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Successful reading

Reading has its origin in the appearance of writing in 3500 BC. C, when clay is
used as a support for graphing, accounting for goods and merchandise, and
retaining information. Reading was long based on understanding symbols and
Over time, human beings have realized that reading is a basic form of learning and
have endeavored to develop different techniques to approach and understand all
the information offered by reading.
To obtain a good result in reading, start reading topics and authors that you like or
that call your attention because this will allow you to enjoy the content and facilitate
the understanding of the topics.
Take advantage of free time positively to read. For example, while you wait in line,
on the bus, even in the bathroom, before going to sleep. As long as the
environment allows you to concentrate on the article
If you don't like a book, discard it and so that this does not happen, always read
the introduction of it to find out what it is about and decide if you want to read it.
You should feel good while rolling. May it become your favorite pastime or the
activity of the day that you look forward to the most.

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