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Cute killer

My dog looks like a hamster

In looking cute hes the master

He likes to eat some sausage

Made out of ostrich

When he sees the area

He wants to hunt the nutria

When he comes Back from the hunting

He So proud of himself that hes jumping.

He thinks that hunting make us proud

So he is barking loud

When he finds were crying

So to Calm him self he goes more hunting

Our uncle thinks He Is the best dog living

You must be thinking that this Is confusing

But our uncle does like fishing

And the nutria Is very annoying

The nutria scare your fish

And in that moment you turn info witch

He tries to kill the nutria with a rock

But it only gives them a shock

And thats the story about my little hunter

By the way Hes a really good runner

And thank you for your attention

But I need to give him some injection

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