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Sen|or ne|pers In nome L|der Care of Ch|cago I|||no|s 1akes

Careg|v|ng to the Next Leve| W|th New A|zhe|mers and Dement|a

5eolot lonome cote compooy cteotes kevolotloooty 5eolot Cems ltoqtom to nelp lomllles
Alzhelmer's dlsease ls among Lhe Lop Len leadlng causes of deaLh ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes affecLlng
more Lhan flve mllllon people across Lhe naLlon And for each person wlLh Alzhelmer's dlsease
and relaLed demenLlas Lhere can be as many as four lndlvlduals provldlng Lhelr dally care
1haL's why Senlor Pelpers one of Lhe largesL lnhome care companles for senlors has creaLed a
revoluLlonary program Lo help careglvers and famllles properly care for Lhelr elderly loved ones
baLLllng Lhese devasLaLlng dlseases
1he Senlor Cems rogram ls Lhe flrsL of lLs klnd ln Lhe lnhome care lndusLry lL's a sLepbysLep
gulde LhaL Leaches careglvers and famllles how Lo care for Lhelr beloved senlors Lhrough each
sLage of demenLla and Alzhelmer's lL alms Lo lmprove Lhe llves of famllles Louched by Lhese
deblllLaLlng dlseases boLh locally and naLlonally
Alzhelmer's and demenLla are parLlcularly dlfflculL for famlly careglvers because lL can be an
emoLlonal [ourney for everyone lnvolved noL only can Lhe senlor become frusLraLed wlLh Lhelr
memory loss buL famlly members who ofLen play Lhe role of careglver can sLarL feellng whaL's
called careglver burnouL says ChrlsLlna CharLrand head of Lhe Senlor Cems rogram aL
Senlor Pelpers 1haL's why Lhe Senlor Cems rogram ls so slgnlflcanL lL noL only keeps our
careglvers up Lo daLe on Lralnlng Lechnlques buL lL also Leaches famlly members Llps for
careglvlng success"
1he Sen|or Gems rogram
% All Senlor Pelpers locaLlons are belng Lralned on Lhe new careglver currlculum
% A core group of Senlor Pelpers careglvers wlll become demenLla and Alzhelmer's
care cerLlfled Lhrough Lhe Lralnlng program
% lamllles wlll recelve a oneofaklnd uvu (produced by Senlor Pelpers) feaLurlng a
demenLla care experL where she addresses common quesLlons regardlng carlng
for a loved one wlLh all forms of demenLla
% 1he program breaks down Lhe sLages of demenLla lnLo slx progresslve sLages lL
helps professlonal careglvers and famllles beLLer undersLand how Lo communlcaLe
wlLh Lhelr elderly loved one
"I thought dement|a was a memory |ssue when |n fact |t's rea||y bra|n fa||ure"
says ChrlsLlna CharLrand head of Lhe Senlor Cems rogram aL Senlor Pelpers
"Sen|or Gems educates peop|e about the d|fference between ag|ng and dement|a"
A kea| L|fe "Gems" Scenar|o
An elderly baker wlLh demenLla geLs up every mornlng aL 3 am Lo go downsLalrs because a
good careglver reallzes sLalr s are a safeLy lssue Lhey block Lhem off 1hls acLlon upseLs Lhe
Sen|or ne|pers In nome L|der Care of Ch|cago I|||no|s 1akes
Careg|v|ng to the Next Leve| W|th New A|zhe|mers and Dement|a
elderly man and he becomes aglLaLed wlLh Lhe careglver 1hls aglLaLlon whlch ls very common
ln Alzhelmer's paLlenLs bulld a wall ln communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe careglver 1he Senlor Cems
rogram helped Lhe careglver undersLand LhaL Lhelr paLlenL slmply wanLs Lo make donuLs
LhaL's all he's ever known aL 3 am 1haL was Lhe sole Lrlgger of hls aglLaLlon So lnsLead of
blocklng Lhe sLalrs Lhe beLLer soluLlon would have been Lo slmply glve hlm flour and waLer
Car|ng Ior L|der|y arents Creates A New nea|th Care Cha||enge
1he prlmary famlly careglver (usually Lhe mlddle aged eldesL daughLer who ls also worklng)
spends an average of aL leasL 20 hours per week carlng for an elderly parenL
% 40 of careglvers who work full Llme reporL mlsslng work on a regular basls due Lo
Lhe healLh needs of an elderly loved one
% 17 reporL Lhelr healLh has goLLen worse as a resulL of famlly careglvlng
% 23 of Lhose provldlng care for famlly members for flve or more years reporL
healLh as falr or poor
Senlor Pelpers and Lhe Alzhelmer's loundaLlon of Amerlca (AlA) recenLly announced a sLraLeglc
parLnershlp Lo help ralse more awareness abouL Alzhelmer's dlsease naLlonwlde 1he AlA
belleves LhaL empowerlng careglvers and famllles Lhrough educaLlon ls Lhe flrsL sLep ln properly
Laklng care of a loved one baLLllng Lhe dlsease" says Lrlc ! Pall AlA's loundlng resldenL and
CLC AlA has revlewed Lhe Senlor Cems Lralnlng creaLed by Senlor Pelpers and we encourage
all famllles who are deallng wlLh Lhls hearLbreaklng dlsease Lo uLlllze Lhls program as a valuable
resource ln helplng Lo provlde compasslonaLe care for loved ones"
5ootces Alzhelmer's loundaLlon of Amerlca naLlonal lnsLlLuLe on Aglng naLlonal Alllance for Careglvlng Parvard
School of ubllc PealLh Chlcago Llfe Magazlne
About Sen|or ne|pers
Senlor Pelpers provldes many lnhome careglvlng servlces for Lhe elderly ln Lhe Chlcago
llllnols area We offer exLenslve lnhome care servlces for senlors who embrace Lhelr
lndependence and Lhe personal dlgnlLy LhaL goes wlLh lL Cur lnhome care servlces are
provlded by bonded and lnsured care glvers all of whom pass a naLlonal background check
lf a senlor famlly member needs lnhome care servlces ln 8elmonL Parbor 8uckLown Chlcago
ueaul uownLown Cold CoasL Lake Shore urlve Lakevlew Llncoln ark Mlchlgan Avenue
near norLh near norLh Slde norLh Mlchlgan Avenue SLreeLervllle WaLer 1ower lace and Lhe
surroundlng areas we are an excellenL cholce wlLh lmpeccable references Pome healLh care
for your elderly loved ones ls never an easy cholce buL we can promlse we wlll do our besL Lo
make lL as palnless as posslble lrom our famlly Lo yours we slncerely Lhank you for conslderlng
Senlor Pelpers of Chlcago Pome PealLh Care Company lor more lnformaLlon please vlslL

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