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Nas préximas aulas, estudare Wed MODULO AI7 > Verbos seguids por -ing > Antes de comecar > Introdugso Forming I ETA NATIONAL | GEOGRAPHIC fam pte Pei Figura 01 - The cover of Novonel Gsograhic ‘mosticanc issue, with Steve MeCurry picture of Shorba Gula im “ie i &£ pe ® Oc VERBOS SEGUIDOS POR -ING Antes de comegar oa seguir, que fala brevemente sobre a histéria de uma asf ir, do americano Steve MeCuen Lela o text mais famosas do mundo: Afghan Gi — Y © die, questdes que 0 seguem ‘The story behind the world’s most famous photograph Three decades ago, Steve McCurry took arguably the most iconic pc, alltime. Yet even aftr al this time, the pre-eminent photographer rn, arrthusiosm when he talks about Afghan Gif. "I knew she had an incre ating gaze,” he recalls “But there was a crowd of people around us oh, penet as before digital cameras and you never iney was swirling around, and it ws would happen with the film. ure, Iknew it was special. I showed it to th "When I developed the pict ational Geographic, and he leaped to his feet and shouted, ‘that’s our ner coy Not only did Afghan Girl become the magazine's next cover, but the most sucess, hed history. The striking portrait of 12-year-old Sharbat Gul, a Pa, its dstinguis! orphan in the Nasir Bagh refugee camp on the Afghan-Pakistan border, waster 4 December 1984 and published the following year. The woman, now inher fortes, recently been found to be living in Pakistan When McCurry reflects upon its popularity, what excites him most i the inpag that this single image has had on the real world. “People volunteered to worn the refugee camps because of that photograph,” he says. “Afghans are increfy proud of it, as the gir is poor but shows great pride, fortitude and seltcespec” drew attention to their plight, and inspired a lot of people.” It also led the Nats Geographic to set up the Afghan Children’s Fund —and meant that to this day, Mecon is never charged a fare by appreciative Afghan taxi drivers (ake Walls Simons. In: CNM Syl Ossi itp fedivon con com/syleartcle/steve-mecurry-ofghangir-etctafasea => ‘Acesso em: 23 et 2017 Nee (1, £m sua opnio, que caracteristicas da foto de Steve MeCurry 3 fazem t3o forte e expres 7 que ela se tornou to icdnica para o mundo intero? 02, Apesar de sero retrato de uma mulher parada, esa foto tende a acalmar ou a inconoi espectador? 03, ue outras foto conece? 04. cue: sa%os. de qualquer nasonalidade, vo conhece? ntrodugao alguns verbos em inglés pedem complementos que t, ‘ambém so verbos para expres. se quer dizer. Seria 0 caso em portugua 0 qu ar 0 s de "comecei a estudar para a prova is, seria started studying for the test. Ye i J8 Que o verbo depois de start esta ais So esses verbos, sve emingl | indi ing, €iss0 © Que veremos agora.e qu; nogert Forma -ing ‘aforma-ing, em geral, vem apds: 1) verbo go para falar de atvidades em geral, ao ar live, fora de casa: Andrew went shopping for a Halloween costume; that couple foves to go dancing on Fidoy nights; Fron went hiking; 2) verbo do + o artigo the para mencionar atvidades domésticas: my mom does the cooking and my dad does the cleaning of the dishes; can’t go out tonight, | have to do the ironing; 3} Verbos que indicam inicio, continuagdo e fim de um processo: I have to begin working on my paper; you must stop being such an idiot and move on with your life; Josh can’t continue pranking people like this; 4) Verbos que indicam uma intengo ou uma tentativa: you should try listening to her; you can’t give up, you're doing so well Observe que é possivel que os verbos start, begin e continue sejam sucedidos por verbos no infinitive sem prejulzo de sentido: it started snowing /to snow when we left; it continued snowing / to snow when we got back. Nos verbos stop e try, porém, apesar de poderem ser sucedidos por verbos no inf- nitivo, 0 signif oracao se altera: eek days. (=1don't play Figure 02 stopped playing videogames on week days (=!'don’t pl them anymore an week days) /= | stopped somethin Figura 03 | stopped to play videogames on week days. (=| stopped something ‘else | was doing to play videogames on week days.) 3 - (UPE) You're very ill | suggest not 8S. (Unesp SP) Assnale a aterativa que completa corretament alacuna Unfortunately, many people second week after the first week oF 3) stop dieting ») stop not diet ) don't stop dieting 4) don't stop to diet €) stop and go.on a diet __ any meal 8) skip ) skipped ©) skipping 