auscultation: soft
protodiastolic noise in the second intercostal space on the right, heart rate 82 per minute, blood pressure
185/60 mm Hg. The most likely cause of hypertension:
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 3 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>atherosclerotic aortic valve insufficiency

<variant>essential arterial hypertension
<variant>drug-induced arterial hypertension
<variant>primary renal sodium retention
<variant>white coat hypertension

8. <question>A40-year-old man complained of intense oppressive pain behind the sternum, occurring at
night and in the early morning hours. During the day, it tolerates great physical exertion. When coronary
angiography pronounced atherosclerotic changes were not detected, the test with ergometrine positive. Of
the listed diagnoses most likely:
<variant>CHD. Vasospastic angina
<variant>CHD.Angina FC II
<variant>CHD.Angina FC III
<variant>CHD.Angina FC IV
<variant>CHD. Progressive angina pectoris

9. <question>Awoman, 62 years old, suffering from IHD, periodically takes nitrates, constantly
disaggregants and β-blockers, complains of an increase in the duration and duration of attacks of angina
pectoris under normal load; the appearance of attacks alone. ECG showed ST depression V1-V3. Of the
listed diagnoses most likely:
<variant>progressive angina pectoris
<variant>spontaneous angina
<variant>first-time angina pectoris
<variant>Prinzmetala variant angina pectoris
<variant>stable exertional angina FC III

10. <question>In a patient suffering from stable angina pectoris of tension FC II for a year, the number of pain
attacks has increased significantly in the last 5 days, tolerance to physical exertion has sharply decreased,
pain attacks at rest have appeared, nitroglycerin consumption has increased. Your most likely diagnosis:
<variant>Сoronary heart disease, progressive angina
<variant>Сoronary heart disease, first-time angina pectoris
<variant>Сoronary heart disease, stable angina pectoris.
<variant> Neurocirculatory dystonia
<variant>Сoronary heart disease, small-focal myocardial infarction
11. <question>Patient S., 45 years old, complained of an attack of chest pains that occur at the time of intense
exertion and stop two minutes after the cessation of exertion. The pain radiates to the left arm, shoulder.
The duration of pain is about 2-5 minutes. Your most likely diagnosis:
<variant> coronary heart disease, angina pectoris FC I
<variant> coronary heart disease, angina pectoris FC II
<variant> Mitral valve prolapse
<variant> Neurocirculatory dystonia
<variant> Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
12. <question>A45-year-old man was delivered with complaints of sharp spilled pain behind the sternum,
which was not stopped by taking isoket spray. He got sick suddenly after heavy physical exertion.About:
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 4 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

the condition is serious, pale. The heart tones are muted, the rhythm is wrong. Heart rate-86 per minute,
blood pressure 170/90 mmHg On ECG: complete blockade of the left leg of the Gis beam.
Your most likely diagnosis:
<variant> acute coronary syndrome
<variant> myocarditis
<variant> myocardial infarction
<variant> hypertensive crisis
<variant> pulmonary embolism
13. <question>Man 50 years old, fell ill suddenly after a stressful situation at work. An intense pressing pain
behind the sternum appeared, which lasted for 2 hours, the patient called the ambulance brigade. On ECG:
ST V1-3 segment elevation by 6 mm.
The most likely diagnosis of the following:
<variant>CHD.Acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation
<variant>CHD. Vasospastic angina
<variant>CHD. Progressive angina pectoris
<variant>CHD.Acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation
<variant>CHD. Large-focal posterior diaphragmatic myocardial infarction

14. <question>A57-year-old man for the first time had constricting pain in the region of the heart, lasting more
than 20 minutes, shortness of breath of mixed character, fear of death, severe weakness. From the
anamnesis: suffers from mild asthma. Objectively: the state is extremely serious. The situation is forced
with a raised head end. The skin is pale, moist. Above the lungs in the lower sections, on both sides, small
and medium bubbly rales, single dry rales are heard. HR 120 per minute, blood pressure 110/80 mm Hg.
Art. Liver on the edge of the costal arch. On ECG - ST segment elevation in III, avF leads. Most likely in a
<variant>acute coronary syndrome with ST elevation
<variant>dry pleurisy
<variant>lobar pneumonia
<variant>first-time angina pectoris
<variant>pulmonary embolism

15. <question>A60-year-old man woke up at night from severe chest pain, which gradually increased and after
1 hour became unbearable. Blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg. Pulse 92 beats per 1 min, single ventricular
Your most likely diagnosis:
<variant> myocardial infarction
<variant> acute pericarditis
<variant> spontaneous angina pectoris
<variant> delaminating aortic aneurysm
<variant> pulmonary embolism
16. <question>A54-year-old woman was brought to the ICU after a 2-hour anginal attack, stopped at the
prehospital stage. History: a year ago, she suffered a myocardial infarction.About-but: a serious condition.
Position orthopnea. Acrocyanosis Swelling of the neck veins. NPV- 29 per minute BP-110/65 mmHg Art.,
HR115 beats / min. Heart sounds are deaf, correct rhythm. In the lungs, mixed damp rales are heard
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 5 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

against the background of weakened breathing. ECG: QSI, AVL, V1 - V3, ST I elevation, V1 -V5
segment up to 4 mm. Of the listed conditions, the patient most likely developed:
<variant>pulmonary edema
<variant>cardiogenic shock
<variant>dressler's syndrome
<variant>asthmatic status
<variant>pulmonary embolism

17. <question>Patient D., 56 years old, suddenly felt ill: there was an increasing pressing pain behind the
sternum, after half an hour the pain became unbearable. The patient is pale, covered with cold sweat. BH -
18 in 1 minute, HR - 100 in 1 minute. BP - 80/50 mm Hg. Art. Diuresis - 20 ml / hour.
Of the following diagnoses, the most likely:
<variant>CHD. myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock
<variant>acute pericarditis
<variant>nonrheumatic myocarditis
<variant>CHD. exertional angina
<variant>osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome

18. <question>Patient N., 37 years old, was taken to hospital in a serious condition with complaints of intense
pressing pain behind the sternum, which lasted more than an hour. Suddenly the patient suddenly turned
pale, covered with cold sweat, lost consciousness. Pulse and blood pressure are not detected, the pupils are
dilated. On ECG: ventricular complexes are not detected, there are waves of different shape and amplitude,
characterized by chaos and irregularity. Therapeutic measures are not effective, the patient died. The most
likely of these diagnoses:
<variant>myocardial infarction complicated by ventricular fibrillation
<variant>cerebral artery thromboembolism
<variant>pulmonary embolism
<variant>hypoglycemic coma
<variant>heart asystolia

19. <question>A37-year-old patient complains of a sense of interruption and “fading” in the region of the
heart. According to the results of daily ECG monitoring according to Holter, polymorphic paired
ventricular extrasystoles were detected.
Specify the class of ventricular premature beats by B. Lown and M. Wolf:

20. <question>A63-year-old woman who takes amiodarone for a long time complains of short-term
attacks of heartbeat accompanied by dizziness and fainting. The ECG revealed a prolongation of the
QT interval. Of the research methods listed, the most informative for an accurate diagnosis:
<variant>24-hour Holter ECG monitoring
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 6 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>radionuclide ventriculography
<variant>right heart catheterization

21. <question>A60 year old man has been observed for IHD for more than 10 years. Six months ago,
episodes of short-term dizziness, palpitations appeared, twice lost consciousness. The most informative
research methods for making a clinical diagnosis: <variant>Daily ECG monitoring
<variant>Stress Echo
22. <question>Apatient of 38 years old, suffering from childhood chronic respiratory syndrome, complains of
headaches, fog before his eyes, dizziness, shortness of breath. On examination: weakening of the II tone, in
the second intercostal space on the right, a protodiastolic noise of a diminishing character is heard; on the
femoral artery - the double tone of Traube and the noise of Durozier. HR-96 per minute BP –170/40 mmHg
Art. ECG: left ventricular hypertrophy.
Of these reasons, most likely contributes to increased blood pressure:
<variant>aortic insufficiency
<variant>aortic stenosis
<variant>activity rheumatic
<variant> stenosis lung arterios
<variant> stenosis left atrioveventricular orifice
23. <question>A43-year-old man complains of dizziness, fainting on exertion or a rapid change in body
position, attacks of typical angina, fatigue. On examination: muffled heart sounds, gross systolic murmur
in the 2nd intercostal space on the right, performed on the carotid arteries. BP 120/80 mm Hg On the
ECG: complete blockade of the left leg of the bundle of His. Echocardiography: concentric hypertrophy
of the LV walls, thickening of the aortic valve cusps. Of the listed heart defects most likely:
<variant>aortic stenosis
<variant>mitral valve insufficiency
<variant>stenosis of the right atrioventricular orifice
<variant>aortic and mitral valve insufficiency
<variant>lesion of papillary muscles of tricuspid valve
24. <question>Aboy of 15 years with complaints of shortness of breath, palpitations; general weakness,
fainting. On echocardiography revealed: myocardial hypertrophy and stenosis of the output path of the right
ventricle; subaortic ventricular septal defect; exit of the aorta from the right ventricle.
Indicate the most likely diagnosis:
<variant>Fallot's tetrad
<variant>mitral valve prolapse
<variant>pulmonary artery defect
<variant>pulmonary stenosis
<variant>coarctation of the aorta

25. <question>A32-year-old man on the plane suddenly felt palpitations, heart pains, suffocation. During the
examination, the following symptoms were revealed: I tone at the apex is amplified, II tone is amplified at
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 7 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

the pulmonary artery. The heart rhythm is wrong, tachycardia. Pulse deficit 6-8 in 1 min. The click of the
mitral valve opening is determined by blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg.
Your most likely diagnosis:
<variant> stenosis of the left atrioventricular orifice
<variant> mitralisation of aortic insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid valve insufficiency
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> aortic stenosis
26. <question>You were called to the emergency department to a 32-year-old patient who fainted during a
morning run. Previously, the patient had similar fainting spells. On the ECG, there is a deep inversion of the
T wave in leads I, AVL, V2-V6. There are no indications of chest pain and shortness of breath in the
anamnesis. It is most advisable to conduct an examination to confirm the diagnosis:
<variant> Doppler echocardiography
<variant> holter monitoring
<variant> stress echocardiography
<variant> coronarography
<variant> bicycle ergometry
27. <question>A29-year-old patient in a state of clinical death was taken to the intensive care unit. I lost
consciousness during training, and my heart stopped. Autopsy revealed: cardiomegaly with hypertrophy of
the upper third of the interventricular septum and the free wall of the left ventricle with pronounced
obstruction of the exit tract. The cause leading to a fatal outcome is . . . .
<variant> ventricular fibrillation
<variant> paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
<variant> complete atrioventricular block
<variant> sinus node weakness syndrome
<variant> atrial fibrillation
28. <question>A70-year-old patient has shortness of breath with little exertion, nighttime asphyxiation,
palpitations.A history of myocardial infarction. Objectively: orthopnea, cyanosis of the lips. B lungs -
moist fine bubbling rales in the lower parts of both lungs. Muffled heart sounds. HR 100 in 1 minute. BP
130/70 mm
RT. Art. The liver is enlarged. Massive swelling of the legs. Reduction of diuresis.
The most likely stage of heart failure:
<variant>CHF II B
<variant>CHF 0
<variant>CHF I
<variant>CHF II A
<variant>CHF III

29. <question>A 19-year-old girl complains of shortness of breath with little exertion, sometimes asthma
attacks; heaviness in the right hypochondrium, edema. EchoCG revealed a ventricular septal defect and a
narrowing of the outflow tract of the right ventricle. Radiographically: the shadow of the heart in the area
of the pulmonary trunk in the form of a wooden shoe.
Of these conditions, the disease is most often complicated:
<variant>right ventricular failure
<variant>cerebral thrombosis
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Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 8 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>infective endocarditis
<variant>thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels
<variant>left ventricular failure

30. <question>A78-year-old woman who has suffered a myocardial infarction twice complains of
discomfort in the heart area, shortness of breath with the slightest physical exertion, heaviness in the
right hypochondrium, swelling in the lower extremities, general weakness. On examination: breathing is
weakened in the lungs, the heart tones are muffled, the rhythm is correct. Heart rate-68 beats / min,
blood pressure 140/95 mm Hg. The liver is increased by 3 cm. On ECG: LV hypertrophy, complete
blockade of the left leg of the Gis bundle. The most informative diagnostic method is . . . .
<variant> EchoCG
<variant> daily blood pressure monitoring
<variant> chest x-ray
<variant> Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
<variant> ECG
31. <question>A38-year-old man complains of pain in the left half of the abdomen and lumbar region,
periodically appearing after overeating, hypothermia, shaking driving and decreasing after taking no-shpy,
baralgin; nausea. Objectively: the tongue is coated with white bloom, the abdomen is soft, painful on
palpation in the left hypochondrium, left rib-vertebral corner (a symptom of Mayo-Robson).
Of the listed diagnoses most likely:
<variant>painful form of chronic pancreatitis
<variant>stomach ulcer
<variant>chronic pyelonephritis
<variant>urolithiasis, renal colic
<variant>duodenal ulcer

32. <question>A34-year-old man complains of epigastric pain that occurs 1.5–2 hours after a meal, as well as
at night; addiction to constipation.A year ago, the course of ulcer disease was complicated by perforation.
Localization of the ulcer is most likely:
<variant>in the duodenal bulb
<variant>on the lesser curvature of the stomach
<variant>in the antrum of the stomach
<variant>on the greater curvature of the stomach
<variant>in the pyloric stomach

33. <question>A53-year-old male who abuses alcohol, was admitted with bleeding from varicose veins of the
esophagus.A week ago there were pains in the right hypochondrium, jaundice developed. About-but: skin
and sclera jaundice, telangiectasia. The stomach is swollen. The liver 3 cm protrudes from the edge of the
costal arch, dense, painful. Splenomegaly. In the blood: anemia, thrombocytopenia, ESR-36 mm / h. Total
56 µmol / l, direct fraction - 12.2 µmol / l.
Of the listed diagnoses is the most likely:
<variant>liver cirrhosis of alcoholic etiology
<variant>cryptogenic cirrhosis
<variant>chronic alcoholic hepatitis
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Control and measuring tools, test questions of the program for intermediate certification in 9 p. of 76 p.
the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>chronic cryptogenic hepatitis

<variant>chronic drug hepatitis

34. <question>A38-year-old man complains of a burning sensation behind the sternum, aggravated after
eating, with the body tilted forward and in a prone position.
Specify the most informative research method:
<variant>chest X-ray
<variant>stress test electrocardiography
<variant>ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs

35. <question>A27-year-old man complains of epigastric pain that occurs 1.5-2 hours after eating, "night"
pains; acid belching, nausea. Objectively: low nutrition, moist tongue, overlaid with a white coating at the
root, palpation - soreness in the epigastrium. Specify the most informative research method:
<variant> gastroscopy
<variant> irrigoscopy
<variant> esophagomanometry
<variant> stomach radiography
<variant> ultrasound examination of abdominal organs
36. <question>A52-year-old woman complains of a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the right
hypochondrium, arising after eating, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and occasionally vomiting.
Objectively - increased nutrition, the skin of the usual color, with palpation is determined by the sensitivity at
the point of projection of the gallbladder.
Of the research methods listed, the most informative:
<variant>ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
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the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>duodenal sounding
<variant>liver biopsy

37. <question>A28-year-old man was treated for exacerbation of bronchiectasis.After 2 weeks, inconstant,
uncertain nature of abdominal pain of moderate intensity, flatulence, and loose stools 4-6 times a day
appeared, pieces of undigested food were detected in feces. Diagnosis allowed to identify the cause:
<variant>microbiological examination of feces
<variant>general blood analysis
<variant>abdominal ultrasound

38. <question>Aman, 50 years old, a heavy smoker, complains of attacks of suffocation, pain in the lower
third of the sternum of a burning nature, belching sour. When using drugs of theophylline group, the
condition worsens. On an ECG: ischemic changes are not recorded. Peak flowmetry revealed a slight
decrease in the peak exhalation rate. The most likely diagnosis:
<variant> gastroesophageal reflux disease
<variant> chronic gastritis
<variant> coronary heart disease, angina pectoris
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
39. <question>Aman, 75 years old, complains of a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the epigastrium, dull pain
in the epigastric region, unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, belching air, unstable stool.
On palpation of the abdomen diffuse tension of the anterior abdominal wall and pain in the epigastrium.
pallor, smoothness, thinning in the body and antrum of the stomach, vascular translucence, increased
vulnerability, hypotension, hypokinesia, bile reflux. The most likely diagnosis:
<variant>chronic atrophic gastritis
<variant>antral non-atrophic gastritis
<variant>peptic ulcer
<variant>nonspecific ulcerative colitis
<variant>stomach cancer

40. <question>A29-year-old woman with adolescence is disturbed by persistent constipation for 8-9 days,
nausea, headaches, sleep disturbance, and general weakness. The use of laxatives is ineffective, the patient
is often forced to resort to cleansing enema. About-but: the skin is dry, rough, with areas of
hyperpigmentation. The abdomen is soft, in the projection of the sigmoid colon an inactive dense
formation is palpated. In the case of a finger probe, the rectal ampoule is empty, painless. Of the listed
survey methods is the most appropriate:
<variant>Abdominal ultrasound
<variant>computed tomography
<variant>colonoscopy with biopsy
Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" 044 – 47 / ( )
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the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>rectal manometry

41. <question>A32-year-old man complains of the appearance of pressing pains in the epigastric region half an
hour after a meal or alcohol; painful heartburn, decreasing after taking soda. Ill for 2 years, not treated.
Aboutbut: the tongue is coated with white bloom, with deep palpation spilled pain in the epigastrium. On
EFGDS: gastric mucosa hyperemic, edematous, in the antrum - single hemorrhages. The research
methodsarelisted, the most informative is:
<variant>Helicobacter pylori research
<variant>24 hour pH meter
<variant>endoscopic pH metry
<variant>electrogastrographic method
<variant>gastrotest gastric secretion study
42. <question>A17-year-old teenager was admitted to the hospital with complaints of joint pain of a migratory
nature, shortness of breath with moderate physical exertion, stabbing pains in the heart area.
2 weeks ago I suffered a purulent sore throat. Objectively: the boundaries of relative dullness of the heart are
increased to the left by 2 cm, tachycardia, systolic noise at the apex. The ankle joints are swollen, painful to
the touch. There are rashes in the form of ring-shaped erythema on the trunk. The most likely diagnosis:
<variant> acute rheumatic fever
<variant> rheumatoid arthritis
<variant> reactive arthritis
<variant> non-rheumatic myocarditis
<variant> systemic lupus erythematosus
43. <question>A 23-year-old woman with auscultation of the heart listens to: a clapping I tone at the top, a
click of the opening of the mitral valve, an accent of II tone over the pulmonary artery, diastolic noise at
the top. During the X-ray examination, the bulging of the II and III arcs along the left contour was noted.
The most likely heart defect:
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid valve insufficiency
44. <question>A33-year-old patient fell ill acutely, 3 days ago. The body temperature rose to 39.9, a chill
appeared, a dry cough, chest pain on the right, aggravated by coughing and deep breathing. Objectively: in
the lower parts of the right lung - increased voice trembling, shortening of percussion sound, hard
breathing, fine bubbling rales are heard. Your presumptive diagnosis is:
<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>dry pleurisy
<variant>exudative pleurisy

45. <question>A19-year-old patient was admitted with complaints of cough with discharge of
mucopurulent sputum up to 200 ml, with smell, hemoptysis, fever up to 38.2 ° С, indisposition,
shortness of breath. In childhood, cough with sputum is often noted. Over the past 5 years - annual
exacerbations. The most likely diagnosis is:
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the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>polycystic lung

46. <question>Apatient with a lung abscess after a strong cough suddenly had chest pains on the right
and shortness of breath. The examination revealed a lag of the left half of the chest in the act of
breathing and bulging intercostal spaces; percussion - tympanitis.
The most likely complication developed in the patient:
<variant> pneumothorax
<variant> lung atelectasis
<variant> lung infarction
<variant> emphysema of the lungs
<variant> exudative pleurisy
47. <question>Awoman of 35 years. Complaints of cough with the release of a large number of purulent
sputum, sometimes "full mouth" with an unpleasant putrid odor, lethargy, irritability, decreased
performance. In the history of chronic bronchitis notes since childhood. When viewed - fingers in the form
of "drum sticks", nails in the form of "watch glasses". In the lungs, weakened vesicular respiration, mixed
moist rales in the middle lobe on the right. The most likely diagnosis is:
<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>exudative pleurisy
<variant>chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
<variant>dry pleurisy
48. <question>A29-year-old woman complains of chest pain to the left, fever up to 39 °, progressive
shortness of breath. Objectively: the weakening of the vocal jitter on the left, the shortening of the
percussion sound. The number of breaths - 22 per minute, heart rate - 100 beats per minute. Thedecisive
methods is for the diagnosis: <variant>chest radiography
<variant>acute phase blood counts
<variant>general blood analysis

49. <question>Patient M., 45 years old, complains of cough with sputum difficult to separate, shortness of
breath with moderate exertion. For 15 years he suffers from bronchopulmonary pathology. About-but:
fingers in the form of "drumsticks", chest barrel-shaped, breathing hard, in all fields dry buzzing rales,
exhalation is extended. Your presumptive diagnosis:
<variant>chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
<variant>chronic purulent bronchitis
<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
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the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

50. <question>Patient K., 55 years old, complains of cough with sputum difficult to separate, shortness of
breath on exertion. For 20 years he suffers from bronchopulmonary pathology, smoker Objectively:
breathing is hard, dry buzzing rales in all fields, exhalation is extended. Of the listed diagnoses most
likely: <variant>chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>chronic purulent bronchitis

51. <question> Patient N., 36 years old, a worker, was admitted to the department. Complaints of cough
with sputum discharge with an unpleasant putrid smell (about 250-300 ml per day). The cough
increases in the position of the patient on the right side. The examination revealed positive symptoms
of "drumsticks" and "watch glasses". The most probable localization and nature of the pathological
process in the lungs:
<variant> purulent inflammatory process in the bronchi (bronchiectasis) or in the lung (abscess)
<variant>pleural lesion
<variant>chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi
<variant>inflammatory lesion of the alveoli
<variant>tracheal lesion
52. <question>Apatient O., 32 years old, fitter entered the department. Complaints of severe pain in the right
half of the chest, aggravated by taking a deep breath, and a rise in body temperature of up to 37.9 ° C. The
patient lies on the right side. The right half of the chest lags behind in the act of breathing. The most likely
localization and nature of the pathological process in the lungs:
<variant>defeat of the pleura
<variant>chronic inflammation in the bronchi
<variant>purulent inflammation in the bronchi (bronchiectasis) or inlung (abscess)
<variant>inflammation of the alveoli
<variant>trachea injury

53. <question>Apatient C, 49 years old, an accountant, entered the department. She complains of a choking
attack that occurred 2 hours ago at home, and coughing with a small, viscous vitreous sputum. Inspection:
The condition is serious. The patient sits in bed, leaning on her hands. Thorax emphysematous. The
number of respiratory movements - 30 per minute, exhale sharply hampered. Marked diffuse cyanosis,
swelling of the neck veins.
The most likely cause of dyspnqe is:
<variant>spasm of small bronchi
<variant>reduction of the respiratory surface of the lungs (common inflammatory seal)
<variant>decreased lung elasticity due to emphysema
<variant>mechanical obstruction in the larynx
<variant>trachea injury

54. <question>Apatient K., 34 years old, a teacher entered the department. Complaints of dyspnea at rest,
aggravated by exertion, temperature rise up to 37.9 ° C, cough with a small amount of "rusted" sputum,
pain in the right half of the chest, associated with breathing. On examination, marked diffuse cyanosis,
herpetic rashes on the lips. The right half of the chest lags behind in the act of breathing. The number of
respiratory movements - 36 per minute. The most likely cause of dyspnoe:
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<variant>reduction of the respiratory surface of the lungs (common inflammatory seal)

<variant>reduced lung elasticity due to emphysema
<variant>spasm of small bronchi
<variant>mechanical obstruction in the larynx
<variant>trachea injury
55. <question>Patient E., 43 years old, who was brought to the clinic, on examination revealed the following:
the left half of the chest was slightly enlarged. There are lagging behind in the act of breathing, smoothness
and slight bulging of the intercostal spaces. What syndrome signs are present in this patient:
<variant>fluid or air in the pleural cavity
<variant>obturative atelectasis
<variant>lung lobe inflammation
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
<variant>inflammatory lung disease

56. <question>Inspection: the lag of the right half of the chest in breathing. Palpation of the chest: to the right
voice trembling weakened. Percussion of the lungs: the right is absolutely dull sound. Auscultation: a
significant weakening of the breathing and bronchophony on the right. There is no adverse respiratory
noise. What syndrome signs are present in this patient . . . .
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>focal inflammatory lung consolidation
<variant>compression atelectasis
<variant>pulmonary emphysema

57. <question>Inspection: a slight lag of the left half of the chest cells in breathing. Palpation of the chest:
vocal tremor on the left is slightly weakened. Lunar percussion: dull percussion sound to the left.
Auscultation: weakened vesicular breathing, pleural friction noise on the left.
What syndrome signs are present in this patient . . . .
<variant>pleural thickening
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>focal inflammatory lung consolidation
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
58. <question>Inspection: barrel-shaped chest. Revealed blunt epigastric angle, horizontal location of the ribs.
Supra and subclavian fossa smoothed. Palpation of the chest: voice tremor is the same on both sides,
somewhat weakened. Percussion of the lungs: box percussion sound. The lower boundaries of the lungs are
lowered, the upper ones are raised. Auscultation: equally weakened vesicular respiration is heard over both
lungs, there are no adverse respiratory sounds.
What syndrome signs are present in this patient:
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>lung cavity associated with bronchus
<variant>fractional lung inflammation
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59. <question>Inspection: respiratory movements are symmetrical.

