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Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150-200 words

1. Write a note on any two types of Resumes.

2. Write a note on Functional Resume.
3. List the differences between a Resume and a CV.
4. List some key tips for tailoring a resume to a specific job posting or industry.
5. How should one list certifications, courses, and additional training on a resume to
demonstrate ongoing professional development?
6. Write a note on reverse chronological order in a Resume
7. Mention your education qualification in a reverse chronological order. You are a B.Tech in
Electronics & Communication Engineering and MTech in VLSI Design.
8. Write a note on the details required in a one-page Resume.
9. Write a note on some common mistakes to avoid when preparing a Resume
10. Write a note on how some common mistakes in a Resume negatively impact a candidate's
chances of securing a job interview.
11. How can the job applicants address limited work experience in their resume to present
themselves in the best possible light?
12. Discuss the role of design in a resume.
13. Discuss the role of format in a resume.
14. List some best practices for creating a visually appealing and professional-looking Resume.
15. Discuss the most important sections to include on a Resume.
16. Briefly account for some Resume layout best practices that you can follow while formatting
your resume.
17. Write a note on Digital Resume.
18. Write a note on the elements that should appear on any type of resume, regardless of the
field or targeted position.
19. Write a note on ATS Resume Format
20. Discuss the primary purpose of a Resume
21. Should one tailor the resume for each job application?
22. Write a note on the significance of a resume's "summary" or "objective" section.
23. Explain any two differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae .
24. Discuss the information one should include under the "skills" section of a Resume.
25. State the differences between "Technical Skills" and a "Soft Skills" on a Resume.
26. Discuss the ideal resume length, and how does one maintain conciseness?
27. How should one elegantly describe their internship experiences on a Resume.
28. Discuss the importance of proofreading and grammar in a Resume.
29. How can volunteer work or extracurricular activities be elegantly incorporated into a
30. When including references on a Resume, what are the best practices, and when is it
appropriate to list them?
31. Write a note on the need to include LinkedIn profiles or personal websites in a Resume
32. Write a note on the career objective statement in a Resume

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