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anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinds |Desenvolvedores Android Adicionado na API nivel 1 (https:/ideveloper. android. com/quide/topicsmanifestises-sdk-element.htmi#ApiLevels) Brindar Kotlin - Brasil | Java (/reference/android/widget/Toast) open class Toast Kotlin. Qualquer ( |, android. widget. Brinde (#) Uma notificagao do sistema é uma exibigdio que contém uma pequena mensagem rapida para o usuario. A classe do sistema ajuda vocé a criar e mostrar isso. {@more} Quando a exibigdo é mostrada ao usuario, aparece como uma exibicao flutuante sobre 0 aplicativo. Nunca receberd foco. O usuario provavelmente estard no meio da digitao de outra coisa. Aideia é ser o mais discreto possivel, ao mesmo tempo em que mostra ao usuario as informages que vocé deseja que ele veja. Dois exemplos so o controle de volume e a breve mensagem informando que suas configuragdes foram salvas. Amaneira mais facil de usar essa classe é chamar um dos métodos estaticos que constréi tudo o que vocé precisa e retorna um novo objeto Toast. Observe que as lanchonetes ( S20 preferidas para mensagens breves enquanto 0 aplicativo esta em primeiro plano. Observe que as notificagées do sistema que esto sendo enviadas do plano de fundo s8o, limitadas a taxa, portanto, evite enviar essas notificagdes do sistema em rpida sucessao. Apartir do Android 12 (API nivel 31), os aplicativos voltados para o Android 12 ou mais recente terao seus brindes limitados a duas linhas. Guias do desenvolvedor hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast ana anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Para obter informagées sobre como criar notificagées do sistema, leia o guia do desenvolvedor de Notificacdes do sistema (https:/Adeveloper. android. com/guide/topicstuinotifiers/toasts. htm). Resumo Classes aninhadas abstrair Callback (/reference/kotlinfandroidiwidget/Toast.Callback) Objeto de retorno de chamada a ser chamado quando a notificagao do sistema é mostrada ou oculta Constantes estatico Int LENGTH_LONG (#LENGTH_LONG:kotln.Int) (https:/kkotlinlang.orgiapiflatestjvm/stalib/kotlin/- intindex.htm)) Mostrar 0 modo de exibigo ou notificago de texto por um longo periodo de tempo. estatico Int LENGTH_SHORT (#LENGTH_SHORT:kotlin.Int) (https:/fkotlinlang.orgiapifatestjvmistalibikotlin/- intindex.html) Mostrar 0 modo de exibigo ou notificagdo de texto por um curto periodo de tempo. Construtores publicos Toast (#Toast(android.content.Context))(context: Context (https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/android/content/Context.htm))! Construa um objeto Toast vazio. hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast ane anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Public methods open Unit (https:/ htm) open Unit (https:/ html) addCallback (#addCallback(and (callback: Toast.Callback (ireference/kotlin/androidiwidget Adds a callback to be notified whe gancel (#cancel())() Close the view if it's showing, or d open Int (https:/ html) getDuration (ttgetDuration())() Return the duration. open Int ( htm) getGravity (#getGravity))() open Float (https:/ htm!) ‘open Float {(https:/éstalib/kotlin/-floatindex.htmi) open View Get the location at which the notit getHorizontalMargin (#getHor Return the horizontal margin. getVerticalMargin (#getVertic: Return the vertical margin getView (#getView())() ( 2 Return the view. open Int (https:/ikotlinlang.orgapilatestjvmistdlib/kotlin/-intindex. html) getXOf fet (##getXOffset())() Return the X offset in pixels to ap) ‘open Int ( get Offset (#getYOffset()) () hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast Return the Y offset in pixels to apy ane anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android open static Toast (#)! open static Toast (+)! open Unit (https:/éndex. html) open Unit {(https:/ html) open Unit (https:/ htm) hitosvideveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast makeText (#makeText(android.content.Cor (context: Context (https:/ 1, text: CharSequence (https:/ duration: Int (https:/kotlinlang.orglapilatestiv Make a standard toast that just c: makeText (##makeText( (context: Context (https:/ideveloper android. comyre !, resid: Int (https://kotliniang.orgfapillatestjv duration: Int ( Make a standard toast that just c: removeCal back (#tremoveCallbz (callback: Toast.Callback (reference/kotlin/androidiwidgety Removes a callback previously ad addCallback(android.widget. (#addCallback(android.widget.To setDuration (#setDuration(kotlir (https:/fkotlinlang.orgiapillatestjv Set how long to show the view for. setGravity (#setGravity(kotlinir (gravity: Int (https:/kotlinlang.orglapillatestiiv xOffset: Int (https://kotliniang. , yOffset: Int (htips:/kotlinlang.orglapillatestiv Set the location at which the notif ane anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android open Unit {(https:/ htm!) open Unit {(https:/ htm) ‘open Unit {(https:/ htm) open Unit {(https:/ html) open Unit (https:/ htm) Constants AEG Thick ONG setMargin (#setMargin(kotlin.Flo (horizontalMargin: Eloat (https://kotliniang.orgfapilatestjv verticalMargin: Float ( Set the margins of the view. setText (#setText( (re ( Update the text in a Toast that we makeText() methods. setText (#setText(kotlin.CharSec ( Update the text in a Toast that we makeText() methods. setView (##setView(androidview. (https:/ideveloper. android. com/re Set the view to show. show (#show())(), ‘Show the view for the specified dt (https:/ static val LENGTH_LONG: Int (https:/ hitossldoveloperandrols.comreferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast ene Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android ‘Show the view or text notification for a long period of time. This time could be user- definable. Value: 1 See Also #setDuration (##setDuration(kotlin.Int)) AdaNUG ThicSHORT (https:/ideveloper. android. com/quide/topicsmanifestiuses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels) static val LENGTH_SHORT: Int (https:/ ‘Show the view or text notification for a short period of time. This time could be user- definable. This is the default. Value: @ See Also #setDuration (#setDuration( Public constructors TRASH apiievels (httos:// hitosvideveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast ene anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Toast(context: Context (https:/ Construct an empty Toast object. You must call before you can call .setView (i#setView(android.view.View)) show (#show()) Parameters context Context ( !: The context to use. Usually your (https:/ Public methods addGalibacko (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topics*manifesttses-sdk-element.htmi#ApiLevels) open fun addCallback(callback: Toast.Callback (/reference/kotlin/androidiwidget/Toast.Callback Adds a callback to be notified when the toast is shown or hidden. Note that if the toast is blocked for some reason you won't get a call back. Parameters callback ‘Toast.Callback (/reference/kotlin/androidwidget/Toast.Callback): This value cannot be .nul1. hitosvldeveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast ma anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android See Also #removeCal Iback (Callback) (#removeCallback(android. widget Toast.Callback)) aCe}?! level 1 {(https:/, comguide/topicsimanifestlises-sdk-element.htmlifApiLevels) open fun cancel(): Unit (https:/kotlinlang.orgiapi/latestjvmistdlib/kotlin/-unitfndex.htm!) Close the view if it's showing, or don't show it if it isn't showing yet. You do not normally have to call this. Normally view will disappear on its own after the appropriate duration. getDumatian (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topics#manifesttuses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels) open fun getDuration(): Int ( Return the duration. Return Int Value is , or andr jet. Toast#LENGTH_SHORT (https:/hkotlinlang.orgiapiflatestvm/stdlibikotlin/-(#LENGTH_SHORT:kotlin.Int) intindex. html) android.widget.Toast#LENGTH_LONG ( See Also #setDuration (##setDuration( hitosvldeveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast ane Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android getGravity (https:/ideveloper. open fun getGravity(): Int (https:/kotlinlang.orgapillatestivm/stdlib/kotlin/-intindex. html) Get the location at which the notification should appear on the screen. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting AP! level or higher, this method shouldn't be called on text toasts as its return value may not reflect actual value since text toasts are not rendered by the app anymore. Build. VERSION CODES#R ( Build. VERSION CODES#R ( See Also android. view. Gravity (https:/developer. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidiview/Gravity.html) #getGravity (#getGravity()) gattorizoatalMargin (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topicsmanifesttuses-sdk-element.html#tApiLevels) open fun getHorizontalMargin(): Float ( Return the horizontal margin. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting API level or higher, this method shouldn't be called on text toasts as its return value may not reflect actual value since text toasts are not rendered by the app anymore. Build. VERSTON_CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/android/os/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) Build. VERSION_CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast ene anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android getVextioalMargin (https:/ open fun getVerticalMargin(): Float (https:/ Return the vertical margin. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting API level or higher, this method shouldn't be called on text toasts as its return value may not reflect actual value since text toasts are not rendered by the app anymore. Build. VERSION_CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) Build. VERSION CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) gatViewlevel 1 ( Deprecated in AP! level 30 (https://deve open fun get¥tew(): View (https:/ Deprecated: Custom toast views are deprecated. Apps can create a standard text toast with the makeText (android (#makeText(endroid. content. Context, %20kotlin, CharSequence, %20kotlin.Int)) method, or use a ‘Snackbar (https:/ com/reference/com/google/android/materialisnackbar/Snackbar) when in the foreground. Starting from Android Build. VERSION_CODES#R {(https:/ VERSION_CODES. html#R:kotlin.Int), apps targeting API level Build. VERSTON_CODES#R (https:fideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build. VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) or higher that are in the background will not have custom toast views displayed. ontent. Context, java. lang. CharSequence, int) hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast sone Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Return the view. Toasts constructed with that haven't called with a non- view will return here. Toast (android. content ..Context) (#Toast(android.content.Context)) setView(android. view. View) (#setView(android.view.View)) nulLnulL Starting from Android , in apps targeting AP! level or higher, toasts constructed with or its variants will also return here unless they had called with a non- view. If you want to be notified when the toast is shown or hidden, use .Build.VERSTON_CODES#R {(https:/, com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) android.os.Build. VERSION CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#Rkotlin.Int) makeText content .Context,, java. Jang. CharSequence,, int), (#makeText(android.content. Context, %20kotlin.CharSequence,%20kotiin.Int)) null setView(android. view. View) (#setView(androidview.View)) null addCallback (android widget Toast Callback) (#raddCallback(android.widget Toast.Callback)) ndr See Also fsetView (#tsetView(androidview.View)) getXOffset: {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/quide/topicsmanifestuses-sdk-element.htmi#ApiLevels) open fun getxoffset(): Int (https://kotlinlang.orgfapi/latest/vm/stdlib/kotlin/-intindex.htm)) Return the X offset in pixels to apply to the gravity's location. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting AP! level or higher, this method shouldn't be called on text toasts as its return value may not reflect actual value since text toasts are not rendered by the app anymore. Build. VERSION CODES#R (https:/ Build. VERSION _CODES#R (https:/ hitosvldeveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast wie anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android getYOfiset: (https:/ideveloper. open fun getYOffset(): Int (https:/kotlinlang.orgiapillatestivm/stdlib/kotlin/-intindex. html) Return the Y offset in pixels to apply to the gravity's location. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting AP! level or higher, this method shouldn't be called on text toasts as its return value may not reflect actual value since text toasts are not rendered by the app anymore. VERSION_CODES#R ( Build. VERSION CODES#R ( maak Fenda 1 (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topicsmanifesttuses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels) open static fun makeText ( context: Context (https:/developer. android. com/reference/kotlin/android/contenContexthtml) text: CharSequence ( htm)! duration: Int (https:/kotlinlang.orgapi/latestvm/stdlib/kotlin/-intindex.html) ): Toast (#) Make a standard toast that just contains text. Parameters context Context (https:/ com/reference/kotlin/androidicontent/Contex : The context to use. Usually your object.androis Activity (https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/android/app/Activity. htm hitosvldeveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast sane anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android text CharSequence ( The text to show. Can be formatted text. duration Int ( How to display the message. Either or Value is , or LENGTH_SHORT (#LENGTH_SHORT:Kotlin.Int)LENGTH_LONG (#LENGTH_LONG:kotlin.Int) android. widget. Toast#LENGTH_SHORT (#LENGTH_SHORT:kotlin.Int) android.widget.. Toast#tLENGTH_LONG ( maake Tevdiel 1 (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topics*manifesttuses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels) open static fun makeText( context: Context (https:/developer. android. com/reference/kotlinfandroid/contenContexthtml) ! resId: Int (https:/éndex.html) duration: Int (https:/ ): Toast (#)! Make a standard toast that just contains text from a resource. Parameters context, Context {(, com/reference/kotlin/androidicontent/Contex {: The context to use. Usually your object android. app. Activity (https:/ com/reference/kotlin/android/app/Activity.htm resid Int ( The resource id of the string resource to use. Can be formatted text duration nt ( How to display the message. Either or Value is , or LENGTH_SHORT hitossldoveloperandrols.comreferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast s3H9 Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android (#LENGTH_SHORT:kotlin.Int)LENGTH_LONG (#LENGTH_LONG:kotlin.Int) android. widget. Toast#LENGTH_SHORT (#LENGTH_SHORT:kotlin.Int) android.widget. Toast#LENGTH_LONG ( Exceptions android. content. res. Resources .NotFoundException if the resource can't be found. removeGalliback {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/quide/topicsmanifesttses-sdk-element.htmi#ApiLevels) open fun removeCallback (callback: Toast.Callback (/reference/kotlin/android/widget/Toast. Call Removes a callback previously added with .addCallback(android widget . Toast Callback), (#addCallback(android.widget.Toast.Callback)) Parameters callback Toast.Callback (/reference/kotlin/android/widget/Toast.Callback): This value cannot be .nu11 setDuKation (https:/ open fun setDuration(duration: Int (https://kotiinlang.orgiapi/latestjvm/stdlib/kotlin/-int/index. html hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast sane Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Set how long to show the view for. Parameters duration Int (https:/hkotlinlang.orgapillatestivmsstdlib/kotlin/-intindex.htm)} Value is , or android.widget.Toast#LENGTH SHORT (#LENGTH_SHORT:kotlin.Int)android. widget. Toast#LENGTH_LONG ( See Also #LENGTH_ SHORT ( #LENGTH_LONG ( setGrawvityt {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/quide/topics*manifestuses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels) open fun setGravity( gravity: Int (https:/ xOffset: Int ( htm), yOffset: Int (https:/ ): Unit ( Set the location at which the notification should appear on the screen. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting API level or higher, this method is a no- ‘op when called on text toasts. Build. VERSION. CODES#R (https:/, com/reference/kotinfandroid/os/Build VERSION. CODES.htmi#R:kotlin Int) Build. VERSION CODES#R (https:/, com/reference/kotinfandroid/os/Build VERSION_CODES.html##Rekotlin Int) See Also android. view.Gravity (https:/developer. android. com/reference/kotlinfandroidiview'Gravity.html) hitosvldeveloperandrols.comireferencolkotivandroidiw igetToast sso anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android figetGravity (#getGravity()) nel 1 {(https:/, com/quide/topicsimanifestisses-sdk-element.htmli#ApiLevels) open fun setMargin( horizontalNargin: Float (hitps:// verticalMargin: Float (https:/ ): Unit (https:/ Set the margins of the view. Warning: Starting from Android , for apps targeting API level or higher, this method is a no- op when called on text toasts. Build. VERSION CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) Build. VERSION CODES#R {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/android/os/Build, VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) Parameters horizontalMargin Float ( The horizontal margin, in percentage of the container width, between the container's edges and the notification verticalMargin Float (éstdlib/kotlin/-floatindex.html): The vertical margin, in percentage of the container height, between the container's edges and the notification se@tTexbllevel 1 (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topics#manifesttuses-sdk-element.htmi#ApiLevels) hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast reno anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android open fun setText(resId: Int ( : Unit Update the text in a Toast that was previously created using one of the makeText() methods. Parameters resId nt (éstdlib/kotlin/-intindex.htm)): The new text for the Toast. set Text. level 1 ( open fun setText(s: CharSequence (https://kotlinlang.orgiapillatestjvm/stdlib/kotlin/-char-sequence/ Update the text in a Toast that was previously created using one of the makeText() methods. Parameters s CharSequence (https:/ sequencefindex.html) {: The new text for the Toast. setViewlevel1 {(https:/ideveloper. android. com/quide/topicsmanifestuses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels) hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast ame anv2ie4, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Deprecated in APLevel 30 {(https:/ideveloper. open fun setiiew(view: View (https:/ com/reference/kotlin/android/view/View.html) Deprecated: Custom toast views are deprecated. Apps can create a standard text toast with the makeText (android. content. Context, java. lang. CharSequence, int) (#makeText(android. content. Context, %20kotlin. CharSequence, %20kotlin.Int)) method, or use a ‘Snackbar (https:/ com/reference/com/google/android/materialisnackbar/Snackbar) when in the foreground. Starting from Android Build. VERSION_CODES#R (https:fideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/android/os/Build. VERSION_CODES. html#R:kotlin.Int), apps targeting API level Build. VERSTON_CODES#R (https:fideveloper. android. com/reference/kotlin/androidios/Build.VERSION_CODES.html#R:kotlin.Int) or higher that are in the background will not have custom toast views displayed. Set the view to show. See Also digetView (##getView()) shew APL evel 1 (https:/ideveloper. android. com/guide/topicsmanifesttuses-sdk-element.htmi#ApiLevels) open fun show(): Unit (https:/ htm) ‘Show the view for the specified duration. Note that toasts being sent from the background are rate limited, so avoid sending such toasts in quick succession. hitosvldoveloperandrols.comireferencolkothvandroidiw igetToast see anvarza, 147 PM Brinde |Desenvolvedores Android Content anc code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License (ficense). Java and OpenDk are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle andi its affiliates. Last updated 2024-04-04 UTC. sone ntps:idevelopor androkd.comreferencelkotiniandroiiv lige Toast

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