Palpation of the chest: voice tremor is not changed. Percussion: clear pulmonary percussion sound.
Auscultation: hard breathing, a large amount of dry rales is heard on the right and left.
There are signs of a syndrome:
<variant>narrowing of the bronchus by viscous exudate
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>compression atelectasis
<variant>focal inflammatory seal

60. <question>Inspection: the lag of the right half of the chest in breathing. Palpation of the chest: enhanced
voice tremor on the right.
Lung percussion: dull percussion sound on the right. Auscultation: bronchial respiration, increased
bronchophony, pleural friction noise on the right. What symptoms in the patient . . . .
<variant>lobar inflammatory induration
<variant>bronchoconstriction viscous exudate
<variant>lung cavity associated with bronchus
<variant>pleural thickening

61. 1. <question>Inspection: the lag of the left half of the chest in breathing, some depression of the left half of
the chest.
Palpation of the chest: the weakening of vocal tremor on the left. Lunar percussion: dull
percussion sound to the left. Auscultation: weakening of breathing and bronchophony on the left,
there are no adverse respiratory sounds.
What syndrome signs are present in this patient . . . .
<variant>obturative atelectasis
<variant>lobar inflammatory induration
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
62. <question>Inspection: the lag of the left half of the chest in breathing. Palpation of the chest: vocal tremor
on the left weakened. Lungs percussion: Tympanic percussion sound on the left.
Auscultation: a significant reduction in breathing and bronchophony on the left.
What syndrome signs are present in this patient . . . .
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>lung cavity associated with bronchus
<variant>lobar inflammatory hardening
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
63. <question>Patient K., 42 years old, the chief engineer of an electromechanical plant with complaints of
severe pain behind the sternum radiating to his left shoulder and shoulder blade, appearing during fast
walking and stopping at rest and 2 minutes after administration of nitroglycerine, entered the department;
weakness, irritability, poor sleep. Anamnesis: considers himself ill for 2 years, when he first had pain
during fast walking. I went to a doctor who recommended taking nitroglycerin. About a year ago, he was
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hospitalized in the therapeutic department of the hospital due to a sharp increase in and intensification of
pain in the regions of the heart. During the week was on strict bed rest. Discharged after 2 weeks with
improvement. This deterioration marks within 2.5 weeks, when chest pains become more frequent and
aggravated, weakness, irritability, and poor sleep appear. Smokes for 22 years, 20-30 cigarettes a day, often
working at night. What is the most likely nature of the disease?
<variant>coronary insufficiency
<variant>heart failure rheumatic etiology
<variant>arterial hypertension syndrome
<variant>left ventricular heart failure
<variant> systemic scleroderma
64. <question>Examination of the heart area: The apical impulse is clearly visible on the eye in the fifth
intercostal space along the left mid-clavicular line. Palpation: Apical impulse in the fifth intercostal space
along the left mid-clavicular line strengthened, concentrated. Cardiac impulse and epigastric pulsation are
not detected. Signs of what syndrome are present in the patient:
<variant>left ventricular hypertrophy without dilatation
<variant>significant dilatation of the left ventricle. Hypertrophy is not detected
<variant>hypertrophy and significant dilatation of the left ventricle
<variant>hypotrophy and dilatation of the left and right ventricles
<variant>arterial hypertension syndrome
65. <question>Examination of the heart area: the apical impulse is visible on the eye, strengthened, shifted to
the anterior left axillary line. Palpation: The apical impulse is located in the sixth intercostal space on the
anterior axillary line, diffuse, strengthened. Cardiac impulse and epigastric pulsation are not detected. What
signs of syndrome are present in the patient:
<variant>hypertrophy and significant dilatation of the left ventricle
<variant>left ventricular hypertrophy without dilatation
<variant>significant dilatation of the left ventricle. Hypertrophy is not detected
<variant>hypertrophy and dilatation of the left and right ventricles
<variant>hypertension syndrome
66. <question> Patient A.28 years old, paroxysmal pain in the lower back, urinary retention and swelling
appeared.A positive symptom of Pasternatsky happens when:
<variant> diabetic nephropathy
<variant> urethritis
<variant> cystitis
<variant> prostatitis
67. <question> A man M., 47 years old, complained of shortness of breath at rest, pain in the heart,
palpitations. The borders of the heart are enlarged to the left. A rough systolic noise is heard in the
intercostal space II on the left, is carried out in the left scapular region and on the carotid arteries; the tone
II above the pulmonary artery is weakened. ECG rhythm is sinus, the electrical axis of the heart is shifted to
the left, hypertrophy of the right ventricle. Your diagnosis:
<variant> pulmonary artery stenosis
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> aortic coarctation
<variant> open ductus arteriosus
<variant> atrial septal defect
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68. <question> Patient Zh. 36 years old has been suffering from rheumatism since childhood. She complained
of shortness of breath, cough, palpitations, cardiac arrhythmia. On examination, acrocyanosis, blush on the
cheeks. A dysystolic noise is heard, popping the I tone and after the II tone - an additional tone of opening
the mitral valve.
Your diagnosis:
<variant> mitral valve stenosis
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid valve insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid valve stenosis
69. <question> The patient of 28 years in physical development did not lag behind his peers. The skin and
visible mucous membranes are of normal color. Blood pressure 100/70 mmHg. Systolic-diastolic noise,
accent of the 2nd tone, is heard above the pulmonary artery. ECG shows signs of overload of the left parts
of the heart.
During fluoroscopy, there is an increase in the pulmonary pattern, the shadow of the heart of the usual shape.
Your diagnosis:
<variant> atrial septal defect
<variant> tetrad of fallot
<variant>pulmonary artery stenosis
<variant> aortic coarctation
<variant>open ductus arteriosus
70. <question>A53-year-old patient with increased nutrition complains of severe heartburn and pain behind
the sternum, which increases when leaning forward. Your preliminary diagnosis:
<variant> reflux esophagitis
<variant> tsenker's diverticulum of the esophagus
<variant> chronic gastritis
<variant> chronic pancreatitis
<variant> esophageal cancer
71. <question>Patient Zh. 55 years old, height 157 cm, weight 60 kg, during the next preventive examination,
it was found: glucose 6.0 mmol / l (on a glucose meter). On a repeated fasting blood test, the glucose level
was -
5.9 mmol / l, 2 hours after the load – 10.6 mmol / l. According to the clinical protocol, it is possible in the
patient. . . .
<variant> impaired glucose tolerance
<variant> impaired fasting glycemia
<variant> random glycemia
<variant> diabetes mellitus
<variant> gestational diabetes mellitus
72. <question>Patient D. 55 years old, height 172 cm, weight 112 kg, during the next preventive examination,
it was found: glucose 10.9 mmol / l (on a glucose meter). Upon repeated examination of the fasting blood
test, the glucose level was - 8.8 mmol / l, 2 hours after the load – 12.6 mmol / l. According to the clinical
protocol, it is possible for the patient:
<variant> type 2 diabetes mellitus
<variant> impaired glucose tolerance
<variant> impaired fasting glycemia
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<variant> random glycemia

<variant> type 1 diabetes mellitus
73. <question>Patient K. is 50 years old, height 162 cm, weight 101 kg, glucose of 9.9 mmol/l was detected
during the next preventive examination (on a glucose meter).On a repeated fasting blood test, the glucose
level was 10.8 mmol / l, 2 hours after the load – 13.2 mmol / l. According to the clinical protocol, it is
possible for the patient:
<variant> type 2 diabetes mellitus
<variant> impaired glucose tolerance
<variant> impaired fasting glycemia
<variant> random glycemia
<variant> type 1 diabetes mellitus
74. <question>Patient O. 45 years old complains about the enlargement of facial features, hands and feet, long
headaches, nighttime apnea. 5 years have passed since the first symptoms of the disease appeared.
Objectively: enlargement of the nose, lips, tongue, thickening of the skin, an increase in the superciliary
arches, an increase in the upper and lower jaws, widening of the interdental spaces, an increase in the
extremities. BP 160/90 Probably diagnosis is:
<variant>sporadic pituitary tumor
<variant>pharyngeal ring tumor
<variant>sphenoid sinus tumor
75. <question>A42-year-old patient came to the therapist with complaints of general weakness, severe dryness
of the skin, hair loss, loss of memory, changes in voice, and drowsiness. On examination, the patient is
adynamic, the skin is dry, peeling in places. Puffy face, arms and legs swollen, muffled heart sounds,
regular rhythm. BP 80/50 mm RT. Art. Pulse - 50 beats. per minute.
Your preliminary diagnosis is:
<variant>cirrhosis of the liver
<variant>severe heart failure
76. <question>A50-year-old woman with elevated nutrition (overweight) found an increase in blood glucose
levels - 6.9 and 7.2 mmol / l on an empty stomach. These signs are typical for:
<variant>type 2 diabetes
<variant>type 1 diabetes
<variant>fasting glucose metabolism disorders
<variant>congenital diabetes
77. <question>A35-year-old patient came to the doctor with complaints of numbness, tingling in the fingertips
of both hands. In contact with cold water, pronounced blanching of the hands occurs, followed by bluish
staining of the skin. Raynaud's syndrome was diagnosed and systemic scleroderma was
suspected.According to the clinical protocol, signs that are more likely to confirm the diagnosis:
<variant>skin tightening on fingers and hands
<variant>erythema on cheeks
<variant>deformity of small joints
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<variant>signs of interstitial nephritis

<variant>numbness, tingling in fingertips
78. <question>A52-year-old patient notes for 2 years pain in the knee joints, morning stiffness up to half an
hour. Objectively: the knee joints are configured, seals of the periarticular tissues, mild hyperthermia,
palpation crepitus.According to the clinical protocol, the main diagnostic study for diagnosis:
<variant>radiography of the knee joints
<variant>puncture of the knee joint
<variant>magnetic resonance imaging of the knee
79. <question>A52-year-old patient complains of pain and restriction of movement in the interphalangeal
joints of the hands. When viewed in the distal interphalangeal joints, dense nodules up to 0.5 cm in size are
revealed, moderately painful on palpation. Joints slightly deformed, movement in them is limited.
Radiography of the joints of the hands revealed a narrowing of the articular space, osteosclerosis. Your
intended diagnosis: <variant>osteoarthritis
<variant>rheumatoid arthritis
<variant>reactive arthritis
<variant>psoriatic arthritis
80. <question>Patient Z. is 65 years old. Complaints of pain in the right knee joint, limited mobility. On
radiographs of the right knee joint, narrowing of the X-ray articular rupture, subchondral sclerosis,
flattening, unevenness of the articular surfaces, and pronounced marginal growths of bones are determined.
Your intended diagnosis:
<variant>rheumatoid arthritis
<variant>chronic arthritis
81. <question>A52-year-old patient complained of weakness, nausea, insomnia at night and daytime
sleepiness, an increase in abdomen and pain in the right hypochondrium. Pains are aggravated after
ingestion of fatty and spicy foods, accompanied by loose stools. The edge of the liver 6 cm protrudes from
under the costal arch, dense, painful on palpation. The spleen is not palpable, dimensions 10x12 cm.
Percussion - dulling in the lower abdomen. Your preliminary diagnosis:
<variant>liver cirrhosis, stage of decompensation
<variant>cirrhosis, stage of compensation
<variant>liver cirrhosis, subcompensation stage
<variant>autoimmune hepatitis type 1
<variant>autoimmune type 2 hepatitis
82. <question>Ayoung woman of 18 years after emotional stress had dysphagia, a feeling of "coma" behind
the sternum. Dysphagia resumed in the future with excitement, fatigue. My appetite is preserved, I haven't
lost any weight. Physical examination revealed no pathology. The most likely cause of dysphagia is . . . .
<variant> esophagospasm
<variant> esophageal cancer
<variant> peptic ulcer of the esophagus
<variant> axial hernia of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm
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<variant> herpetic lesion of the esophagus

83. <question>A35-year-old patient went to the doctor with complaints of recurrent pain in the right half of
the chest, alternating with a burning sensation and unpleasant smell from the mouth. In recent months,
dysphagia sometimes appears. Often sick with pneumonia. In this case, we can assume:
<variant>esophagus diverticulum
<variant>varicose veins of the esophagus
<variant>esophageal-bronchial fistula
<variant>esophageal stenosis
<variant>achalasia of the esophagus
84. <question>A26-year-old man went to the doctor with the following complaints: epigastric pain that
occurs 11.5 hours after eating, belching, heartburn. On examination: the tongue is wet, covered with a
bloom of white, the abdomen is soft, moderate soreness in the epigastrium. With FGDs: diffuse
hyperemia of the gastric mucosa, superficial defects of the mucous membrane of the antrum of the
stomach up to 0.5 cm. Presumptive diagnosis:
<variant>chronic non-atrophic gastritis with erosions
<variant>chronic atrophic gastritis
<variant>stomach ulcer
<variant>reflux gastritis
<variant>functional nonulcer dyspepsia
85. <question>A28-year-old patient complains of epigastric pain that occurs 1.5 –2 hours after a meal;
belching air. On EFGDS: in the pyloric and antral gastric mucosa is hyperemic. Your further diagnostic
tactics: <variant>Helicobacter pylori test
<variant>roentgenoscopy of the stomach
<variant>intragastric pH - metry
<variant>electrogastrographic method
86. <question>Patient 34 years old had acute dysentery 2 weeks ago. Currently, aching pain in the lower
abdomen, aggravated 5-7 hours after eating; diarrhea after taking dairy products. Diagnostic research
method to confirm the diagnosis: <variant>Coprogram
<variant>occult blood test
<variant>Abdominal ultrasound
<variant>X-ray examination of the intestine
87. <question>In a patient with hepatosplenomegaly and ascites, biochemical studies revealed an increase
in the content of residual nitrogen and urea and an increase in the level of indole, skatole and phenols in
the urine. With regard to clinical symptoms, you might think about the development of the syndrome:
<variant>hepatocellular failure
<variant>mesenchymal inflammation
<variant>hepatic circulation bypass
88. <question>Apatient M. Zhuravlev, 37 years old, turned to the district doctor with complaints of pain in
the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, fever, jaundice, hypotension, lethargy are characteristic of . . . .
<variant> acute cholangitis
<variant> of acute cholecystitis
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<variant> acute appendicitis

<variant> acute pancreatitis
<variant> acute pyelonephritis
89. <question> The patient is 36 years old, complains of constant dull pain in the left hypochondrium after
taking fatty and smoked food, vomiting, which brings relief. Fecal masses are shiny, with an unpleasant
smell. He has been ill for 8 years, another increase in pain for 5-6 days after alcohol abuse. Objectively:
reduced nutrition, pale and dry skin. Tongue with a white coating. The abdomen is moderately swollen,
there is pain in the Shoffar zone, Hubergritz -Skulsky, Desjardins points, Mayo - Robson. According to the
clinical symptoms, your diagnosis:
<variant> chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage
<variant> chronic cholecystitis in the acute stage
<variant> acute pancreatitis
<variant> peptic ulcer with penetration into the head of the pancreas
<variant> acute intestinal obstruction
90. <question> A 27-year-old patient was taken to the emergency room with acute abdominal pain that
occurred 1 hour ago. There was no vomiting, no stool. Objectively: muscular defiance in the epigastrium,
percussion - the disappearance of hepatic dullness. According to the clinical symptoms, your preliminary
<variant> perforation of a stomach ulcer
<variant> penetration of stomach ulcers
<variant> gastric bleeding
<variant> acute cholecystitis
<variant> acute pancreatitis
91. <question> Patient N., 46 years old, complained of pain behind the sternum, radiating into the interscapular
region, increasing in the supine position; acid belching, regurgitation. Your diagnostic tactics for verifying
the diagnosis:
<variant> esophagogastroduodenoscopy
<variant> 24 hour pH metric
<variant> intraesophageal manometry
<variant> Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
<variant> proton pump inhibitor test
92. <question>A53-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with pain in the upper abdomen, frequent
copious stools. From anamnesis: on the eve of a visit, I consumed a large amount of strong alcohol against
the background of excessive overeating. Coprology: a large amount of undigested muscle fibers, a lot of
neutral fat, starch.
The most likely diagnosis:
<variant> chronic pancreatitis
<variant> chronic enterocolitis
<variant> chronic gastritis
<variant> chronic cholecystitis
<variant> irritable bowel syndrome
93. <question>A42-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with an attack of abdominal pain, more in the
left hypochondrium, accompanied by moderate jaundice. From anamnesis: operated 5 years ago for
cholelithiasis. Objectively: a condition of moderate severity, moderate jaundice of the skin. The abdomen
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during palpation is painful in the left hypochondrium, in the Shoffar and Hubergritz zone. Your presumed
diagnosis: <variant> chronic pancreatitis
<variant> chronic cholangitis
<variant> peptic ulcer
<variant> chronic gastritis
<variant> chronic hepatitis
94. <question>An employee of a large air-conditioned hotel had an acute temperature rise to 40 ° C, chills,
cough with sputum, hemoptysis, chest pains when breathing, myalgia, nausea, diarrhea. X-ray revealed
infiltrative changes in both lungs. A few days ago, a colleague of the patient was hospitalized with
pneumonia. Probable cause of pneumonia: <variant>legionella
<variant>mycoplasma of pneumonia
<variant>Pfeiffer's wand
<variant>staphylococcus aureus
95. <question>A55-year-old patient has pains in the region of the heart that is constricting in nature, which do
not have a clear connection with physical activity, but that pass after taking nitroglycerin. She also suffers
from varicose veins of the lower extremities. She has an increase in blood pressure to 160/90 mm Hg.
There are no specific changes on the ECG in 12 standard leads. The following diagnostic examination will
be: <variant>daily monitoring
<variant>bicycle ergometry
<variant>test with obzidane
<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>determination of the level of enzymes in the blood
96. <question>An ambulance receives a 64-year-old patient with severe bilateral pneumonia. A critical
drop in elevated body temperature, sudden development of severe weakness, fainting, dizziness,
tinnitus, nausea, retching were noted. About-but: the patient is pale, pronounced acrocyanosis, cold
sticky sweat, tachycardia, threadlike pulse, deafness of heart tones, low blood pressure. The reason for
the sharp deterioration of the patient is the development of: <variant>infectious toxic shock
<variant>cardiogenic shock
<variant>pulmonary embolism
<variant>acute respiratory distress syndrome
97. <question>Patient I., aged 36, suffering from COPD, is hospitalized for focal pulmonary tuberculosis
without disintegration.After the observed clinical improvement in the last 3 days, there is an increase in
body temperature to 38 ° C, an unproductive cough. To clarify the reasons for the deterioration of the
patient's condition, it is advisable to assign a method of examination <variant>sputum culture for
concomitant microflora sensitivity
<variant>computed spirography
<variant>tuberculin test
98. <question>A19-year-old patient turned to a general practitioner about a rise in body temperature 2 days
ago to
37.5 - 37.8, dry cough, runny nose. Cough wet, unproductive. HR - 100 per minute NPV - 28 per min. The
shortening of percussion sound under the lungs is not. Breathing hard, on both sides, more in the basal areas
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are determined by dry whistling and buzzing, as well as moist mid-caliber rales. Your diagnosis: <variant>non-
obstructive bronchitis
<variant>bronchial asthma
99. <question>A47-year-old patient came to the district doctor with complaints about intermittent episodes of
dyspnea at rest, which appeared during the last week. Has been registered with the gynecologist for uterine
fibroids since 2005. Objectively: in the lower parts of the right lung local dyspnea of pulmonary sound,
weakening of breathing, BH 26 per minute, heart rate 86 per minute, BP 120/80 mm Hg. Your diagnosis:
<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>pulmonary embolism
<variant>acute obstructive bronchitis
100. <question>A55-year-old patient complains of periodic asthma attacks, marked shortness of breath,
coughing with mucous membrane of sputum that is difficult to separate. Attacks are repeated 2-3 times a
week. On examination: positive symptoms of "drum sticks" and "watch glasses", barrel-shaped chest.
When percussion is determined pulmonary sound with a box shade, auscultatory - weakened vesicular
breathing. Pathology developed in the patient: <variant>pulmonary emphysema
<variant>acute bronchitis
<variant>Chronical bronchitis
101. <question>Apatient with a “D” account for CRBH, a combined mitral defect with a predominance of
stenosis, CH FC II (NYHA), after exercise appeared a choking attack, a cough with a significant amount of
sputum, psychomotor agitation. About-but: orthopnea, BH 33 per minute, in the lower parts mixed wet
rales, pulse 120 per minute BP 110/70 mm RT. Art. Developed complication:
<variant>acute left ventricular failure, pulmonary edema
<variant>bronchial obstructive syndrome
<variant>acute left ventricular failure, cardiac asthma
<variant>anginal status
<variant>nosocomial pneumonia
102. <question>A29-year-old patient complains of asthma attacks, with difficulty in exhalation with a
small amount of viscous vitreous sputum. Symptoms occur at home, more at night. About-but: forced
position, resting his hands on the edge of the chair. Breathing is loud, with whistling and noise, 26 min,
percussion box sound. Auscultation dry wheezing in all fields. Features leading syndrome:
<variant>bronchial obstruction syndrome (with choking attacks, reversible)
<variant>lung tissue induction syndrome (with localization in the lower parts of the lungs)
<variant>pulmonary dissemination (reticular, begins with basal divisions)
<variant>syndrome of violation of bronchial patency (constantly progressive)
<variant>syndrome of violation of bronchial patency (with asthma attacks, is associated with exacerbation of
the center of chronic infection)
103. <question> Patient Ivanov S, 27 years old, is on the "D" account with chronic obstructive bronchitis,
shortness of breath at rest, diffuse cyanosis, enlarged liver, swelling on the legs are noted. Your conclusion:
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<variant>decompensated pulmonary heart

<variant> respiratory failure of the I degree
<variant> grade II respiratory failure
<variant> acute left ventricular failure
<variant> compensated pulmonary heart
104. <question>Patient Bazarbayev M, 28 years old, is registered in patients with chronic bronchitis, a
decisive role in the occurrence of pulmonary embolism is played by:
<variant> violation of hemodynamics in the small circle of blood circulation
<variant> polycythemia (secondary erythrocytosis) and increased blood clotting
<variant> respiratory failure and hypoxia
<variant> violation of hemodynamics in the large circle of blood circulation
<variant>varicose veins of the lower extremities
105. <question>The patient after physical exertion had an attack of shortness of breath, accompanied by
choking, coughing with the release of foamy pink sputum. On examination: in the lungs, moist, different-
sized wheezing on both sides, atrial fibrillation, enlarged liver, swelling on the lower extremities. These
symptoms are characteristic of:
<variant> acute left ventricular failure
<variant> pulmonary embolism
<variant> bronchial asthma attack
<variant> spontaneous pneumothorax
<variant> infarct pneumonia
106. <question>Ayoung man of 15 years old, came to the doctor with complaints of cough with up to 200
ml of mucopurulent sputum with smell, hemoptysis, temperature rise up to 38.2 C, indisposition, shortness
of breath. In childhood, often noted cough. Over the past 5 years - annual exacerbations. First of all, the
patient should be excluded:
<variant>chronic lung abscess
<variant>polycystic lung
107. <question>A28-year-old man complains of a rise in body temperature up to 38 ° C, cough with
mucous sputum, weakness. Ill acutely after hypothermia. Objectively: hard breathing in the lungs, no
wheezing. During the examination: leukocytes - 7.5 thousand, ESR - 20 mm / h. Probable diagnosis:
<variant>acute bronchitis
<variant>acute rhinopharyngitis
<variant>chronic bronchitis, exacerbation
<variant>community-acquired basal
<variant> acute trocheitis
108. <question>PatientA., 38 years old, went to the doctor with complaints of cough, sometimes with
mucopurulent sputum in the last 2 years. Smokes with 15 years. The last 3 months appeared expiratory
dyspnea when running and climbing to the 3rd floor. Auscultation: hard breathing, dry rales. Tiffno index
is 55%. Preliminary diagnosis:
<variant>chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
<variant>sacculated pleurisy
<variant>focal pneumonia
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<variant>lung sarcoidosis
<variant>bronchial asthma
109. <question>Male, 66 years old, with complaints of cough with mucopurulent sputum, shortness of
breath, fever. In the history of - frequent colds. About-but: hypersthenic, pale, cyanosis of the nasolabial
triangle, nails are changed in the form of "watch glasses", pastos of the legs. Auscultation - harsh breathing,
shortened exhalation, scattered dry rales. VC moderately reduced. Likely diagnosis.
<variant>COPD, bronchitis type
<variant>bronchial asthma, severe
<variant>chronic obstructive bronchitis
<variant>COPD, emphysematous type
<variant>pulmonary tuberculosis
110. <question>A patient with a bronchiectatic disease after a strong cough suddenly developed chest
pain to the right and shortness of breath. On examination, the right half of the chest lagged behind in the
act of breathing and the bulging of intercostal spaces was revealed; percussion - tympanic. The
complication developed in the patient:
<variant>lung atelectasis
<variant>pulmonary infarction
<variant>pulmonary emphysema
<variant>exudative pleurisy
111. <question>Patient F., 75 years old, who had a myocardial infarction several months ago had shortness
of breath, swelling of the legs and feet, weakness. In the lungs moist rales are heard in the lower sections. In
the analysis of blood - Hb - 155 g / l. On ECG - sinus tachycardia and cicatricial changes in the area of the
anterior wall and septum. Most likely the patient:
<variant>congestive heart failure
<variant>focal pneumonia
<variant>acute heart failure
<variant>pulmonary embolism
<variant>myocardial dystrophy
112. <question>A63-year-old man complains of acute migratory, wavy pains behind the sternum and along
the spine. Pulse asymmetry in the arms and legs, systolic murmur over the aorta, hypotension were
revealed. The research method allows to verify the diagnosis:
<variant>coronary angiography
113. <question>A75-year-old woman complains of oppressive chest pains that appeared about an hour ago.
On an ECG - STV1-V6 elevation. Upon admission to the hospital, a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome
was made. First of all it is shown to the patient:
<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>bicycle ergometry
<variant>Holter ECG monitoring
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114. <question>A57-year-old man whose blood pressure has increased in the last two years is being
examined at a clinic. Specify an accessible and informative method for the diagnosis of left ventricular
hypertrophy in this patient:
<variant>bicycle ergometry
115. <question>A57-year-old man complains of pressure in the region of the heart, shortness of breath on
exertion, noise in the head, and headaches. From the anamnesis: suffers from gastric ulcer; Notes early
graying hair, abuses smoking. On examination: increased nutrition. This condition is due to:
<variant>atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the heart, brain
<variant>osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
<variant>exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis
<variant>exacerbation of gastric ulcer
<variant>intercostal neuralgia
116. <question>A35-year-old woman suffering from rheumatic heart disease complains of shortness of
breath, palpitations, and swelling of the legs. On examination, there were congestive changes in the lungs,
hepatomegaly and edema. To assess the function of the left ventricle, the patient is shown to ...
<variant>bicycle ergometry
<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>Holter ECG monitoring
117. <question>Patient R., 55 years old, complains of chest pain radiating to the left arm and under the
scapula. On examination: muffled tones of the heart, moderate tachycardia. BP - 110/70 mm Hg On ECG:
STV2-V4 segment elevation. Which of the following survey methods. Most advisable:
<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>myocardial scintigraphy
<variant>positron emission tomography
118. <question>Adomen, asthma, low tolerance to physical exertion, infantilism, delayed physical
development, systolic murmur in the heart are most characteristic of:
<variant>congenital heart defects
<variant>bronchial asthma
<variant>acquired heart disease
<variant>congenital anomalies of the bronchopulmonary system
119. <question>A78-year-old woman notes pressing pain in the sternum when climbing a single flight of
stairs, interruptions in the heart area, dizziness. Has suffered myocardial infarction. Objectively: in the
lungs stagnant moist rales. HR-106 beats / min. BP - 170/100 mm Hg Art. Symptoms most likely indicative
of chronic circulatory failure are:
<variant>congestive wet rales
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<variant>increase in blood pressure

<variant>interruptions in the heart
<variant>pressing pain behind the sternum
120. <question>A27-year-old patient was taken to the cardiology department with complaints of heart
palpitations and pressure sensation behind the sternum, episodes of unconsciousness. Objectively: of
asthenic physique, heart sounds are slightly muffled, the rhythm is correct. HR - 88 beats / min. BP - 90/60
mm Hg On an ECG, STV2-V3 segment elevation. Troponin T is not changed. The most informative
research method for diagnosis verification:
<variant>daily ECG monitoring
<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>bicycle ergometry
121. <question>Young man, 19 years old, with frequent exacerbations of pharyngitis complains of
palpitations, shortness of breath and pain in the joints. On examination: deafness of heart tones, a systolic
murmur is heard at the apex of the heart. Should conduct a study:
<variant>x-rays of joints
<variant>angiography of heart vessels
122. <question>A55-year-old patient has pain in the region of the heart that is compressive in nature,
which does not have a clear connection with physical activity, but passes after taking nitroglycerin. She
also suffers from varicose veins of the lower extremities. She has an increase in blood pressure to 160/90
mm Hg. Art. There are no specific changes on the ECG in 12 standard leads. In accordance with the
clinical protocol, the following diagnostic examination is recommended. <variant>daily ECG monitoring
<variant>bicycle ergometry.
<variant>test with obzidanom.
<variant>coronary angiography.
<variant>determination of the level of enzymes in the blood.
123. <question>A54-year-old patient has severe weakness, chest tightness, suffocation, cold sweat,
thready pulse, hypotension in a patient receiving penicillin treatment – this. . . . <variant>
thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary arteries
<variant> anaphylactic shock
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> signs of renal eclampsia
<variant> signs of right ventricular failure
124. <question>The patient Imangaliev N., 35 years old, was admitted to the emergency room of the city
hospital with complaints of severe shortness of breath, suffocation, cough, hemoptysis, ECG signs of
overload of the right parts of the heart in a patient with stenosis of the left venous opening-this. . . .
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary arteries
<variant> manifestations of respiratory failure associated with bronchial asthma
<variant> manifestation of symptomatic arterial hypertension in pheochromocytoma
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<variant> signs of renal eclampsia

