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Twelve Articles of Faith - Apostles Creed

Lesson Aim: Be able to identify the twelve articles of faith within the Apostles
Creed and explain what each of them represent for Christians.

What is an article of faith?

Article of faith: a firmly held belief

Within the Apostles Creed there are TWELVE articles of faith.

Task 1: In the table below, identify which article of faith belongs to which
explanation. You must ensure to number the article of faith as this is the order
they appear within the creed. One has been done for you

Articles of Faith choose from the following

1. I believe in God, 2. And in Jesus 3. Who was 4. He suffered under
the Father Christ, his only Son, conceived by the Pontius Pilate, was
Almighty, Creator our Lord. power of the Holy crucified, died, and
of heaven and Spirit and born of was buried.
earth. the Virgin Mary.

5. He descended 6. He ascended 7. He will come 8. I believe in the

into hell. The into heaven and is again to judge the Holy Spirit,
third day he seated at the right living and the
arose again from hand of God the dead.
the dead. Father Almighty.

9. the holy 10. the forgiveness 11. the resurrection 12. And life
catholic Church, of sins, of the body, everlasting.
the Communion
of Saints,

Number Article of Faith Explanation

12 And life everlasting. This reminds believers that if they

live a good life they will, after death,
be in the presence of God.

Jesus came to forgive sins

This is a reminder of the Trinity:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that
the Holy Spirit guides the Church.

This statement reminds believers

that the divine and human natures
of Jesus can never be separated.

the crucifixion of Jesus was carried

out by Roman soldiers under the
rules of the Romans whose leader in
Judea was Pontius Pilate. Jesus was
crucified, died and was buried.
This states that Jesus is the Son of
God and the Jesus is divine

This affirms that God exists and God

created the universe.

This affirms that Jesus is fully divine

and fully human.

‘Hell’ in Hebrew sheol, is the place of

the dead. This article affirms that
Jesus rose from the dead.

This statement is about the Last

Judgement referred to in Matthew
25:32-33. The just will have eternal
life in the presence of God and the
wicked will not be in the presence of

This article reminds believers that

the Church is more than the living
people of faith but includes all those
who have gone before them.

All believers will be raised up at the

Last Judgement.

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