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Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a boy named Kurt. He
was young and carefree, living his best life. Making the most of his
young life and taking pleasure in the joys of youth. Not until one day, he
was given a harsh hand by fate. The two people who meant everything to
him was taken away - his parents.

This tragedy had a big impact on the young boy’s life. He stopped
going to school. While other people of his age enjoyed going to
gatherings and parties, Kurt found comfort in solitude. Being alone and
distant from other people was his way of moving on from everything.
Days passed by, Kurt pulled himself deeper into his own world,
cocooning into the world of music and art. His daily routine includes
listening to music, strumming his weathered guitar and drawing. These
creative pursuits became his coping mechanism with the pain of loss. As
the years pass by, Kurt’s love for music and art only deepened, turning
into a light that helped him navigate the ups and downs of life. His art
provided him comfort in his darkest hours. While his generation was
enjoying the joys of youth, he remained contented with his life in
solitude. In his room, he would lose himself in melodies, his fingers
dancing across the strings of his guitar producing sounds that expressed
the depths of his emotions. But despite of his passion, he kept his talent
hidden from the world, fearing judgement and attention from the people
around him.

But it seems that the world had bigger plans for him. One day, he was
fond with the idea of going back to school. With courage, he enrolled
himself and decided to finish high school. At first, he was almost
unnoticed in class. Until one day, his teacher announced an upcoming
talent show. The room was filled with excitement as students began to
chatter about the talents they wanted to share to the whole school. But
Kurt was there in the corner. His heart skipped a beat, the idea of him
joining the talent show was both thrilling and terrifying.

As days go by, little by little, he immerses himself into the world of

people and made some friends but still not so open with the idea of
hanging out with them. Still quiet and reserved. Until he decided to
audition in the said upcoming talent show.

The day of the auditions has finally come. With courage, Kurt’s
trembling hands strummed his guitar and began to sing. Silence filled the
room, his voice was like a spell that captivated the audience. With each
line, he poured his heart out through the melody. When he finished, the
room erupted with cheers and Kurt heard it like thunder. Tears fell at the
corner of his eyes as he bowed, overwhelmed by the support of everyone
in the room.

By that, Kurt gained friends and support from his classmates, and
became like a family to him. With each passing day, his confidence grew.
When the day finally arrived, his heart was filled with emotion as he took
the center stage. With a deep breath, he started to sing. As he sang the
final notes, he knew he finally found his wings, the doubts and fears
vanished from his eyes. Finally, he was free.

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