125. <question>The patient has sharp headaches, weakness, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, flies in front of
his eyes
– this. . . .
<variant> crisis in hypertension
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> signs of renal eclampsia
<variant> signs of renal arterial hypertension
<variant> manifestations of symptomatic arterial hypertension in pheochromocytoma
126. <question>The patient has acute chest compressive pain, lasting more than 30 minutes, accompanied
by weakness, cold sweat, stopped by drugs. The clinic is typical for . . . .
<variant>acute myocardial infarction
<variant> myocarditis
<variant> angina pectoris
<variant> pulmonary artery branch thromboembolism:
<variant> esophagitis
127. <question>The patient has chest pain of a compressive nature that occurs during physical exertion,
radiating to the left, relieved by taking nitroglycerin is characteristic of . . . .
<variant> angina pectoris
<variant>acute myocardial infarction
<variant>pulmonary artery branch thromboembolism:
<variant> esophagitis
<variant> pericarditis
128. <question>If a 40-year-old patient is suspected of coronary heart disease, there are no changes on the
ECG at rest. Your management tactics: <variant> physical activity test (VEM)
<variant> polycardiography
<variant> Echocardiography
<variant> myocardial scintigraphy with technetium
<variant> chest x-ray
129. <question>A60-year-old patient is under observation for a long time due to arterial hypertension.
Antihypertensive drugs were taken irregularly. Deterioration during the last week. Heart tones are muffled. 88
heart rate per minute. BP 150/85 mm Hg. The diagnosis of the patient:
<variant>arterial hypertension, I degree
<variant>arteriald hypertension, II degree
<variant>limited systolic arterial hypertension
<variant>limited diastolic arterial hypertension
<variant>arterial hypertension, III degree
130. <question>A59-year-old patient who has long been under observation due to arterial hypertension.
Antihypertensive drugs were taken irregularly. Deterioration during the last week. Heart tones are muffled.
Heart rate 91 per minute. BP 190/110 mm Hg. The diagnosis of the patient:
<variant>arterial hypertension, ІІІ degree
<variant>arteriald hypertension, I degree
<variant>limited systolic arterial hypertension
<variant>limited diastolic arterial hypertension
<variant>arterial hypertension, II degree
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131. <question>Apatient, 62 years old, complains of headaches and dizziness arising occasionally during
the last year. In the event of a headache, the BP increased several times to the values of 170/100 mm Hg.
The patient's mother died at the age of 57 from a cerebral stroke due to arterial hypertension. The patient is
overweight, smokes a lot, lovers of beer and fatty foods. The preliminary diagnosis of the patient:
<variant>arterial hypertension ІІ degree, risk ІІІ
<variant>arterial hypertension І degree, risk ІІІ
<variant>arterial hypertension ІІ degree, risk ІU
<variant>arterial hypertension ІІІ degree, risk ІІІ
<variant>arterial hypertension ІІІ degree, risk ІU
132. <question>A35-year-old patient complains of prolonged pain of a compressive nature behind the
sternum for more than 3 hours. The pain started after emotional stress at work and has been saved for the
last 2 weeks. Heart rate 82 per minute, BP 130/80 mm Hg. Your next effective step in managing the patient:
<variant>ECG in place
<variant>hospitalization of the patient in the emergency room cardiology
<variant>doctor's supervision at home
<variant>sending home after prescribing analgesics
<variant>general blood test
133. <question>Apatient, 32 years old, complains of low-grade fever and lateral squeezing nature of pain.
Pains do not give up anywhere, they are reduced when sitting. The patient himself associates his condition
with hypothermia. Characteristic features of this disease: <variant>in all registrations, ST is shifted above
the isolines
<variant>blood neutrophilic leukocytosis
<variant>ASG and LDH are normal
<variant>high blood cholesterol levels
<variant>acute phase indicators increased
134. <question>Apatient of 50 years with long-term smoking experience complains about the appearance of
burning pains behind the sternum last night in the neck, not associated with breathing for 2-3 hours. Also
complains of sweating and weakness. First you need to suspect:
<variant>myocardial infarction
<variant>cervical osteochondrosis
<variant>spontaneous pneumothorax
<variant>pulmonary heart
<variant>pulmonary infarction
135. <question>A 55-year-old patient is tormented by pain in his right shoulder for a duration of 20
minutes, which began after an evening meal. Previously, these pains appeared during fast walking and
were stopped in states of rest. This pain syndrome is characteristic of the following nosologies:
<variant>acute myocardial infarction
<variant>stable exertional angina
<variant>vasospastic angina
<variant>cervical osteochondrosis
136. <question>A37-year-old patient complains of short-term squeezing pains behind the sternum when
walking in the morning and numbness of the fingertips. With a deep breath, the pain does not increase.
When pain syndrome, the patient reduces the pace of walking. Such signs appeared a month ago. Select the
type of diagnosis:
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<variant>radioisotope heart scan
<variant>coronary angiography
<variant>chest roentgenoscopy
137. <question> A patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the esophagus.According
to the prognosis, the most serious complaint of patients with esophageal diseases:
<variant> dysphagia
<variant> heartburn
138. <question>Женщина в возрасте 48 лет жалуется на боли в области пищевода и желудка, на
вздутие живота, жидкий стул, повышенную утомляемость в последние 15 мес. За этот период она
похудела на 18 кг. Наиболее грозная причина дисфагии:
<variant> новообразование пищевода
<variant> ожоговый стеноз пищевода
<variant> вдавление пищевода из вне
<variant> дивертикул пищевода
139. <question> Patient F, 20 years old, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of coughing and
shortness of breath. The percussion sound is quiet, blunted when :
<variant> small amplitude of sound waves
<variant> pronounced thickening of the chest
<variant> in the presence of inflammation in the organs
<variant> percussion of organs containing air
<variant> percussion of dense organs
140. <question> Patient B., 37 years old, complains of severe shortness of breath, cough with difficult-to-
separate viscous sputum for 3 hours. Objectively: the state of moderate severity. Forced position with a
fixed shoulder belt. Lack of extended exhalation. "Remote wheezing" is heard. Auscultation: the lungs
breathing hard, a large number of dry buzzing and wheezing. Heart tones are muted, heart rate is 100 in
1min, BP is 130/90 mm Hg. The leading advantage of direct auscultation:
<variant> provides a true representation of sounds
<variant> allows you to listen to sounds that are not detected by other auscultation methods
<variant> easy to use
<variant> sounds are detected from a relatively large area
<variant> organ motility is heard
141. <question> Patient N, 35 years old, called the ambulance team. Complains of an attack of suffocation,
a strong cough, sweating, palpitations, a sore throat, a feeling of fear. Objectively: the state of moderate
severity, the position of orthopnea, the face is bluish-purple. Auscultation: hard breathing in the lungs, dry
whistling wheezes all over the fields. Heart tones are muted, heart rate 108 beats / min, BP 140/90 mm Hg.
When performing auscultation, the following condition is incorrect:
<variant> indoor noise, temperature
<variant> the doctor's position is convenient for him
<variant> silence in the room, temperature 25 C
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<variant> the section being listened to must not produce additional sounds
<variant> patient's sitting position on a chair
142. <question>Patient S., 30 years old, was taken to the medical center in a serious condition. The skin and
mucous membranes are cyanotic. Pulse 146 beats / min, weak filling. Blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg.
Breathing is rapid and shallow. Body temperature 40.6° C. According to the accompanying persons, the
victim, liquidating the accident, worked for 40 minutes at an air temperature of about 70° C and high
humidity. Normal values of human body temperature:
<variant> 36,0 – 36,8
<variant> 38,0 – 38,9
<variant> 37,0 – 37,9
<variant> 39,0 – 39,9
<variant> 40,0 – 40,9
143. <question> In the patient, rare breathing with a gradual increase, then a decrease in the depth of
breathing, alternating with periods of cessation of breathing is called breathing by type:
<variant> Chayne-Stokes
<variant> Kussmaul
<variant> Grokko
<variant> Biot
<variant> mixed
144. <question> A patient with respiratory disorders was admitted to the hospital. In the patient, even
breathing with pauses of up to half a minute is called breathing by type:
<variant> Biot
<variant> Kussmaul
<variant> Chayne -Stokes
<variant> Grokko
<variant> mixed
145. <question> The doctor of the medical center was called to a child 4 years old (weight 20 kg).
Complaints of fever up to 39.8 degrees, weakness, malaise, lack of appetite, sweating, sore throat when
swallowing. Respiratory rate 35. Normal number of breaths per minute:
<variant> 16-20
<variant> 24-28
<variant> 32-36
<variant> 10-14
<variant> 36 – 40
146. <question>A3-year-old boy was admitted to the clinic with complaints of suffocation, voice changes,
pain when swallowing, dry cough. Got sick 2 years ago. Body temperature of 38.7 C. The pharynx is
hyperemic, the tissues are swollen, and the tonsils and soft palate are covered with a gray coating.
Breathing 10 times in 1 min.. When inhaling, a whistling sound is heard. Inhalation is prolonged, with the
soft tissues of the subclavian and supraclavicular pits, as well as intercostal spaces. With percussion and
auscultation, there were no changes in the lungs. If the frequency of breathing movements in one minute is
10-14, then this is:
<variant> bradypnea
<variant> tachypnea
<variant> apnea
<variant> dyspnea
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<variant> norm
147. <question> The doctor of the medical center came to the sick child's home (age 4 years, weight 20 kg).
The boy has an increase in body temperature to 38.2 degrees, a rough barking cough, rapid breathing,
sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose. The breathing rate of 36 per minute is called:
<variant> tachypnea
<variant> dyspnea
<variant> apnea
<variant> bradypnea
<variant> norm
148. <question> A patient who was admitted in a serious condition had a short-term respiratory arrest.
Stopping breathing for a certain period is called:
<variant> apnea
<variant> norm
<variant> dyspnea
<variant> tachypnea
<variant> bradypnea
149. <question> Patient V., 45 years old, went to the emergency department. Worries sharply expressed
shortness of breath at the slightest movement, rare dry cough. Objectively: the left half of the chest lags
behind in the act of breathing, the intercostal spaces are smoothed. Voice jitter to the left of the IV edge is
not carried out along all topographic lines. At a percussion on the same lot as the absolutely dull sound.
Above the Traube space, the sound is dulled and tympanic. Voice jitter depends on:
<variant> pleural cavity condition, lung tissue density, bronchial tree patency, chest wall thickness
<variant> density lung tissue, the pitch of the voice
<variant> bronchial tree patency, voice pitch
<variant> thickness of the chest wall, the pitch of the voice
<variant> pleural cavity condition, voice pitch
150. <question> The hospital admitted a patient I., 36 years old. The chest is regular in shape. Both its
halves are symmetrical, lagging behind in the act of breathing. When percussion is performed on the right
in the interscapular area at the level of 3-6 ribs, the sound is blunted-tympanic. Voice trembling is
increased. Below the 7 ribs, the percussive sound is tympanic. One-way amplification of voice tremor is
observed when: <variant> fibrothorax
<variant> the hydrothorax
<variant> lobular inflammatory seal
<variant> obstructive atelectasis
<variant> pneumothorax
151. <question> The patient's examination revealed: the height of the top of the lung standing in front of
1 cm above the clavicle, a dull percussion sound, voice trembling is weakened. Unilateral weakening of
the voice tremor is observed when: <variant> obturation atelectasis

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emphysema of the lungs

cavities in the lung connected to the bronchi
<variant> focal inflammatory seal
<variant> lobular inflammatory seal
152. <question> A 40-year-old man was admitted to the clinic with complaints of repeated attacks of
suffocation with a painful cough. Attacks occur suddenly. During the attack, the patient sits in a forced
position, leaning on his hands, and auxiliary muscles participate in breathing. Breath whistling, heard in
the distance. Especially difficult to exhale. When percussion over the lungs is determined by the box
sound, when auscultation numerous dry wheezes. At the end of the attack, scant sputum is separated.
There are no changes in the lungs between percussion and auscultation attacks. Percussion sound over the
lungs in a healthy person: <variant> clear pulmonary
<variant> dull
<variant> tympanic
<variant> blunted
<variant> boxed
153. <question> By the nature of sound properties, the doctor determines the topography of internal
organs, their physical condition, and partly their function. Topographic percussion is used to determine:
<variant> organ borders
<variant> organ sizes
<variant> organ configuration
<variant> inflammatory focus
<variant> of a pathological process in an organ
154. <question> A 42-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital. He had percussion, palpation and
auscultation of the lungs. Respiratory noise heard above the lungs in healthy people:
<variant> vesicular
<variant> puerile
<variant> mixed
<variant> bronchial
<variant> amphoric
155. <question> A patient with respiratory disorders was taken to the hospital. He had shortness of breath
and coughing. Temperature 39.9. Respiratory noise heard over the larynx, trachea:
<variant> bronchial
<variant> mixed
<variant> vesicular
<variant> hard
<variant> weakened vesicular
156. <question> A patient with thyrotoxicosis was admitted to the hospital. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition
associated with an excess of thyroid hormones in the body. This condition is also called hyperthyroidism.
This is not a diagnosis, but a consequence of certain thyroid diseases or external factors. Breathing listened
to during physical work, in patients with thyrotoxicosis:
<variant> reinforced vesicular
<variant> hard
<variant> weakened vesicular
<variant> saccaded
<variant> pathological bronchial

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157. <question> A patient with bronchitis was admitted to the hospital. The disease is manifested by a
cough, often an increase in temperature, a feeling of sternum soreness, and a deterioration in General
health. At the same time, there may be General symptoms of an infectious disease. The disease is more
severe in the elderly and weakened individuals.Breathing listened to when the bronchial mucosa is inflamed
pathological bronchial
<variant> weakened vesicular
<variant> bronchial respiration with an amphoric tinge
<variant> vesicular
158. <question> A 54-year-old patient was admitted. Complaints of chest pain, increased body temperature,
and pronounced General weakness are characteristic. Chest pain is associated with irritation of the pleural
nerve endings with fibrin. The pain is often unilateral on the side of the lesion, quite intense, with a
tendency to increase with deep breathing, coughing, sneezing. Body temperature rises to 38°C, rarely
higher. With the gradual onset of the disease at first, the body temperature may be normal. Also concerned
about general weakness, sweating, headache, and intermittent pain in the muscles and joints.Auscultation
symptom of the syndrome of thickening of pleural layers:
<variant> weakened vesicular
<variant> amphoric
<variant> vesicular respiration
<variant> pathological bronchial
<variant> reinforced vesicular
159. <question> The strength of vesicular respiration in different people is different and depends on the
strength of respiratory movements, on the power of the affected areas of lung tissue, the thickness of the
layer of chest tissue. Therefore, the strength of vesicular respiration will be different for people of different
ages and different fatness. Reasons for weakening vesicular respiration: <variant> loss of elastic properties
of mucosal alveoli
<variant> bronchospasm
<variant> presence of liquid secretions in the bronchi
<variant> presence of a viscous secretion in the bronchi
<variant> narrowing of the lumen of small bronchi due to their inflammatory edema
160. <question> A patient with impaired breathing was admitted to the hospital.Amphoric breathing is a
very low, soft, low-pitched bronchial breathing that has a musical, metallic tone and is similar to the
sound produced when a narrow stream of air passes quickly over an empty bottle (hence the name).
Amphoric breathing is heard when:
<variant> lung abscess in the second stage
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> 2 stages of croup pneumonia
<variant> pleurisy
<variant> pneumothorax
161. <question> Patient K., 38 years old, is being treated in hospital on the 10th. Auscultative: mixed wet
and dry wheezes. Shallow breathing, tachypnea, respiratory rate 28 / min. Heart tones are muted,
tachycardia heart rate
100 in min., BP 90/60 mm Hg. Dry wheezes occur due to:
<variant> narrowing of the bronchial lumen

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<variant> swelling of the bronchial mucosa

<variant> accumulation of viscous secretions in the lumen of the bronchi
<variant> presence of fluid in the alveoli
<variant> bronchial smooth muscle spasm
162. <question> The Ambulance team was called to a 52-year-old patient who complained of a sudden
attack of suffocation. The patient is sitting with his hands resting on the edge of the bed, the chest in a state
of maximum inspiration, the frequency of the respiratory movements-38 per minute. Shortness of breath
expiratory character, dry wheezing can be heard at a distance. Dry wheezes are:
<variant> treble
<variant> small bubbles
<variant> nonconsoning
163. <question> A 46-year-old patient developed mitral stenosis in childhood after suffering from
rheumatism. For many years, I felt satisfactory, but recently, after frequent angina, my condition has
deteriorated sharply:
shortness of breath, cough with the release of "rusty" sputum, palpitations, pain in the heart area, swelling on
the legs, and weight gain. Wet wheezing occurs when:
<variant> accumulation of liquid or semi-liquid secretions in the lumen of the bronchi
<variant> accumulation of viscous secretions in the lumen of the bronchi
<variant> swelling of the bronchial mucosa
<variant> bronchial smooth muscle spasm
<variant> presence of fluid in the alveoli
164. <question> Patient K., 40 years old, at an outpatient appointment with a district doctor of the
polyclinic complained of an increase in temperature to 38 0C in the evenings, a constant cough with
muco-purulent sputum, shortness of breath during exercise, general weakness, increased sweating.
During auscultation, crepitation is listened to. Crepitation is heard when: <variant> presence of
liquid secretions in the alveoli
<variant> accumulation of liquid or semi-liquid secretions in the lumen of the bronchi
<variant> swelling of the bronchial mucosa
<variant> narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi with a viscous secret
<variant> bronchial smooth muscle spasm
165. <question> The patient complains of a cough with sputum separation, shortness of breath with difficult
exhalation at the slightest physical exertion and at rest, significant permanent weakness, fatigue. During
examination, pronounced diffuse cyanosis is detected, significant participation of auxiliary muscles even at
rest, and the frequency of respiratory movements is 32 per 1 minute. Breathing listened to over the cavity
in the lung (without pus):
<variant> amphoric
<variant> harsh
<variant> bronchial
<variant> weakened vesicular
<variant> vesicular
166. <question> The patient complains of fever up to 39°C, chills. By... over the whole surface of the chest
are auscultated on the right neskuchnie of crepitate and weakened vesicular breathing.
<variant> lobar pneumonia

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<variant> focal pneumonia

<variant> chronic bronchitis
<variant> exudative pleurisy
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
167. <question> There was a patient with cough, hemoptysis, sputum, asthmatic syndrome. Disease, when
auscultation of the lungs is listened to the presence of wet silent wheezes against the background of hard
<variant> chronic bronchitis
<variant> croup pneumonia 2 St
<variant> exudative pleurisy
<variant> croup pneumonia 1 St
<variant> focal pneumonia
168. <question> Patient M., 30 years old, went to the clinic with complaints of fever up to 37.7 C, cough,
dry wheezing, General weakness, sweating.
Mechanism of dry wheezing:
narrowing of the bronchial lumen
thickening of pleural leaves
<variant> presence of a liquid secret in the lumen
<variant> alveolar wall oscillation
<variant> presence of fluid in the alveoli
169. <question> Patient B., 37 years old, complains of severe shortness of breath, cough with viscous
sputum difficult to spit for 3 hours. Objectively: the state of moderate severity. Forced position with
fixed shoulder girdle. Lack of extended exhalation. "Remote wheezing" is heard. Main auscultation
symptom of bronchospastic syndrome: <variant> treble wheezing
<variant> large- bubbly wheezing
<variant> finely moist rales
<variant> concords wheezing
<variant> crepitus
170. <question> Patient N, 35 years old, called the ambulance team. Complains of an attack of suffocation,
a strong cough, sweating, palpitations, a sore throat, a feeling of fear. Objectively: the state of moderate
severity, the position of orthopnea, the face is bluish-purple. Signs of pulmonary tissue compaction are not
syndrome of: <variant> weakening of vesicular respiration on the healthy side
<variant> dulling percussion sound
<variant> voice jitter amplification
<variant> increased bronchophony and wet wheezes
<variant> patient's lag in the act of breathing
171. <question> The patient P., 27 years old, after treating the room with a disinfectant solution, suddenly
had a feeling of lack of air, a paroxysmal cough, fear of death. Objectively: the state of moderate severity,
the skin is cyanotic, pronounced hyperhidrosis. Tachypnea, the frequence of the chest movements 40 in 1
min. Heart tones are deaf, heart rate is 140 beats / min, BP is 100/60 mm Hg. above the cavity in the lung
containing air and sputum is listened to:
<variant> bronchial breathing and large- bubbly wet wheezes
<variant> dry wheezes
<variant> crepitation
<variant> dry wheezes

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<variant> small-bubbly wet wheezes

172. <question> A 70-year-old patient complains of shortness of breath with difficulty exhaling, cough with
difficult-to-separate light sputum. Ribcage barrel, percussion – all fields of the lung sound with boxed
shade. When the bronchi are narrowed, a viscous exudate is listened to ... breath.
<variant> hard
<variant> vesicular
<variant> reinforced vesicular
<variant> amphoric
<variant> bronchial
173. <question> Patient Y. complains of shortness of breath, difficult breath, cough with scanty sputum
since last night. Additional noises heard when the pleura is affected:
<variant> pleural friction noise
<variant> sonorous wet wheezes
<variant> crepitations
<variant> silent wet wheezes
<variant> dry wheezes
174. <question> The doctor of the ambulance team was called to the patient, 28 years old for a sudden
attack of suffocation that lasted for several hours with difficulty exhaling, coughing with difficult-to-
separate sputum.
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Repeated use of the inhaler (beta-adrenostimulator berotek) gave only a temporary effect. Such attacks bother
the patient for 5 years, sometimes provoked by the smell of gasoline, flowering plants. The main sign of
respiratory failure:
<variant> shortness of breath
<variant> hemoptysis
<variant> cough
<variant> sputum
<variant> weakness
175. <question> Patient K., 52 years old, complained of persistent cough with the release of a small amount
of muco-purulent sputum, shortness of breath during exercise, subfebrile temperature, sweating, decreased
appetite, weight loss by 5 kg over the past 3 months, general weakness .The main sign of respiratory failure
of the 2nd degree:
<variant> shortness of breath with minor physical exertion
<variant> shortness of breath at rest
<variant> shortness of breath when walking 400 meters
<variant> sleep dyspnea
<variant> the frequency of respiratory movements 20
176. <question> A 27-year-old patient with respiratory problems was admitted to the hospital. He was sent
for pneumotachometry. Pneumotachometry determines:
<variant> volume velocity of the air flow during inhalation and exhalation
<variant> additional volume
<variant> respiratory volume
<variant> backup volume
<variant> residual air volume
177. <question> Patient N., 34, worked for 14 years as a moulder in a foundry. Occupational hazards:
quartzcontaining dust (concentration 4 times higher than the MPC), high indoor temperature.
When applying for a job, he was considered practically healthy. After 10 years from the start of work, there was
a cough, shortness of breath during exercise, and General weakness. After admission to the hospital, the patient
was sent to oksigenatiu. Oxygamerya is determined by:
<variant> volume rate of inhalation and exhalation
<variant> additional volume
<variant> blood oxygen saturation
<variant> respiratory volume
<variant> backup volume
178. <question> The patient is 45 years old, taken to the hospital with attacks of suffocation, which is not
stopped during the day. Suffers from shortness of breath and attacks of suffocation for about six years, was
repeatedly treated in hospital, received hormone therapy. Cough with sputum discharge has been noted for a
long time (10 years). A week before admission to the hospital, increased coughing and shortness of breath,
an increase in the amount of yellowish sputum, weakness If the sputum contains Curschmann spirals and
Charcot-Leyden crystals, this is:
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> chronic simple bronchitis
<variant> lung gangrene
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
<variant> lung abscess
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the discipline "Propaedeutics of internal diseases-2"

179. <question> Patient I., 49 years old, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of subfebrile
temperature. Sputum in the form of "raspberry jelly" is characteristic of:
<variant> lung cancer
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
croup pneumonia
<variant> acute bronchitis
<variant> lung atelectasis
180. <question> An ambulance delivered a patient with loss of consciousness and a large loss of blood .
Signs of pulmonary bleeding:
<variant> blood is scarlet, unchanged with bubbles
<variant> blood is red, unchanged, without bubbles
<variant> coffee grounds blood
<variant> appearance of blood in connection with food intake
<variant> the appearance of blood is combined with nausea, heartburn
181. <question> The patient, 43 years old, has been working at an enterprise for the production of asbestos
products for the past four years, and has had contact with asbestos dust that exceeds the MPC by 3 times.
Over the past 2 years, it has been noted cough with difficult-to-separate sputum with exacerbations 3-4
times a year, shortness of breath with little physical exertion, chest pain, general weakness. The main
complaints of patients with diseases of the respiratory system do not include:
<variant> chest pain, feeling of lack of air
<variant> shortness of breath of mixed character, fever
<variant> cough with a sense of lack of air
<variant> cough, fever, sometimes hemoptysis
<variant> chest pain intensifying with deep breathing, purulent sputum
182. <question> A 35-year-old patient worked as a coal miner for 16 years and had contact with coal dust
that exceeded the MPC by 4 times. Over the past two years, he has been noticing a cough with the release
of gray sputum, shortness of breath during physical exertion. Expiratory shortness of breath is:
<variant> sudden sharp difficulty in exhaling
<variant> difficulty exhaling during exercise
<variant> presence of remote wheezes
<variant> difficulty breathing during exercise
<variant> sudden sharp difficulty in breathing
183. <question> Patient N., 37 years old, complaints of shortness of breath during exercise, cough with
slight sputum separation, chest pain over the past year. In recent years, he worked in the production of
pyrotechnic products, had contact with powdered ammonia. Personal protective equipment was used
irregularly. Smokes since the age of 18. Inspiratory shortness of breath is:
<variant> sudden sharp difficulty in breathing
<variant> presence of remote wheezes
<variant> difficulty exhaling during exercise
<variant> sudden sharp difficulty in exhaling
<variant> difficulty breathing during exercise
184. <question> Patient S., 33 years old, complaints of attacks of shortness of breath during work during the
last year, cough. absent. Coughing is not the result of irritation:
<variant> of pleural leaves
<variant> alveolus
<variant> larynx

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<variant> bronchi
<variant> nasopharynx
185. <question> The patient is 30 years old and has been working for 3 years at a kinescope manufacturing
company. He has been working as an accountant for the last 7 years. He got ARVI and took antibiotics. The
appearance of significant shortness of breath, a sharp rise in temperature, and cough at this stage was noted.
Paroxysmal dry cough is characteristic of:
<variant> of allergic tracheobronchitis
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
<variant> respiratory failure
<variant> of chronic purulent bronchitis
<variant> lung abscess
186. <question> The patient is 70 years old, complaints of constant shortness of breath of a mixed nature,
cough with difficult-to-separate sputum, weakness, for 3 months, subfebrile temperature in the evenings,
sweating. A long and persistent cough is characteristic of:
<variant> of chronic bronchitis
<variant> acute bronchitis
<variant> of bronchial asthma
<variant> pleurisy
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
187. <question>A 57-year-old patient came to You (at an outpatient appointment) with complaints of a
dry cough and shortness of breath. Sputum is separated rarely, with difficulty, scanty. Sometimes marks
streaks of blood in the sputum. Gentle breathing and coughing is observed when:
<variant> croup pneumonia, dry pleurisy
<variant> interstitial and basal pneumonia
<variant> acute and chronic bronchitis
<variant> Central lung cancer
<variant> lung abscesses and bronchiectasis
188. <question> Patient K., 29 years old, works for YAMZ. During the last three months, he began to notice
periodic temperature rises to 38.00 C, increasing weakness, drowsiness, weight loss, increased sweating.
The patient continued to work, but two days ago there was a purulent sputum that forced him to consult a
doctor. Copious up to 200 – 300 ml of purulent sputum per day is released when:
<variant> purulent obstructive bronchitis
<variant> emphysema of the lungs, pulmonary fibrosis
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> focal or croup pneumonia
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
189. <question> The patient complains of an elevated temperature, a strong cough with sputum. Sputum
discharge is not typical for:
<variant> emphysema, pneumosclerosis
<variant> focal or croup pneumonia
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> purulent obstructive bronchitis
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
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190. <question> The patient is 52 years old, complains of shortness of breath, cough with sputum of a rusty
color, weakness, sweating. Considers herself ill for many years. The disease proceeded in waves, at first
with rare, and then with more frequent exacerbations. Rusty sputum is released when:
<variant> croup pneumonia
<variant> lung cancer
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
<variant> chronic bronchitis
<variant> lung gangrene
191. <question> The patient is 35 years old, came to the doctor with complaints of weakness, malaise,
shortness of breath, cough with the release of abundant muco-purulent sputum without smell, especially in
the morning, up to 300 ml is released per day. Sometimes there is hemoptysis. He has been ill for 5 years,
his condition worsens from time to time, and has been repeatedly treated in a hospital. Fetid sputum is
released when:
lung gangrene
croup pneumonia
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
<variant> chronic bronchitis
<variant> lung cancer
192. <question> A 46-year-old man went to the clinic with complaints of general weakness, malaise,
decreased performance, decreased appetite, weight loss, persistent cough with a small amount of sputum.
Lost 6 kg in 3 months. Three-layer sputum is released when:
<variant> croup pneumonia
<variant> lung abscess
<variant> tuberculosis
<variant> chronic bronchitis
<variant> lung cancer
193. <question> An objective examination of the patient reveals an increase in temperature to 39.8° C. It is
known from the anamnesis that the subfebrile temperature was observed in him almost constantly over the
past year, taking antipyretics such as aspirin does not lead to its normalization. The debilitating temperature
is observed at:
<variant> lung abscess before breakthrough
<variant> lung cancer
<variant> lung abscess after breakthrough
<variant> croup pneumonia
<variant> purulent obstructive bronchitis
194. <question> Patient K., 18 years old, entered the therapeutic department for ...body temperature 40.5° C.
the Patient is pale, the skin is dry. The tongue is covered with a white coating. The patient complains of
headache, complete lack of appetite, drowsiness, a strong cough with sputum, shortness of breath, soreness
in the muscles and joints. BP-130/90 mm Hg, pulse 98 BPM. The boundaries of the heart within normal
limits. The heart tones are muted. Breathing is rapid and shallow. Constant fever is observed in:
<variant> croup pneumonia in the initial stage
<variant> lung cancer
<variant> bronchiectatic disease
<variant> lung abscess in resolution stage
<variant> croup pneumonia in the resolution stage


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195. <question> Patient B was admitted to the therapeutic department. She is concerned: sharp weakness,
tightness in the chest, suffocation, cold sweat, thread-like pulse. Hypotension in a patient receiving
penicillin treatment is:
<variant> pulmonary embolism
<variant> anaphylactic shock
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> signs of renal eclampsia
<variant> signs of right ventricular failure
196. <question> Patient A., 67 years old, was taken to the emergency department of the hospital with
complaints of shortness of breath at rest, cough, fever up to 38 °C, general weakness. Means used to relieve
an attack of bronchial asthma:
<variant> eufillin, prednisone, epinephrine
<variant> strophanthin, lasix, nitroprussid sodium intravenous
<variant> intravenous lasix, corinthar under the tongue
<variant> penicillin
<variant> nitroglycerin, morphine, heparin
197. <question> In a patient suffering from COPD for many years, during the next hospitalization, the
following was found on an ECG: the presence of high-amplitude, pointed-tip p-waves in leads II, III ,aVF,
V1, the duration Of the p-wave does not exceed 0.1 s. The amplitude R in V1 = 8 mm, RV1SV5, 6 =
12mm, the electric axis is shifted to the right (angle α100). Interpret the ECG data.
<variant> right atrial and ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> right ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> right atrial hypertrophy
<variant> Blocking the right leg of the GIS bundle
<variant>Atrial block
198. <question> A 65-year-old patient suffered a myocardial infarction 3 years ago. Complains of increasing
shortness of breath. During examination: ESR – 65 mm/h. X-ray revealed pleural effusion. During the
puncture, 500 ml of liquid was removed. After 2 days, repeated accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
was detected. The study that is most informative for clarifying the diagnosis:
<variant> Cytological examination of exudate
<variant> Computed tomography
<variant> Transbronchial puncture
<variant> research on cancer markers
<variant> Magnetic resonance imaging
199. <question> Patient I., 36 years old, suffering from COPD, is on hospital treatment for focal pulmonary
tuberculosis without disintegration.After the observed clinical improvement in the last 3 days, there is an
increase in body temperature to 38°C, an unproductive cough. Method of examination to clarify the cause
of the patient's deterioration:
<variant> sputum seeding on the sensitivity of the accompanying microflora
<variant> Presbyopia
<variant> Bronchoscopy
<variant> Tuberculin test
<variant> Computer spirography
200. <question> An elderly man suffering from chronic alcoholism and COPD complains of a cough with a
hard-toseparate viscous, viscous sputum with the smell of burnt meat, in appearance and consistency
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reminiscent of blackcurrant jelly. Found: severe intoxication, shortness of breath, a slight amount of
wheezing in the lungs. Xray revealed the phenomenon of "spreading cellular lung", numerous
bronchiectases, residual cavities, pneumosclerosis. The most likely pathogen:
<variant> Klebsiella
<variant> Chlamydia
<variant> Mycoplasma
<variant> flu Virus
<variant> E. coli
201. <question> A 55-year-old patient complains of periodic attacks of suffocation, pronounced shortness of
breath, and coughing with mucus that is difficult to separate. Attacks are repeated 2-3 times a week. On
examination: positive symptoms of "drumsticks" and "watch glasses", barrel chest. When percussion is
determined by a pulmonary sound with a boxy tinge, auscultation-weakened vesicular breathing. The most
likely development of pathology:
<variant> emphysema of the lungs
<variant> Pneumonia
<variant> Pneumothorax
<variant>Acute bronchitis
<variant> Chronic bronchitis
202. <question> A 26-year-old patient from a social risk group. Complaints of weakness, malaise, fatigue,
weight loss, coughing, night sweats. He has been ill for the last 2-3 months and often works night shifts.
The fluorogram shows an infiltrative shadow in the upper lobe of the right lung, with a path to the root.
Your tactics:
sputum analysis for BC
Refer to a phthisiologist
<variant> Perform antibacterial therapy
<variant> Prescribe TB treatment
<variant> Send to the pulmonology department
203. <question> A 50-year-old man complained of pain in the left half of the chest, which occurs when
there is a sharp physical strain. When you move your left hand and take a deep breath, the pain increases
dramatically. When the lungs are auscultated, the left side of the breath is significantly weakened.
Percussive tympanitis. The most possible pathology:
<variant> spontaneous pneumothorax
<variant> osteochondrosis
<variant> intercostal neuralgia
<variant> IHD. Angina
<variant> effusive pleurisy
204. <question> A 28-year-old man complains of burning and pressing pain in the heart area, experienced
by the patient almost constantly over the past two weeks. Heart palpitations and shortness of breath are also
a concern. Fell ill about three weeks ago, when after some illness, accompanied by coughing and chills, the
abovementioned complaints from the heart appeared. The heart tones are deaf, and there are no wheezes in
the lungs. The liver is not enlarged. This method will help confirm the diagnosis:
<variant> Spirography
<variant> ECG
<variant> ECHO-KG
<variant> x-ray
<variant> blood counts

