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The use of cheap labor by clothing companies to produce clothes is a complex issue that has

been debated for years. While it is true that the use of cheap labor helps to keep the prices of clothes
low, it is also true that it can lead to exploitation of workers in developing countries. The workers are
often paid very low wages and work in poor conditions, which can lead to health problems and other
issues. In addition, the use of cheap labor can also lead to environmental problems, as companies
may not be as concerned about the environmental impact of their production processes.

It is important for clothing companies to take responsibility for their actions and ensure that
they are not exploiting workers or causing environmental damage. This can be done by paying
workers fair wages, providing safe working conditions, and using environmentally friendly production
processes. Consumers can also play a role by choosing to buy clothes from companies that are
committed to ethical production practices. By doing so, they can help to create demand for ethically
produced clothes and encourage companies to change their practices. Ultimately, it is up to all of us
to work together to create a more just and sustainable fashion industry.

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