4d) skips ) wil skip (07, (UFF Ru) Read the following text and answer the questions The Flowering of Human Consciousness Earth, 114 milion years ago, one morning just after sunrise the frst flower ever to appear on the planet opens uptoreceive the rays ofthe sun. Pri to this momentous event that heralds the planet an evolutionary transformation inthe Ife of plants, had already been covered in vegetation for millions of years ‘The fist flower probably didnot survive for Flog, and flowers must have remained rare and isolated phenomena, since conditions were most likely not yet favorable for a widespread flowering to occur. One day, however, a critical threshold was reached, "and suddenly there would have been an explosion of color and scent allover the planet. Later, this first recognition of beauty was one of the mast significant events in the evolution fof human consciousness =the achievements of humanityarelmpressive and undeniable. We have created sublime works of music literature, panting, architecture, and sculpture. More recently, science and technology have brought about radical changes inthe way we live and have enabled us to do and create things that would have been considered "miraculous even two hundred years ‘ago. No doubt the human mind s highly intelligent. et its very intelligence is tainted by madness. Science and technology have magnified the destructive impact that the dysfunction 176 ind has upon the planet pane human ind a oon HE INE thy and upon humans cf entry is where that dysfunction, thy emselves, That is why the twentieth ret ane mos let ECRDZE. Aut yy gysfunction is act atchthe dallynews ontelevis ~ ally intensifvig and aceterg hy swe only need 1oW has ot abated that COM ye any Another aspect of tH COECvE date the unprecedented violence 4 human rind is the UMP 7 infctingon othe te pen otc fret 4 TIN a ga samen of aa 210 FS 26d Goong by eteed, ignorant of thet cong a he ie forms and the planetitset-the ge te oceans, and at rive ve, humans *persst in behavior that, Corin nt + pected, can only fest their own destruct, with a radical crisis, when the olg faced with 18 42) of beg interacting with each other and witht the world, of ly, ve dovsn't work anyrnore, whe : table probe’ ming insurmountable robles, an indidua natu rival ist reces- wil eter de oF BECOME exc Oris ye vsof its condition through an evolutionary i limitation responding totic rs that threatens our yey is humanity's challenge POW. A SiRiCaNt portion of popuaion wil 00 recogniae they have’ ead ty snow ace ith ath chee — that hum: te, 10108 Yes Inthe extracts below, the words with ng’ are all vers, ‘) "humans are inflicting on other life-forms” (ef 25), by “this dysfunction is actually intensifying” (re 20), c) “sublime works of musi, literature, painting, architec, and sculpture” (ref 15) 4) “the old way of being in the world” (ret 30) {) “responding to this radical crisis (ref. 35) (08, (British Council) Complete as duas lacunas com of vert ‘acordo com o complemento que pedem. dace | promise | want | stop | mind | aim ‘eid | lookforwardto | need | enjoy | init someone Verbos + verbos ~ing Verbos + verbas no infin | Z Fe irs MODULO AI8 QUANTIFICADORES Antes de comecar Leia © texto a Seguir Sobre ofa) artista ings p, f= lanksy € discuta as questées que ‘about Banksy Arguably the most controversial street artist in subculture devoted to his works, a aie a identity "unknown, even after over 20 years of b sed withthe raffit scene, He has worked with mony rena edie neces but they may also be found throughout the Internet street art media and erful, often controversial images, 35 viral images The most common form of street art B. isoften satirical and combines dark humor with across 1 with graft and also spread m nhilosophy, and politics, a" Very litle is known about Banksy himself, as he refuses to b perspective or idea, leaving his artistic creations to it beginning and advanced artists. This inspiration Is also known asthe "Banksy Effect.” The media and his supporters have always questioned Banksy's identity due to a variety of identity claims. Most recently, many popular theories, including an entire newspaper publication, pointed his identity at being a Bristol native by the name of Robin Gunninham. If this theory holds true, it will allow even greater insight into the artistic world Banksy inhabits. Whats even more interesting is that he has managed to.completely conceal his identity from his family. To this date, has