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205. <question> The patient after physical exertion had an attack of shortness of breath, accompanied by
choking, coughing with the release of foamy pink sputum. On examination: in the lungs, wet different-
caliber wheezes on both sides, atrial fibrillation, enlarged liver, edema on the lower extremities.
Pathology with the following symptoms:
<variant> Acute left ventricular failure
<variant> asthma attack
<variant> pulmonary embolism
<variant> Spontaneous pneumothorax
<variant> Infarct pneumonia
206. <question> The patient is 60 years old and has been observed for a long time for arterial hypertension.
Height 165, body weight 62 kg. I didn't take antihypertensive medications regularly. Deterioration of the
condition within a week. The percussion-left border is enlarged to the left. Heart tones are muted, heart rate
88 per minute, BP 170/95 mmHg. When the echo of the KG - hypertrophy of the left ventricle. The patient's
presumed diagnosis:
<variant> Arterial hypertension, grade I, risk 3
<variant> grade I Arterial hypertension, risk 2
<variant> grade II Arterial hypertension, risk 4
<variant> grade II Arterial hypertension, risk 3
<variant> Arterial hypertension, grade III, risk 4
207. <question> Patient S., 42 years old, has been observed by a family doctor for type 2 diabetes over the
past 3 years. Complies with all doctor's recommendations. The sugar level is 6.1 mmol/l. Within 4 months,
I began to worry about frequent headaches. The examination revealed an increase in BP to 150/100 mm Hg
If you repeat the measurement after 15 minutes and the next time, the BP numbers are saved. Is it
recommended to reduce BP to the patient :
<variant> Yes, because this will improve the patient's life forecast
<variant> Yes, because it is necessary to stop the patient's symptoms

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Yes, because this will ensure normalization of diabetes indicators

No, because these are not such high numbers, there is an independent recovery of BP
<variant> No, it is enough to correct the treatment of diabetes
208. <question> A 40-year-old woman applied for a preventive check-up. Periodically notes rare short-
term stabbing pain in the heart area. Weight 90 kg and height 170 cm, smokes 1 pack a day for 5 years,
does not exercise. The last survey was 6 years ago. The mother suffered a myocardial infarction at the age
of 45. No pathology was detected during physical examination. Diagnostic tests that should be performed
first: <variant> serum Cholesterol
<variant> chest x-Ray
<variant> physical activity Test
<variant> ECG
<variant> Coronarography
209. <question> Patient V., 50 years old, went to the family doctor with complaints of intense chest pain.
When examined by a doctor, no visible changes were found on the part of the heart and lungs. BP 120/85
mm Hg, heart rate-88 beats per 1 minute. The doctor calmed the patient and sent him home, with
recommendations to lie at home and come tomorrow. Is the doctor's tactics correct?
<variant> No, you need to schedule an urgent ECG study
<variant> Yes, the resulting pain does not portend a danger to the patient's condition
<variant> Yes, if there are any complications, it is possible to provide assistance the next day
<variant> there is no need to prescribe treatments with analgesics
<variant> No, the patient must be referred for planned treatment
210. <question> The patient has a high risk of developing IHD. Should the patient be trained?
<variant> Yes, to perform non-drug measures to control risk factors
<variant> Yes, to inform the patient about this pathology and the possibility of self-treatment
<variant> No, to avoid developing depression
<variant> No, to avoid self-medication
<variant> No, to avoid developing a phobia
211. <question> A 55-year-old patient has pain in the area of the heart of a compressive nature, which does
not have a clear connection with physical activity, but passes after taking nitroglycerin. She also suffers
from varicose veins of the lower extremities. It has increases in BP up to 160/90 mm Hg. There are no
specific changes in the
12 standard leads on the ECG. The next diagnostic examination will be:
<variant> daily monitoring
<variant> Bicycle ergometry
<variant> sample with obsidan
<variant> coronaroangiography
<variant> determination of the level of enzymes in the blood
212. <question> A 25-year-old woman. The patient is concerned about acute stabbing, compressing pain in
the left half of the chest. When breathing, head movements, hands, palpation of the chest wall, the pain
increases. The pain occurred 2 hours ago after trouble at work.
Your tactics:
<variant> remove the electrocardiogram
<variant> prescribe treatment
<variant> refer to a neurologist
<variant> hospitalize
<variant> send for x-ray.
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213. <question> A middle-aged woman complains of chest pain. The main method for diagnosing chest pain
associated with mitral valve prolapse is:
<variant> echocardiography
<variant> coronarography
<variant> radiography
<variant> tomography.
214. <question> Male 37 years old. In the morning, while walking, there is periodically a short-term feeling
of compression behind the sternum with numbness of the hands. With deep breathing, the pain does not
During pain, the patient slows down walking. For the first time, such phenomena occurred about a month ago.
The best method for diagnostics:
<variant> electrocardiography
<variant> radioisotope scanning of the heart
<variant> coronarography
<variant> echocardiography
<variant> chest x-ray examination.
215. <question> A 40-year-old woman complains of increasing weakness, pain in the epigastrium,
especially on an empty stomach and at night, constipation, dizziness, dry skin, pain in the heart area that is
not related to the load. Previously, I was not ill, recently there was an unpleasant conflict at work. To
confirm the diagnosis, a diagnostic study is required: <variant> Fibrogastroduodenoscopy
<variant> Electrocardiography
<variant> Sigmoidoscopy
<variant> neuropathologist's consultation
<variant> Clinical blood test
216. <question> Patient K., 46 years old at a family doctor's office with complaints of vomiting with acid
content, belching air after eating, discomfort in the epigastrium, bloating. Palpation revealed pain in the
epigastric region. Instrumental research to be performed by the patient
<variant> Fibrogastroduodenoscopy
<variant> stool analysis for hidden blood
<variant> Contrast radioscopy with barium
<variant> Ultrasound examination
<variant> Radionuclide research
217. <question> The patient has been suffering from chronic pancreatitis for 15 years. The simplest way
to detect pancreatic calcification: <variant> radiography <variant> laparotomy
<variant> laparoscopy
<variant> irrigoscopy
<variant> cholangiography
218. <question> The patient K., 40 years old, was diagnosed by a family doctor as "a First-time ulcer of the
bulb of the 12-duodenum". The leading method of examination of the patient:
<variant> FGDs with biopsy
<variant> General blood test
<variant> gastric juice analysis
<variant> stool analysis for hidden blood
<variant> duodenal sensing


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219. <question> The patient has daily fluctuations in body temperature in the range of 36.6-40.2 C. An
increase in temperature is preceded by severe chills; a decrease is accompanied by debilitating sweating.
Type of temperature curve:
<variant> febris intermittens
<variant> febris continua
febris remittens
febris reccurens
febris hectica
220. <question> The ambulance was called to the patient D., 48 years old, who complains of attacks of
pressing chest pains radiating to the left shoulder. A chest toad is called an attack ...
<variant> angina
<variant> suffocation
<variant> heartbeats
<variant> cough
<variant> abdominal pain
221. <question> The ambulance doctor came on call to the patient K., 50 years old, who developed an
intense attack of chest pain of a compressive nature with irradiation in the left arm. The pain lasts about an
hour, accompanied by sharp weakness, anxiety. During the last week, when walking, there were short-term
compressing pains behind the sternum, passing at rest. Angina attacks are not characterized by pain:
<variant> piercing
<variant> daggers
<variant> pressure
<variant> burning
<variant> compression
222. <question> a paramedic was called to the house of a patient B., 40 years old, who complains of severe
pain in the heart of a pressing nature, radiating to the left arm, under the left shoulder blade, a burning
sensation behind the sternum. The attack occurred 2 hours ago. Taking nitroglycerin did not give any effect.
The disease is associated with a stressful situation at work. Cardiac asthma is called an attack:
<variant> mixed asphyxiation in a patient with left ventricular failure
<variant> inspiratory asphyxiation in laryngospasm
<variant> cough and hemoptysis in a patient with congenital heart disease
<variant> expiratory asphyxiation in a patient with bronchial obstruction syndrome
<variant> mixed dyspnea during exercise in a patient with heart failure
223. <question> Patient K., 68 years old, turned to the paramedic with complaints of constant shortness
of breath, sharply increasing with physical exertion, palpitations. Heartbeat in physiological conditions
occurs: <variant> after exercise
<variant> after abuse of tea, coffee
<variant> after smoking
<variant> after a psychoemotional load
<variant> in a dream
224. <question> A young girl complains of dyspeptic disorders. Dyspeptic disorders in heart failure are
explained by:
<variant> pronounced venous congestion in the liver and gastrointestinal tract
<variant> reducing the acidity of gastric juice
<variant> impaired motor-equator function of the stomach
<variant> external secretory pancreatic insufficiency
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<variant> increased acidity of gastric juice

225. <question> Patient I., 35 years old, went to the doctor with complaints of shortness of breath with little
physical activity, attacks of suffocation and hemoptysis sometimes at night, paroxysmal intense pain
behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm, which decrease after changing the position of the body (the
patient sits down with his legs down) and taking nitroglycerin. Forced fading during walking, physical
activity is characteristic of an attack: <variant> angina
<variant> of cardiac asthma
bile colic


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of bronchial asthma
renal colic
226. <question> Patient S., 30 years old, was taken to the medical center in a serious condition. The skin
and mucous membranes are cyanotic. Pulse 146 beats / min, weak filling. Blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg.
Breathing is rapid and shallow. Body temperature 40.6° C. Cyanosis of the skin is caused by:
<variant> increased levels of restored blood hemoglobin
<variant> increased red blood cells and hemoglobin
<variant> increasing the level of gas exchange in the body
<variant> blood stagnation in peripheral vessels
<variant> peripheral vascular spasm
227. <question> A disease characterized by a forced position-the patient sits slightly leaning back and leans
his hands on the bed, his legs are lowered:
<variant> cardiac asthma
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> pericarditis
<variant> renal colic
<variant> angina
228. <question> A patient with a disease of the cardiovascular system was admitted to the hospital. He
complains of shortness of breath after exercise. He has cyanosis. Mixed cyanosis (blue heart patients) is
characteristic of: <variant> congenital heart disease
<variant> mitral heart disease
<variant> of aortic heart defects
<variant> IHD
<variant> aortic aneurysm
229. <question> A man, 56 years old, was admitted to the emergency Department, complaining of
discolored stool, itching, abdominal pain. Jaundice of the skin and sclera in CCC diseases is caused by:
<variant> impaired bilirubin metabolism due to liver congestion
<variant> severe anemia
<variant> transferred hepatitis
<variant> eating a large amount of carrots
<variant> portal hypertension
230. <question> The patient complains of rapid heartbeat; arterial hypotension ,shortness of breath and
difficulty breathing; edema of the respiratory organs; pulsation and swelling of the jugular veins;
acrocyanosis. Peripheral edema in a heart patient is caused by:
<variant> right ventricular heart failure
<variant> portal hypertension
<variant> left ventricular heart failure
<variant> venous insufficiency
<variant> total (left and right ventricular heart failure)
231. <question> A 43-year-old woman complains of coughing, shortness of breath, and hemoptysis. Signs
of stagnation in the small circle of blood circulation do not include:
<variant> hydrothorax
<variant> shortness of breath
<variant> attacks, heart asthma
<variant> cough in horizontal position
<variant> hemoptysis

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232. <question> A woman, 52 years old, complains of leg swelling at night, attacks of suffocation.A sign
that does not relate to congestion in the large circulatory circle:
pulmonary edema
swelling on the legs
<variant> hydrothorax
<variant> ascites
233. <question> A patient was admitted to the hospital. On palpation the doctor determined an apical push
at the level of 3-4 cm inside the mid-clavicular line in the 7th intercostal space. The apical push is normal:
<variant> 1-2 cm inside of the mid-clavicular line in the 5 intercostal space
<variant> along the left mid-clavicular line in the 5th intercostal space
<variant> 1-2 cm to the left of the mid-clavicular line in the 5 intercostal space
<variant> in 5 intercostal space along the left parasternal line
<variant> 1 cm inside of the left mid-clavicular line
234. <question> A patient was admitted to the hospital, and the visible displacement of the apical push
to the left and down is not caused by : <variant> left-hand hydrothorax
<variant> right ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> right-hand hydrothorax
<variant> right-sided pneumothorax
<variant> left ventricular hypertrophy
235. <question> Examining the neck of a person with aortic insufficiency, the specialist will immediately
notice the vibration of paired arteries on both sides of the neck – this is the dance of carotids. The carotid
dance is caused by:
<variant> increased carotid artery pulsation due to high pulse pressure
<variant> cervical vein collapse during systole
<variant> swelling of the cervical veins during systole
<variant> swelling of the neck veins in a horizontal position
<variant> swelling of the neck veins at the exit
236. <question> The department received a patient H, 59 years old, with complaints of shortness
of breath, suffocation, rapid fatigue. Pronounced pulsation in the epigastric region can not be
caused by: <variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> liver pulsation
<variant> abdominal aortic pulsation
<variant> right ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> left ventricular hypertrophy
237. <question> Patient I., 21, was taken to the hospital, complaining of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
"Abdominal toad" is ...
<variant> an attack of abdominal pain at the height of digestion, relieved by nitroglycerin
<variant> flatulence
<variant> dyspeptic disorders
<variant> diarrhea
<variant> feeling of joint stiffness in the morning
238. <question> A young man was admitted to the hospital in a serious condition. Non-cardiac
causes of bradycardia may not be: <variant> acute blood loss

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<variant> uremia
<variant> brain hemorrhage
<variant> jaundice
<variant> mixedema
239. <question> The hospital admitted a patient Y., 30 years old, with complaints of shortness of breath ,
rapid fatigue, pulse 150 beats per minute, BP 150\90. The degree of pulse tension is determined by:
volume of circulating blood
correct pulse waves
<variant> blood pressure level
<variant> heart rate
<variant> heart rate
240. <question> The patient complains of dizziness; general weakness; increased fatigue; shortness of
breath ; pain behind the sternum; a feeling of fear that occurs during the attack; pre-fainting, fainting. The
deficit rate can be detected by:
<variant> theform atrial fibrillation
<variant> bradycardia
<variant> branciforte atrial fibrillation
<variant> tachycardia
<variant> sinus rhythm
241. <question> An ambulance delivered a patient C. 50 years old, complaining of severe headache in the
occipital region, vomiting, flashing flies before the eyes. The deterioration of the condition is associated
with a stressful situation. With an objective examination: the condition is severe, agitated, the skin of the
face is hyperemic, the pulse is 100 beats per min. rhythmic, tense, BP is 220/ 110 mm Hg. Normal level of
systolic blood pressure... mm Hg.
<variant> 90-139
<variant> 100 – 110
<variant> 100 – 120
<variant> 120 – 130
<variant> 100 – 140
242. <question> An ambulance delivered a patient suffering from arterial hypertension, complaining of
headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, a sense of "lack of air", cough with the release of pink foamy
sputum. At survey: the condition is serious. The skin is pale, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. Breathing
is noisy, bubbling, pink frothy sputum is released from the mouth, BDD 35 per minute. Heart tones are
deaf, pulse 120 V min, BP
210/110 mm Hg. Normal level of diastolic blood pressure... mm Hg.
<variant> 60-90
<variant> 60 – 70
<variant>60 – 80
<variant>90 – 100
<variant> 100 -110
243. <question> Patient B, 56 years old, complained of weakness and dizziness.At objective examination-
the face is pale, edematous, BP 210/120 mm Hg. the pulse is tense 64 per minute, the frequence of chest
movement 18 per minute. BP level in the lower extremities: <variant> lower than the upper 20-30 mmHg
<variant> higher than the upper 20-30 mmHg
<variant> lower than the upper ones by 20-40 mmHg

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<variant> higher than the upper 10-20 mmHg

<variant> higher than the upper 30-40 mmHg
244. <question>In a patient with a heart defect, an objective examination revealed a decrease in blood
pressure in the lower extremities compared to the upper ones, which is observed when . . . .
<variant> aortic coarctation
<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> hypertension
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> aortic aneurysm
245. <question> A 25-year-old woman was examined by a doctor to assess heart noise. There is no history
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rheumatism or previously heard noise. I and II tones are normal, cardiomegaly is absent. In the second
intercostal space to the right of the sternum, the systolic noise of expulsion is heard. When auscultation of the
heart and blood vessels, two tones are not normally listened to :
<variant> on the femoral artery
<variant> on carotid arteries
<variant> on subclavian arteries
<variant> epigastric points
<variant> at all points of auscultation of the heart
246. <question> The patient complains of frequent fainting, pain in the heart, shortness of breath. In
auscultation, Traube's double tone is heard when:
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> mitral insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid insufficiency
247. <question> The patient was admitted to the emergency room, when measuring blood PRESSURE and
counting bullets, the bullet turned out to be thread-like. A thread-like pulse is called:
<variant> pulse of very weak filling and tension
<variant> high and fast
<variant> slow and small
<variant> very fast pulse
<variant> arrhythmic pulse
248. <question> The patient has a slow and small pulse, shortness of breath during exercise, angina of
tension, fainting. A slow and small pulse is observed when :
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> IHD
<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> bradycardia
249. <question> Patient V. 57 years old, called an ambulance with complaints of shortness of breath, feeling
of "lack of air", cough. At survey: the condition is serious. The skin is pale, cyanosis of the nasolabial
triangle. Breathing is noisy, bubbling, pink frothy sputum is released from the mouth, the frequence of
chest movements 35 per minute. Heart tones are deaf, pulse 120 V min, BP 210/110 mm Hg.
High pulse pressure is observed when:
<variant> hypertension
<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> aortic coarctation
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> anemia
250. <question> Patient P. 65 years old, complains of severe headache, General weakness, dizziness,
nosebleed. He has been suffering from arterial hypertension for a number of years.
Objectively: the condition is serious. The frequency of chest movements-20 in min. pulse 68 in min. The pulse
pressure is called: BP -240/120 mmHg.
<variant> difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
<variant> maximum pressure
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<variant> minimum pressure

<variant> average blood pressure
<variant> diastolic pressure
251. <question> The patient has dizziness and a tendency to fainting; pain in the heart of angina; a large
difference between systolic and diastolic pressure; the symptom of Musset-shaking of the head; symptoms
of blood stagnation in the small circle of blood circulation (signs of cardiac asthma); a positive venous
pulse is observed in:
<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> exudative pericarditis
<variant> tricuspid insufficiency
<variant> stagnation in the large circulatory circle
<variant> superior Vena cava thrombosis
252. <question> In the patient, I tone at the top is weakened, II. the tone on the pulmonary artery is
strengthened in comparison with the II tone on the aorta. In the upper region, systolic noise is heard, and it
is carried to the axillary region. Systolic is: <variant> 1 heart tone
<variant> 11 heart tone
<variant> 111 heart tone
<variant> 1 at the heart tone
<variant> 11, 111, 1 For heart tones
253. <question> In the patient, the I tone at the top is weakened, the II tone at the aorta is almost not
listened to. Diastolic is not : <variant> 1 tone
<variant> 11 tone
<variant> 111 tones
<variant> 1V tone
<variant> mitral valve opening tone
254. <question> The patient has a number of symptoms due to significant regurgitation of blood into
the left ventricle and fluctuations in blood pressure in the arterial bed, symptoms are very
demonstrative, but not informative. The second tone weakens when:
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> increasing pressure in a large circle
<variant> increasing pressure in a small circle
255. <question> A 50-year-old patient came to the emergency department of the hospital with complaints of
severe headache in the occipital region, vomiting, and flashing flies in front of her eyes. The deterioration
of the condition is associated with a stressful situation. With an objective examination: a serious condition
is excited, the skin hyperemic, pulse -100 beats / min., rhythmic, tense, BP – 220/ 110 mm Hg. Accent 2
tone of the aorta detected at:
<variant> increase in blood pressure in the systemic circulation
<variant> heart failure
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> increased BP in the small circle of blood circulation
<variant> anemia
256. <question> The patient, 28 years old, was admitted with complaints of pain in the joints of the hands
and feet, dizziness, fever up to 37.5 C. Objectively: the skin and visible mucous membranes are pale, and

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there is a pronounced pulsation of the carotid and subclavian arteries. The apical push in the 6 intercostal
space is 1 cm to the left of the midclavicular line, spilled, strengthened. Auscultative: protodiastolic noise at
the Botkin-Erb point, 2 tone attenuation on the aorta. Pulse -90 per minute, rhythmic, fast, high. BP 180/40
mm Hg. The liver is not enlarged, there is no edema. ECG: levogramm, hypertrophy of the left ventricle.
Bifurcation of 2 tones at the base of the heart is observed in: <variant> mitral stenosis
left venous stenosis
increased pressure in the small circulatory circle
<variant> increased pressure in the large circulatory circle
<variant> in healthy individuals at the end of the respiratory phase
257. <question> Patient P. 65 years old, complains of severe headache, general weakness, dizziness,
nosebleed. He has been suffering from arterial hypertension for a number of years. Deterioration of the
condition for about 2 weeks. Medication is taken irregularly. What diet to follow does not know.
The 2-tone accent on the pulmonary artery is detected when:
<variant> increasing pressure in small circle vessels
<variant> pericarditis
<variant> tachycardia
<variant> increasing pressure in large circle vessels
<variant> bradycardia
258. <question> The patient of 36 years until recently felt satisfactory, worked. On the eve of admission,
after a significant physical activity, there was a heartbeat, shortness of breath. When entering the heart rate
is correct, rough intense systolic noise at the second point, BP 110/95 mm Hg. Systolic noise does not
occur when:
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> stenosis of the mouth of the pulmonary artery
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> insufficiency of the 3-leaf valve
<variant> aortic stenosis
259. <question> A 67-year-old man had chest pains and shortness of breath after physical exertion.
Diastolic noise does not occur when:
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> stenosis of the 3-fold opening
<variant> mitral stenosis
<variant> pulmonary artery valve failure
260. <question> A 59-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital complaining of heart pain and
shortness of breath. Previously, there was a suspicion of mitral stenosis. The position of the patient in
which diastolic noise is better listened in mitral stenosis:
<variant> lying on your left side
<variant> on the inhale
<variant> standing
<variant> leaning forward
<variant> sitting
261. <question> A 42-year-old patient in a hospital complaining of pain in the hands, toes, elbow, and knee
joints, morning stiffness in the joints, and weakness. From anamnesis: ill for about 2 years, did not apply to

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On examination: ulnar deviation of the hands, elbow, knee without deformity, feet in the form of halux valgus.
Your preliminary diagnosis:
<variant> Rheumatoid arthritis
<variant> Bekhterev's disease
<variant> Rheumatoid arthritis
<variant> joint chondromatosis
<variant>deforming arthrosis
262. <question> An overweight 50-year-old woman was twice found increased fasting glycemia levels to
6.9 and 7.2 mmol/l. The most likely diagnosis:
<variant> type 2 diabetes
<variant> type 1 diabetes
<variant> Violation of fasting glycemia
<variant> Impaired glucose tolerance
263. <question> Patient L., 33 years old, notes weakness, fatigue. History: Subtotal resection of the
thyroid gland, took 50 mcg of L-thyroxine. Objectively: the face is pasty, the heart tones are muted. BP-
100/70 mm Hg. In echocardiography, the presence of fluid in the pericardial cavity is noted. Name the
research method that is most informative:
<variant> Determining the T3 and T4 levels
<variant> ECG
<variant> blood pump
<variant> CT of mediastinal organs
<variant> Daily BP monitoring
264. <question> The patient after a violation of the diet – the use of sharp, fried food appeared: pain in the
epigastrium with irradiation in the spine, increased salivation, belching, nausea, flatulence, vomiting that
does not bring relief. Pathology. which one is it?
<variant> pancreatitis
<variant> gastritis
<variant> stomach ulcer
<variant> cholecystitis
<variant> hepatitis
265. <question> The patient, 45 years old, complains of weakness, nausea, pain in the right
hypochondrium. Ill for 2 years. Deterioration after drinking alcohol, fatty foods. About-but: Jaundice of the
sclera and skin, urine "the color of beer", stool acholic. The liver is enlarged by 5 cm, the edge is rounded.
Your preliminary diagnosis: <variant> chronic hepatitis
<variant> acute viral hepatitis
<variant> cirrhosis of the liver
<variant> liver cancer
<variant> Gilbert's syndrome
266. <question> Patient B. is 40 years old and has been suffering from bronchial asthma for more than
10 years. Regularly taking anticholinergics, inhaled corticosteroids, beta agonists, theophylline.
Recently, he began to notice heartburn, dysphagia, burning behind the sternum at night. The most
suspected pathology:
<variant> GERD
<variant> Candida pharyngitis

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<variant> coronary artery disease, angina

<variant> laryngeal stenosis
<variant> stomach ulcer
267. <question> A 52-year-old patient complained of persistent, intense epigastric pain, general weakness,
and vomiting. Pain occurred 50-60 minutes after eating fried food and alcohol. On examination: pain in the
epigastrium, a positive Mayo-Robson symptom. In the general blood test, white blood cells 12x109/l, ESR-
18 mm/h. The disease, which should be thinking:
<variant> chronic pancreatitis
<variant> chronic cholecystitis
<variant> stomach ulcer
<variant> chronic gastritis, type B
<variant> GERD
268. <question> A patient suffering from stomach ulcers, during the period of exacerbation, had
complaints of burping "rotten egg", vomiting, food taken the day before. The most likely
complication in the patient: <variant> stenosis
<variant> penetration


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<variant> malignization.
269. <question> A 29-year-old patient suddenly developed nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea 6-8 times a day
with a fetid green stool.A disease to think about:
<variant> infectious diarrhea
<variant> non-infectious diarrhea
<variant> non-specific ulcerative colitis
<variant> Crohn's disease
<variant> diverticulosis of the small intestine
270. <question> The patient after taking alcohol had multiple vomiting, the latter with an admixture of
scarlet blood. Your diagnosis:
<variant> Mallory-Weiss syndrome
<variant> bleeding from esophageal varicose veins;
<variant> acute pancreatitis
<variant> stomach ulcer
<variant> Crohn's disease
271. <question> The patient is 35 years old, complains of heartburn, pain occurring 1.5-2 hours after
eating, often on an empty stomach and at night. The pain goes away after eating. When palpation of the
abdomen is determined by soreness in the epigastric region and near the navel. The patient has a
pronounced asthenovegetative syndrome. The patient needs inpatient treatment: <variant> Yes, because
the patient has a first-time ulcer of the 12 duodenum
<variant> Yes, because the patient has a stomach ulcer for the first time
<variant> Yes, because the patient has a pronounced asthenovegetative syndrome
<variant> No, because the patient does not have a complication of peptic ulcer disease
<variant> Yes, because the patient is undergoing endoscopic examination in the hospital
272. <question> At the patient at inspection objectitem face cyanothece blush, apical impulse displaced to
the left, heart auscultation determined by weakening of the first tone on the apex of the heart at once for the
first tone auscultated systolic murmur, which is held in the left axilla, also auscultated pathological III tone.
ECG shows signs of hypertrophy of the left atrium and left ventricle. Preliminary diagnosis:
<variant> Mitral insufficiency
<variant> Mitral stenosis <variant>Aortic
<variant> Aortic insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid valve stenosis
273. <question> A 38-year-old patient complains of intense chest pain lasting up to 20 minutes, arising
mainly from physical exertion, which has increased in the last 2 days, and is poorly relieved with
nitroglycerin. On the ECG: ST segment offset by 2 mm, negative T-wave. Diagnostic test that allows you
to verify the diagnosis: <variant> Increased cardiospecific enzymes
<variant> General blood test
<variant> Increased cholesterol and triglycerides
<variant> physical activity test
<variant> EchoCG
274. <question> Complaints of coughing, first dry, then with the addition of sputum with blood veins,
appear with an increase in the severity of blood congestion in the lung vessels, shortness of breath, rapid

