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I have once found a saying on the internet that reads “Flowers don’t tell; they show”.

It is
a quote written by the author whose name is Stephanie Skeem, implying that flowers may be
silent, but it is through their beauty and grace that they can effectively express vast, various and
different meanings without the need to even speak. It is a deep metaphor that reminds us that the
flowers--- by showing, rather than by telling, serve as a reminder of possible impact and emotional
connection which words alone cannot completely achieve.

I have always enjoyed taking photos of numerous things, one of them being flowers as the
main subject. I have always been drawn to flowers ever since I was little due to its appealing
fragrance and soft vibrant colours. The flower that caught my eye the most is called the White
Angel, also called the Arctic Snow. It is commonly found here in our country, the Philippines. I was
attracted to this plant due to its snowflake-shaped, five silky white petals with a sweet fragrance,
and as to how we have a similarity of waking or opening at night and then drooping down in less
than a day. This plant reminds me of winter, my favourite season. Although winter looks sad
because all you perceive everywhere around you is white, it is still fascinating and mesmerizing
even if we do not experience it in our country. Searching this particular flower in floriography, the
language of flowers, the White Angel flower signifies innocence, purity, humility, and sometimes it
is even believed to be messages from angels. It can also represent new beginnings.

Having taken a picture of the White Angel flower reminds me that innate beauty and
elegance does not need to draw attention to itself by making noise to be considered valued and
appreciated. It showed me, rather than told me, that it is possible to convey ideas and
communicate with others through other means besides words.

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