ever been definitive, 3s been seen across the world. His travels lia, England, the United States, Israel, n Canada. Most recently, he spent an entire ing New York City with his street art, which [the attention of thousands every day. 2 Mews A ” INGLES © > Quantitcadores Antes de comerat > inves > Muito.ou pours? > Umoveute neon au samt? {spon em- lembrar ac interpretar textos desconhecido > olhar seu 2 nogd0 do 8 regras de uso > te conhecido. Muito ou pouco? uch, many, plenty © for sua ver, few fs vatiam, até porque S40 muitas palavray o> ras mi a lot so traduzidas, basicamente, As palavras t basicamente, como de alguma coisa; Pt wits bem simplificado: Em ingle cexpressar similaridades: litle so traduzidas como ‘'pouco, ¢ 5, eu US «much lite so usados pra substantivasincontves (4Ue N30 sdo iden ame unidades): have so much time and | have s0 tle money o pen 1 sua ver, $80 para substantivos contaves: | have a few do 1, Many € few, po spend, 50! buy many comic books; IA ot (fh lts fe pleny (of) séo usados com substantvos incontaves: hy fot of lick; she bought lots of boos; she has plenty of ideas or our oieiet on Hé uma observagio interessante quanto aos membros de um grupo em ger m geral poise possivel acrescentar um substantivo logo apés um quantificador. Veja Figura 03- Many books oreody have their agitassues. 1 grupo especifico de pessoas ou coisas, usamos refer uP 5s, usamos a estrutura quan ere + st the eo anyof the books are ve y outro, nenhum ou os ambos? ol um neither ou both para nos refer a duas pessoas ou coisas, pj wma escana tee AUOS DEES, either combina das ideas neatvas | asideias positiVas chocolate donut or the raspberry Figura 07 - Nether Mator Stephanie hd ployed thet game befoce ‘uncionar como pronomes e, nesse caso, estardo antecedidos por of substantive ve known you for months now, but | haven't met either of your two brothers yet. Neither of the explanations you gave me satisfied me, oth of them left when you made that stupid joke. ‘uardo either e neither funcionam como advérbios, eles so palavras de ligasao que dem ser acopladas ao final de uma sentenca negativa. Com neither, sujeito e verbo toinertidos, mas néo com either: i j 2 A ™~—S = i to Fran’s birthday Party I can't make yn 1,0 - No, nor ca” ol JU - No, I can’t either, A concordancia dessas OU9 sem prejlzo arama sinda pode ser usado com a palavra nor para indicar coisas: aad ax. Ps) ordi, more than 500 milion people use he trrernet.on the Net, YOU CAN send electronic mal fe may fre information tant Horaves and museums, pay 1s, shop, and much, much more. The World Wide Wet peru) isa part of the Internet th ba at lets You see information sing pictures, cOIOS, and soUNdS, Most people just call the Web, You can have your favorite Web ste. is your choice. With the Internet, the word is yours! ‘ese ate just some ofthe things you can do You can watch movie trailers, download free musie and took, and discover about your interests and favorit things ‘ou can meet people from other countries, The Interner isglbal, so you can make fiends from allover the weld ‘ou can give YOUF Opinion On message boards, buld your an site about footvolley oF beach soccer oF put your soems on the Net ‘youcan get legal music. There are plenty of legal places to get music downloads. ® ‘You can listen to music on-line 1, For example, you can Jsten to music shows on the BBC site whenever you want. ‘ou can use search engines, lke Google, Yahoo or All the igeb to look for any subject under the sun, Ina word, with the internet the world is yourst (ARGUES, Amon Int sere Bs ator Aa, SS Paulos, 2007 PS) inthe sentence: “There are plenty of legal places to get music downloads’ The expression “plenty of” can be replaced by which quantife to guarantee the meaning ofthe sentence? a) Few. | Some. Any 4) Lots of ej ute cz. (Fameca) 03, Assinale a aternativa que completa, correta © adequada ‘mente, os espagos em branco da histéia | a) something. Many of Much of Lots of ») nothing 6} anything 4) no thing. Few of €) some thing ..A few of (ur) What isthe future of technology in education? "Sometime ago was asked about the future of technology in education. Iisa question | think about "al the time. By its very nature, technology changes * quickly and making it accessible to pupils, teachers? and other stakeholders is an ‘ongoing challenge “don't think Pad is the futur. For me, the future i not about one specific device. Don't misunderstand * me, I ove the iPad. infact