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heartbeat, a feeling of irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations, flips in the left half of the chest. Epicenter of
systolic noise in mitral insufficiency: at the top of the heart including mitral valve projection
based on the heart at the sternum
<variant> 3 intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum
<variant> 4 intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum
275. <question> Patient I. 55 years old. Complains of headaches, flashing flies before the eyes, bad sleep.
Firstly, 6 years ago, there was registered an increasingblood PRESSURE to 160/100 mm Hg. 2 years ago,
she suffered a myocardial infarction, took prescribed therapy irregularly, Height 164, weight 82 kg. The
heart tones are muted, the accent is 2 tones above the aorta. BP 180/115 mm Hg. Pulse 68 beats per minute,
rhythmic, tense. High blood pressure is characterized by a pulse:
<variant> tense and full
<variant> fast and high
<variant> dicrotic
<variant> soft and full
<variant> alternating
276. <question> The examination allows you to get a comprehensive picture of a person: his physical and
mental state, the size of the body, its structure, the size and shape of its individual parts, the size of some
organs,.their functions, the state of the skin, mucous membranes, fat layer, lymph nodes, surface vessels,
etc. During the General examination of the patient is not determined:
<variant> changes in the heart area
<variant> bed position
<variant> body type
<variant> consciousness
<variant> skin and visible mucous membranes
277. <question> There are three main percussion sounds: loud or clear pulmonary, normally obtained by
tapping the chest above the lungs, quiet or dull, listened to when percussion soft, airless inelastic organs,
and tympanic, resembling the sound of a drum, which is obtained by tapping air-containing smooth-walled
cavities and hollow organs containing air. A blunt percussion sound means that there is a sound.
<variant> quiet
<variant> high
<variant> long-term
<variant> short
<variant> loud
278. <question> There are three main percussion sounds: loud or clear pulmonary, normally obtained by
tapping the chest above the lungs, quiet or dull, listened to when percussion soft and airless inelastic organs,
and tympanic, resembling the sound of a drum, which is obtained by tapping air-containing smooth-walled
cavities and hollow organs containing air. Tympanic percussion sound, means the presence of sound.
<variant> loud
<variant> long-term
<variant> low or high
<variant> quiete
<variant> dull
279. <question> Examining the patient, the doctor noted a slight increase in the thoracic region heart apical
impulse visually and by palpation was not determined. The quietest percussion is used to determine:
<variant> limits of absolute heart dullness

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<variant> liver borders

<variant> light borders
<variant> limits of relative cardiac dullness
<variant> inflammatory focus
280. <question> Examining the patient, the doctor noted a slight increase in the thoracic region heart apical
impulse visually and by palpation was not determined . Silent percussion is used to determine:
limits of relative cardiac dullness
for comparison
<variant> detecting a deep cavity
<variant> organ borders
<variant> inflammatory focus
281. <question>Diffuse swelling of soft tissues with predominant localization in the lower half of the trunk
is noted in the patient during examination. The doctor exposed the “anasarca" syndrome. The concept of
"anasarka” does NOT include: <variant> Stokes collar
<variant> ascites
<variant> hydropericard
<variant> massive, widespread edema
<variant> hydrothorax
282. <question> Deep, rare, noisy breathing is a form of hyperventilation, often associated with severe
metabolic acidosis, in particular, diabetic ketoacidosis, acetonemic syndrome (non-diabetic ketoacidosis)
and end-stage renal failure. Deep noisy and sparse breathing is called breathing by type:
<variant> Kussmaul
<variant> Chain-Stokes
<variant> Grokko
<variant> Biotta
<variant> Mixed
283. <question> Pneumothorax-accumulation of gas in the pleural cavity, leading to the decline of lung
tissue, displacement of the mediastinum to the healthy side, compression of the blood vessels of the
mediastinum, lowering the dome of the diaphragm, which ultimately causes respiratory and circulatory
disorders. Percussion sound is determined in pneumothorax
<variant> tympanic
<variant> blunted
<variant> dull
<variant> clear pulmonary
<variant> blunted-tympanic
284. <question> Cough is a natural protective reaction of the body that helps clear the bronchi. It happens
that the cough appears or worsens only at night. It is exhausting and does not allow you to rest normally.
Night cough often accompanies:
<variant> pulmonary tuberculosis
<variant> lung abscess
<variant> acute bronchitis
<variant> croup pneumonia
<variant> focal pneumonia
285. <question> Forced position of a patient with left ventricular heart failure:
<variant> sitting with the head end raised and the legs down

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<variant> sitting with your hands on the back of a chair in front of you
<variant> with raised lower limbs
<variant> position of the "COP dog"
<variant> knee-elbow
286. <question> Diseases in which the patient is forced to sit in bed, leaning forward, leaning on the edge of
the bed:
<variant> asthma suffocation
cardiac asthma
myocardial infarction
<variant> renal colic
287. <question> The position of orthopnea in cardiac asthma is taken by the patient to
reduce: <variant> shortness of breath, as blood is retained in the lower extremities
<variant> pain
<variant> heartbeats
<variant> bronchospasm
<variant> cough
288. <question> Cyanosis in diseases of the cardiovascular system is more often characterized by:
<variant> peripheral
<variant> mixed
<variant> local
<variant> central
<variant> general
289. <question> Cyanosis in diseases of the cardiovascular system is caused by:
<variant> slowing down blood flow and a large return of oxygen to the surrounding peripheral tissues
<variant> violation of blood arterialization in the lungs
<variant> small blood filling of the vascular system
<variant> decrease in the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood
<variant> low levels of HB-a in peripheral blood
290. <question> During an objective examination of the patient, the doctor determined a negative
apical push, which is observed when ... <variant> adhesive pericarditis
<variant> left ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> right ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> exudative pericarditis
<variant> posterior mediastinal tumors
291. <question> The cardiac shock is palpated by the entire Palmar surface of the hand and is felt as a
concussion of the chest area in the area of absolute dullness of the heart (IV-V intercostal space to the left of
the sternum). A spilled, uplifting, resistant apical push is called:
<variant> domed
<variant> negative
<variant> offset
<variant> displaced
<variant> high
292. <question> The patient admitted to the hospital had pale skin. The pallor of the skin is caused by:
<variant> peripheral vascular spasm

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<variant> increasing the level of gas exchange in the body

<variant> increased levels of restored blood hemoglobin
<variant> blood stagnation in peripheral vessels
<variant> increased red blood cells and hemoglobin
293. <question> In a patient, an increase in body temperature in the range of 38-39 degrees is regarded as ....
<variant> febrile temperature
<variant> excessively high temperature
<variant> high temperature
<variant> hyperpyretic temperature
<variant> subfebrile temperature
294. <question> The patient had palpatory examination of the chest tremor in the precardial region, which
occurs in the diastole phase in some heart defects. Diastolic tremor at the top of the patient is caused by....
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<variant> mitral stenosis

<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> tricuspid insufficiency
<variant> mitral insufficiency
295. <question> In patient R., the doctor determined an alternating pulse - in the correct alternation of full-
fledged systoles with a weak systolic contraction of the heart, which is observed in ...
<variant> atrial fibrillation
<variant> a-V block
<variant> extrasystoles
<variant> tachycardia
<variant> severe heart failure
296. <question> At the patient's examination, the doctor determined a decrease in the filling of the pulse
during inspiration, i.e., a paradoxical pulse, which is observed when ...
<variant> myocarditis
<variant> typhoid fever
<variant> heart failure
<variant> adhesive pericarditis
<variant> myocardial infarction
297. <question> In a patient admitted to the hospital, the doctor determined a doubling of the pulsation in
one heartbeat - a dicrotic pulse, which is observed in ...
<variant> typhoid fever
<variant> atrial fibrillation
<variant> extrasystoles
<variant> heart failure
<variant> adhesive pericarditis
298. <question> Dizziness and a tendency to fainting, pain in the heart of angina, the symptom of Musset —
shaking of the head, symptoms of blood stagnation in the small circle of blood circulation (signs of cardiac
asthma),high and jumping pulse, pulsation in the right hypochondrium in the projection of the liver. Both
tones do not weaken.
This symptom is typical for ....
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> exudative pleurisy
<variant> emphysema of the lungs
<variant> pericarditis
<variant> obesity
299. <question> The patient complains of pain in the heart area, which does not increase during physical
activity, it can not be removed with the help of nitroglycerin tablets. With frequent deep breathing, the pain
becomes stronger. Increased pain is also noted when leaning forward. In the sitting position, the patient
feels better. Both tones are not amplified. The clinical picture is typical for ....
<variant> pericarditis
<variant> thyrotoxicosis
<variant> pneumosclerosis
<variant> initial stage of left ventricular hypertrophy

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<variant> post-exercise States

300. <question>The patient auscultatively listens to the clapping I tone, diastolic noise, especially
presystolic, which is characteristic of . . . . of mitral stenosis mitral insufficiency
<variant> tricuspid stenosis
<variant> aortic insufficiency
<variant> of aortic stenosis
301. <question> The patient during auscultation revealed a rough systolic noise in the II intercostal space on
the right side of the sternum, which is characteristic of....
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> pulmonary stenosis
<variant> atrial septal defect
<variant> ventricular septal defect
<variant> mitral insufficiency
302. <question> To verify the diagnosis, the patient was assigned a study for detecting arterial
hypertension and systolic noise above the navel: <variant> renal artery ultrasound
<variant> kidney ultrasound
<variant> Overview R-graph of chest organs
<variant> fundus
<variant> Excretory urography
303. <question> The position of orthopnea in cardiac asthma is taken by the patient to
reduce .... <variant> shortness of breath, as blood is retained in the lower extremities
<variant> pain
<variant> heartbeats
<variant> bronchospasm
<variant> cough
304. <question> Diastolic noise in mitral stenosis is listened to:
<variant> only on a limited area of the top of the heart
<variant> up along the left edge of the sternum
<variant> in the left armpit
<variant> in the inter-blade space
<variant> over the entire surface of the heart
305. <question> A forced position with a raised head end and lowered legs is acquired by patients with ...
<variant> left ventricular heart failure
<variant> angina attack
<variant> collapse
<variant> pain in the left side of the chest
<variant> when coughing fits
306. <question> Sharp shortness of breath, suffocation, bubbling breath with the discharge of foamy pink
sputum, weakness, cold sweat-this ....
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> signs of liver eclapsia
<variant> signs of renal eclampsia
<variant> signs of renal arterial hypertension
<variant> manifestations of symptomatic arterial hypertension in pheochromocytoma
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307. <question> Attacks of headaches, palpitations, tremors in the body, a sharp increase in blood
PRESSURE, provoked by physical exertion, shaking-this ....
<variant> signs of renal eclampsia
<variant> manifestations of symptomatic arterial hypertension in pheochromocytoma
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> crisis in hypertension
<variant> signs of renal arterial hypertension
308. <question> Severe persistent arterial hypertension, periodic headaches, visual impairment, more often
in young people– this ....
<variant> signs of acute left ventricular failure (pulmonary edema)
<variant> signs of renal arterial hypertension:
<variant> manifestations of symptomatic arterial hypertension in pheochromocytoma
<variant> crisis in hypertension
<variant> signs of renal eclampsia
309. <question> The patient had unexplained shortness of breath, weight loss, fatigue during physical
activity, palpitations, coughing, hoarseness of voice – developed pulmonary hypertension. The
manifestation of pulmonary hypertension in mitral stenosis is . ... <variant> 2 tone accent on the
pulmonary artery
<variant> accent 2 tones on the aorta
<variant> mitral valve opening tone
<variant> flapping 1 tone on top
<variant> enhanced 1 tone on the aorta
310. <question> A patient with pulmonary artery valve insufficiency was admitted to the hospital.
Symptoms are usually absent when the pulmonary artery valve is insufficient with no pulmonary
hypertension (increased pressure in the arteries of the lungs). Functional noise of relative insufficiency of
the pulmonary artery valve is called ....
<variant> Graham – Still noise
<variant> Flint noise
<variant> noise Vinogradova – Durable
<variant> spinning top noise
<variant> Traube tone
311. <question> A patient admitted to the hospital was found to have a combined mitral heart defect.
Combined Vice is called . ...
<variant> orifice stenosis and valve failure on a single valve unit
<variant> lesion the valvular apparatus and defect of the septum
<variant> valvular lesion and abnormal aortic location
<variant> lesion of the valvular apparatus and pathological constriction between vessels
<variant> defeat of 2 valve devices at once
312. <question> A patient was admitted with shortness of breath, coughing, hemoptysis, palpitations,
interruptions and pain in the heart area, decreased tolerance to physical activity. After examining the
patient, the doctor suspects a combined defect, which is called . ...
<variant> defeat of 2 valve devices at once
<variant> lesion the valvular apparatus and defect of the septum
<variant> valvular lesion and abnormal aortic location
<variant> lesion of the valvular apparatus and pathological constriction between vessels
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<variant> orifice stenosis and valve insufficiency on a single valve unit

313. <question> The man complains of general weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath. The predominance of
stenosis or mitral valve insufficiency is determined ....
<variant> safety and sonority of 1 tone at the top
<variant> presence of atrial fibrillation
<variant> the severity of diastolic noise at the top
<variant> the severity of systolic noise at the top
<variant> degree of left atrial hypertrophy
314. <question> Burning pain at the base of the xiphoid process with irradiation to the heart, occurring and
increasing half an hour after eating, with physical exertion and bending of the trunk; not completely stopped
by Almagel. There are also burpings of air, attacks of suffocation, and coughing. When x-ray examination
with barium suspension - reflux of contrast mass from the stomach to the esophagus.Allows you to suspect :
<variant> cardia achalasia
<variant> reflux esophagitis
<variant> esophageal cancer
<variant> bronchial asthma
<variant> chronic gastritis
315. <question> Symptoms: short-term loss of consciousness on the background of tachybradicardia, lack of
breathing, pulse pressure, pale skin, convulsions, involuntary urination and defecation, rapid self-recovery
of the initial state of health corresponds to the diagnosis:
<variant> Morgagni-Adams-Stokes attack
<variant> hyperglycemic condition
<variant> ventricular fibrillation
<variant> epileptic status
<variant> orthostatic collapse
316. <question> A 38-year-old patient complains of intense chest pain lasting up to 20 minutes, arising
mainly from physical exertion, which has increased in the last 2 days, and is poorly relieved with
nitroglycerin. On the ECG: ST segment offset by 2 mm, negative t-wave. Diagnostic test that allows you to
verify the diagnosis: <variant> increased cardiospecific enzymes
<variant> General blood test
<variant> increased cholesterol and triglycerides
<variant>physical activity test
<variant>Echo cardiography KG
317. <question> A 29-year-old patient suddenly developed nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea 6-8 times a day
with a fetid green stool.A disease to think about:
<variant> infectious diarrhea
<variant> non-infectious diarrhea
<variant> non-specific ulcerative colitis
<variant> Crohn's disease
<variant> diverticulosis of the small intestine
318. <question> The patient after taking alcohol had multiple vomiting, the latter with an admixture of
scarlet blood. Your preliminary diagnosis:
<variant> Mallory-Weiss syndrome
<variant>bleeding from esophageal varicose veins;
<variant>acute pancreatitis
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<variant>stomach ulcer
<variant>Crohn's disease
319. <question>Patient, 45 years old, complains of weakness, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium.
Ill for 2 years. Deterioration after drinking alcohol, fatty foods. About-but: Jaundice of the sclera and
skin, urine "the color of beer", stool acholic. The liver is enlarged by 5 cm, the edge is rounded. Your
preliminary diagnosis: <variant>chronic hepatitis
<variant>acute viral hepatitis
<variant>cirrhosis of the liver
<variant>liver cancer
<variant>Gilbert's syndrome
320. <question> An overweight 50-year-old woman was twice found to have increased fasting glycemia
levels to 6.9 and 7.2 mmol/l. The most likely diagnosis:
<variant> type 2 diabetes
<variant> Obesity
<variant> type 1 diabetes
<variant> Violation of fasting glycemia
<variant> Impaired glucose tolerance
321. <question> Patient L., 33 years old, notes weakness, fatigue. History: Subtotal resection of the
thyroid gland, took 50 mcg of L-thyroxine. Objectively: the face is pasty, the heart tones are muted. AD-
100/70 mm Hg. art. With ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, the presence of fluid in the pericardial cavity is
noted. The most informative method of research is ....
<variant> determining the T3 and T4 levels
<variant> ECG
<variant> blood pump
<variant> CT of mediastinal organs
<variant> daily blood PRESSURE monitoring
322. <question>During the Zimnitsky test, the following data were revealed: daily diuresis of 2500 ml,
daytime diuresis of 1720 ml, night diuresis of 780 ml. The maximum and minimum values of the
relative density of urine in different portions are in the range of 1.005 - 1.012. Which of the above
conclusions is the MOST correct in this study?
<variant>polyuria, hypostenuria
<variant>hypoisostenuria, nocturia
<variant>polyuria, pollakiuria
<variant>isostenuria, nocturia
<variant>polyuria, nocturia
323. <question>Aman, 38 years old, was taken to the clinic by an ambulance team with complaints of
nausea, vomiting, lack of urine, muscle twitching. From anamnesis: got into a traffic accident, severe
kidney damage.
In blood tests, urea – 9.3 mmol/l, creatinine - 188 mmol/l, Na+ - 131 mmol/l, K+ - 6.8 mmol/L.
Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this situation?
<variant>acute renal failure syndrome
<variant>chronic renal failure syndrome
<variant>renal arterial hypertension syndrome
<variant>nephrotic syndrome
<variant>nephritic syndrome
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324. <question>A56-year-old woman came to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of facial
swelling, more in the morning, decreased urine output, fatigue. In the anamnesis: frequent colds. On
examination, the patient's face is pale, puffy, the eyelids are edematous, the eye slits are narrowed.
Which of the above MOST correctly characterizes the inspection data?
<variant>jade facies
<variant>the facies is feverish
<variant>facies mitralis
<variant>facies of basedovica
<variant>hippocratic facies
325. <question> A woman, 48 years old, a plasterer-painter, turned to the clinic's waiting room with
complaints of facial puffiness, more in the morning, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, urine
staining in the color of "meat slops", palpitations, fatigue. From anamnesis: a month ago, after hypothermia,
I suffered a sore throat, bronchitis, after which I was periodically disturbed by aching pains in the lower
back. Objectively: the patient's face is pale, puffy, the eyelids are swollen. Blood pressure 150/110 mmHg
In OAM - protein 0.099%0, erythrocytes - 45-50 in n/a
Which of the above MOST likely caused the appearance of urine the color of "meat slops"?
<variant>decreased permeability of glomerular capillaries
<variant>inflammation of the ureters
<variant>damage to the ureters by a stone
<variant>increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood
<variant>decrease in the level of blood clotting factors
326. <question>A52-year-old man, who works as a driver, turned to a local therapist with complaints of
headaches, tinnitus, urine discharge of the color of "meat slops". Further examination revealed facial
swelling, an increase in blood pressure to 160/105 mmHg. What is the most likely cause of this condition?
<variant>acute inflammation of the glomeruli
<variant>increased oncotic blood plasma pressure
<variant>reduction of oncotic blood plasma pressure
<variant>increased fluid intake
<variant>damage to the renal pelvis
327. <question>A32-year-old man, a builder, turned to the local doctor with complaints of a decrease in the
amount of urine, a slight weakness. I did not limit the intake of fluids. On examination, the patient's skin is
pale, swelling of the eyelids. During the Aldrich blister test, resorption occurred after 60 minutes.
Which of the above MOST likely caused this condition in the patient?
<variant>violation of the concentration capacity of the kidneys
<variant>increased urinary excretion of osmotically active substances
<variant>reduction of nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys
<variant>increased physical activity
<variant>accumulation of hidden edema
328. <question>During the Zimnitsky test, the following data were revealed: daily diuresis of 1600 ml, night
diuresis of 720 ml. Fluctuations in the relative density of urine in the range of 1,008 - 1,013.
Which of the above conclusions is the MOST correct for this test?
<variant>hypoisostenuria with nocturia
<variant>hyperisostenuria with nocturia
<variant>polyuria with pollakiuria
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<variant>polyuria with hypostenuria

<variant>polyuria with nicturia
329. <question>In the patient's biochemical blood analysis, the content of urea is 11.5 mmol/l, creatinine
is 185.2 mmol/l. The Rehberg test revealed: glomerular filtration 75 ml/min, tubular reabsorption - 90%.
The patient needs additional research: <variant>excretory urography
<variant>computed tomography
<variant>radioisotope renography
<variant>kidney biopsy
330. <question>Apatient with complaints of poor urine discharge during examination reveals a slight
swelling in the suprapubic region. What causes can cause this condition?
<variant>an increase in the size of the prostate gland
<variant>massive water load
<variant>limiting fluid intake
<variant>reception of saluretics
<variant>taking antibiotics
331. <question>On examination, the patient's face is pale, puffy, the eyelids are edematous, the eye slits are
narrowed. This facial expression is called:
<variant>facies nephritica
<variant>facies mitralis
<variant>facies Hyppocratica
<variant>facies febrilis
<variant>facies basedovica
332. <question>During the Zimnitsky test, the following data were revealed: daily diuresis of 1400 ml, night
diuresis of 920 ml.
Which of the above conclusions is the MOST correct for this sample?
<variant>polyuria with nicturia
<variant>polyuria with hypostenuria
<variant>polyuria with pollakiuria
<variant>polyuria with nicturia
333. <question>A56-year-old woman came to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of swelling of
the face, eyelids, more in the morning, decreased urine output, fatigue. In the anamnesis: frequent colds. In
the second blood test: total protein - 57 g / l, glucose - 6.6 mmol / l; in the general urine analysis: protein
1.05 g / l. For which of the listed syndromes is this clinical situation MOST characteristic?
<variant>nephrotic syndrome
<variant>chronic renal failure syndrome
<variant>acute renal failure syndrome
<variant>renal arterial hypertension syndrome
<variant>nephritic syndrome
334. <question>Apatient with complaints of headaches, tinnitus, facial swelling, urine discharge of the color
of "meat slops" revealed an increase in blood pressure to 160/105 mm Hg. What are the most likely causes
of this condition?
<variant>acute inflammation of the glomeruli
<variant>increased fluid intake
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<variant>increased oncotic blood plasma pressure

<variant>reduction of oncotic blood plasma pressure
<variant>increased hydrostatic pressure of blood plasma
335. <question>The presence of symptoms in the patient - weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, daily
360 ml, urea content in the blood – 11.2 mmol / l, creatinine - 205 mmol / l, residual nitrogen 36.2 mmol / l
MOST likely indicates the development of
<variant>of chronic renal failure syndrome
<variant>acute nephritic syndrome
<variant>of chronic nephritic syndrome
<variant>of nephrotic syndrome
<variant>acute renal failure syndrome
336. <question>In the patient's biochemical blood analysis, the content of urea is 11.5 mmol/l, creatinine
is 185.2 mmol/l. The Rehberg test revealed: glomerular filtration 75 ml/min, tubular reabsorption - 90%.
Which additional study is the MOST informative?
<variant>excretory urography
<variant>computed tomography
<variant>radioisotope renography
<variant>kidney biopsy
337. <question>Awoman, 35 years old, works as a cashier, turned to the local doctor with complaints of
pain in the right lumbar region, slight swelling of the eyelids in the morning, frequent urination, headaches,
general weakness. From anamnesis: he is registered with a diagnosis of Chronic pyelonephritis. Additional
examination is recommended for the patient.
Which of the above is MOST likely to be found in the general urine analysis?
<variant>cloudy urine, specific gravity 1012, leukocyturia
<variant>cloudy urine, specific gravity 1025, cylindrical
<variant>cloudy urine, specific gravity 1010,proteinuria
<variant>microhematuria, pronounced proteinuria
<variant>leukocyturia, pronounced proteinuria
338. <question> A 44-year-old man, a manager, came to the clinic's waiting room complaining of a slight
swelling of the eyelids in the morning, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, urine staining in the color
of "meat slops" of the eyelids. Blood pressure 140/100 mmHg In OAM - protein 0.099%0, erythrocytes -
25-35 in p/w, leukocytes 10-12 in p/w
Which of the above MOST likely caused the appearance of swelling in the patient?
<variant>hyperaldosteronemia, hypoproteinemia,
<variant>hyperproteinemia, hyperaldosteronemia
<variant>hyperaldosteronemia, decreased potassium content
<variant>hypoaldosteronemia, increased sodium content
<variant>decrease in protein synthesis, increase in the amount of potassium
339. <question>A 46-year-old woman turned to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of facial
swelling, more in the morning, decreased urine output, fatigue. In the anamnesis: frequent colds. On
examination, the patient's face is pale, puffy, the eyelids are edematous, the eye slits are narrowed.
Which of the above MOST correctly characterizes the inspection data?
<variant>jade facies
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<variant>the facies is feverish

<variant>facies mitralis
<variant>facies of basedovica
<variant>hippocratic facies
340. <question>Aman, 38 years old, was taken to the clinic by an ambulance team with complaints of
nausea, vomiting, lack of urine, muscle twitching. From anamnesis: got into a traffic accident, severe
kidney damage.
In blood tests, urea – 9.3 mmol/l, creatinine - 188 mmol/l, Na+ - 131 mmol/l, K+ - 6.8 mmol/L.
Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this situation?
<variant>acute renal failure syndrome
<variant>chronic renal failure syndrome
<variant>renal arterial hypertension syndrome
<variant>nephrotic syndrome
<variant>nephritic syndrome
341. <question>During the Zimnitsky test, the following data were revealed: daily diuresis of 2500 ml,
daytime diuresis of 1720 ml, night diuresis of 780 ml. The maximum and minimum values of the
relative density of urine in different portions are in the range of 1.005 - 1.012. Which of the above
conclusions is the MOST correct in this study?
<variant>polyuria, hypostenuria
<variant>hypoisostenuria, nocturia
<variant>polyuria, pollakiuria
<variant>isostenuria, nocturia
<variant>polyuria, nocturia
342. <question>A65-year-old man, a pensioner, turned to the local doctor with complaints of poor urine
discharge, a weak stream. Upon examination, a slight bulge in the suprapubic region is revealed.
Which of the listed reasons are most likely to cause this condition?
<variant>an increase in the size of the prostate gland
<variant>limiting fluid intake
<variant>massive water load
<variant>taking antibiotics
<variant>reception of saluretics
343. <question>A52-year-old man, who works as a driver, turned to a local therapist with complaints of
headaches, tinnitus, urine discharge of the color of "meat slops". Further examination revealed facial
swelling, an increase in blood pressure to 160/105 mmHg. What is the most likely cause of this condition?
<variant>acute inflammation of the glomeruli
<variant>increased oncotic blood plasma pressure
<variant>reduction of oncotic blood plasma pressure
<variant>increased fluid intake
<variant>damage to the renal pelvis
344. <question>In a patient with arthrosis, the following facts are likely to be revealed when questioning the
medical history:
<variant>the onset of the disease in old age
<variant>the onset of the disease with the defeat of the knee joints
<variant> Bekhterev's disease in close relatives
<variant>the onset of the disease with a lesion of the spine
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<variant>the onset of the disease at a young age

345. <question>A 38-year-old woman turned to the local doctor with complaints of pain and swelling in
the wrist, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints for 4 weeks, morning stiffness for 30
minutes. The brush compression test is positive.
What is most likely to be seen on the P-image of the hands of this patient?
<variant>marginal growths in the metacarpophalangeal joints
<variant>the "puncher" symptom
<variant>subchondral sclerosis
<variant>pronounced periarticular osteoporosis
<variant>expansion of the articular gap of the wrist joints
346. <question>A34-year-old woman became ill after acute respiratory viral infection: the wrist, elbow,
metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints became ill, then swollen, reddened, a feeling of
stiffness until 12 o'clock in the morning; in the evenings - subfebrility. The above symptoms gradually
increase over 3 months.
What is the most likely result of a general blood test in a patient?
<variant>leukocytosis <variant> neutropenia
347. <question>What changes in the knee joints are most likely in this patient?

<variant>rough uneven deformation

<variant>destruction of bone tissue
<variant>inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues
<variant>rounded deformation of the "soccer ball" type
<variant>lesion of the ligamentous apparatus around the joint
348. <question>What characteristic complaint related to the diagnostic criteria of this joint pathology is
most likely in a patient with such an X-ray picture?

<variant>morning stiffness
<variant>significant weight loss
<variant>muscle atrophy
<variant>remitting nature of pain
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<variant>muscle pain
349. <question>What is the most likely result of an immunological study in a patient with similar formations
near the joints?

<variant>rheumatoid factor is sharply increased

<variant>rheumatoid factor is negative
<variant>C-reactive protein is not determined
<variant>antistreptolysin-O is moderately elevated
<variant>antistreptolysin-O is sharply increased
350. <question>A42-year-old woman complains of pain in the metatarsophalangeal and ankle joints, a
feeling of morning stiffness before lunch. Body temperature rises in the evenings to 37.6-38.0 ° C. He
considers himself ill for about 6 months, the onset of the disease is associated with hypothermia. The
mother had similar symptoms. The ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints are symmetrically swollen, painful
when compressed.
Also painful hands.
What is most likely to be detected during laboratory examination?
<variant>high level of rheumatoid factor
<variant>decreased fibrinogen levels
<variant>increased uric acid levels
<variant>decrease in the level of total protein in the blood
<variant>increasing the level of antistreptolysin
351. <question>A36-year-old woman went to the doctor complaining of pain and swelling of the wrist joint,
severe soreness and weakness in the hand, inability to squeeze the brush and hold an object in it;
subfebrility in the evenings. The joints have been aching and swelling for a year, but I did not go to the
doctor until the symptoms worsened. The symptom of hand compression is positive. Rheumatoid factor - 52
IU/ ml (norm <10 IU/ml). What is most likely to be revealed with a P-graph of the brushes?
<variant>marginal erosion of articular surfaces
<variant>subchondral sclerosis
<variant>periarticular sclerosis
<variant>marginal thickenings and osteophytes
<variant>uneven expansion of the articular gap
352. <question>A23-year-old man complains of pain and swelling of the right knee joint for 2-3 weeks. An
increase in body temperature to 38.6 oC, weakness, sweating.
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What is most likely to be detected during laboratory examination?

