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o people and other symbolic duties.

o Informational Roles (Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson): involve collecting,

receiving, and disseminating information.
o Decisional Roles (Entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource
o allocator, negotiator): entail making decisions or choices and include
entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.

1-4. In your opinion, is management still relevant as

a course of study today? Explain using relevant
 Management is a field that we are need either if we are the one who manage or
managed, anytime. Because, managing make things better in our routines. As a
student, managerial skill helps me for getting better grades, making better projects,
and getting a job that makes me happier easily. This fact never changes, because in
any case it is better to be regular. Managerial skills important for everyone and every
1-5. It is sometimes said that management is a tough and
thankless job. Do you think this is true?
 If employees are not aware of difficulties of management, they would be troubled
against rules and managing by someone. But it is the part of managing and
managers should know how to face with these kinds of situations.
1-6. Is the task of seeking innovative processes really a
manager’s job?
 Great managers follow the changes in the world and adapt their organization to
future. So, seeking innovative processes and making a soft transformation to these
processes is a manager’s job.
1-7. Discuss how managers define organizational
purpose. How would the managerial functions help
in achieving that purpose?
 According to organization’s mission and vision they define what should be done in
order to achieve these mission and vision. Then they classify the task and assign it to
relevant employees in appropriate due time. During this process, many problems
occur and they should solve them in many ways; maybe employees need motivation,
so managers support them, or some workloads on employees are unbalanced or
some tasks are not relevant for main goals, so manager control and solve these
problems. In a nutshell they need to be aware of many functions such as planning,
organization, leading and controlling.
1-8. Henri Fayol suggested that all managers perform the
five functions of planning, organizing, commanding,
coordinating, and controlling. Was he correct?
 Managers’ main job is making things done to achieve organizations’ aims. Every
manager can have their own managing style and these can not be equal to Fayol’s
suggestion but in general, Fayol’s suggestion is a strong base for managers. If a
manager taking care of these managing function it’s probably works but absolutely,
they feed their business insights and they gain experience. Then they start create
their own managing style maybe independent from Fayol’s suggestion.

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