have just finshed atrial” using them —and they have proved effective "Pads and other mobile technology are the " ‘now and they will play a part inthe fture, but four? years ago the iPad didn't even exist. We don’t know " what the current technology will be in another four. Perhaps it will be ‘wearable devices such as Google Glas, although I suspect tablets will til be used in education. The future is about access, both locally and ™ globally Teaching and learnings gong tobe soci ° Future schools «ouldhave a traditional cohort of students plus online only students who ive across the country or abroad, Things are already stating to ® move this way with the emergence of massive open online courses (MOOCS) % For me the future of technology in education isthe * ‘ou because it can remove the barie technology * often represents to teaching and learning, 2 Schools wil ony ned one major hing to be prepared for the future: fast robust internet ® connection infrastructures "Paramount tothe future * of technology n education 4 We don't know about the new future devices, but ” we do know that they will ned the cloud. Schools and ® other educational institutions wil need to provide the * best possible infrastructure. IF you want to start to use mobile technology in * your school, whether itis an iPad program or a bring ” your own reve on 20 hig. 2014 Maat In the text, the sentence “All classrooms will be paperless” (Refs, $455) means that there will be 42) less paper in the classrooms in the future, ) much paper in the classrooms inthe future, ©) no paper in the classrooms inthe futur. 4) plenty of paper in the classrooms inthe future, €) barely enough paper in the classrooms in the future . (UEMS) Eating Less Meat? ‘A well-planned vegetarian diet has many health benefits to offer, Perhaps that’s why the number of vegetarians has erown, tomanesimaed2iton in 1957 4 ehren "9 vei” By SIMEHY pushing ye line on the remaining BarIshes— perhaps tak ore, anda bowl etc backohing Grange aut plenty of thers don do thei homeyne " ‘And that can get you into trouble” Theres ood ras0n to move toward a plan “Good intentions gone awry.” says Ang director of the Center for Human Nut be ved, you must beincreasingy ypu the server tthe Yea, oa eat om ou et yuo eat oy Pg on protein, and in. Drop dary roger! Mang? most common calcium sources, reg Vegetarian sists fo these rates en one cp ood yeas conan he pen ay Suter pound hamburger 18ouncer Bene moe can eat dtcenes Sion We ard sd aoneasome yoy axe brown odo andyou deny the bones ton ny stay strong, radu inreasing YUE kof rca eM , How to prevent such deficiencies? Asin veetarians sould mae sur the dc, 8 sin 8 to tee servings of ik, yogurt, cheese or chara is foods; wo ote sewing of Beans, ruts, neg cor peanut butter and sparing use of fas, oy gn ea, ‘The bottom line, say the experts, follows the vegetarian diet pyramid, incu, servings of bread and cereal; three to Five se OB tng is that you can 4 shape! on a vegetarian diet a5 lang as you cons" Ue calories, minerals, proteins, and vitamins, y on opoet! vt he er i Vocabulary : semsh svarigdo voll. Plcrinho Bo rants dressing mmoho,tempere togoawy sermalsucedds aspling. aspirante soaring escazt, frugal todine Jantar Mark the option(s) which creespondls) 10 the sen explanation(s) of the words below. (MANY. PERHAPS. PLENTY- Must 1, a large number- possibly- many- have to 02, a few- possibly- many- ought to 04, fos of- certainly: many-few (08. alitle-t may be- several: should 16, lots of- possibly- many- have to ee Cu os. (UEFS) The Greenland shark ‘They can be as big. great white sharks, but th as far as the comparison goes, at's? about Their maximum » speed is a lthari 1.7 miles per hour manyare aost* bin, andthe. ae happy to eat rotting carcasses. They * may be common throughout the ocean, but you've probably never heard ot them. Meet the Greenland” shark, Looking ike nothing so land sharks (Somniosus° microcephalus) can grow up to 7.3 metres (24 feet) long, making them one of the largest ofall sh, and much as a chunk of "weather-beaten rock, Green the biggest inthe Artic. Bu they prefer to vein deep, co water,” so humans rarely see them, studies in the Arctic have revealed a few snippets of nd sharks, and more data is now starting to come in from elsewhere, it turns out! Information about Green| that Greenland sharks are bizarre, and may be erucaly important for the ocean ecosystem, Greenland sharks only come close to the surface ™ in places where the shallow water is frigid enough for ” them — primarily in the Arctic. They are most easily seen around Greenland and Iceland. As a result, they? were long thought of as purely polar animals, as were ” the closelyrelated Pacific sleeper shark and southern * sleeper shark. gut they have been reported on the coasts of * Canada, France, Scotland and Scandinavia. ”” Some researchers think they live in many other areas * too but just haven't been spotted in them yet. “They may be ‘everywhere that’s cold enough and deep enough,” » says aaron MacNeil of the Australian Institute of Marine ® Science, in Townsville, Queensland. 