<variant>increase in C-reactive protein
<variant>increased uric acid levels
<variant>increased creatinine
<variant>increased ferritin levels
<variant>urea level increase
353. <question>A16-year-old boy complains of pain in his knee joints. A few days ago, I was worried
about pain and swelling in the elbows, then in the ankle joints. 2 weeks ago I suffered a sore throat. On
examination, there is a slight swelling and hyperemia of the right knee joint. What is most likely to be
detected in a general blood test?
354. <question>A42-year-old man complains of severe pain in the right metatarsophalangeal joint, so severe
that even touching is unbearable. He considers himself ill after overeating and visiting the sauna.
What is most likely to be detected in a biochemical blood test?
<variant>an increase in uric acid levels
<variant>increased creatinine levels
<variant>urea level increase
<variant>increased glucose levels
<variant>ALT and AST level increase
355. <question>A35-year-old woman complains of pain in the wrist joints, in the hands, a feeling of
morning stiffness until 11.00 h. Body temperature rises in the evenings to 37.5-37.8 ° C. He considers
himself ill for about 3 months, the onset of the disease is associated with hypothermia and an acute
respiratory infection. The wrist joints are symmetrically swollen, a positive symptom of compression.
What is most likely to be detected in a general blood test?
<variant>increased ESR
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356. <question>A26-year-old woman with a body weight of 58 kg and a height of 162 cm complains of
pain in the knee joints that occur in the morning, more pronounced in the right joint, the pain increases
when moving, when climbing stairs. He considers himself ill for about 2 weeks after hypothermia.
What is most likely to be detected during a physical examination?
<variant>rough uneven defiguration of the knee joints
<variant>palpation reveals a local increase in temperature
<variant>with passive movement of the joint, crepitation is palpated
<variant>during palpation, the skin over the joints is cold and moist
<variant>active joint movements are symmetrically limited
357. <question>A56-year-old woman with a body weight of 98 kg and a height of 156 cm complains of pain
in the knee joints that occur at the moment when she gets to her feet, goes down the stairs. He considers
himself ill for about 2 years, in the last 2 weeks the pain has intensified, which is associated with physical
What is most likely to be detected during a physical examination?
<variant>rounded, evenly swollen knee joints
<variant>palpation reveals a local increase in temperature
<variant>with passive movement of the joint, crepitation is palpated
<variant>palpation determines pronounced joint soreness
<variant>hyperemia of the knee joints during examination
358. <question>A43-year-old woman complains of weakness, weight loss by 7 kg, muscle pain, severe pain
and limited mobility in the wrist joints, morning stiffness in the joints of the hands for up to 3 hours, severe
pain and swelling in the metacarpophalangeal, elbow joints, then in the knee and shoulder joints. The
change of joints in some subsides, in others it appears within 3-4 months.
Which of the symptoms listed by the patient is a diagnostic criterion for rheumatoid arthritis?
<variant>morning stiffness
<variant>significant weight loss
<variant>knee joint damage
<variant>muscle pain
359. <question>A22-year-old woman notes morning stiffness of the hand joints for 2 hours, weakness,
subfebrile temperature. The complaints appeared 6 months ago. Objectively: symmetrical swelling of the
proximal interphalangeal joints of the II-IV fingers of both hands and metacarpophalangeal joints,
movements are limited, hypotrophy of the vermiform muscles. In the UAC: ESR 30 mm/h. What is the
most likely result of an immunological study?
<variant>rheumatoid factor is elevated
<variant>C-reactive protein is slightly elevated
<variant>rheumatoid factor is not determined
<variant> antistreptolysin-O is moderately elevated
<variant>antistreptolysin-O is sharply increased
360. <question>A38-year-old woman has been complaining of pain in her hands for 6 months. About: a
positive symptom of hand compression, the volume of movement in the wrist joints is limited.
Which predisposing factor is most significant in this pathology?
<variant>transferred streptococcal infection
<variant>alcohol abuse
<variant>increased consumption of spices and smoked meats
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<variant>hereditary history
361. <question>A38-year-old woman complains for 2 months of pain in the knee, wrist, metacarpal joints of
the hands, more in the right hand, morning stiffness up to 30 minutes.About: slight swelling of the knee
joints, local temperature, slight hypotrophy of the muscles of the back of the hands, limitation of the volume
of movement in the wrist joints.
What kind of instrumental examination should be performed?
<variant>radiography of the hands
<variant>computed tomography of the hands
<variant>radiography of the right hand only
<variant>magnetic resonance imaging of the hands
<variant>magnetic resonance imaging of the knee joints
362. <question>A32-year-old woman complained of morning stiffness for 30-40 minutes, pain and swelling
of the wrist joints, metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints; an increase in body
temperature to 37.5
°, a decrease in body weight by 5 kg. All symptoms appeared after hypothermia 2 months ago. UAC: Er - 3,2,
Nb - 110 g/l, L- 8,9×109/l, Nf - 78%, Lf - 16%, ESR 29 mm/h. What laboratory examination should be
<variant>rheumatoid factor
<variant>ferritin level
<variant>serum iron level
<variant>uric acid level
363. <question>A16-year-old girl became acutely ill after hypothermia: fever of 38 °, a week later there was
severe pain and swelling in the wrist joints, morning stiffness up to 12 hours of the day; pain in the knee
and shoulder joints. The condition was regarded as a complication of ARVI and treated with antibiotics
without effect. Objectively: symmetrically sharp restriction of mobility of wrist joints, swelling, local
temperature, positive symptom of compression of the hands. UAC: Er - 3.0, Hb - 98 g/l, L- 10.9 ×109/l, Nf
- 78%, Lf - 19%, ESR 48 mm/h.
What is the MOST likely diagnosis?
<variant>rheumatoid arthritis
<variant>rheumatic arthritis
<variant> infectious arthritis
<variant>gouty arthritis
<variant>seronegative spondyloarthritis
364. <question>A24-year-old man complained of stiffness in the thoracic and cervical spine, pain in the
lower back and sacrum. Stiffness decreases with physical exercise. He considers himself sick for about a
year. The
Tomayer sample is 30 cm, the Forestier sample is 2 cm.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
<variant>spinal osteochondrosis
<variant>rheumatoid polyarthritis
<variant>rheumatic polyarthritis
<variant>chronic gouty arthritis
<variant>seronegative spondyloarthritis
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365. <question>A32-year-old man complains of pain and stiffness in the thoracic spine, swelling in the rib-
sternal joints. Movement in the spine is limited in the frontal and sagittal planes. Kushelevsky's symptom is
positive. What is the most likely result of an immunological study?
<variant>antistreptolysin-O is sharply increased
<variant>rheumatoid factor is moderately elevated
<variant>rheumatoid factor is sharply increased
<variant>rheumatoid factor is not determined
<variant>antistreptolysin-O is moderately elevated
366. <question>A29-year-old man complained of stiffness in the cervical and thoracic spine, difficulty
breathing due to back pain and in the rib-sternal joints. Movement in the spine is limited in the frontal and
sagittal planes. Which study should be done first?
<variant>radiography of the thoracic spine
<variant>computed tomography of the thoracic spine
<variant>computed tomography of the cervical spine
<variant>magnetic resonance imaging of the thoracic spine
<variant>magnetic resonance imaging of sacroileal joints
367. <question>A26-year-old man complained of stiffness in the thoracic and lumbar spine, pain in the
lower back and sacrum. Stiffness decreases with physical exercise. What can be revealed during the study
in the photo?

<variant>local temperature rise
<variant>mobility restriction
368. <question>A47-year-old patient, a seamstress, in the hospital complains of jaundice of the skin,
darkening of urine on the 2nd day of paroxysmal pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting after eating
fatty foods and lifting weights. Previously, there were dull pains on the right, giving to the right shoulder
blade, shoulder, bitterness in the mouth, increased body weight, BMI 38kg/m2, green-yellow skin,
xanthelasm of the eyelids, painful abdomen in the right hypochondrium, liver 8-7-6 cm. In the assays:
bilirubin 154 mmol/l, (direct 112, indirect 42), ALT - 36me/l, AST – 25 iu/l, cholesterol 8.1 mmol/l;
alkaline phosphatase 196 iu/l. Which of the following syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>protein-synthetic insufficiency
<variant>of mesenchymal inflammation
<variant>of cytolysis
369. <question>63-year-old patient, complaints of general weakness, memory loss, sleep disorder, vomiting,
hiccups. From anamnesis - he has been suffering from cirrhosis of the liver for more than 18 years, about a
week – deterioration: depression and apathy are replaced by euphoria or aggression. On examination:
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slowness of movement and speech, liver odor, weight loss, atrophy of the shoulder girdle muscles, clapping
tremor, jaundice, skin hemorrhages, gynecomastia, palmar erythema, enlarged abdomen- ascites. The size
of the liver according to Kurlov is 7-6-5 cm, the spleen is 14x8cm.
Which of these syndromes is most likely with the progression of cirrhosis of the liver?
<variant>liver failure
<variant>hepatic coma
<variant>edematous ascitic
<variant>hepatic encephalopathy
370. <question>A63-year-old patient in the hospital complains of general weakness, memory loss, sleep
disorder, vomiting, hiccups. He has a history of cirrhosis of the liver for 10 years, deterioration of the
condition within a week, depression and apathy are replaced by euphoria or aggression. On examination:
slowness of movement and speech, liver odor, weight loss, atrophy of the shoulder girdle muscles, clapping
tremor, jaundice, skin hemorrhages, gynecomastia, palmar erythema, abdomen enlarged due to ascites. The
size of the liver according to Kurlov is 7-6-5 cm, the spleen is 15x9cm.
Which of the listed blood serum parameters is most likely to increase in this patient?
<variant>total protein
371. <question>A33-year-old patient, a cook, complains of jaundice of the skin, darkening of urine, on the
2nd day she is worried about paroxysmal pains in the right hypochondrium, vomiting after eating fatty
foods and lifting weights. From anamnesis- previously there were dull pains on the right, giving to the right
shoulder blade, shoulder, bitterness in the mouth. On examination - increased nutrition, BMI 37 kg /m2,
green-yellow skin and mucous membranes, xanthelasm of the eyelids. On palpation, the abdomen is painful
in the right hypochondrium. The size of the liver is 8-7-6 cm . In the assays: bilirubin-164 mmol/l, (direct
122, indirect 42),
ALT - 38 iu/L, AST - 29 iu/L, GGTP - 96ME; albumins 40 g/l, cholesterol 8.4 mmol/l.
Which of the listed survey methods is the most informative in this case?
<variant>Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
<variant>overview X-ray of abdominal organs
<variant>puncture liver biopsy
372. <question>The patient is 37 years old, works as a cook, complains of jaundice of the skin, darkening of
urine, paroxysmal pains in the right hypochondrium for 2 days, vomiting after eating fatty foods and lifting
weights. Previously, there were dull pains on the right, giving to the right shoulder blade, shoulder,
bitterness in the mouth. On examination - increased body weight, BMI 37 kg / m2, green-yellow skin and
mucous membranes, xanthelasm of the eyelids. Palpation- the abdomen is painful in the right
hypochondrium. The size of the liver according to Kurlov is 8-7-6 cm . In the assays: bilirubin
186mcmol/L, (direct 168, indirect 18), ALT 38 iu/L, AST 29 iu/l, GGTP 96ME; albumins 40 g/l,
cholesterol 8.4mmol/l.
Which of the listed types of jaundice is most likely?
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<variant>hepatic, caused by acute viral hepatitis A
<variant>hepatic, caused by chronic viral hepatitis B
373. <question>A36-year-old woman, a teacher, went to the polyclinic with complaints of jaundice of the
skin, darkening of urine, weakness, bloating. At the age of 12, she suffered viral hepatitis B. Normal
nutrition, skin and visible mucous orange-jaundice, single telangiectasia on the back. The abdomen during
palpation is painful in the right hypochondrium, the liver is 2.5 cm below the costal arch, the spleen is
9.0x5.0cm. In the assays: bilirubin 111mcmol/l, (direct 55, indirect 56) ALT-37me /l, AST-27me/l, GGTP-
110ME; albumins 43 g/l, cholesterol - 4.3; alkaline phosphatase -186 iu/l, HBsAg(+).
Which of the above is the most likely cause of the development of jaundice syndrome?
<variant>hepatitis B virus
<variant>alcohol intake
<variant>hepatitis C virus
<variant>increase of iron in blood serum
<variant>taking hepatotoxic medications
374. <question>A36-year-old woman, a teacher, went to the polyclinic with complaints of jaundice of the
skin and eyes, darkening of urine, weakness, bloating. She had a history of viral hepatitis B as a child . On
examination moderate nutrition, skin and visible mucous orange-jaundice, single telangiectasia on the back.
The abdomen during palpation is painful in the right hypochondrium, the liver is 3cm below the costal arch,
the spleen is 8.0x4.0cm. In the assays: bilirubin 110mcmol/l, (direct 55, indirect 55) ALT 38me/l, AST
29me/l, GGTP 112ME; albumins 40 g/l, cholesterol 4.1; alkaline phosphatase 200me/l, HBsAg(+).
Which of the listed types of jaundice is most likely in this patient?
<variant>hepatic jaundice caused by chronic viral hepatitis B
<variant>hepatic jaundice caused by alimentary lesion
<variant>subhepatic jaundice caused by alimentary lesion
<variant>suprahepatic jaundice caused by alimentary lesion
<variant>hepatic jaundice caused by acute viral hepatitis A
375. <question>A22-year-old patient went to the polyclinic with complaints of: the appearance of
jaundice of the skin and eyes, darkening of urine. From anamnesis: viral hepatitis, denies surgery. On
examination, the skin and mucous membranes are lemon yellow, the tongue is clean. On palpation, the
abdomen is soft, the liver is not enlarged, the lower pole of the spleen is palpated. In the general blood
test: Hb 100g/l, erythrocytes 2,8x1012/L. B/x blood test - total bilirubin 67 mmol/l (indirect 52 mmol/l),
ALT 37 iu/L. In the urineurobilinoids, in the feces - sterkobilinogen in large quantities. Which of the
listed types of jaundice is most likely in this patient?
<variant>hepatic jaundice caused by acute viral hepatitis A
<variant>hepatic jaundice caused by chronic viral hepatitis B
376. <question>The patient is 56 years old, does not work, complains of abdominal enlargement, shortness
of breath, weakness, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, dyspepsia. From anamnesis - has been suffering
from hepatitis B for 14 years, has been losing weight for the last 6 months, bruises on the skin. On
examination - skin and mucous jaundice, atrophy of the muscles of the arms and legs, telangiectasia in the
shoulders and back, gynecomastia, palmar erythema. The abdomen is sharply enlarged and tense, the navel
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protrudes, the subcutaneous venous network on the anterior abdominal wall, the liver is dense, according to
Kurlov 15-1210cm, the spleen is 19x8cm. Percussion in the sloping places of the abdomen – a dull sound,
in the upper part – tympanitis.
Which of the above is the most likely cause of abdominal enlargement?
<variant>the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity
<variant>significant enlargement of the liver and spleen
<variant>significant enlargement of the spleen
<variant>presence of gases in the intestine
377. <question>A56-year-old patient, a lawyer, complains in the hospital of: weakness, malaise, jaundice of
the skin, memory impairment, pain in the right hypochondrium, decreased appetite, bleeding gums and
bloating. From anamnesis: he has been ill with hepatitis C for about 20 years, has been losing weight for the
last 6 months, bruises on the skin. The skin and mucous membranes are jaundiced, atrophy of the muscles
of the arms and legs, telangiectasia in the shoulders and back, gynecomastia, palmar erythema. The
abdomen is enlarged in volume, the subcutaneous venous network on the anterior abdominal wall.
Palpation- the liver is dense. With percussion, the size of the liver according to Kurlov is 15-11-9 cm, the
spleen is 12x8 cm. Which of the listed clinical syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>liver failure
<variant>hepatic coma
<variant>edematous ascitic
378. <question>A47-year-old patient, a painter, turned to the medical center with complaints of: weakness,
fatigue. In the anamnesis - surgery with hemotransfusion in 2012. On examination, the skin and mucous
membranes are not changed, there are no liver signs. On palpation, the liver is dense, painless, the size of
the liver according to
Kurlov is 13-11-8cm. ELISA revealed HBsAg in blood serum, antibodies to hepatitis C (-); bilirubin
16mcmol/ml,ALT 177me/l,AST 124me/l, PTI 81%, albumins 47g/L. Ultrasound: diffuse changes in liver
parenchyma, right lobe 15.5cm, left – 9.5cm.
Which of the listed survey methods is the most informative in this case?
<variant>puncture liver biopsy
<variant>liver scintigraphy
<variant>indirect liver elastometry
<variant>Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
<variant>computed tomography of abdominal organs
379. <question>A45-year-old patient, a programmer, turned with suspected hepatitis. Notes periodic
weakness, fatigue. In the anamnesis - surgery after a left leg fracture with hemotransfusion in 2006. On
examination, the skin and mucous membranes are not changed, there are no liver signs. On palpation, the
liver is compacted. The liver size according to Kurlov is 13-11-8 cm. The ELISA method revealed HBsAg
in serum, antibodies to hepatitis C (-); bilirubin 17mcmol/ml,ALT 197me/l, AST 130me/l, PTI 83%,
albumins 41g/L. Ultrasound: diffuse changes in liver parenchyma, right lobe 14.5cm, left - 8cm, the area of
the spleen is 40cm. Which of the clinical syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>protein-synthetic insufficiency
<variant>of mesenchymal inflammation
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380. <question>A47-year-old patient, an actor, turned to the medical center with complaints of: periodic
weakness, fatigue. In the anamnesis - surgery after a left leg fracture with hemotransfusion in 2000. On
examination, the skin and mucous membranes are not changed, there are no liver stigmas. On palpation, the
abdomen is painless, the liver is compacted. The size of the liver according to Kurlov is 13-11-8 cm, the
spleen is not enlarged. The ELISA method revealed HBsAg in blood serum, antibodies to hepatitis C (-);
bilirubin 17 mmol/ml,ALT 198 iu/l, AST 123 mme/l, PTI 84%, albumins 40g/l. Ultrasound: diffuse changes
in liver parenchyma, right lobe 12.5cm, left - 8 cm, v.porte 0.8cm, spleen area 32 cm2.
Which of the following syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>liver inflammation of viral etiology
<variant>liver failure
<variant>portal hypertension
<variant>gastric dyspepsia
<variant>edematous ascitic
381. <question>A49-year-old patient, an engineer, turned to the medical center with changes in liver tests,
hepatomegaly and suspected hepatitis. Periodically there is weakness, fatigue. In the anamnesis - surgery
after a left leg fracture with hemotransfusion in 2002. On examination, the skin and visible mucous
membranes are not changed. On palpation, the edge of the liver is compacted. The size of the liver
according to Kurlov is 13-11-8 cm, the spleen is not enlarged. The ELISA method revealed HBsAg in blood
serum, antibodies to hepatitis C (); bilirubin 15 mmol/ml,ALT 200 iu/l, AST 134 iu/l, PTI 87%, albumins
42g/l. Ultrasound: diffuse changes in liver parenchyma, right lobe 13.5cm, left - 8cm, v.porte 0.9cm, spleen
area 42 cm2.
What is the most likely cause of liver inflammation in this patient?
<variant>Hepatitis B virus
<variant>alcohol intake
<variant>Hepatitis C virus
<variant>Increase of iron in blood serum
<variant>Taking hepatotoxic medications
382. <question>A52-year-old woman, a doctor, went to the polyclinic with complaints of: heaviness in the
right hypochondrium, decreased appetite and weight, bloating. In anamnesis - at the age of 15 she suffered
viral hepatitis B. On examination - weight 64kg, height 175 cm; dry skin, bruises in places, telangiectasia
on the neck, erythema palmar, soreness in the right hypochondrium. The liver according to Kurlov is 15-10-
7 cm, the spleen is 11X5.5 cm. In the analyses: bilirubin 19mcmol/l; ALT 25me/l, AST 30me/l, GGTP
35ME; prothrombin index 78%, fibrinogen 7.3g/l; cholesterol 5.1mmol/l; thymol sample 12ed, albumins 45
g/l, gamma globulins 25%, ESR 36 mm/h.
Which of the biochemical syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>mesenchymal inflammation
<variant>protein-synthetic insufficiency
<variant>of cytolysis
383. <question>A50-year-old woman, an economist, went to the polyclinic with complaints of: heaviness in
the right hypochondrium, decreased appetite and weight, abdominal enlargement. From anamnesis - she
suffered viral hepatitis in childhood. On examination - reduced nutrition, skin with a jaundice tinge, bruises
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in places, telangiectasia on the neck and shoulders, erythema palmar. The abdomen is enlarged due to
ascites, the navel is protruding, a pronounced subcutaneous venous network. The size of the liver according
to Kurlov: 15-10-7 cm, spleen 11x5.5 cm. In the second blood test: bilirubin 57mcmol / l; ALT 23me/l,
AST 31me/l, prothrombin index 60%, fibrinogen 1.7g/l, total protein 54 g/l, albumins 26 g/l, cholesterol 2.1
Which of the biochemical syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>protein-synthetic insufficiency
<variant>of cytolysis
<variant>of mesenchymal inflammation
384. <question>A50-year-old woman, an economist, went to the polyclinic with complaints of heaviness in
the right hypochondrium, itching, decreased appetite and weight, bloating, weakness. In the anamnesis - at
the age of 17 she had viral hepatitis. On examination - reduced nutrition, skin with a jaundice tinge, with
traces of combs, xanthelasma on the eyelids, erythema palmar. Palpation - the abdomen is soft, painful in
the right hypochondrium. The dimensions of the liver according to Kurlov are 15-10-7 cm, the spleen:
11x5.5 cm. In blood tests: total bilirubin 68.3mmol/l, direct 49; ALT 43me/l, GGTP 112ME; albumins 40
g/l, cholesterol 8.1 mmol/l; alkaline phosphatase 170me/l.
Which of the biochemical syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>of cytolysis
<variant>of mesenchymal inflammation <variant>protein-
synthetic insufficiency
385. <question>A36-year-old woman, a teacher, complains of weakness, fatigue, heaviness in the right
hypochondrium, bloating. From anamnesis - at the age of 12 she suffered viral hepatitis. On
examinationnormal nutrition, sclera slightly icteric, single telangiectasia on the back. Palpation - soreness in
the right hypochondrium. The size of the liver according to Kurlov is 13-10-7 cm, the spleen is 8.0x4.0 cm.
In the assays: bilirubin 23.3mmol/l; ALT 123me/l, AST 90me/l, GGTP 112 IU; albumins 40 g/l, cholesterol
4.1mmol/l; alkaline phosphatase 76ME/L.
Which of the biochemical syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>of cytolysis
<variant>of mesenchymal inflammation <variant>protein-
synthetic insufficiency
386. <question>A63-year-old man, a programmer, complained of heaviness in the right hypochondrium,
abdominal enlargement, decreased urine output, decreased appetite, weight loss, unstable stool, sharp
weakness, bleeding gums. In the anamnesis- he denies viral hepatitis, has abused alcohol in the past. On
general examination reduced nutrition, skin with a jaundiced tinge, sometimes petechiae and bruises. On the
skin of the face, neck and shoulders – telangiectasia, erythema palmar. The abdomen is enlarged, saggy, the
navel protrudes, there is an expanded venous network on the front and side walls of the abdomen. The
doctor made a preliminary diagnosis: Portal hypertension syndrome.
Which of the above signs is characteristic of portal hypertension?
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<variant>expanded venous network on the anterior and lateral walls of the abdomen
<variant>petechiae and bruises
<variant>erythema palmar
<variant>jaundiced skin tone
387. <question> A 50-year-old man, a veterinarian, went to the emergency room with complaints of:
abdominal enlargement, decreased urine output, weight loss, unstable stool, weakness, bleeding gums.
From anamnesis abusing alcohol. On examination - reduced nutrition, trembling of the eyelids and hands,
jaundiced skin, sometimes petechiae and bruises. In the nose, cheeks, neck and shoulders – telangiectasia,
erythema palmar. The abdomen is enlarged, saggy, the navel protrudes, around it and on the front wall of
the abdomen there is an expanded venous network - the head of a Jellyfish. The size of the liver according
to Kurlov is 17-14-10 cm, the spleen is 13x7cm.
Which of the following syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>portal hypertension
<variant>intestinal dyspepsia with malabsorption
<variant>hepatic encephalopathy
<variant>gastric dyspepsia
388. <question>A55-year-old man, a handyman, turned to the polyclinic with complaints of: heaviness in
the right hypochondrium, decreased appetite, weight loss, bloating, unstable stool, weakness. From
anamnesis - he denies viral hepatitis, has abused alcohol in the past. On examination - body weight is
reduced, BMI is 17 kg/m2. Skin with a jaundiced tinge, places of petechiae and bruises, telangiectasia,
erythema palmar, crimson tongue. Moderate pain on palpation in the right hypochondrium, the edge of the
liver is dense, the abdomen is enlarged, a network of subcutaneous veins around the navel. The size of the
liver according to Kurlov is 13-11-
8 cm, the spleen is 10x7cm.
Which of the above is the most likely cause of liver cirrhosis?
<variant>alcohol abuse
<variant>drug use
<variant>hepatitis B or C
<variant>inflammation of the gallbladder
389. <question> A 55-year-old man, a locksmith, went to the polyclinic with complaints of: heaviness in the
right hypochondrium, decreased appetite, weight loss, bloating, unstable stool, weakness. From anamnesis -
denies viral hepatitis, has abused alcohol in the past. On examination - skin with a jaundice tinge, low
nutrition, places of petechiae and bruises, telangiectasia. Erythema palmar, crimson tongue. Palpation -
moderate soreness in the right hypochondrium, the edge of the liver is dense, the abdomen is enlarged, a
network of subcutaneous veins around the navel. The size of the liver according to Kurlov is 14-11-7 cm,
the spleen is 11x6cm. Which of the following syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>cirrhosis of the liver
<variant>external secretory pancreatic insufficiency
<variant>inflammation of the gallbladder with concretions
<variant>irritable bowel with diarrhea
<variant>subhepatic jaundice
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390. <question> A 44-year-old man complained of: pain in the epigastric region after eating, giving in the
back, fear of eating, vomiting that does not bring relief; mushy fatty stools in large volume, weight loss.
From anamnesis abusing alcohol. Low nutrition, muscle atrophy on the extremities, ruby drops. On
palpation - pain in the epigastrium and in the left hypochondrium. The level of amylase in the blood,
diastases in the urine are elevated. The doctor suggested the syndrome of extrasecretory pancreatic
Which of the listed research methods is the most informative in this case?
<variant>Ultrasound of the pancreas
<variant>endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
391. <question>A 48-year-old man, a builder, turned to the emergency room with complaints about:
prolonged pain in the epigastric region after eating, giving in the back, fear of taking another meal,
vomiting that does not bring relief; mushy fatty stools in large volume, weight loss. From anamnesis - ill for
over 7 years, abusing alcohol. On examination - sharply reduced nutrition, muscle atrophy on the limbs,
ruby drops. On palpation - soreness in the Shoffar zone, in the epigastrium. The size of the liver according
to Kurlov is 11-9-7 cm . The level of amylase in the blood and diastase in the urine is increased, in the
analysis of feces - steatorrhea, creatorrhea.
Which of the following syndromes is most likely in this patient?
<variant>external secretory pancreatic insufficiency
<variant>intestinal dyspepsia
<variant>irritable bowel with diarrhea
<variant>inflammation of the gallbladder with concretions
392. <question>The young man B. 19 l, a college student, was taken to the clinic for headache,
photophobia, vomiting, fever. From the anamnesis it was revealed that the patient had contact with a
tuberculosis patient. Objectively: lying in the "cop dog" pose, head thrown back, rigidity of the
occipital muscles by 2 transverse fingers, positive symptoms of Kernig, lower Brudzinsky. Which of
the following syndromes is MOST likely in this patient?
<variant>transient attack
<variant>hemorrhagic stroke
393. <question>Agirl A. 18 years old, a student, was taken to the emergency room with complaints of a
sharp headache, fever, nausea, vomiting. From anamnesis - ill for a week, went to the mountains with
friends. On examination, he lies with his eyes closed, does not allow himself to be covered with a blanket, a
sharp increase in pain sensitivity was revealed. When the doctor tried to bend the head of the subject, the
lower extremities flexed in the hip and knee joints.
Which of the following symptoms is MOST likely in this case?
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394. <question>A22-year-old boy was taken to the hospital by ambulance from the street. Complains of
pain in the tongue, does not remember anything else. Those around at the bus stop who called an
ambulance said that the patient was "struggling in a convulsive fit." From the anamnesis - there was a
severe headache before the attack, my father has some attacks, he himself was not ill before, the dizziness
is clean. Examination of the tongue revealed traces of hemorrhage after biting, traces of involuntary
urination on the underwear. Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this situation?
395. <question>A 25-year-old young man, a welder, turned to the local doctor with complaints of pain in
his right eye, double vision. From anamnesis - got sick after hypothermia, worked in a draft. The
examination revealed ptosis, impossibility of convergence, deterioration of vision at close range.
Which of the following pairs of cranial nerves is MOST likely affected in this patient?
396. <question>Aman, 35 years old, a school teacher, was taken to the emergency room of the hospital in
the direction of the district doctor. Complaints of severe headache, nausea, inability to move freely due to
sudden sharp weakness in the left leg. From anamnesis - suffers from chronic nephritis. The examination
revealed pallor of the skin, decreased pain sensitivity, plegia of the left leg, decreased knee reflex. The heart
tones are muted, the accent of the II tone is on the aorta. AD - 190/100 mmHg.
Which of the following pathological conditions is MOST likely to have developed in a man?
<variant>hemorrhagic stroke
<variant>meningeal syndrome
<variant>transient attack
<variant>ischemic stroke
<variant>epileptic seizure
397. <question>Awoman, 79 years old, lives in a boarding house for the elderly. Complains of dizziness,
poor hearing, often conflicts with neighbors, because she does not remember what she ate for breakfast,
where she put her personal belongings, preserved jewelry. At the same time, she remembers well that she
studied at a pedagogical institute, knew how to dance beautifully, and was respected by her work
colleagues. Which of the following types of memory impairment is MOST likely to be present in this
woman? <variant>anterograde amnesia
<variant>retrograde amnesia
398. <question>Aman, 55 years old, turned to the hospital's emergency room with complaints of dizziness,
sharp weakness in his right arm, can't do anything with it. From anamnesis - he got sick after emotional
stress, his wife died. On examination, he speaks with difficulty, dividing words into syllables. There was a
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decrease in sensitivity, muscle strength and hyporeflexia on the affected arm, the heart tones were deaf, the
accent of 2 tones on the aorta. AD 210/125 mmHg.
Which of the following research methods is the MOST informative for establishing a diagnosis?
<variant>Brain MRI
<variant>brain encephalography
<variant>CT of the skull
399. <question>A42-year-old woman with complaints of headache, fever, nausea, photophobia was taken
by relatives to the hospital's emergency room. From anamnesis - ill for more than a week, after suffering
from acute respiratory viral infection. On examination, he lies on his side with his eyes closed, does not
allow himself to be covered with anything, hyperesthesia, rigidity of the occipital muscles on 4
transverse fingers, a positive symptom of Kernig were revealed.
Which of the following research methods is the MOST informative for establishing a diagnosis?
<variant>spinal tap
<variant>brain CT
<variant>Brain MRI
<variant>brain echography
400. <question>In a 44-year-old woman, the doctor of the emergency room revealed during the
complaints of sharp weakness in the right arm and leg, lack of pain sensitivity during examination, increased
muscle tone and decreased reflexes from the biceps, carporadial, patellar.
Which of the following reflexes are MOST significantly reduced in this pathological condition?
401. <question>A47-year-old woman, suffering from arterial hypertension for 17 years, developed a severe
headache attack, nausea, and repeated vomiting after emotional stress. The district doctor called to the
house revealed the back flexion of 1 toe and fan-shaped dilution of the rest, pressing with a bent finger
along the crest of the tibia.
Which of the following pathological symptoms is MOST likely determined by the doctor?
402. <question>At the bus stop, a man, 60 years old, had an attack of a sharp headache, he screamed, tried to
run somewhere, swears badly, the surrounding people called an ambulance. He answers the doctor's
questions correctly, but not immediately, with difficulty choosing words, pronounces them in separate
syllables. Complains of increasing weakness in the left arm and leg. He has a history of angina pectoris,
takes an isoket spray, it didn't help now. There was a decrease in sensitivity on this side, a positive symptom
of Babinsky. Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely to develop in this case?
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<variant>ischemic stroke
<variant>epileptic seizure
<variant>transient attack
403. <question>Alocal policeman found a man in the basement of an abandoned house, looking about 55
years old, during a yard tour. Has no documents, who he is - does not know how he got here - does not
remember. During the examination in the polyclinic, a subcutaneous hematoma, decreased muscle strength,
spastic paresis, hyporeflexia and a positive Gordon reflex on the right were found on the head.
What is the MOST likely memory disorder in this man?
<variant>retrograde amnesia
<variant>anterograde amnesia
404. <question>Ayoung man, 23 years old, a professional boxer, sought medical help from a local doctor.
Complaints of decreased sensitivity in the fingers after another knockout. During the examination, it was
revealed that the carporadial reflexes on both sides were somewhat reduced, touching the skin of the hand felt
like pain, cold - like warmth.
Which of the following names MOST correctly corresponds to the identified symptom of sensitivity disorder in
this patient?
405. <question>During the evening rounds, a nurse found a change in the condition of a man who is being
treated in a hospital for coronary heart disease and called the doctor on duty. On examination, the patient is
cyanotic, breathes hoarsely loudly, teeth are tightly clenched, pink foam is coming out of his mouth, arms
are bent or unbent at the elbow joints, legs are straightened and stretched out. Auscultation: in the lungs -
vesicular breathing; heart - tachycardia. Blood pressure 130/90 mm Hg. Pulse 96 in 1 min.
Which of the following conditions is MOST likely to develop in this patient?
<variant>convulsive syndrome
<variant>hemorrhagic stroke
<variant>meningeal syndrome
<variant>ischemic stroke
<variant>transient attack
406. <question>Astowaway passenger, who looked like a HOMELESS man, was taken to the medical
center of the railway station by the police, who did not answer the policeman's questions, smiled, which
angered the servant of Themis. When examined by a doctor, a man does not answer questions, shows that
he cannot speak, but when asked to show his eyes, nose, ears, he shows them correctly. A linear
postoperative scar was found on the head, on palpation this area is soft, boneless, when checking reflexes -
a positive symptom of Babinsky. Which of the following speech disorders is MOST likely in this case?
<variant>motor aphasia
<variant>sensory aphasia
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407. <question>Awoman, 47 years old, unemployed, complains to the district doctor about weight gain.
From anamnesis - weight gain notes for the last year; can not indicate a possible reason. Inspection - speaks
slowly, the voice is hoarse, low, nasal, somewhat apathetic facial expression with little facial expression.
The skin is cold, flaky, thickened, rough, hyperkeratosis of the elbows and feet, enlarged tongue. The doctor
concluded that the woman has a thyroid hypofunction syndrome.
Which of the following symptoms is MOST likely to occur with auscultation of the heart in this woman?
<variant>deafness of heart tones
<variant>clapping I-th tone
<variant>amplification of heart tones
<variant>accent of the II-th tone on the aorta
<variant>accent of the II-th tone on the pulmonary artery
408. <question>A44-year-old woman, a broker, turned to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of
voice coarsening. From anamnesis – I noticed the above change during the last 6 months. Of the
previously transferred, he notes frequent colds of the upper respiratory tract. On examination, the face is
puffy, sluggish, speaks slowly, the voice is low, hoarse, the speech is somewhat slurred. Increased
nutrition, the skin feels dry, dense, flaky. P S -58 in min, BP -90/60 mmHg. Heart tones are somewhat
muted, rhythmic. Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely to develop in this case?
409. <question>Awoman, 35 years old, works as a teacher at a school, turned to a family doctor with
complaints of frequent bouts of irritability recently. The doctor during a physical examination revealed
exophthalmos, rare blinking, a symptom of Grefe and Kocher. Which of the following syndromes is MOST
likely in this patient? <variant>hyperthyroidism
410. <question>A46-year-old man suffering from diabetes mellitus, after an insulin injection, arousal,
aggression, complaints of a pronounced feeling of hunger and trembling in his hands appeared. Which of
the following conditions is MOST likely to develop in this case in a man? <variant>hypoglycemia
411. <question>Aman, 35 years old, was taken by an ambulance team to the emergency department of the
clinic. From the anamnesis –according to his wife, he had not been ill before, but this year he lost weight,
despite an increased appetite. In the last 2 days, he complained of thirst, epigastric pain, lack of appetite,
nausea, had a single vomiting, became restless, excited. On examination - the smell of acetone from the
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mouth, convulsions, vomiting, excited. P S- 110 per minute; BP-80/50 mm Hg. During the examination, he
became inhibited and fell into a coma.
Which of the following types of coma is MOST likely to have developed in this case?
412. <question>Awoman, 29 years old, complains to the district doctor about apathy, decreased interest in
the environment, weight gain, memory impairment, drowsiness, lethargy, a feeling of chilliness that have
been bothering for the last year. Denies previously suffered diseases. 1.5 years ago, she underwent surgery
for a grade 2 nodular goiter - a subtotal thyroidectomy was performed. On examination - slow movements,
monotonous speech; somewhat puffy face, narrowed eye slits. The skin is pale with a jaundiced tinge,
nutrition is increased. P S -64 in min. Blood pressure 100/60 mm Hg The heart tones are muted, rhythmic.
Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely to develop in this woman?
413. <question>A33-year-old woman, an auditor, independently came to the clinic's reception department
with complaints of short sleep, increased appetite and weight loss over the past 5-6 months. He denies
previously existing diseases, but notes a great psychological burden at work. A general examination
revealed increased excitability, general motor restlessness, fussiness, poor development of subcutaneous fat,
pronounced trembling of the fingers of outstretched hands and positive symptoms of Mobius, Grefe. PS -
104 in min. BP 130/90 mm
Hg. Heart tones are accelerated, rhythmic, amplified.
Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this case?
414. <question>Aman, 45 years old, a driver, during the next preventive examination revealed a face with
dilated eye slits, enhanced eye shine, bug-eyed and fussy movements. Upon careful questioning, it was
found out that he had not been ill before, but about a year ago he lost his wife, and for some time he was in
severe depression. Additional examination - in the Romberg pose - a slight tremor of the fingers. P S -100
in min. Blood pressure
140/95 mmHg Heart tones are rapid, rhythmic, amplified, short systolic noise at the apex.
For which of the following pathological conditions are these objective changes MOST characteristic?
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415. <question>Awoman, 56 years old, was taken by ambulance to the emergency department of the State
Hospital No. 4 with suspected hyperglycemia syndrome.
Which of the listed indicators is the MOST informative confirmation of this syndrome?
416. <question>Awoman, 42 years old, unconscious, was taken from the street by an ambulance team to the
clinic's emergency department. After examination, the doctor of the emergency room concluded that in this
case there are signs of hypoglycemic coma.
Which of the following symptoms is the MOST pathognomonic for hypoglycemic coma?
<variant>increased tendon reflexes
<variant>decrease in blood pressure
<variant>muscle hypotension
<variant>pupil dilation
<variant>preserved eyeball tone
417. <question>Aman, 47 years old, unconscious, was taken by an ambulance team from the street to the
clinic's emergency department. On examination, the face is pinkish, the skin is dry, muscle tone and tendon
reflexes are reduced, pupils are narrowed; at a distance, you can hear the "big noisy breathing of Kussmaul.
PS -weak, frequent. Blood pressure- 90/60 mm Hg The heart tones are muffled, quickened. The abdomen is
soft, the liver is at the edge of the costal arch. Urination is spontaneous, the color is saturated.
Which of the following types of coma is MOST likely to occur in this case?
418. <question>A52-year-old woman, a manager, turned to the local doctor. After questioning and
examination, the doctor determined that the patient had signs of hypothyroidism syndrome.
Which of the following are the MOST characteristic symptoms of cardiovascular system damage for this
syndrome was detected during examination in a woman?
<variant>racing pulse
<variant>sonority of tones
419. <question>A45-year-old woman, an educator, turned to an endocrinologist with complaints of obesity,
the appearance of red stripes on the skin, fatigue and weakness. From anamnesis - has been registered for
20 years and takes prednisone at a dose of 20 mg for rheumatoid arthritis. These changes have appeared
over the past 2 years. On examination - a moon-shaped, moderately hyperemic face. Pronounced muscle
mass of the shoulder girdle and upper half of the trunk. There are longitudinal stripes of purplish-bluish
color on the skin of the anterior surfaces of the abdomen. PS -118 in min. in min., arrhythmic. Blood
pressure -150/100 mm Hg The heart tones are muffled, quickened.
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Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this case?

