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vy. | MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT BUSINESS LAW 1 CODE: BM105 SESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS MAY/JUNE 2017 DURATION: 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS l. Answer all questions in Section A (40 marks) Answer any three questions from Section 8. Eoch question in Section B carries 20 marks. Stort each question on a fresh poge Credit _will_be_given for logical, systematic, and neot presentations. REQUIREMENT: Unmarked Company Act Lecturer: Mrs, Chivivi 0773 632 802 Ms. Moyo 0773 747 621/0718 747 621 1 SECTION A: Compulsory Brandon whilst a minor bought a laptop from computers unlimited. Shortly after attaining his majority he continued to use the laptop, but had defaulted on his installments. His defense was that he signed the contract when he was @ minor, therefore the contract was void. He then wanted to return the laptop and get a refiand for what he had paid. Questions IL. Explain the form of ratification that took place in this case (10 marks) 2. Is Brandon justified in his defense? State your reasons (10 marks) Relate a case that became a precedent stating the principles of the case. (10 marks) Explain the other form of ratification that is available in a contract. (10 marks) SECTION B: Answer any 3 questions from this section. Question 1 a, Discuss the concept of legality in a valid contract. Cite examples and decided cases. (10 marks) b, Explain the different forms of breach of contract (10 marks) Question 2 Discuss the jurisdiction and composition of primary, magistrate, high, supreme and constitutional courts of your country. (20 marks) Question 3 a, Discuss the different methods of delivery in a contract of sale. (10 marks) b. Discuss the duties of buyer and seller in a contrast of sale. (10 marks) Question 4 Discuss the following contents of contracts a. Terms (7 marks) b. Conditions (6 marks) ©. Clauses (7 marks) Question S a. Discuss the duties of employer and employee in a contract of employment. (10 marks) b. Explain the concept of vicarious liability (10 marks) End of paper

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