2 The obvious way to see a Greenland shark in the ® wilds todive into the deep sea. For instance, in 2001 a* remotely operated vehicle in the Gulf of Mexico captured * footage Portugal of either @ Greenland shark or a sleeper shark in over 2,600 meters (8,530) of water. Two years lat and a scientist from the Harbor Branch ™ Oce 02, Sea. The shark, which wa (16ft)long, bumped {nto their submersible vessel 1,000 meters (3,280ft) down in the Gulf of Maine, But hardly * anyone dives that deep. So these rare encounters can't “tell us how widespread and important the Greenland ® sharks are ering language use in the text, it's correct to say a) The comparative “as big as" (Ref 1) expresses inequality ) The conjunction “sa (Ref 12) sintroducing a result claus. ) The expression “afew” (Ref. 13) isthe same as very ite. ®) The word “easly” (Ref 20) i functioning as an adjective ©} The preposit 5s than. on “over” (Ref. 36) s the same ask (Unifor CE) 0 grupo Maroon 5 & uma banda de pop rock americana que surgiu em Los Angeles, California, Seu pr ‘meio nome foi Karas flower uando ainda estavam na es ‘ola e tinha como membros Adam Levine, esse Carmichael, Mickey Madden e Ryan Dusick. Um dos seus sucessos & 2 ‘Sugar’ Your sugar Yes, please Won't you come and put it down on me? Fm right here, cause need Little love’, alittle sympathy? Yeah, vou show me good loving Make t alright Need a litle sweetness in mv lie. spronemes indfnides ital io usados na lingua inglesa para: expressaraldeia de quantidade Leia assenten- 5 atentamentee escreva (V) sea sentena for verdadera (Fe for falsa nos parnteses ao lado, As res expressBes apresentam o mesmo significado. ( ) . ‘A litle’ expressa uma pequena quantidade com sent\- do positive. ( ) 03, “Utle’ expressa uma pequena quantidade indicando sentido nega. ( ) 183 fieadores ANB au sa, The conjunction “HOWEVE” (Rf. 15) expr 04. As tres expres Bes apresentam signficados diferentes ¢ uid (Ref. 20)'s the 5, Uma das expresses apresenta significado diferente 43S gg. gat) Escola a alternativa que compet, as outras express espagos em branco do text Ecorreta APENAS a alternativa 312.003. 0M 4. (FS. 0) bY 12.03.01 4.1075.0 ©) 1.(V42.001;3. (71,4 (V1:5. (0) of) 1.4612. (Vi 3.07) ANS. (6) ©} 12.13.) A.V 5. (8) 03, (Unitacs) Working could kill us people wasting millions, Tetting treated water, tal to human health, g9 down the dan water could preve . b) many. who. ve «) lots of whore. to dle A large European study has shown that having a * highly tof. which . ying demanding job, but litle control over it, could be a ' dead 0) several .whose . died Combination. A report published in the Lancet “medical journal showedatvkbewecnastesl=weiice andanicesed 95: (FFB) Fisk ofa heart attack Too much wor, oo itletme and nofreedomto” make decion can ead to form of stress known as job strain. It can appear in any profession, but s more commen in lower sie jos which can combine tough ® workloads and itl responsibilty. "The analysis data from nearly two hundred thousand people inthiteen European countries. found "that in high strain jobs were twenty three per cent * more likely to have had 3 heart attack or to have died from coronary heart cisease, However, smoking, not exercising or having an < Unhealthy diet all have 3 much ” greater impact on the hear. we Agencies, such as the British Heart Foundation, said stress Acssen: 220 Based on the cartoon, identify the correct statements Considering language use inthe tex, it's correct to say; |. Bathofthem are spending theirtime sting down nthe (01. The word “litle” (Re. 2) s the opposite of few. 02. The adjective “increased” (Ref 5) should be understood as Il Neitherofthem worries about thee future profes IL One of them works whereas the other just caresato ‘greater in amount or degree” IN. Thetwoofthem are concerned about doing iferetng (03. The word “Too (Ref. 6} can be replaced by Also without Either of them is engaged in sohing eri problems. AIB- ous any change of meaning. 