420. <question>When examining a 42-year-old man with complaints of pronounced weakness, sleep
disturbance, periodic increase in blood pressure and frequent depression, the doctor of the emergency
room determined hypercorticism syndrome and appointed an endocrinologist's consultation. Which of
the following objective symptoms are MOST likely in this case?
<variant>atrophy of the shoulder girdle and leg muscles
<variant>white stripes
<variant>general weight loss
<variant>thickening of the skin
421. <question>Ayoung man, 27 years old, an economist, turned to the endocrinologist for an appointment
with complaints of sharp weakness and rapid fatigue, frequent dizziness, weight loss, decreased appetite,
nausea and increased skin pigmentation. From anamnesis - these complaints appeared about 6 months ago.
Previously, I was not ill with anything. Studied in China. It works for 3 months. Objectively - asthenic, low
nutrition, muscles are atrophic, strength is reduced. PS -100 per minute, small, rhythmic. BP-90/60 mmHg.
Heart tones are muffled, accelerated. In blood tests - HB -72g/l; Er.- 2.9×1012/l, L -6.2×109/l; ESR -22
mm/h. Blood sugar - 2.6 mmol/l.
Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this
case? <variant>hypocorticism <variant>anemia
422. <question>A46-year-old man, a radiologist, was admitted to the therapy department with complaints of
weight loss, general weakness, malaise, fatigue, frequent fainting, moderate epigastric pain, periodic
vomiting, nausea, alternation of loose stools with constipation. From anamnesis - previously had
tuberculosis of the lungs. Aboutbut - asthenic physique, the skin of the exposed areas of the body is
hyperpigmented. Pulse of small filling, frequent. Blood pressure 80/60 mm Hg The heart tones are muffled,
quickened. The tongue is moderately overlaid with a white coating. The abdomen is soft, palpation is
painful in the epigastrium.
For which of the following syndromes is this clinical symptomatology MOST characteristic?
<variant>adrenal hypofunctions
<variant>hypofunctions of the thyroid gland
<variant>adrenal hyperfunctions
<variant>gastric dyspepsia
<variant>intestinal dyspepsia
423. <question>A39-year-old man came to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of obesity,
especially in the abdomen and neck, frequent headaches, dry skin, bone pain. From anamnesis: these
complaints appeared during the last year, does not connect with anything. About: pronounced obesity in
the abdomen and neck, atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and legs, blush on the cheek. PS-112
in min.AD- 160/100mm Hg. Heart tones are somewhat muffled, accelerated, accent 2 tones on the aorta,
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short systolic noise at the apex. In the lungs – hard breathing, single dry wheezing. Blood sugar -7.1
mmol/l Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely in this case?
<variant>hyperfunctions of the adrenal cortex
<variant>of arterial hypertension
<variant>hypofunctions of the adrenal cortex
<variant>thyroid hyperfunctions
<variant>absolute insulin deficiency
424. <question>The doctor of the emergency department, after questioning and examining the woman, 32
years old, diagnosed "vitamin B12-deficiency anemia".
What is the most characteristic symptom of the following identified by the doctor?
<variant>atrophy of the papillae of the tongue
<variant>dry language
<variant>gum hyperemia
<variant>"geographical language"
<variant>hypertrophy of the papillae of the tongue
425. <question>In a 42-year-old woman, after questioning and examination, the doctor of the emergency
room determined lymphoproliferative syndrome.
What is the most characteristic change in the color of the skin in this case, the patient has?
<variant>alternation of hyperemia and pallor
<variant>dark cherry shade
426. <question>In a 46-year-old man, the following changes were found in the blood test, as: Hb - 85 g/l,
erythrocytes - 2.9 million / ml, leukocytes - 3.7 thousand / ml, ESR - 52 mm /hour, platelets - 95 thousand/
The doctor referred me for further research.
Which of the listed research methods is the MOST informative for clarifying the diagnosis?
<variant>Sternal puncture
<variant>Gastric endoscopy
<variant>Lymph node puncture
<variant>Stool analysis for hidden blood
<variant>Determination of serum iron in the bloo
427. <question>At a doctor's appointment, a 37-year-old woman with complaints of general weakness, after
an examination, the doctor diagnosed "lymphogranulomatosis".
Which of the following objective symptoms is MOST characteristic of this diagnosis?
<variant>lymph node enlargement
<variant>increase in body temperature
<variant>enlargement of the spleen
<variant>liver enlargement
<variant>weight gain
428. <question>After questioning and examination with the interpretation of the general blood test of a 47-
year-old woman, the district doctor diagnosed "Aplastic anemia".
Which of the following changes in the blood test is MOST characteristic of this diagnosis?
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<variant>erythrocytopenia with platelet and leukocytopenia

<variant>erythrocytosis with platelet and leukocytopenia
<variant>erythrocytes- and thrombocytopenia with leukocytosis
<variant>erythrocytopenia with leukocyte and thrombocytosis
<variant>leukocytopenia with thrombocytopenia
429. <question>A52-year-old woman, a chemical laboratory assistant who has contact with benzene,
showed signs of anemia in blood tests.
What is the most likely form of anemia a woman has?
<variant>iron deficiency
430. <question>A39-year-old woman had hemorrhagic rashes on her skin. The blood test revealed severe
anemia, thrombocytopenia and moderate neutropenia.
What is the most likely mechanism of development of this clinical and laboratory picture?
<variant>bone marrow aplasia
<variant>bone marrow hyperplasia
<variant>castle factor deficiency
<variant>vitamin B12 deficiency
<variant>iron deficiency
431. <question>In the study of the general blood test of a 45-year-old man, the following changes were
found, such as anemia, normocytosis, normochromia and a significant increase in regenerative forms.
For which anemia are these indicators MOST characteristic?
<variant>acute posthemorrhagic
<variant>chronic posthemorrhagic
<variant>chronic hemolytic
<variant>acute hemolytic
<variant>acute aplastic
432. <question>A42-year-old woman has complaints of weakness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes,
decreased sensitivity in the legs and swaying when walking. From anamnesis- these complaints have been
bothering for 56 months, the possible reason cannot be indicated. On examination, moderate jaundice of the
skin was revealed, the liver protrudes from under the edge of the costal arch by 2.0 cm. In the blood: Er.-
1.3×1012/l, Hb - 72 g/l, Cp. - 1.45, Leuc. - 4.3×109/l, Eoz. - 2, Base. - 0, Pal. - 5, Segm. - 66, Mon. - 11,
lymph. - 27, ESR - 14 mm/hour. During endoscopy - atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. What is the
most likely pathological process taking place in this case?
<variant>Addison-Birmer disease
<variant>cirrhosis of the liver
<variant>viral hepatitis C
<variant>iron deficiency anemia
<variant>autoimmune hemolytic anemia
433. <question>A55-year-old man turned to a family doctor with complaints of sweating, weakness, fatigue
against the background of habitual physical activity and weight loss. From anamnesis - these complaints
have been bothering for 2 months, have not been treated. The examination revealed enlarged cervical lymph
nodes of
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dense consistency. In the general blood test: erythrocytes - 2.0 x1012/l; leukocytes - 50.0 x10 9/l, platelets - 160
x 1012 \l.
For which of the listed syndromes is this clinical and laboratory symptomatology MOST characteristic?
434. <question>A38-year-old woman suffering from viral hepatitis for a long time had profuse
nosebleeds, petechial-spotted rash on the skin, hepatosplenomegaly, Lee-White blood clotting time
of 22 min. Which of the listed syndromes is MOST likely in this case?
435. <question>Aman, 29 years old, complained of epigastric pain, weakness, fatigue. From the anamnesis
- peptic ulcer of the 12th duodenum during the year. Examination - the skin is pale, soreness in the
epigastrium. The liver and spleen are not palpable. In the blood test: Hb - 90 g / l, erythr. - 3.5 million,
Color. pok. - 0.77, platelets. - 195 thousand, reticulocytes - 0.5%. Total bilirubin – 12 mmol/l, iron – 4.5
mmol/l. The stool test for latent blood is positive.
Which anemia is most likely in the patient?
<variant>chronic posthemorrhagic
<variant>acute posthemorrhagic
436. <question>Aman, 32 years old, applied for multiple small-point hemorrhages on the skin and
mucous membranes. In the blood: Hb - 100 g / l, erythrocytes - 3.1×1012 /l, leukocytes - 41×109 /l, also
in the leukocyte formula, young, immature blast forms up to 95% and mature leukocytes predominate,
intermediate forms are absent; platelets – 15×109 / l, eosinophils and basophils are absent. ESR – 52
mm/hour. Which of the following diagnoses is the MOST likely diagnosis in this case?
<variant>acute leukemia
<variant>aplastic anemia
<variant>leukemoid reaction
<variant>thrombocytopenic purpura.
437. <question>Ayoung woman, 27 years old, complained of multiple spontaneous subcutaneous
hemorrhages and periodic nosebleeds to a doctor. From the anamnesis -this condition has been noted for six
months, it does not connect with anything. On examination, there are numerous subcutaneous hemorrhages
of various sizes on the entire surface of the skin. Pulse - 90 per minute, blood pressure -100/70 mm Hg The
heart tones are quickened, clear. In the lungs–vesicular respiration. The tongue is clean, the mouth is calm.
The abdomen is soft, palpation is painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged. But there are positive
symptoms of a tourniquet and a pinch. What is the most likely cause of hemorrhagic syndrome?
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<variant>acute leukemia
<variant>hemorrhagic vasculitis
<variant>chronic lymphoblastic leukemia
438. <question>Ayoung woman, 27 years old, went to the doctor with a complaint of multiple spontaneous
subcutaneous hemorrhages and periodic nosebleeds. From the anamnesis - this condition has been noted for
six months, it is not connected with anything. Upon examination, numerous subcutaneous hemorrhages of
various sizes are found on the entire surface of the skin. Pulse - 90 per minute, blood pressure -100/ 70 mm
Hg. Heart stones are frequent, transparent. In the lungs – vesicular respiration. The tongue is clean, the
mouth is calm. The abdomen is soft, palpation is painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged. But there
are positive symptoms of a tourniquet and a pinch.
What is the most likely cause of hemorrhagic syndrome?
<variant>acute leukemia
<variant>hemorrhagic vasculitis
<variant>chronic lymphoblastic leukemia
439. <question>Ayoung man, 27 years old, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis since childhood and taking
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time, hemorrhagic rashes and frequent sore throats
appeared. During the examination, anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia were detected in the general
blood test. For which of the listed pathological conditions is this clinical and laboratory picture MOST
characteristic? <variant>bone marrow aplasia
<variant>folic acid deficiency
<variant>iron deficiency
440. <question>A35-year-old man with a long history of smoking turned to the emergency room doctor.
During the examination, the syndrome of the presence of a cavity in the lung communicating with the
bronchus was revealed.
What is the most probable auscultative symptoms in this case?
<variant>amphoric breathing
<variant>weakened vesicular respiration
<variant>enhanced vesicular respiration
<variant>metallic breathing
<variant>hard breathing
441. <question>Aman, 56 years old, turned to the doctor of the emergency room with complaints of high
fever, cough with a small amount of rusty sputum. From anamnesis – acutely ill, after hypothermia. Upon
examination , it was revealed:amplification of vocal tremor and bronchophony, shortening of percussion
sound over the lesion, weakened vesicular respiration, crepitacioindux.
For which stage of the disease is this clinical picture MOST characteristic?
<variant>the onset of the disease
<variant>the height of illness and resolution
<variant>the height of the disease
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442. <question>A32-year-old young man with complaints of shortness of breath and chest pain revealed the
following physical data: percussion - tympanic sound, auscultative-bronchial breathing with a metallic
tinge. Which of the following pathological conditions is the MOST likely cause of this change?
<variant>open pneumothorax
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>a cavity in the lung
443. <question>In a 47-year-old man who applied to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of
shortness of breath and chest pain during breathing, the doctor found the following physical data:
asymmetry of the chest, lack of vocal tremor, tympanic percussion sound from the lesion, breathing is not
carried out.
For which of the following syndromes are these clinical symptoms MOST characteristic?
<variant>syndrome of air accumulation in the pleural cavity
<variant>syndrome of fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity
<variant>syndrome of focal compaction of lung tissue
<variant>syndrome of lobular compaction of lung tissue.
<variant>lung cavity formation syndrome
444. <question>A23-year-old girl complained of fever and dry cough.
During an objective examination, the doctor found in the area of the angle of the scapula in a limited area an
increase in vocal tremor, shortening of the percussion sound, increased bronchophony and weakened bronchial
For which of the following syndromes are these clinical symptoms MOST characteristic?
<variant>focal compaction of lung tissue
<variant>obturation atelectasis
<variant>presence of a cavity in the lung tissue
<variant>the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity
<variant>lobular compaction of lung tissue
445. <question>A56-year-old man turned to the clinic's emergency room with complaints of shortness of
breath, cough with yellow-green sputum, subfebrile temperature.The doctor revealed the following physical
data: vocal trembling and bronchophony are amplified over the lesion, percussion - tympanic sound,
auscultative bronchial breathing with an amphoric tinge, moist large-bubbly wheezing:
For which of the following syndromes are these clinical symptoms MOST characteristic?
<variant>lung cavity formation syndrome
<variant>respiratory failure syndrome
<variant>syndrome of lobular compaction of lung tissue.
<variant>syndrome of air accumulation in the pleural cavity
<variant>syndrome of fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity
446. <question>A55-year-old patient was found to have a lag in the right half of the chest when breathing,
bluntness below the level of the 3rd rib, weakened breathing and bronchophonia, radiologically - a
displacement of the heart to the left.
Which of the following pathological conditions is MOST likely to develop in this patient ?
<variant>the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity
<variant>the presence of air in the pleural cavity
<variant>partial compaction of lung tissue
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<variant>compression atelectasis
<variant>obturation atelectasis
447. <question>A 54-year-old man complained of shortness of breath at rest and a dry cough.The
doctor of the emergency department during the examination revealed the following signs: how the
chest movements are symmetrical, box sound with percussion, weakened vesicular breathing with
elongated exhalation, hepatic dullness is shifted downwards.
For which of the following syndromes are the MOST characteristic signs identified?
<variant>emphysema of the lungs
<variant>of the shared seal on the right
448. <question>A27-year-old man with complaints of shortness of breath and dry cough, who fell ill
after a cold factor and has a history of allergic rhinitis, the doctor listened to dry wheezing over the
entire surface of the lungs.
Which of the following syndromes is MOST likely to develop in this patient? *
<variant>bronchial patency disorders
<variant>the presence of a cavity in the lung tissue.
<variant>increasing the airiness of the lungs
<variant>lung tissue compaction
<variant>bronchial dilation
449. <question>Violation of taste MOST likely characterizes
450. <question>The mechanism of action of insulin does NOT apply:
<variant>increased formation of fatty acids
<variant>enhanced glucose utilization
<variant>enhanced glycogen formation
451. <variant>enhanced utilization of
amino acids <variant>enhanced protein
synthesis <question>Imbalance of fat
<variant>Itsenko-Cushing's disease
<variant>hypofunction of the gonads
<variant>simmonds disease
<variant>abuse of fat-rich foods
<variant>genital organ dystrophy
452. <question>The thyroid gland produces:
<variant>T3 T4, TSH
<variant>17-OKS D 7-KS
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453. <question>The pancreas produces:
454. <question>Insulin stimulates the deposition of carbohydrates in the form of:
455. <question>The endocrine glands produce:
<variant>beta blockers
<variant>ACE inhibitors
456. <question>Endocrine gland secretions are secreted in . . . .
<variant>blood and lymph
<variant>sweat glands
457. <question>What is a person's daily need for iodine:
<variant>100 mcg
<variant>50 mcg
<variant>150 mcg
<variant>250 mcg
<variant>1000 mcg
458. <question>For the diagnosis of viral hepatitis B, the following is crucial:
<variant>serological diagnosis of virus markers
<variant>detection of the degree of mesenchymal cell inflammation
<variant>detection of cytolysis syndrome
<variant>Ultrasound examination of the liver
<variant>detection of cholestasis syndrome
459. <question>The most reliable confirmation of pancreatitis is:
<variant>high level of amylase in the blood (diastases in the urine)
<variant>shingles pain
460. <question>The normal activity of amylase in blood serum is:
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<variant>12-32 mg/ml
<variant> 1-3 mg/ml
<variant>4-6 mg/ml
<variant>7-9 mg/ml
<variant>9-11 mg/ml
461. <question>The pathogenetic mechanism of the development of diffuse toxic goiter is based on
<variant>increased thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins
<variant>increased secretion of catecholamines
<variant>increased secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone
<variant>increased secretion of thyrotropin-releasing hormone
<variant>hypersensitivity of tissues to thyroid hormones
462. <question>An unfavorable sign of unstable angina is
<variant>ST segment depression less than 1 mm
<variant>duration of anginal attack is more than 20 minutes
<variant>ST segment depression greater than 1 mm
463. <variant>unstable hemodynamics (low blood pressure, labile pulse)
<variant>increase in the content of the MV fraction of CFC
<question>Optimal concentration of cholesterol in the blood:
<variant>5 mmol/l
<variant> 6 mmol/l
<variant> 7 mmol/l
<variant>6.5 mmol/l
<variant>9-5.5 mmol/l
464. <question>The most common cause of jaundice in the elderly:
<variant>tumor of the pancreato - duodenal zone
<variant>biliary dyskinesia
<variant>chronic active hepatitis
<variant>cirrhosis of the liver
465. <question>Indicate the symptoms characteristic of the violation of the external secretory function of the
<variant>weight loss, creatorrhea, steatorrhea
<variant>dry skin
<variant>dilation of the anterior abdominal wall veins
<variant>renal-hepatic insufficiency
466. <question> The most typical localization of pain in coronary heart disease:
<variant>behind the sternum
<variant>in the region of the apex of the heart
<variant>in the area of the right hypochondrium
<variant>in the left half of the chest
<variant>in the right half of the chest
467. <question>Nitroglycerin relieves pain when:
<variant>angina attack
<variant>myocardial infarction
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468. <question>The most reliable ECG criteria for myocardial infarction are. . . .
<variant>the appearance of Q teeth with a width of more than 30 ms and a depth of more than 2 mm in two
leads or more
<variant>ST segment elevation
<variant>ST segment depression
<variant>the appearance of an elevation or depression of the ST segment more than 1 mm after 20 ms from the
J point in two adjacent leads;
<variant>ST segment depression
469. <question>With a mitral configuration , it is not observed:
<variant>heart waist
<variant>smoothed heart waist
<variant>enlarged left atrium
<variant>enlarged left ventricle
<variant>enlarged right ventricle
470. <question>With aortic configurations , it is not observed:
<variant>smoothed waist of the heart
<variant>pronounced heart waist
<variant>sharply expanded left ventricular cavity
<variant>the heart takes the form of a "sitting duck"
<variant>the heart takes the form of a "shoe"
471. <question>The boundaries of the heart do not shift towards the lesion when :
<variant>exudative pleurisy
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<variant>lung tumors
<variant>obturation atelectasis
472. <question>The boundaries of the vascular bundle are normally determined ...
<variant> in the 2nd intercostal space along the edges of the sternum
<variant>in the 2nd intercostal space along the parasternal lines
<variant>in 3 intercostal space along the edges of the sternum
<variant>in the 3rd intercostal space along the parasternal lines
<variant>in the 4th intercostal space along the edges of the sternum
473. <question>An X-ray sign that is NOT characteristic of mitral valve insufficiency:
<variant>in the oblique projection, the esophagus deviates along an arc of small radius
<variant>in the oblique projection, the esophagus deviates along an arc of a large radius
<variant>the waist of the heart is smoothed
<variant>heart of mitral configuration
<variant>signs of stagnation in the small circle of blood circulation
474. <question>Purple cheek hyperemia (facies mitralis) is characteristic when:
<variant>mitral stenosis
<variant>tricuspid stenosis
<variant>stenosis of the mouth of the pulmonary artery
<variant>aortic stenosis
<variant>atrial septal defect
475. <question>Signs of stagnation in the small circle of blood circulation do NOT include:
<variant>shortness of breath
<variant>seizures, cardiac asthma
<variant>cough in a horizontal position
476. <question>Asign that does NOT relate to stagnation in the large circle of blood circulation is . . . .
<variant>pulmonary edema
<variant>swelling on the legs
477. <question>It is best to perform systolic murmur in aortic stenosis:
<variant>on the vessels of the neck
<variant>in T. Botkin - Erba
<variant>to the upper part of the heart
<variant>on jugular veins
<variant>in the axillary area
478. <question> The functional noise of the relative insufficiency of the pulmonary artery valve is . . . .
<variant> diastolic
<variant> presystolic
<variant> protodiastolic
<variant> systolic


