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7 Sales Dashboard Examples Every Leader


[@ANNA BERKUT/Stocksy United]

Use these Salesforce management dashboards to help your sales team hit or exceed
your revenue targets.
Felix Meng
Oct 15, 20206 min read

The data is always talking. It’s our job to listen. With the pandemic impacting countless industries, the story
data tells keeps shifting. Is your sales pipeline generating enough leads? Tracking can help you figure out
why. Are deals remaining open for too long? The numbers will tell you if it’s time to run a promotion. To
keep afloat in these times, sales leaders need to have access to reliable data, and these sales management
dashboards can help.

Data dashboards, standard with Sales Cloud, provide minute-to-minute visibility of your business as things
change. They allow you to identify actions to take before it’s too late. Below are seven examples of
Salesforce dashboards you can reference to help you hit or exceed your revenue targets.
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The State of the Union dashboard in Salesforce Sales Cloud

1. Use “State of the Union” for a bird’s eye view of your company’s performance
What this dashboard answers: How is the business doing?

Who it’s for: Sales executives

When to use it: Every day!

How it works: Think of the State of the Union dashboard as akin to getting a general check up at the
doctor’s office. You can immediately get a pulse on the overall performance of your organization. Key
performance indicators like total closes, open pipelines, sales rep performance, and top deals are available in
real time. Don’t waste hours aggregating data manually or creating decks when this dashboard does the dirty
work for you. That’s valuable time you can put into coaching or training.

The Pipe Gen dashboard in Salesforce Sales Cloud

2. Spot trouble early with “Pipe Gen”

What this dashboard answers: Do I have enough pipeline?

Who it’s for: Sales managers, marketing, all reps

When to use it: Weekly or biweekly, depending on your targets

How it works: Pipe Gen is all about catching small problems before they become big problems. If State of
the Union is a bird’s eye view of where your company is, then think of Pipe Gen as a worm’s eye view. This
dashboard drills down into growth metrics and lets you keep close attention on progress. Say you need $10
million worth of pipeline in order to hit $2 million in revenue. The Pipe Gen dashboard lets you know if you
have enough to reach that target.

You can also use this dashboard to quickly spot an underperforming pipeline at the beginning of the sales
cycle. Is a pipeline bad because your team isn’t pushing hard enough or because that region is experiencing
an economic downturn? Do you need to bust out a promotional campaign? Pipe Gen will help you determine
your best option. It helps you to be proactive instead of reactive.
The Activity Management dashboard in Salesforce Sales Cloud

3. Rely on “AMP” to manage your account executives’ most precious resource: time
What this dashboard answers: Are my account executives using their energy wisely?

Who it’s for: Account executives, all reps

When to use it: Weekly or biweekly

How it works: With teams working remotely, accountability can get tricky! The AMP dashboard (which
stands for Activities, Meetings, and Pipeline) helps you identify where your sales team could better spend
their time and resources. Face-to-face meetings, which in this era have turned into Zooms and Google
Hangouts, are the most important precursor to a strong pipeline. Here you can measure how many overall
interpersonal interactions it takes to close a deal. How many calls did a rep make each day? How many
emails, video chats, text messages, LinkedIn messages? It gives you raw data about how your account
executives spend their time.

If your Pipe Gen is showing poor results, one of the first places to check is AMP to see if there’s a talent
issue. Are your reps landing enough meetings? Keep your reps engaged with this dashboard to boost healthy
competition and motivation.
The Open Pipe Gen dashboard in Salesforce Sales Cloud

4. See if your pipeline is growing with “Open Pipe”

What this dashboard answers: What’s happening with my open pipeline?

Who it’s for: All sales

When to use it: Whenever you suspect a pipeline problem is impacting sales

How it works: Think of the Open Pipe dashboard as a pipeline X-ray. This dashboard drills down into the
quality of your pipeline at various stages. Do you have deals with no recent activity? Are your deals getting
stuck in a certain stage? The Open Pipe dashboard will help uncover the culprit! At Salesforce, we warn
against building a pipeline just for the sake of pipeline. Why? It’s not enough just to have one; you need to
monitor the pipeline to make sure it’s expanding, too. This dashboard will help you get there.
Forecasts in Salesforce Sales Cloud

5. Stay on top of your projected revenue targets with “Forecast”

What this dashboard answers: What’s my forecast?

Who it’s for: Sales management, finance, executive team

When to use it: Weekly

How it works: Forecasts, which are expressions of predicted sales revenue, help sales teams plan their sales
cycle and manage expectations across the company. Monitoring forecasts can help you uncover flaws early
in the sales process and identify risk. Do you have enough pipeline to meet your goal? Does marketing need
to come up with more leads? The forecast dashboard will give you visibility on all of these aspects. (This
Trailhead learning module, Get Started on Collaborative Forecasts, is a great introduction to this dashboard.)
The Clean Your Room dashboard in Salesforce Sales Cloud

6. Make sure your reps are plugged into your CRM with “Clean Your Room”
What this dashboard answers: Are my reps making the most out of our sales tools?

Who it’s for: Sales reps

When to use it: Regularly

How it works: This dashboard is great for internal housekeeping. Sales managers can easily see which reps
are keeping their deals current and accurate. If you don’t have clean data, your other dashboards like Open
Pipe or Forecast metrics become less reliable. As the saying goes, “If it’s not in Salesforce, it doesn’t exist.”
This dashboard drives your reps to use your CRM and promotes accountability, which is essential when
everyone is remote. If a deal has remained open for too long or a rep is slow to follow up with a lead, Clean
Your Room will reveal those gaps.
The Sales Rep’s dashboard in Salesforce Sales Cloud

7. Don’t forget that “AE” is basically an account executive report card

What this dashboard answers: How is my business doing?

Who it’s for: Account executives

When to use it: Daily

How it works: Account executives are the CEOs of their territory, meaning they need to understand their
region inside and out. This dashboard is one of the most important weapons in any AE’s arsenal. It acts like
a real-time report card, giving AEs an overview of how they’re performing and what goals they need to hit.
It shows an AE’s top deals, top accounts, leads they may be overlooking, and progress toward their quota.
Adopting the AE dashboard is an easy way to get AEs to live in their CRM and help keep them organized.

Next steps
Ultimately, dashboards are a tool that provide perspective and expose weak points. But it’s up to you to
wield it effectively. By taking advantage of these seven dashboards, sales leaders will have the insight
needed to make informed decisions about their business.

Read the full State of Sales report, our research survey of reps, sales ops, and leadership on recovery and
growth in this evolving selling landscape.

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