188 = FRENTE SDULO AI9 pRONOMES DE DIstripi UICAO E DE RECIPROCIDADE Antes de comecar tei otento a seguir que fala sobre a apresentagso da mig rapper americano LOBE, no Video Music Awards de ory ica “1-800-273.8255", do The stor behind Logics powerful suicide prevention anthem, ‘1-800-273-8255 At the VMAS on Sunday Tigh, rapper Logie shared the sae with suicide ivivors as he offered an emotion: attempt al performance of his anthem 1-800-273-8255, ed after the suicide prevention hotline, The song, which earn = ora and Xtal begs fom the perspective of someone calling the nen fecenatde ational Suicide Prevention Lifeline — and confessing Bthat they “don’t want tobe alive itimately, the song delivers a mes age of hope ta die, | want you to be on offering emotional support at the othe e the second verse fe alive,” told from the tures the hyres “You don't g Perspective of the lend of the line. The sony The lane t tr ny tears melt in the wanna feel alive /1 don't e The music video for the song explore find the ¢ nal lyric avel feels alone / but tm snow / but | don't wanna even wanna die these themes through the perspective ler determined to keep fighting noving ‘til my legs give out / and 1 y /Idon’t wanna ery anymor anymore ‘of ayoung rman struggling with his sexuality atthe VMAs, Kesha introduced Logic before the performance, moved her to tears, saying that the song “The truth is piercing and the truth is what © truth fs none of us are alone.” 1-800-273-8255," featured on Everybody, Lows third studio album, which debuted at No, 1 on Billboard's Hot 20 (4 frst forthe rapper) in May and explores a numberof serious themes, including recism, politics and Logic’s own biracial identity. and its music vide matter INGLES Pronomes de distrbuigdo e de cidade Figuiéot-te96AeiaCaraond Kid ot ibuigdo ede reiprocidade AN9= Pronomes de di 186 st thine i wos just a record that was, Ike, years In the making yy ¢ a ants to write a song about suici Sather, Mal, native said, “Who really wants to write 2 son Bout suicide, you, Mn, itm gonna make this Shan anthem," Loge rn” By ny of his fellow VMA attendees are. But he py. , cea er 11). 2008, ‘So perguntas que encontram resposta no “cartoon” em des- taque: 01, Howe itis Smith? 02. Which floors the office on? (4, When does Smith have to get to work? (08, Why can’t Smith use the elevator anymore? 16. What does the other man inthe picture tellSmith to do? 32. How long does it take to climb the building and get to the office? 64. Who asks Smith to use the stairs instead ofthe elevator? 193 (420 - AdvérbiosInterrogaivos {A20 - Advérbiosinterogatvos a1, 02. {Fuvest 5) the Sydney ot - pes Games~open inexact bidding or the Games, {hes would be the mos envronmentally endl? Cae ‘ever. But there are billed 'V64 weeks, on 15 September 2000 In the Green the Sydney delegates promised that ons rowing doubts tha Sydney will deliver Dromises, even though Australia holds a commanding lead in the 1 {He race to develop key environmentally rieny technologies The biggest single obstacle to the Green Games i the site 'seltThe land around Homebush Bay, n western Sydney 82S an industrial graveyard! previously used by chemical fants such as IC1 and Union Carbide ~ infamous for the Bhopal plant leak on 3 December 1984 that poisoned ‘thousands in india, Their legacy! 125 toxic waste in unmarked ses. The bodi associated with the bid knew about this, and saw the Games as a way to clean up the mess and create ' new community. Thus Sydney's bid document featured @ Blorious artist's impression of a ceremonial entrance fon the waterfront, where, beneath fluttering bunting Olympic athletes and grandees ative from downtown (on eco-friendly water tans It was, says Murray Hogarth, environmental correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald, “an absolutely key facet ofthe bid” Choose the question forthe statement: “athe Sydney delegates promised that theirs would be the ‘most environmentallyfriendly Games ever” (ef.2) 38} Whose Games the Sydney delegates promised that would be the most environmentally ftenaly Games ever? ') Who did the Syiney delegates promise that wouldbe the ‘most environmentally. fiendly Games ever? ©) Who did promise that theirs would be the most eenvironmentally-friendly Games ever?

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