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479. <question>Systolic noise is the noise heard during periods of ventricular contraction. It is heard after
the first tone and occurs due to the passage of blood through the narrowed opening of the ventricular
valves. Systolic noise at the 2nd point of auscultation, carried out on the vessels of the neck, is
characteristic of . . . .
of aortic stenosis
aortic insufficiency
<variant>functional noise
<variant> tetrad of fallot
<variant> of mitral stenosis
480. <question> The concept of acute coronary syndrome does NOT include:
<variant> stable angina
<variant> myocardial infarction, diagnosed by blood enzymes
<variant> myocardial infarction with a pathological Q
<variant> myocardial infarction without a pathological Q wave
<variant> unstable angina
481. <question>Asensitive indicator reflecting the degree of bronchial obstruction is:
<variant>reduction of FEV1 and FVC
<variant>reduction of WEL
<variant>reduction of FVC
<variant>reduction of VEL and FEV1
<variant>reduction of residual lung capacity
482. <question>With bronchial asthma, spirographic indicators are mainly reduced:
<variant>of the forced vital capacity of the lungs
<variant> of the vital capacity of the lungs
<variant>maximum lung ventilation
<variant>inhalation power
<variant>exhalation power
483. <question> Coronary heart disease is characterized by:
<variant> imbalance between coronary blood flow and myocardial needs
<variant> lesion of the pericardial sac
<variant> myocardial hypertrophy
<variant> papillary muscle detachment
<variant> endocardial lesion
484. <question> Angina pain is localized. . . .
<variant> behind the sternum, on the left near the sternum
<variant> in the right lower limb
<variant> in the hypogastric region
<variant> in the right brush
<variant> in the lumbar region
485. <question> An attack of angina can provoke:
<variant> exposure to cold, psychoemotional stress
<variant> vitamin-fortified meals
<variant> pungent odors
<variant> acute respiratory viral infections
<variant> frequent sore throats

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486. <question> The most important characteristics of angina pain:

<variant> chest pain at the moment of physical exertion, relief of pain with nitroglycerin
<variant> pain during deep breathing in the chest on the left
<variant> chest pain lasting 3-4 hours
<variant> pain associated with eating
487. <variant> pain in the left half of the chest when turning the trunk
<question> Irreversible risk factors in coronary heart disease:
<variant> age 40-50 years and older
<variant> obesity
<variant> female
<variant> overeating
488. <question> Pathological processes occurring in the heart muscle during myocardial infarction:
<variant> ischemia zone, necrosis site
<variant> fibrinoid swelling
<variant> hyalinosis
<variant> hyperesthesia
<variant> mucoid swelling
489. <question> A common cause of atrial fibrillation is:
<variant> coronary heart disease, mitral stenosis
<variant> neurocirculatory dystonia
<variant> pericarditis
<variant> myocarditis
<variant> infectious endocarditis
490. <question> The main complaints with organic bronchial obstruction syndrome are:
<variant> suffocation
<variant> cough
<variant> chest pain
<variant> shortness of breath during exercise
<variant> hemoptysis
491. <question> Cough with organic bronchial obstruction syndrome:
<variant>appears mainly in the morning
<variant>disturbing at night
<variant> with the release of a moderate amount of mucosal sputum
<variant> with the release of a small amount of "vitreous" sputum
<variant>with the release of a large amount of purulent sputum
492. <question> The main clinical signs of organic bronchial obstruction syndrome are:
<variant> cough with sputum
<variant>shortness of breath
<variant>wheezing during lung auscultation
<variant>increased blood pressure
493. <question> Organic bronchial obstruction syndrome may be the cause of:
<variant> purulent pleurisy


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<variant>of chronic pulmonary heart

<variant>of exudative pleurisy
494. <question> In the syndrome of organic bronchial obstruction
over the lungs , percussion:
<variant>a significant dulling of the percussion sound is detected
<variant> the disappearance of the Traube space is determined
<variant> no changes are detected
<variant> the box percussion sound is determined
<variant> the tympanic percussion sound is determined
495. <question> Auscultation of the lungs in organic bronchial obstruction syndrome reveals:
<variant> puerile breathing
enhanced vesicular respiration
hard breathing
<variant> bronchial respiration
<variant> dry wheezing
496. <question> With organic bronchial obstruction syndrome , listening to dry wheezing in a limited area is
associated . . . .
<variant>with emphysema of the lungs
<variant> respiratory failure
<variant>with hydrothorax
<variant>with local bronchial obstruction of large or medium caliber
<variant> with inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma
497. <question>Name the most common infectious agents that cause acute pneumonia:The most common
infectious agents that cause acute pneumonia are . . . .
<variant> viruses (mostly respiratory)
<variant> mycoplasma
<variant> legionella
498. <question>Specify the circumstances contributing to the development of acute pneumonia (risk
factors): <variant> transferred acute respiratory viral infections
<variant> immunodeficiency (including AIDS)
<variant>cardiovascular diseases
<variant>respiratory tree obstruction
<variant>diabetes mellitus
499. <question>The main morphological signs of bronchopneumonia are . . . .
<variant>mandatory presence of inflammatory changes of the bronchi (bronchioles)
<variant>focal nature of lung tissue inflammation
<variant>diverse type of lesion (foci of different sizes, different type of exudate, atelectasis, emphysema, etc.)
<variant>localization in the posterior-lower parts
<variant> acute infectious and allergic disease
500. <question> Corvisard's face is characteristic of patients. . . .
<variant>with heart failure
<variant>with renal insufficiency

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<variant>with liver failure

<variant>with acromegaly
<variant>with gastric insufficiency
501. <question> Musset 's symptom is characteristic of . . . .
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> aortic valve stenosis
<variant> of mitral stenosis
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> pulmonary trunk insufficiency
502. <question> Examination: respiratory movements are symmetrical.Chest palpation: vocal tremor is
not changed. Percussion: Clear pulmonary percussion sound. Auscultation: hard breathing, a large
number of dry wheezes are heard on the right and left. The patient has signs of the syndrome . . . .
<variant>bronchial constriction with viscous exudate
<variant>closed pneumothorax
<variant>compression atelectasis
<variant>of focal inflammatory compaction

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503. <question> An increase in the level of myocardial infarction is NOT characteristic of:
<variant>troponin I
<variant>CFK MV fractions
504. <question> In acute myocardial infarction, the necrosis zone corresponds to an ECG change:
<variant> deep and wide prong Q
<variant> RS–T segment depression
<variant> the rise of the RS–T segment
<variant> deep negative T-wave
505. <variant> reduction of the amplitude of the wave R
<question>It is NOT typical for stage I hypertension:
<variant> presence of signs of left ventricular hypertrophy
<variant> absence of retinal vascular changes
<variant> absence of proteinuria
<variant> normal creatinine level
506. <variant> absence of atherosclerotic plaques in large arteries
<question> A characteristic ECG sign of heart failure is . . . .
<variant> signs of hypertrophy of the heart
<variant> sinus bradycardia
<variant> heart block
<variant> signs of hypertrophy of the heart
<variant> extrasystole
507. <question> Overload of the left ventricle with blood volume develops when:
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> mitral orifice stenosis
<variant> non-filling of the oval hole
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> the fallot triad
508. <question> Overload of the right ventricle with blood volume develops with:
<variant> non-filling of the oval orifice
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> mitral orifice stenosis
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> aortic coarctation
509. <question> Overload of the left ventricle by systolic pressure develops when:
<variant> aortic stenosis
<variant> aortic valve insufficiency
<variant> mitral orifice stenosis
<variant> mitral valve insufficiency
<variant> tetrad of fallot
510. <question>In pseudocoronary (esophageal) GERD syndrome, pain is relieved by:
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<variant> changing the position of the body (from horizontal to vertical)

<variant> nitroglycerin <variant> tranquilizers
<variant> holinolytics
511. <question>Бронхопищеводный синдром при ГЭРБ обусловлен:
<variant> регургитацией желудочного содержимого в дыхательные пути
<variant> избыточной массой тела
<variant> спазмом пищевода
<variant> длительностью заболевания
512. <question>The most common early complication of peptic ulcer is . . . .
<variant> bleeding
<variant> stenosis
<variant> malignancy
<variant> penetration
<variant> perforation
513. <question>Acidic morning vomiting is characteristic of
<variant>diseases that are accompanied by nocturnal hypersecretion
<variant> cholelithiasis
<variant> hypertension
<variant> of ordinary vomiting
<variant> stomach body cancer
514. <question>Most often the ulcerative defect is localized. . . .
<variant>in the bulb of the 12th duodenum
<variant> in the cardiac part of the stomach
<variant> in the area of small curvature of the stomach
515. <variant> by the large curvature of the stomach
<variant> in the bulbous part of the duodenum 12
<question>Pain in peptic ulcer occurs. . . .
<variant>periodically throughout the day and depends on the location of the ulcer
<variant> immediately after eating
<variant> in the afternoon after the maximum load of food
<variant> at night
<variant> chaotic regardless of food
516. <question>Stomach disease, which is accompanied by severe steatorrhea, is . . . .
<variant>severe chronic atrophic gastritis with concomitant pancreatitis
<variant> uncomplicated peptic ulcer
<variant> peptic ulcer complicated by bleeding
<variant> stomach polyposis
<variant> benign pyloric stenosis
517. <question> The barrel-shaped shape of the chest, the change in the shape of the nails of the fingers
("watch glasses"), shortness of breath are common signs:
<variant> emphysema of the lungs
<variant> pneumothorax
<variant> acute respiratory disease
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<variant> acute pneumonia

<variant> acute bronchitis
518. <question> In diabetes mellitus , it is violated . . . exchange.
<variant> carbohydrate
<variant> protein
<variant> fat
<variant> water-salt
<variant> vitamins
519. <question>According to the clinical protocol, the sign distinguishing pyelonephritis from other
interstitial kidney lesions is . . . .
<variant>edema and neutrophil infiltration of the renal pelvis
<variant>dysfunction of tubules with impaired acidification of urine
<variant>persistent arterial hypertension
<variant>development of a "losing kidney" with arterial hypotension
<variant>severe uremic intoxication
520. <question>According to the clinical protocol, the main clinical sign of nephrotic syndrome is . . . .
<variant>increase in blood pressure
521. <question>According to the clinical protocol, the factor leading to the termination of glomerular
filtration is . . . .
<variant> decrease in systolic pressure to 60 mmHg
<variant> increase in hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's capsule to 15 mmHg
<variant> increase in oncotic plasma pressure to 40 mmHg
522. <variant> increase in renal blood flow to 600 ml/min
<variant> increased diastolic pressure up to 100 mmHg
<question> "Dysuria" is . . . .
<variant> frequent painful and difficult urination
<variant> frequent urination
<variant> painful urination
<variant> increase in the daily amount of urine
<variant> decrease in the daily amount of urine
523. <question> They talk about polyuria if the patient is ill. . . .
<variant> excretes more than 2 liters of urine
<variant> urinates mainly at night
<variant> releases more fluids than it drinks
<variant> urinates often
524. <variant> urinates rarely, but in large portions
<question> "Oliguria" is . . . .
<variant> excretion of up to 500 ml of urine per day
<variant> urination in small portions
<variant> rare urination
<variant> painful urination
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<variant> urine color change

525. <question> Oliguria is NOT typical for patients . . . .
<variant> with diabetes mellitus
<variant> with increased sweating
<variant> with profuse diarrhea
526. <variant> with cardiac
decompensation <variant>located
in a dry, hot room <question>
Anuria is . . . .
<variant> complete cessation of urine excretion or urine excretion up to 50 ml per day.
<variant> rare urination
<variant> stopping urine excretion during the daytime
no change in urinary sediment
527. <variant> urination in small portions
<question> "Ishuria" is NOT . . . .
<variant> violation of urination due to pathology in the parenchyma of the kidneys
<variant> violation of urination due to obstruction in the bladder
528. <variant> violation of urination due to obstruction in the
urethra <variant> violation of urination due to spinal cord
injury <variant> violation of urination due to obstacles in the
ureter <question>Pollakiuria is . . . .
<variant>frequent urination
<variant> painful urination
<variant> rare urination
<variant> stopping urination
529. <variant> urination in small portions
<question> Nicturia is . . . .
<variant> predominance of night diuresis over day diuresis
<variant> predominance of daytime diuresis
<variant> frequent urination
530. <variant> painful urination
<variant> frequent painful
urination <question>
Proteinuria is . . . .
<variant>protein in urine
<variant> salts in urine
<variant> blood in urine
531. <variant> light and cloudy
urine <variant> cylinders in urine
<question> Leukocyturia is . . . .
<variant>white blood cells in urine
<variant> pus in the urine
<variant> blood in urine
<variant> hemosiderin in urine
<variant>the red color of urine does not depend on the reasons that caused it

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532. <question> A fruity smell (or the smell of rotting apples) is characteristic of urine containing . . . .
<variant> urata
<variant> ketone bodies
<variant>large amount of protein
<variant> white blood cells
<variant> blood
533. <question> Polyuria is characteristic of . . . .
<variant> of diabetes mellitus
<variant> uremia
<variant>acute renal failure
<variant> tuberculosis of the kidneys
<variant> kidney cancer
534. <question> Organic renal proteinuria is NOT characteristic of . . . .
<variant>tuberculosis of the kidneys
<variant> pyelonephritis
<variant>kidney amyloidosis
<variant>kidney tumors
535. <question> False leukocyturia is caused . . . .
<variant> prostatitis
<variant> pyelonephritis
<variant> glomerulonephritis
<variant> pyelitis
<variant> cystitis
536. <question> The presence of leukocytes in the urinary sediment indicates . . . .
<variant> leukocyturia
<variant> piuria
<variant> hyperleukocyturia
<variant> leukocytopenia
537. <question> The main cause of true leukocyturia is . . . .
<variant> inflammation of the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys
<variant> inflammatory diseases of appendages
<variant> inflammation of the prostate gland
<variant> inflammatory diseases of the uterus
538. <variant> inflammatory diseases of the bladder
<question> Leukocyturia is NOT true when . . . .
<variant> colpite
<variant> pyelonephritis
<variant> glomerulonephritis
539. <question> Erythrocyturia and hematuria are most characteristic of . . . .
<variant> glomerulonephritis
<variant> cystitis
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<variant> pyelonephritis
<variant> urethritis
<variant> inflammatory diseases of the bladder
540. <question> The condition when the content of white blood cells in the urine is NOT subject to
calculation is called . . . .
<variant> piuria
<variant> leukocyturia
<variant> hyperleukocyturia
<variant> leukocytosis
<variant> cystitis
541. <question> An indicator that does NOT relate to the physical properties of urine is . . . .
<variant> specific gravity
<variant> smell
542. <question> The place of Renin 's education is .. . .
<variant> juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys
<variant> islets of pancreatic Langerhans
<variant> renal tubular apparatus
<variant> kupfer liver cells
adrenal glands
543. <question> Acute urinary retention NOT associated with renal pathology is called. . . .
<variant> stranguria
<variant> pollakiuria
544. <question> Painful urination is called . . . .
<variant> pollakiuria
545. <question> Painful and frequent urination is called . . . .
<variant> stranguria
<variant> pollakiuria
546. <question> The mechanism of renal arterial hypertension is associated with . . . .
<variant> renin hypersecretion
<variant> adrenaline hypersecretion
<variant> left ventricular hypersecretion
<variant> primary hyperaldosteronism

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<variant> renin hypersecretion

547. <question> Symptoms characteristic of the clinic of renal eclampsia:
<variant> paroxysms of headaches, palpitations, increased blood pressure, convulsions on the background of
<variant> headache, visual impairment, retinal detachment, increased blood pressure
<variant> headache, dizziness, vomiting, decreased blood pressure
<variant> speech and vision impairment, memory loss
<variant> persistent increase in blood pressure, without any special disorders on the part of the central nervous
548. <question> Leading symptoms of nephrotic syndrome:
<variant> massive edema
<variant> hypertension
<variant> leukocyturia up to pyuria
<variant> swelling
<variant> lower back pain
549. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the type of diabetes mellitus (DM) in which the
destruction of beta cells of the pancreas occurs, leading to absolute insulin insufficiency is . . . .
<variant>type 1 SD
<variant>type 2 SD
<variant> gestational diabetes
<variant> secondary SD
<variant> other specific types of SD
550. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the type of diabetes mellitus (DM) in which there is a
progressive violation of insulin secretion against the background of insulin resistance is . . . .
<variant>type 2 SD
<variant>type 1 SD
<variant> gestational diabetes
<variant> secondary SD
<variant> other specific types of SD
551. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the type of diabetes mellitus (DM) that develops during
<variant> gestational diabetes
<variant> type 1 SD
<variant> type 2 SD
<variant> other specific types of SD
<variant> secondary SD
552. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the main diagnostic measure at the outpatient level, in
type 1 diabetes mellitus:
<variant> determination of glycemia on an empty stomach and 2 hours after meals
<variant> determination of ICA antibodies to islet cells
<variant> determination of C-peptide in blood serum
<variant> definition of TSH, free T4, anti-TPO and TG
<variant> determination of IAA antibodies to insulin
553. <question> According to the clinical protocol, a diagnostic event carried out at the stage of emergency
care for type 1 diabetes mellitus:
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<variant> determination of the level of glycemia

<variant> Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
<variant> ECHOCG
<variant> daily ECG monitoring by holter
<variant> EFGDS
554. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the normal concentration of glucose, on an empty
stomach, in whole capillary blood (mmol / l) DOES NOT exceed:
<variant> 5.5
<variant> 7,8
<variant> 6.1
<variant> 11.1
<variant> 6,7
555. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the frequency of examination of the general
blood test in patients with type 1 diabetes: <variant> 1 time per year
<variant> 1 time in 3 months
<variant> at least 4 times daily
<variant> 1 time per year (if there are no changes)
<variant> according to indications
556. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the frequency of examination of the general
urinalysis in patients with type 1 diabetes: <variant> 1 time per year
<variant> 1 time in 3 months
<variant> at least 4 times daily
<variant> 1 time per year (if there are no changes)
<variant> according to indications
557. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the frequency of examination is the determination of
ketone bodies in urine and blood in patients with type 1 diabetes:
<variant> according to indications
1 time in 3 months

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<variant> at least 4 times daily

<variant> 1 time per year (if there are no changes)
<variant> 1 time per year
558. <question> A common cause of death in type 1 diabetes is . . . .
<variant> gangrene of the lower extremities
<variant> ketonemic coma
<variant> hyperosmolar coma
559. <variant> myocardial
infarction <variant> diabetic
<question>Complaints about
<variant> polydipsia, polyuria, bulimia, exhaustion
<variant> tendency to sleep, forgetfulness
<variant> weakness, adynamia, joint pain
<variant> headaches, palpitations, edema
<variant> irritability, palpitations, sweating, exhaustion
560. <question>Appearance of the patient with hypofunction of the thyroid gland:
<variant> peeling of the skin, jaundice, increased turgor, cold
sweat <variant> omission of the upper eyelid <variant> eye
convergence disorder:
<variant> eye flicker more often
<variant> exophthalmos
561. <question>The symptoms of hypothyroidism do NOT apply .. . .
<variant> tachycardia
<variant> bradycardia
<variant> quiet conversation
<variant> dry skin
<variant> psychoses
562. <question> The leading symptom of the latent form of diabetes mellitus:
<variant> increased glucose tolerance
<variant> large fruit
<variant> obesity
<variant> genetic predisposition
<variant> thirst
563. <question>Decompensation of diabetes mellitus is characterized by ...
<variant> polyuria
<variant> ishuria
<variant> stranguria
<variant> by oliguria
<variant> enuresis
564. <question>In diabetic coma , an odor is released from the oral cavity ...
<variant> acetone
<variant> of ether
<variant> rotten apples
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<variant> rotten eggs

<variant> of ammonia
565. <question> The pathogenesis of polyuria is associated with . . . .
<variant> glucosuria
<variant> insulin deficiency
<variant> significant deviations in blood sugar levels
<variant> accumulation of acetone bodies in the blood
<variant> hyperlipidemia
566. <question> The indication for determining glucose tolerance is the presence in the patient of ...
<variant> thirst and polyuria, obesity, recurrent furunculosis
<variant> oliguria, allergies
<variant> dyslipidemia, skin itching
<variant> fasting glucose levels over 10 mmol/l, anuria
<variant> fasting glucose level - 3.4 mmol/l, cachexia
567. <question> One of the main manifestations of microcirculation disorders in diabetes mellitus is . . . .
<variant> retinopathy
<variant> atherosclerosis
<variant> cataract
<variant> symmetrical neuropathy
<variant> vascular lesion of the lower extremities
568. <question> The main laboratory criterion in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is . . ..
<variant> chronic hyperglycemia on an empty stomach
<variant> prolonged glucosuria
<variant> hypercholesterolemia
<variant> ketonuria
<variant> hypokalemia
569. <question>The main pathogenetic mechanism of diabetes mellitus:
<variant> insulin deficiency
<variant> lipid metabolism disorder
<variant> protein metabolism disorder
<variant> violation of the exchange of potassium and sodium ions
<variant> violation of water-salt metabolism
570. <question>The initial sign of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is . . . .
<variant>lesion of the patellar-femoral joint (according to the X-ray)
<variant>soreness during palpation of the knee joint
<variant>crunch when moving in the knee joint
<variant>osteophytes (according to X-ray data)
<variant>pain when walking on stairs
571. <question>The leading pathogenetic mechanism of osteoarthritis progression is . . . .
<variant>degeneration of articular cartilage
<variant>deposition of calcium pyrophosphate crystals
<variant>bone remodeling
<variant>atrophy of nearby muscle groups
572. <question>Acharacteristic feature of pronounced bilateral coxarthrosis is . . . .
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<variant>"duck walk"
<variant>violation of internal and external hip rotation
<variant>restriction of hip abduction and reduction
<variant>hip muscle hypotrophy
573. <question> The most striking clinical picture of synovitis with frequent exacerbations is observed in
osteoarthritis . . . .
<variant>of the knee joint
<variant> of the hip joint
<variant>distal interphalangeal joints of the hands
<variant>I of the metatarsophalangeal joint
<variant>of proximal interphalangeal joints
574. <question>Prevention of the development of osteoporosis is most effective to begin during:
<variant>after 40 years, before menopause
<variant> at any age
<variant>after 35 years
<variant> at the age of 30, before menopause
<variant>at the age of 40, after menopause
575. <question> A sign that excludes the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis:
<variant> lesion of distal interphalangeal joints
<variant>morning stiffness
<variant>usuration of articular surfaces
<variant> joint ankylosis
<variant>lesion of periarticular tissues
576. <question> Rheumatoid nodules are usually found in . . . .
<variant>periarticular tissues
<variant> skin
<variant>visceral organs
577. <question> RF (rheumatoid factor) is . . . .
<variant> antibodies to aggregated immunoglobulin
<variant>immunoglobulin G
<variant>antibodies to cell nuclei
<variant> antibodies to native DNA
<variant> compliment
578. <question> The IV radiological stage in rheumatoid arthritis differs from others:
<variant> ankylosis
<variant> muscle atrophy
<variant> destruction of cartilage (usura)
<variant>joint deformity
579. <question> According to the clinical protocol, the diagnostic criterion characteristic of rheumatoid
arthritis is .
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<variant>morning joint stiffness for more than 1 hour for 6 weeks

<variant>bilateral sacroiliitis
<variant> asymmetry of the lesion
<variant>presence of ring-shaped erythema
<variant>arthritis of 3 or more joints within 2 weeks
580. <question>With rheumatoid arthritis, the joints are most often affected:
<variant> knee
<variant>proximal interphalangeal and wrist joints
581. <question>For rheumatoid arthritis , the most characteristic is . . . .
<variant>the presence of morning stiffness in joints, muscles
<variant>prolonged (more than an hour) character of stiffness
<variant>swelling of affected joints
<variant>symmetry of joint damage
<variant>symmetry of joint damage
582. <question>In the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis , it does NOT matter . . . .
<variant>high cytosis in synovial fluid
<variant>y-globulinemia and increased ESR
<variant>detection of phagocytes in synovial effusion
<variant>determination of rheumatoid factor
<variant>antibodies to phospholipids
583. <question>Genetic factors of RA development include:
<variant>molecular disorders in the gene apparatus
<variant>chromosomal abnormalities
<variant>factors ON
<variant>diseases of internal organs
<variant>large fruit
584. <question>The pain in RA is of the nature of:
<variant>of constants
<variant>of asymmetric
585. <question>In RA , the process involves mainly:
<variant>large limb joints
<variant>small joints of the extremities
<variant>spinal joints
<variant>one joint
<variant>lower limb joints only
586. <question>Radiologically in RA reveal:
<variant>osteophytes, ulceration of articular cartilage
<variant>osteoporosis diffuse
<variant>focal osteoporosis (carpal osteoporosis) of the periarticular bones
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<variant>joint tofuses
587. <variant>narrowing of the articular gap
<question>Criteria for the diagnosis of RA:
<variant>morning stiffness
<variant>asymmetry of joint damage
<variant>involvement of at least three joints in the process 3 months after the onset of the disease
<variant>always high temperature
<variant> with a mental disorder
588. <question> According to the clinical protocol, a reliable coprological criterion of extrasecretory
pancreatic insufficiency: <variant> steatorrhea
<variant> creatorrhea
<variant> amylorrhea
<variant> polyfecalia
<variant> iodophilic flora
589. <question> Simultaneous increase in blood levels of bilirubin and cholesterol indicates the
presence of the patient's syndrome: <variant> cholestasis
<variant> of cytolysis
<variant> of mesenchymal inflammation
<variant> hepatic cell insufficiency
<variant> portal hypertension
590. <question> The main sign of the syndrome of microbial contamination of the small intestine is . . . .
<variant> ascites
<variant> tenesmus
591. <question> According to the clinical protocol, localization of pain in ulcers of the cardiac stomach:
<variant> xiphoid process
<variant> behind the sternum
<variant> in the epigastrium to the left of the median line
<variant> in the epigastrium to the right of the median line
<variant> near the navel
592. <question> The main reason for the development of edema in malabsorption syndrome is a decrease
in serum levels:
<variant> hardware
<variant> of phosphorus
593. <question> The most informative test for the diagnosis of exacerbation of chronic recurrent
pancreatitis in patients is the determination in the blood:
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<variant> of alkaline phosphatase

<variant> glucose
594. <question> According to the clinical protocol, early (30-60 minutes after eating) pain in the epigastric
region and behind the sternum is characteristic of the localization of an ulcerative defect:
<variant> in the cardiac and subcardial part of the stomach
<variant> for all gastroduodenal combined ulcers
<variant> in the duodenal bulb
<variant> in the postbulbar part of the duodenum
<variant> in the pyloric canal
595. <question> The cause of functional dysphagia:
<variant> esophageal paralysis
<variant> esophageal burn
<variant> esophageal diverticulum
<variant> neurosis
<variant> esophageal cancer
596. <question> Dysphagia due to esophageal paralysis is accompanied by . . . .
<variant> coughing, choking
<variant> vomiting
<variant> spasm
<variant> pain
<variant> high temperature
597. <question> Esophageal vomiting is characterized by . . . .
<variant> absence of nausea, heartburn, insignificant volume
<variant> the presence of nausea, heartburn
<variant> appearance 15 minutes after eating
<variant> with a volume of about 200 ml
598. <variant> the presence of gastric juice in the vomit
<question> Gastric vomiting is characterized by . . . .
<variant> the presence of nausea, a volume of about 200 ml with gastric juice
<variant> appearance immediately after ingestion of food
<variant> insignificant volume
<variant> absence of nausea, heartburn
<variant> the presence of scarlet blood
599. <question> Esophageal vomiting is manifested . . . .
<variant> immediately after swallowing food, with a small volume
<variant> 10 - 15 minutes after eating, small in volume
<variant> accompanied by pain, nausea, heartburn 15 minutes after eating
<variant> in the vomit of mucus, gastric juice, blood
600. <variant> appearance 30 - 35 minutes after a meal, small in volume
<question> Esophageal vomiting occurs due to . . . .
<variant> convulsive contraction of the muscles of the esophagus
<variant> convulsive contraction of the stomach muscles
<variant> convulsive contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm
<variant> convulsive contraction of intestinal muscles
<variant> esophageal stenosis
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601. <question> With peptic ulcer of the 12 duodenum pain:

<variant> late, hungry, nocturnal, pass after eating
<variant>early, 30 minutes after eating
<variant> do not pass after eating
<variant> 1 hour after eating
<variant> 1.5 hours after eating
602. <question> With an ulcer or cancer of the cardiac part of the stomach , vomiting occurs . . . .
<variant>5-10 minutes after eating
<variant> immediately after swallowing food
<variant> 2-3 hours after eating
<variant> 4-6 hours after eating
<variant> 10-12 hours after eating
603. <question> With gastritis, stomach ulcers, vomiting occurs. . . .
<variant> 1-2 hours after eating
<variant>5-10 minutes after eating
<variant> immediately after swallowing food
<variant> 4-6 hours after eating
<variant> 10-12 hours after eating
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