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Some funfacts about Patagonia:

1. Patagonia is Huge
2. Its most dominant feature is the Andes Mountains
3. The first European explorer arrived in 1520 and encountered giants

Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (after whom the Strait is named) was
the first European to set foot in Patagonia, in 1520. He encountered Tehuelche
natives and considered them to be giants ‘so tall that the tallest of us only
came up to their waist’. He called the Pentagon, or ‘big feet’, which is where
the region’s name originates.

4. Humans have been living here for over 10,000 years

5. There are almost as many penguins as people in Patagonia

An estimated 1.7 million penguins call this place home, as opposed to barely 2
million people.

6. An animal lover's true paradise

It has 9 national parks and here we can find some of the best whale-watching

7. A land where wild horses run free

They are descendants of horses introduced by Europeans yet have had no

contact with humans for well over a century.They also amazed scientists
because they could survive for such a long time with little to no resources plus
the cold weather.

8. Patagonia is the gateway to Antarctica explorations

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